Supreme Court justices RIP ruling forcing states to recognize same-sex marriages - 'Threat To Religious Freedom!'

You must have just read the last few posts, so again I ask, does an animal have to consent to being put on a leash, go to the vet, eat off the floor?

Animals don't give consent because they are animals. They have no rights.
You forget, as the declaration of independence states, that rights are God given, and not a creation of man. And as God created all creatures great and small, he granted each certain inalienable rights.

Even animals have the right against cruel and unusual punishment.
Who gets to visit you in the hospital is not law, it's hospital policy. You can plea the 5th to anything in court.
I didn't say who can visit you in the hospital. How disingenuous of you. I said make medical and legal decisions. You can only plead the fifth to not incriminate yourself. The law allows you to not testify against your legal spouse. Again you are being disingenuous.
I think from a strictly constitutional point of view, they are right. However that decision opens several real cans of worms. If all states must recognize same sex marriage licenses issued by other states, then logically, they must recognize CCWs and immigration restrictions issued by other states as well.
I don’t think so. Marriage is a fundamental individual right that needs to be consistently applied. You can’t have it defined state by state, where one state says your marriage is legal and another state not. Marriage has legal aspects.
Animals don't give consent because they are animals. They have no rights.

Is kosher slaughtering humane?

While the most humane choice is always plant-based alternatives to slaughtered animals, most experts agree that kosher slaughter, when performed correctly, is at least as humane as pre-slaughter stunning.

Religious recognition of animals rights against cruel punishment.
I don't care how you want to justify this.

The state violated her 1st Amendment Right.

It is the very reason Obergefell will be overturned.

Well .... that and the Left no longer has a majority on the Court.
Three words for you...

Right to work.
I don’t think so. Marriage is a fundamental individual right that needs to be consistently applied. You can’t have it defined state by state, where one state says your marriage is legal and another state not. Marriage has legal aspects.
You can have different laws, they just have to apply in all states. For example second cousins even first cousins can marry in some states and not in others but their marriage is recognized in all 50.
Nothing that can't be done with a good lawyer for single people.
1. For a lot of money
2. And even then, not always recognized.

Why not have straight couples just go get a good lawyer and spend all that time and $$$ instead of getting legally married?
Which is why the court should have ruled for the government to get out of marriage. Marriage is a religious institution government adopted as time went on.
So what have YOU actively been doing to get the government out of the marriage business?
"Legal" marriage is a secular contract between two partners having NOTHING to do with religion. It therefore doesn't matter what your religious self thinks about gay marriage. Marriage sets out the rights and responsibilities of the partners to one another, and the manner in which joint assets will be split on the dissolution of the marriage, as well as spousal support in that event.

Furthermore, unless the State is forcing or requiring you to marry a same sex partner, same sex marriage isn't being "forced" on you or "shoved down your throat". The bald fact is that unless you're a gay person who wants to get married, the legalization of gay marriage will have absolutely no impact on your life at all. You're simply a miserable old man who keeps trying to inflict his idea of morality on other people.

I think it's wrong and immoral for people to choose to remain single and childless. God told people to be fruitful and multiply and you have ignored that command. You don't even replace yourself, and you use all kinds of resources in your final years, you've contributed nothing to create. I believe being single and childless is an affront to God's plan for us.

YOU should have been required to marry and raise a family. You have been socially irresponsible and gone against God's will and natural order of things.

If you found this argument to be stupid and an affront to your rights as a citizen, that is how I feel about your stance against gay marriage. Jesus spoke not one word against homosexuality, or "immorality". He preached love and acceptance.

So take you "religious ideals" and stuff them. They have no business in other people's lives other than your own.

Marriage always was a religious institution until government interfered. I'm sure if they could foresee into the future, they never would have.

Be fruitful and multiply was a great idea when we had a few hundred people on this planet, but we now have 7.5 billion, and I don't believe that applies any longer. And as for being fruitful and multiplying, gays can't do that either unless they get a mate of the opposite sex. There is a reason God made it that way.

As a society we set social standards, particularly for our children. If I did have children, I wouldn't want them witnessing two guys french kissing in the park. A fat 70 old woman walking around naked in public doesn't affect me either unless I actually see it, but it does violate our social standards as it will make a lot of people ill, just like a lot of people get ill seeing two guys kissing at a bus stop.
I don’t think so. Marriage is a fundamental individual right that needs to be consistently applied. You can’t have it defined state by state, where one state says your marriage is legal and another state not. Marriage has legal aspects.
That's the exact point. You can't have one state recognize the right of inheritance, but if some of that property is in another state, they don't. Or where one state allows a gay spouse to share health insurance, and another state denies it. Or children legally adopted in one state, not being recognized in another.

That's why "equal protection" applies, where crossing state lines doesn't change fundamental "privileges and immunities"
1. For a lot of money
2. And even then, not always recognized.

Why not have straight couples just go get a good lawyer and spend all that time and $$$ instead of getting legally married?

Many of us do. Ever hear of living together? You don't just go out and buy a house without some sort of legal document. People who don't want government in their relationship get lawyers to settle any financial matters if the relationship dissolves.
That's the exact point. You can't have one state recognize the right of inheritance, but if some of that property is in another state, they don't. Or where one state allows a gay spouse to share health insurance, and another state denies it. Or children legally adopted in one state, not being recognized in another.

That's why "equal protection" applies, where crossing state lines doesn't change fundamental "privileges and immunities"

Bull. When I die my properties and money go to my niece and nephew. You can will anything to anybody you want, even an organization.
OH you mean the one where serfs beg the goverrnment for permission to get married???

must suck to be such a POS you want the governments permission to do something like get married,,
Nothing to do with permission.
Many of us do. Ever hear of living together? You don't just go out and buy a house without some sort of legal document. People who don't want government in their relationship get lawyers to settle any financial matters if the relationship dissolves.
There are legal protections inside of marriage that can be done by legal agreement...

But see that can't be the point of the homosexual agenda...they aren't happy with tolerance...they want endorsement and idolization by everyone. And if you don't comply with that they want you criminalized and incarcerated.

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