'Supreme Court Sharply Divided Over Trump DACA Repeal' - WHY?

It did, and now for number two.

2. In what house of congress did the bill originate?

I don't give a damn. GOP wouldn't do anything. Anything. I'll guess the Senate. But I thought the house had to do budget stuff. At any rate it is irrelevant it's just an excuse for the racist GOP to block everything....

Well give the boy a teddy bear, it was the senate. Now what does this say about the constitutionality of the bill?

Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.

This is an intellectual honesty test commie, what say you?

The GOP was pure obstruction for seven and a half years. The only thing Obama passed was the stimulus with two nice Republican ladies that knew it was totally necessary, and ObamaCare which had 60 democratic votes. You idiots think we had 60 votes for 2 years and our policies hurt the country. What a bunch of garbage propaganda dingbats.

Poor little moron, can't even stay on topic. Run along commie, you FAILED the honesty test.


The ranting 'useful idiot' never lets us down that way!

The boy has managed to be an embarrassment to the regressive movement, and that's damn hard to do. LMAO

probably. Democrats have to pay for all their bills, while the GOP spend like drunken sailors every time they get in. Ain't GOP propaganda great?

It did, and now for number two.

2. In what house of congress did the bill originate?

I don't give a damn. GOP wouldn't do anything. Anything. I'll guess the Senate. But I thought the house had to do budget stuff. At any rate it is irrelevant it's just an excuse for the racist GOP to block everything....

Well give the boy a teddy bear, it was the senate. Now what does this say about the constitutionality of the bill?

Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.

This is an intellectual honesty test commie, what say you?

The GOP was pure obstruction for seven and a half years. The only thing Obama passed was the stimulus with two nice Republican ladies that knew it was totally necessary, and ObamaCare which had 60 democratic votes. You idiots think we had 60 votes for 2 years and our policies hurt the country. What a bunch of garbage propaganda dingbats.

Poor little moron, can't even stay on topic. Run along commie, you FAILED the honesty test.

Bologna. Your point is idiotic. The GOP blocked anything Obama wanted for seven a half years LOL
It did, and now for number two.

2. In what house of congress did the bill originate?

I don't give a damn. GOP wouldn't do anything. Anything. I'll guess the Senate. But I thought the house had to do budget stuff. At any rate it is irrelevant it's just an excuse for the racist GOP to block everything....

Well give the boy a teddy bear, it was the senate. Now what does this say about the constitutionality of the bill?

Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.

This is an intellectual honesty test commie, what say you?

The GOP was pure obstruction for seven and a half years. The only thing Obama passed was the stimulus with two nice Republican ladies that knew it was totally necessary, and ObamaCare which had 60 democratic votes. You idiots think we had 60 votes for 2 years and our policies hurt the country. What a bunch of garbage propaganda dingbats.

Poor little moron, can't even stay on topic. Run along commie, you FAILED the honesty test.

Bologna. Your point is idiotic. The GOP blocked anything Obama wanted for seven a half years LOL

Are you saying the bill was constitutional? YES or NO???????????

It did, and now for number two.

2. In what house of congress did the bill originate?

I don't give a damn. GOP wouldn't do anything. Anything. I'll guess the Senate. But I thought the house had to do budget stuff. At any rate it is irrelevant it's just an excuse for the racist GOP to block everything....

Well give the boy a teddy bear, it was the senate. Now what does this say about the constitutionality of the bill?

Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.

This is an intellectual honesty test commie, what say you?

The GOP was pure obstruction for seven and a half years. The only thing Obama passed was the stimulus with two nice Republican ladies that knew it was totally necessary, and ObamaCare which had 60 democratic votes. You idiots think we had 60 votes for 2 years and our policies hurt the country. What a bunch of garbage propaganda dingbats.

Poor little moron, can't even stay on topic. Run along commie, you FAILED the honesty test.

Bologna. Your point is idiotic. The GOP blocked anything Obama wanted for seven a half years LOL

And the butthurt democrats have been trying to impeach trump since before election night was over.
I don't give a damn. GOP wouldn't do anything. Anything. I'll guess the Senate. But I thought the house had to do budget stuff. At any rate it is irrelevant it's just an excuse for the racist GOP to block everything....

Well give the boy a teddy bear, it was the senate. Now what does this say about the constitutionality of the bill?

Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.

This is an intellectual honesty test commie, what say you?

