Supreme Court justices RIP ruling forcing states to recognize same-sex marriages - 'Threat To Religious Freedom!'

My apologies. It was gay employment rights:

Gay marriage rights have no impact on anyone other than gays getting married. I know bakers and other wedding services companies believe otherwise but their discrimination is illegal. They're not being required to "participate in the wedding". They're being asked to bake a cake.
They have the right not to be associated. It is something called free will, anathema to left-wing ideology.
My apologies. It was gay employment rights:

Gay marriage rights have no impact on anyone other than gays getting married. I know bakers and other wedding services companies believe otherwise but their discrimination is illegal. They're not being required to "participate in the wedding". They're being asked to bake a cake.
Doesn't matter what they are asked.

It violates what is already guaranteed to them in the Bill of Rights.

You cannot take Liberties from one person in order to give to another.

That's exactly what Obergefell does.
Obergefell is unConstitutional and needs to be overturned.

It forced Davis to choose between her religious beliefs and her job.

Her religious beliefs are protected under the 1st amendment to the US Constitution.

The Obergefell ruling violates the 1st Amendment.
I love how Davis got used.
And you think that is OK because idiot parents gave permission? You are more fucked in the head than I ever could have thought. 14 fucking years old! Do you actually think that 14 year old is mature enough to consent? Do you not think that there had to be an element of coersion involved? What the fuck is wrong with you.? That childs life was most likely ruined.!

He passed away a number of years ago. He was a Vietnam vet that served our military for 20 years. He was married to this same woman his entire life, brought up a family very successfully and had several grandchildren when he passed away.

The only reason I brought it up is because you act like adults having sex with children was never acceptable in this country when indeed it was under certain circumstances. Who knows, it may be the same way in some states. That's something that would need to be researched.

Addendum: I looked it up. In many states including mine the age of consent is 16 years old. Yes, 16 is still considered a child by law.

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Obergefell is unConstitutional and needs to be overturned.

It forced Davis to choose between her religious beliefs and her job.

That's not a good argument, since it applies to many people in their choice of careers. Such as jobs that require working on the sabbath. Or jobs requiring men to be clean shaven.
That's not a good argument, since it applies to many people in their choice of careers. Such as jobs that require working on the sabbath. Or jobs requiring men to be clean shaven.
The SCOTUS Justices disagree with you as do I.

Forcing Davis to choose between her religious beliefs and her state job is violating her 1st Amendment Right.
Actually our animals were rescued from a kill shelter and thank us every day for giving them a home. However, we do not have sex with them.

The point that flew over your head is animals don't have rights and do not need to give consent to anything. We have laws that prohibit mistreating and hurting animals, but it's not because they have rights, it's because we as a society find it deplorable.
We used to have that in this country too. I worked with a guy who got married when he was 20 to his wife who was 14 at the time. As long as you had the parents permission, nobody bothered you about it.
And you think that is OK because idiot parents gave permission? You are more fucked in the head than I ever could have thought. 14 fucking years old! Do you actually think that 14 year old is mature enough to consent? Do you not think that there had to be an element of coersion [sic] involved? What the fuck is wrong with you.? That childs [sic] life was most likely ruined.!

For much of human history, fourteen years was considered an appropriate age to get married.

This is reflected in Shakespeare's work Romeo and Juliet, in which Juliet is at a “pretty age” (meaning an age to consider gett8ing married) as she approached her fourteenth birthday.

The Jewish tradition of Bar Mitzva reflects a cultural principle that held young men to be ready for the responsibilities of adulthood (including marriage) at thirteen.

Adulthood being held off to an older age than that is a relatively recent thing; reflecting, in my view, that society has become much more complex, and it takes longer to achieve the maturity and knowledge to function as an adult therein.
You cannot take Liberties from one person in order to give to another.
You'r absolutly right! But employers do not have the right to discriminate so nothing is being taken from them, just like you do not have the right to prohibit gays from marrying. On the other hand, LGBT people have the right to be free of discrimination and not have their rights subjegated by bogus claims of violations of religious freedom, or just because you don't approve of them.
For much of human history, fourteen years was considered an appropriate age to get married.

This is reflected in Shakespeare's work Romeo and Juliet, in which Juliet is at a “pretty age” (meaning an age to consider gett8ing married) as she approached her fourteenth birthday.

The Jewish tradition of Bar Mitzva reflects a cultural principle that held young men to be ready for the responsibilities of adulthood (including marriage) at thirteen.

Adulthood being held off to an older age than that is a relatively recent thing; reflecting, in my view, that society has become much more complex, and it takes longer to achieve the maturity and knowledge to function as an adult therein.
And you have the nerve to call me fucked in the head while you are publicly endorsing the sexual, and emotional abuse of children.The year is 2021, not 1400
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You'r absolutly right! But employers do not have the right to discriminate so nothing is being taken from them, just like you do not have the right to prohibit gays from marrying. On the other hand, LGBT people have the right to be free of discrimination and not have their rights subjegated by bogus claims of violations of religious freedom, or just because you don't approve of them.
Forcing states to recognize gay marriage is unConstitutional and will be eventually overturned.
So what religion is it that having sex with children is part of their creed? I don't know of any, but then again being a Catholic, I never studied other religions.

It's in the bible, if you bothered to read it in detail.

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:17-18 (KJV)

10 “When you go out to war against your enemies, and the Lord your God gives them into your hand and you take them captive, 11 and you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you desire to take her to be your wife, 12 and you bring her home to your house, she shall shave her head and pare her nails. 13 And she shall take off the clothes in which she was captured and shall remain in your house and lament her father and her mother a full month. After that you may go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. Deuteronomy 21:10-13

Quick translation. It commanded the victorious Israelites to capture unmarried girls and marry them a month later.
The Bill of Rights includes the right to discriminate? Please explaine [sic]

Freedom of association is not explicitly stated, but very strongly implied by the freedoms of religion and assembly that are explicitly stated in the First Amendment. This would necessarily include a right not to associate in any context with any individual that one chooses not to associate with, for whatever reason one makes that choice.
And you have the nerve to call be fucked in the head while you are publicly endorsing the sexual, and emotional abuse of children.The year is 2021, not 1400


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