Supreme Court justices RIP ruling forcing states to recognize same-sex marriages - 'Threat To Religious Freedom!'

Marriage always was a religious institution until government interfered. I'm sure if they could foresee into the future, they never would have.
The reason government got into the act, is because they separated church from state. So the state would oversee inheritance, and not the church. That the courts would be in charge of probate, and not the church.

It is known, however, from these and other passages, that the oldest son had a right to a double share of his father's possessions (Dt 21.17

Daughters did not inherit, unless there were no male heirs and the daughters married within the same clan (Nm 27.1–8

A widow did not inherit; she could, however, be the guardian of her deceased husband's property until their sons came to full age (Ru 4.9; 2
What you missed is that Roberts was dissenting in the case. And like the Georgia election case, Roberts switched his vote in the name of stare decisis. So it brought before the court it would remain 5-4.
Yeah .....

That's what I posted.

5-4 .... not 7-2
oh great,, another fucking idiot that doesnt know that a license is permission from the government to do something,,

what are you 12 yrs old or a fucking idiot??
Calm down honey. It isn’t that complicated. The government doesn’t give permission (ever heard of common law marriage, grasshopper?). The government does grant certain legal rights with marriage that are difficult to get, more personally expensive to get, and more easily challenged in court with out that legal document called a license. Hope that helps.
so I as a business owner or government official shouldnt be allowed to discriminate against a person thats not vaccinated???
All I, as a business owner has to say is that vaccinated employees is a requirement of my religion. There. Fixed it for you.
dude,, a license is permission you idiot prog,,, just like a license to drive is permission to drive,,

youre a slave and dont even know it,,
So....are you legally married? And what have you ACTIVELY done to eliminate legal marriage in the United States?
Many of us do. Ever hear of living together? You don't just go out and buy a house without some sort of legal document. People who don't want government in their relationship get lawyers to settle any financial matters if the relationship dissolves.
The problem with lawyers, is that they are a construct of the government. They can only practice with the advice and consent of the government. And have no power or authority on their own.

Otherwise you might as well get your plumber to handle your divorce, or a carpenter to help you buy your house.
You can have different laws, they just have to apply in all states. For example second cousins even first cousins can marry in some states and not in others but their marriage is recognized in all 50.
And let's not even get into how EARLY Red states allow marriage.
Calm down honey. It isn’t that complicated. The government doesn’t give permission (ever heard of common law marriage, grasshopper?). The government does grant certain legal rights with marriage that are difficult to get, more personally expensive to get, and more easily challenged in court with out that legal document called a license. Hope that helps.
government doesnt grant rights you idiot,, they make laws and give permission to serfs that beg the government for activities in their private lives,,

my god you progs are slaves and dont even know it,,
Bull. When I die my properties and money go to my niece and nephew. You can will anything to anybody you want, even an organization.
Not if it was the church in charge of marriage, instead of the state.

So your desire to put the church in charge, means that the church dictates who you can leave your property to.
Yes, forcing it down our throats. When we voted on it in our state, it was overwhelmingly defeated. Forcing us to accept gay marriage is forcing it down our throats.

Until recently, marriage was the union between man and woman as the Bible outlines, and that's the way it should have stayed.
Did your state ever vote for integrated schools or did the government have to "force it down your throats"?
Did the people in your state ever vote for legalizing inter-racial marriage? Or did the courts have to "force it down your throats"?
Did your state vote to allow women to vote or did the federal government have to "force it down your throats"?
Well there you go, government goodies. All we need to do is not allow joint tax returns and stop passing SS benefits to your spouse. After all, most married couples work today and have their own SS account. Our SS system is going broke and that would make it last a little longer.
Yes....government goodies. Are you giving them up?

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