The GOP was pure obstruction for seven and a half years. The only thing Obama passed was the stimulus with two nice Republican ladies that knew it was totally necessary, and ObamaCare which had 60 democratic votes. You idiots think we had 60 votes for 2 years and our policies hurt the country. What a bunch of garbage propaganda dingbats.

Poor little moron, can't even stay on topic. Run along commie, you FAILED the honesty test.

Bologna. Your point is idiotic. The GOP blocked anything Obama wanted for seven a half years LOL

Are you saying the bill was constitutional? YES or NO???????????

As I said in the beginning, probably. Also irrelevant. The house could have done the same thing. The GOP still would have a blocked it like everything. It's been so long since Democrat policy has been passed it's ridiculous. Say hello to the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever by far anywhere in the modern world.
I don't give a damn. GOP wouldn't do anything. Anything. I'll guess the Senate. But I thought the house had to do budget stuff. At any rate it is irrelevant it's just an excuse for the racist GOP to block everything....

Well give the boy a teddy bear, it was the senate. Now what does this say about the constitutionality of the bill?

Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.

This is an intellectual honesty test commie, what say you?

The GOP was pure obstruction for seven and a half years. The only thing Obama passed was the stimulus with two nice Republican ladies that knew it was totally necessary, and ObamaCare which had 60 democratic votes. You idiots think we had 60 votes for 2 years and our policies hurt the country. What a bunch of garbage propaganda dingbats.

Poor little moron, can't even stay on topic. Run along commie, you FAILED the honesty test.

Bologna. Your point is idiotic. The GOP blocked anything Obama wanted for seven a half years LOL

And the butthurt democrats have been trying to impeach trump since before election night was over.
Bologna. Complaining is not impeachment no matter what the talking point is...
Trump tweeted today that if the SCOTUS overturns DACA, he will cut a deal with the Democrats to let the Dreamers stay.

So, for all intents and purposes, there is no difference between Trump giving amnesty to illegal Dreamers and Obama giving amnesty to illegal Dreamers.

There is. Barry didn't "cut the deal" with Congress, he just ordered their stay.
Well give the boy a teddy bear, it was the senate. Now what does this say about the constitutionality of the bill?

Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.

This is an intellectual honesty test commie, what say you?

The GOP was pure obstruction for seven and a half years. The only thing Obama passed was the stimulus with two nice Republican ladies that knew it was totally necessary, and ObamaCare which had 60 democratic votes. You idiots think we had 60 votes for 2 years and our policies hurt the country. What a bunch of garbage propaganda dingbats.

Poor little moron, can't even stay on topic. Run along commie, you FAILED the honesty test.

Bologna. Your point is idiotic. The GOP blocked anything Obama wanted for seven a half years LOL

Are you saying the bill was constitutional? YES or NO???????????

As I said in the beginning, probably. Also irrelevant. The house could have done the same thing. The GOP still would have a blocked it like everything. It's been so long since Democrat policy has been passed it's ridiculous. Say hello to the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever by far anywhere in the modern world.

Your surrender is duly noted you dysfunctional moron. You don't have an intellectual honest bone in your dementia ravaged body. Run along, I think your diaper need changing.

President Obama ADMITTED he did not have the Constitutional authority to alter / amend / change existing US Immigration Law
Then it's a good thing Obama did not alter, amend, or change existing US immigration law.

Have you ever even bothered to read Obama's EO?

Didn't think so.

Hint: It's not an EO.

Whether it was an EO or not is irrelevant, he authorized work permits for people that were not eligible for them by law. End of story.

The story is whether Trump lets them stay. And if he does, where did he get the power.

He doesn't have that power, just as Barry didn't have it.

According to current laws, he can throw them out.

"Cutting the deal" means, having Congress rewrite the law, and for that, they have to give something else. Only problem is, Democrats have nothing to offer in return.
The GOP was pure obstruction for seven and a half years. The only thing Obama passed was the stimulus with two nice Republican ladies that knew it was totally necessary, and ObamaCare which had 60 democratic votes. You idiots think we had 60 votes for 2 years and our policies hurt the country. What a bunch of garbage propaganda dingbats.

Poor little moron, can't even stay on topic. Run along commie, you FAILED the honesty test.

Bologna. Your point is idiotic. The GOP blocked anything Obama wanted for seven a half years LOL

Are you saying the bill was constitutional? YES or NO???????????

