Supreme Court justices RIP ruling forcing states to recognize same-sex marriages - 'Threat To Religious Freedom!'

She is sort of right. Just this past year after Ginsburg died, a case was brought by the ashole former Alabama State Supreme Court Chief Justice to SCOTUS trying to overturn Obergefell. This court threw it out. They did not rule on it. They just did not hear it because the plaintif did not havestanding.
That pervert that likes underaged girls?
Who are you to say whether I am serious or not? We have freedom of religion in America....that means you do NOT have a say in how I interpret my religious beliefs.
when did I tell you how to interpret anything,, just asked so I could see if it would work for me,,
Obergefell is unConstitutional and needs to be overturned.

It forced Davis to choose between her religious beliefs and her job.

Her religious beliefs are protected under the 1st amendment to the US Constitution.

The Obergefell ruling violates the 1st Amendment.
Have you filed yet? If not, why not?
It has nothing to do with discrimination.

The Bill of Rights guarantees religious liberty.

The state forcing this woman to act against her religion is a violation of the 1st Amendment.
And I have the religious liberty to make sure no Texans ever are employed in my business....or even allowed services.
OH you mean the one where serfs beg the goverrnment for permission to get married???

must suck to be such a POS you want the governments permission to do something like get married,,
Ok, you know that when serfs were around, they were STILL religious marriages ONLY. You aren't very good at this. :heehee: The serf had to ask permission because he was OWNED by the lord. He had to ask permission for pretty much everything.
Ok, you know that when serfs were around, they were STILL religious marriages ONLY. You aren't very good at this. :heehee: The serf had to ask permission because he was OWNED by the lord. He had to ask permission for pretty much everything.
you mean asking like prog slaves do today,,

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