Supreme Court justices RIP ruling forcing states to recognize same-sex marriages - 'Threat To Religious Freedom!'

Marriage isn't a right and never was civil or otherwise.
Actually, the courts have said many times-on many different types of marriage cases-that it is indeed a right but I won't try to educate you since I'm sure that you don't want to learn anything.

It seems like you and are rather bitter about this marriage thing. So please tell the class, home has same sex marriage impacted you life? What detrimental effects do you see it having on society?
This is true, we haven't run into each other in quite a while. I'm doing fine and hope you are doing the same.

Correct, the court could never address the religious part of marriage. That's why they should have ordered government out of marriage completely.
No, I think government has to be involved. There needs to be a legal contract in order to protect both parties as well the children. Gay marriage is becoming a non-issue with most Americans. Support for gay marriage has reach and all time high with only a small minority, 26% in opposition. With the Supreme Court ruling in 2015, the number licensed gay marriages in the country are estimated at over 700,000. It seems very unlikely that there would be enough votes to reverse their 2015 decision despite the remarks of the two supreme judges.
You get dumber every day Easy. The Supreme Court, ruled on a 7-2 basis, that Kim Davis has no legal right to refuse to give marriage licences to gay people and that Davis cannot try to impose her religious beliefs on people in the State where she lives, or anywhere else, and the Court recently ruled overwhelming in favour of gay rights.

Thomas and Alito's dissent reads like right wing bullshit, not well considered law.
Kennedy and Ginsberg are gone. It's a new court. We can thank Kennedy for retiring and Ginsberg for dying during the Trump administration.
No, I think government has to be involved. There needs to be a legal contract in order to protect both parties as well the children. Gay marriage is becoming a non-issue with most Americans. Support for gay marriage has reach and all time high with only a small minority, 26% in opposition. With the Supreme Court ruling in 2015, the number licensed gay marriages in the country are estimated at over 700,000. It seems very unlikely that there would be enough votes to reverse their 2015 decision despite the remarks of the two supreme judges.

After the ruling people just gave up. No sense in fighting city hall. Nobody cares anymore and marriage has transformed from a sacred institution into a joke. You can't be a true liberal unless you are ruining things for other people.
The whole idea that the Supreme Court even has the authority to determine what the law is, is questionable to me. Where in the Constitutional does the court get to decide what the law is?
How much time you got?
After the ruling people just gave up. No sense in fighting city hall. Nobody cares anymore and marriage has transformed from a sacred institution into a joke. You can't be a true liberal unless you are ruining things for other people.
I thought you never married. What has been ruined for you? In fact......
That ALL states MUST recognize same-sex MARRIAGES is found NO WHERE in the U.S. Constitution, & such a forced mandate on Religious persons and institutions poses a threat to religious freedom!
You don't get to vote on civil rights issues. Get over it

Marriage isn't a right and never was civil or otherwise.
Are you being deliberately argumentative. Marriage is one of the fundamental rights of man. It sanctions the right to reproduce. The right to pass property to their children.


the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship

Marriage exists to bring a man and a woman together as husband and wife to be father and mother to any children their union produces.
After the ruling people just gave up. No sense in fighting city hall. Nobody cares anymore and marriage has transformed from a sacred institution into a joke. You can't be a true liberal unless you are ruining things for other people.
By the USSC ruling over half the states recognized gay marriage. The ruling applied equal protection to the other half of the country.
Do you have any idea what you're writing?

She is sort of right. Just this past year after Ginsburg died, a case was brought by the ashole former Alabama State Supreme Court Chief Justice to SCOTUS trying to overturn Obergefell. This court threw it out. They did not rule on it. They just did not hear it because the plaintif did not havestanding.
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She is sort of right. Just this past year after Ginsburg died, a case filed by the ashole former Alabama State Supreme Court Chief Justice broought a case to SCOTUS trying to overturn Obergefell. This court threw it out. They diod not rule on it. They just did not hear it because the plaintif did not havestanding.
Look, few care anymore if you fags get married. Having said that, she was wrong and ignorant.
Until recently, marriage was the union between man and woman as the Bible outlines, and that's the way it should have stayed.

It's what it is, and what it has always been, and what it will always be.

Any law or government act that declares there to be any such thing as a “marriage” between two men, or between two women, is no more meaningful or valid than a law that declares that two plus two equals ten.
She is sort of right. Just this past year after Ginsburg died, a case filed by the ashole former Alabama State Supreme Court Chief Justice broought a case to SCOTUS trying to overturn Obergefell. This court threw it out. They diod not rule on it. They just did not hear it because the plaintif did not havestanding.
This is an important part. They require somebody show how somebody elses marriage actually harms them.

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