Supreme Court justices RIP ruling forcing states to recognize same-sex marriages - 'Threat To Religious Freedom!'

Furthermore, unless the State is forcing or requiring you to marry a same sex partner, same sex marriage isn't being "forced" on you or "shoved down your throat". The bald fact is that unless you're a gay person who wants to get married, the legalization of gay marriage will have absolutely no impact on your life at all. You're simply a miserable old man who keeps trying to inflict his idea of morality on other people.
The same thing happened with interracial marriage.
It's not a right.

It's hanging on by a single SCOTUS ruling that is unConstitutional.

I am not saying it's going away.

But, it isn't going to always be what it is now.
If the government provides civil marriage with its over 1000 rights to straight couples, per the 14th Amendment, they also have to offer it to gay couples.
The point that flew over your head is animals don't have rights and do not need to give consent to anything. We have laws that prohibit mistreating and hurting animals, but it's not because they have rights, it's because we as a society find it deplorable.
If you have trouble seeing the DIFFERENCE between marriage between con-senting adults and with animals and children, I would seriously question your ability to distinguish between right and wrong when near animals and children.
She refused to do her job, and interfered with the other clerks issuing marriages licences in her place. The court ordered her to not interfere with the other clerks doing her job in her place.

The state violated her 1st Amendment Right.

This is the very reason Obergefell will eventually be overturned.

Except that an employee, even of a state, while in the course of their employment, have no 1st amendment rights.

That is a right of the individual, when acting as an individual, not as the employee of the state.
A very important part of the rationale of founding this country, as it was, as a constitutional republic rather than as a democracy, was to insure that the rights of the minorities would be protected against the tyranny of the majority. The Constitution was crafted to establish certain rules and rights that could not be violated, even of the majority wanted to do so; and to set up the processes of government in the hands of those who were to bear the responsibility, above all else, of making sure that the Constitution was upheld and obeyed.

I know and I agree.. Gay people also have civil rights.. not more rights.
As previously stated, what would they do as far as the 700K gay marriages, and their legal standing, in everything from inheritance to adoption.
Again, I don't know and I don't care.

I'm sure they will figure something out.

But, whatever it is it will have to be within the parameters of the Constitutional

And, Obergefell is NOT !!!!
You must have missed the USSC using that as a reason to prevent Trump from ending DACA.
"Legal" marriage is a secular contract between two partners having NOTHING to do with religion. It therefore doesn't matter what your religious self thinks about gay marriage. Marriage sets out the rights and responsibilities of the partners to one another, and the manner in which joint assets will be split on the dissolution of the marriage, as well as spousal support in that event.

Furthermore, unless the State is forcing or requiring you to marry a same sex partner, same sex marriage isn't being "forced" on you or "shoved down your throat". The bald fact is that unless you're a gay person who wants to get married, the legalization of gay marriage will have absolutely no impact on your life at all. You're simply a miserable old man who keeps trying to inflict his idea of morality on other people.

I think it's wrong and immoral for people to choose to remain single and childless. God told people to be fruitful and multiply and you have ignored that command. You don't even replace yourself, and you use all kinds of resources in your final years, you've contributed nothing to create. I believe being single and childless is an affront to God's plan for us.

YOU should have been required to marry and raise a family. You have been socially irresponsible and gone against God's will and natural order of things.

If you found this argument to be stupid and an affront to your rights as a citizen, that is how I feel about your stance against gay marriage. Jesus spoke not one word against homosexuality, or "immorality". He preached love and acceptance.

So take you "religious ideals" and stuff them. They have no business in other people's lives other than your own.
Ironically, religious gay marriage has been around a lot longer than legal gay marriage.
So anyone who claims doing the job they were already hired for would go against their "newly" found religious beliefs is protected from being fired?
I gave the example of a chrstian scientist who becomes a doctor, and then after being hired by a hospital, refuses to practice medicine.
Except that an employee, even of a state, while in the course of their employment, have no 1st amendment rights.

That is a right of the individual, when acting as an individual, not as the employee of the state.
I don't care how you want to justify this.

The state violated her 1st Amendment Right.

It is the very reason Obergefell will be overturned.

Well .... that and the Left no longer has a majority on the Court.
Except that an employee, even of a state, while in the course of their employment, have no 1st amendment rights.

That is a right of the individual, when acting as an individual, not as the employee of the state.

I don't care how you want to justify this.

The state violated her 1st Amendment Right.

It is the very reason Obergefell will be overturned.

Well .... that and the Left no longer has a majority on the Court.

You said it could be challenged as a 1st amendment violation, when no such violation can exist, as state employees have no 1st amendment rights in the course of their employment.
sorry commie whore,, but their/your rights end at my front door,, dont like move along,,,

thats proven by me being forced to put up with your shit,,

in fact since youre not even american I dont give a fuck what you think so fuck off,,
Of course she's American, ya dumb fuckin' hillbilly.


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