As I said in the beginning, probably. Also irrelevant. The house could have done the same thing. The GOP still would have a blocked it like everything. It's been so long since Democrat policy has been passed it's ridiculous. Say hello to the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever by far anywhere in the modern world.

Your surrender is duly noted you dysfunctional moron. You don't have an intellectual honest bone in your dementia ravaged body. Run along, I think your diaper need changing.

Your name is Pointless. LOL
"At issue is the fate of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which grants deferral from deportation to nearly 700,000 undocumented young adult immigrants."

WHY is the fact that these illegals were dragged as children into the US illegally and have been here for years 'at issue'...WHY does it matter?

1. Sucks to be them. Blame their parents.

2. Living here illegally for decades does not change their illegal status. At any point they could have made an effort to adhere to existing US Immigration law.

3. Obama's own admitted Un-Constitutional act of personally imposing 'DACA' does not change their legal status because DACA is Un-Constitutional / is not LAW.

The USSC is responsible for enforcing / upholding the Constitution / Constitutional Law, NOT to attempt to infuse 'social justice' into the Constitution, NOT reward illegals in this country - illegals whose education / healthcare / etc... legal American citizens were forced to pay for...

'Empathy', what is 'fair' or not, has NOTHING to do with the LIBERAL 'NON-LEGAL' / 'NON-Constitutional' concern for how Illegals will 'FEEL' or what 'hardships' they may face if US Immigration Law was ACTUALLY enforced for a change.
Way to keep this long-running GOP scam wedge issue going, super duper. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end it like other modern countries have already done. GOP voters are the stupidest most racist voters in the modern world by far. Thanks to the GOP scumbag propaganda machine! Open borders my butt. The wall is stupid and won't work and is unamerican and of course racist. But anything for the orange clown and b******* propaganda....

Why would anyone want the unconstitutional piece of crap passed? Oh right, you're one that thinks the constitution is irrelevant.

Unconstitutional my butt, brainwashed functional moron.

Absolutely it was unconstitutional. No EO can force courts to NOT enforce laws written and passed by congress. But that said, they only last as long as the president that wrote them is in office. So DACA should have been dead on Trumps arrival.
"The Supreme Court on Tuesday appeared sharply divided over President Trump's move to end Obama-era protections for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children, as the justices heard oral arguments in one of the most closely watched cases of the term."


The division is obviously along POLIICALLY PARTISAN and IDEOLOGICAL lines, not anything to do with the CONSTITUTION or actual LAW.

"The justices’ questions during oral arguments suggested that the court may break down along familiar ideological lines in the case."

President Obama ADMITTED he did not have the Constitutional authority to alter / amend / change existing US Immigration Law, that frustration over the difference in opinion between the 2 parties and their inability to pass proposed DACA was NOT - NOT - justification for him to impose it on his own....then the SOB did it anyway.

Much like his personal TREATY with Iran, 'DACA' was a product of Obama's own personal Presidential pen with which he used to violate the Constitution's Separation of Powers to impose his own personal law pushing his own personal ideology that was not supported by actual existing law.

President Trump took an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution, uphold and enforce the Law and EXISTING LAWS. He did not take an oath to uphold and enforce a former President's Un-Constitutional Presidential Edict. Unlike actual laws passed by Congress, the former President's own personal 'edicts' created and imposed by him and his personal Presidential pen can be voided / wiped away by the new President's own Presidential pen. (President Trump has all but wiped out President Obama's 'Legacy' 'edicts' without this level of epic liberal butt-hurt and whining.)


Unless the USSC is going to set precedence by declaring ALL such Presidential 'edicts' penciled into existence by a Temp (4/8 years) President can NOT be edited or repealed / deleted, they are declaring political parties / Presidents can cherry-pick specific 'edicts' penned into law by a 'Temp President' that support / push their own specific ideology and declare THESE can NOT be eliminated...AND that the next President / country is BOUND by them...forever.

Divided Supreme Court leans toward allowing Trump to end DACA

I heard that the deciding factor will be that Lefty Roberts again.

Gee, I wonder how he will rule.
"At issue is the fate of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which grants deferral from deportation to nearly 700,000 undocumented young adult immigrants."

WHY is the fact that these illegals were dragged as children into the US illegally and have been here for years 'at issue'...WHY does it matter?

1. Sucks to be them. Blame their parents.

2. Living here illegally for decades does not change their illegal status. At any point they could have made an effort to adhere to existing US Immigration law.

