Supreme Court justices RIP ruling forcing states to recognize same-sex marriages - 'Threat To Religious Freedom!'

You said it could be challenged as a 1st amendment violation, when no such violation can exist, as state employees have no 1st amendment rights in the course of their employment.
I understood what you posted the first time.

Posting it again doesn't make it any more factual.

The SCOTUS Justices are Constitutionally correct when they say that Obergefell is highly flawed and marginalizes those who do not believe in same-sex marriage.

It is unConstitutional and will be overturned now that RBG is no longer on the Court.
You said it could be challenged as a 1st amendment violation, when no such violation can exist, as state employees have no 1st amendment rights in the course of their employment.
You have to forgive him....he's working off a double digit IQ.
This is also what prevents Obergefell from being overturned, because there can't be someone with standing to make that challenge.

As article 3 of the constitution requires the courts only hear cases where a plaintiff has suffered actual harm.

That's why the lawsuit by the Texas (and other) AG's challenging the voter certification in other states was thrown out.
The point that flew over your head is animals don't have rights and do not need to give consent to anything. We have laws that prohibit mistreating and hurting animals, but it's not because they have rights, it's because we as a society find it deplorable.

Animals and children can't consent. You should have learned that in High School.
You backwards bobbies are always so damn emotional.

The state cannot force anyone to act against their religious belief without Amending the Constitution.

Forcing the states to recognize gay marriage is unConstitutional for that very reason.

I could give a shit less what you people do.

But, you can't violate the Bill of Rights.

I suspect you are not smart to understand why.
No one is being forced to marry someone of the same sex. Try and be best.
You said it could be challenged as a 1st amendment violation, when no such violation can exist, as state employees have no 1st amendment rights in the course of their employment.
I understood what you posted the first time.

Posting it again doesn't make it any more factual.

The SCOTUS Justices are Constitutionally correct when they say that Obergefell is highly flawed and marginalizes those who do not believe in same-sex marriage.

It is unConstitutional and will be overturned now that RBG is no longer on the Court.
Actually it was 7-2, and stare decisis dictates they have to let it stand unless it is abhorrent to the law. Which it clearly is not.

The same way that making certain speech illegal, such as inciting a riot, clearly interferes with freedom of speech, it doesn't rise to the level of being abhorrent to the constitution.
sorry commie whore,, but their/your rights end at my front door,, dont like move along,,,

thats proven by me being forced to put up with your shit,,

in fact since youre not even american I dont give a fuck what you think so fuck off,,
Actually it was 7-2, and stare decisis dictates they have to let it stand unless it is abhorrent to the law. Which it clearly is not.

The same way that making certain speech illegal, such as inciting a riot, clearly interferes with freedom of speech, it doesn't rise to the level of being abhorrent to the constitution.
No .... it was 5-4 and being unConstitutional damn sure fits the definition of abhorrent to the law.
We went from “Don't force your morality on me!” to allowing them to force their immorality on us.

We went to it being about “consenting adults” to them trying to drag those of us into their filth who want nothing to do with it (so much for ”consenting”) and even going after children (so much for “adults”). being legally married FORCES my "immorality" on you? How does that even work? And how is marriage immoral?
No .... it was 5-4 and being unConstitutional damn sure fits the definition of abhorrent to the law.
What you missed is that Roberts was dissenting in the case. And like the Georgia election case, Roberts switched his vote in the name of stare decisis. So it brought before the court it would remain 5-4.
Animals and children can't consent. You should have learned that in High School.

You must have just read the last few posts, so again I ask, does an animal have to consent to being put on a leash, go to the vet, eat off the floor?

Animals don't give consent because they are animals. They have no rights.
Marriage is a contract between consenting adults. That's Law 101. If you marry in church it is also a sacrament.

No, as I posted earlier, adult men used to marry minors all the time, and the average age of consent is 16 years old in this country.
If you have trouble seeing the DIFFERENCE between marriage between con-senting adults and with animals and children, I would seriously question your ability to distinguish between right and wrong when near animals and children.

Obviously you haven't been following the conversation. People have claimed that a person cannot marry an animal because an animal can't give consent. Animals can't consent to anything. They do as their owner desires.
I think from a strictly constitutional point of view, they are right. However that decision opens several real cans of worms. If all states must recognize same sex marriage licenses issued by other states, then logically, they must recognize CCWs and immigration restrictions issued by other states as well. being legally married FORCES my "immorality" on you? How does that even work? And how is marriage immoral?
Ya, I really don’t get that..somehow being obsessed with the marriages of people you have never met is “forcing it on us”.

Why do they care?

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