3. Obama's own admitted Un-Constitutional act of personally imposing 'DACA' does not change their legal status because DACA is Un-Constitutional / is not LAW.

The USSC is responsible for enforcing / upholding the Constitution / Constitutional Law, NOT to attempt to infuse 'social justice' into the Constitution, NOT reward illegals in this country - illegals whose education / healthcare / etc... legal American citizens were forced to pay for...

'Empathy', what is 'fair' or not, has NOTHING to do with the LIBERAL 'NON-LEGAL' / 'NON-Constitutional' concern for how Illegals will 'FEEL' or what 'hardships' they may face if US Immigration Law was ACTUALLY enforced for a change.
Way to keep this long-running GOP scam wedge issue going, super duper. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end it like other modern countries have already done. GOP voters are the stupidest most racist voters in the modern world by far. Thanks to the GOP scumbag propaganda machine! Open borders my butt. The wall is stupid and won't work and is unamerican and of course racist. But anything for the orange clown and b******* propaganda....

Why would anyone want the unconstitutional piece of crap passed? Oh right, you're one that thinks the constitution is irrelevant.

Unconstitutional my butt, brainwashed functional moron.

Absolutely it was unconstitutional. No EO can force courts to NOT enforce laws written and passed by congress. But that said, they only last as long as the president that wrote them is in office. So DACA should have been dead on Trumps arrival.
Except we are talkin about the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill.
"At issue is the fate of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which grants deferral from deportation to nearly 700,000 undocumented young adult immigrants."

WHY is the fact that these illegals were dragged as children into the US illegally and have been here for years 'at issue'...WHY does it matter?

1. Sucks to be them. Blame their parents.

2. Living here illegally for decades does not change their illegal status. At any point they could have made an effort to adhere to existing US Immigration law.

3. Obama's own admitted Un-Constitutional act of personally imposing 'DACA' does not change their legal status because DACA is Un-Constitutional / is not LAW.

The USSC is responsible for enforcing / upholding the Constitution / Constitutional Law, NOT to attempt to infuse 'social justice' into the Constitution, NOT reward illegals in this country - illegals whose education / healthcare / etc... legal American citizens were forced to pay for...

'Empathy', what is 'fair' or not, has NOTHING to do with the LIBERAL 'NON-LEGAL' / 'NON-Constitutional' concern for how Illegals will 'FEEL' or what 'hardships' they may face if US Immigration Law was ACTUALLY enforced for a change.
Way to keep this long-running GOP scam wedge issue going, super duper. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end it like other modern countries have already done. GOP voters are the stupidest most racist voters in the modern world by far. Thanks to the GOP scumbag propaganda machine! Open borders my butt. The wall is stupid and won't work and is unamerican and of course racist. But anything for the orange clown and b******* propaganda....

Why would anyone want the unconstitutional piece of crap passed? Oh right, you're one that thinks the constitution is irrelevant.

Unconstitutional my butt, brainwashed functional moron.

Absolutely it was unconstitutional. No EO can force courts to NOT enforce laws written and passed by congress. But that said, they only last as long as the president that wrote them is in office. So DACA should have been dead on Trumps arrival.
Except we are talkin about the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill.

That never passed congress?

Obviously you don't have a clue what DACA even is. It was an executive order that congress told Obama he couldn't pass and he did it anyway. DACA is not a bill that was passed by congress, it's an EO issued by Obama.

So rather than say you're a stupid moron, I'll just prove you to be one and move on.

President Obama waited to issue an executive order on immigration because, he said, he wanted Congress to act. When Congress failed to act, he issued several, including what is known as DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Michael McConnell on Executive Orders, DACA, and the Constitution | Stanford Law School

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In all honesty... EO's have been rising for one very good reason - the legislative branch is basically defunct.
All they do is suck in and gorge on U.S. taxpayer funds while not doing anything else but investigate each other and get on camera to blame each other for whatever.
For anything to get done...at all... the President is the only one who can anymore.

So you are admitting Trump is doing an end run around Congress with his EOs.

"It's Okay When Trump Does It!"
Support the DACA kids, not that many of them, & they have been following the path of being good Americans. school, work, staying out of trouble.
Maybe we shall get lucky and RBG will retire permanently...one way or the other....she is very sick again, extremely hard to beat cancer 3x within a year!
Support the DACA kids, not that many of them, & they have been following the path of being good Americans. school, work, staying out of trouble.
And broke the immigration laws....wonder what happens to people that break immigration laws in their home country?

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