Supreme Court Shuts Down Trump AGAIN

Was that so difficult?? Why does everybody on your side have such a hard time admitting Trump lost??

The problem is not admitting he lost. The problem is with HOW he lost.

Now here comes my favorite part of your ridiculous post:

At least lose with dignity...

Are you f*ing serious?! Snowflakes telling anyone else to 'lose with dignity' is like the biggest whore in town giving a talk to Catholic School Girls about the virtues of abstinence.

Snowflakes wept.

Snowflakes ran out intthe streets and screamed at the sky.

And for 4 years they supported and defended traitors who worked with foreign enemies, violated both Constitution and Rule of law, committed Obstruction, sedition, illegal spying, and treason.....

'At least lose with some dignity'....... Bwuhahahahahaha

Yeah I remember when Clinton called for those screaming mobs to fight harder and invade Congress to do Combat during the Joint Session that counts the EC votes. Remember all the msm pundents saying she really won and it was being stolen from her and she was right not to concede?

Yeah me neither..........

Clinton incinerated 83 men, women and children at Waco, you fucking douchebag.

I bet you blamed that congressman who was killed at Jonestown for Jim's flock's mass suicide/murder too didn't you?

How is Clinton not responsible? His AG ordered the FBI to incinerate them. Clinton defended her.

Since you need to divert from the current Trump debacle, Koresh murdered them not Clinton.
The USSC has already acknowledged publicly several times (Alito and Roberts) that election fraud occurred. Roberts, after doing so, declared the election was so f*ed up and would take so much to UN-F* that the USSC wanted NO PART IN IT!

Cowardice and shirking one's responsibilities seem to be as 'popular' as socialism these days.

As the saying goes, For evil to succeed all that is needed is for one person to do nothing.
Lol no actually that didn’t happen. Not even at all
The 3rd time US Sup Court shuts Trump down.

There is no evidence.

AG Barr, has said there is no evidence of fraud

GA republican election officials have said there is no evidence of fraud.

Multiple US courts and Trump appointed judges have said there is no fraud.

It's over.

All Republicans should be banned from Social Media until they can admit that Biden is the true President.

A key problem of our current Age is fools such as yourself believing you are Mr. Big Stuff and thus morally and legally enabled to oppress massive subsections of our population in the name of the false belief you are combatting some kind of human evil. Anything for the cause, right jackass? A day will come . . . is coming . . . when your ilk will be on the receiving end of most pointy sharpened sticks indeed. I wonder. Will you jump ship and change your stripes to blend in with Trump supporters or will you run screaming naked through the streets?
Are you making threats or just advocating violence
The USSC has already acknowledged publicly several times (Alito and Roberts) that election fraud occurred. Roberts, after doing so, declared the election was so f*ed up and would take so much to UN-F* that the USSC wanted NO PART IN IT!

Cowardice and shirking one's responsibilities seem to be as 'popular' as socialism these days.

As the saying goes, For evil to succeed all that is needed is for one person to do nothing.
Alito and Roberts said there was election fraud?
I find no such claim.
When I paid an escape tax for leaving a city I know your are full of shit.
That “escape tax” otherwise known as “capital gains” tax. I know because I paid it
The 3rd time US Sup Court shuts Trump down.

There is no evidence.

AG Barr, has said there is no evidence of fraud

GA republican election officials have said there is no evidence of fraud.

Multiple US courts and Trump appointed judges have said there is no fraud.

It's over.

All Republicans should be banned from Social Media until they can admit that Biden is the true President.

(bold emphasis added for clarity only so do not whine)
You couldn't be more right, Comrade Xianker.
I think Trumpsters have moved on from looking for evidence for their forgone conclusion that the election was stolen...but without abandoning the forgone conclusion.
They know about the allegations, of course, but they don't know that the allegations have been disproven.

As always, their informational ecosystem avoids that kind of thing.
The 3rd time US Sup Court shuts Trump down.

There is no evidence.

AG Barr, has said there is no evidence of fraud

GA republican election officials have said there is no evidence of fraud.

Multiple US courts and Trump appointed judges have said there is no fraud.

It's over.

All Republicans should be banned from Social Media until they can admit that Biden is the true President.

And yet, Trump said there will be a peaceful transition of power on the 20th....but folks like you prefer to imply he is still fighting it days after he admitted defeat.

I have an idea.....get a job you fucking leach
Don't worry we'll get pay back in 2 years during the midterm elections just like we did in 2010 when Dems suffered the biggest loss in nearly 100 years. :muahaha:
I have my doubt about that. What's to stop Dims from swindling that election as well?

Trump has lots of free time to devote to this over the next 2 years :muahaha:
In a jail cell? In Moscow?

The Dem party called, they want you to stay off their side. Go ahead jail a US president who just got over 70 million votes you stupid moron. :cuckoo:
Don't worry we'll get pay back in 2 years during the midterm elections just like we did in 2010 when Dems suffered the biggest loss in nearly 100 years. :muahaha:
I have my doubt about that. What's to stop Dims from swindling that election as well?

Trump has lots of free time to devote to this over the next 2 years :muahaha:
In a jail cell? In Moscow?

The Dem party called, they want you to stay off their side. Go ahead jail a US president who just got over 70 million votes you stupid moron. :cuckoo:
76 million.
Everyone who is someone says no evidence but yet millions believe Trump who has empty hands and a big mouth and is a convicted fraudster.

This person believes Trump. She too went to his rally in DC.

Everyone who is someone says no evidence but yet millions believe Trump who has empty hands and a big mouth and is a convicted fraudster.

This person believes Trump. She too went to his rally in DC.

Did she actually do anything aside from being in Washington DC?
Don't worry we'll get pay back in 2 years during the midterm elections just like we did in 2010 when Dems suffered the biggest loss in nearly 100 years. :muahaha:
I have my doubt about that. What's to stop Dims from swindling that election as well?

Trump has lots of free time to devote to this over the next 2 years :muahaha:
In a jail cell? In Moscow?

The Dem party called, they want you to stay off their side. Go ahead jail a US president who just got over 70 million votes you stupid moron. :cuckoo:
76 million.

These idiot Dems are not attacking Trump, they are attacking 76 million Americans. They are not very bright are they.
Clinton incinerated 83 men, women and children at Waco, you fucking douchebag.
Janet Reno was in charge of that cock-up, dumb ass! Can you spell delegation of responsibility????
Clinton was her boss, and he excused it. He's responsible.
Clinton was her boss, and he excused it. He's responsible.
Reno gave the order to the FBI, fool! Clinton was not a micromanager you dumbass like LBJ became after the Tonkin Gulf Resolution or Trumpkins for that matter! The chain of command is one thing but the ORDER to the FBI to execute their plan came from Reno not Clinton you fucking fool.

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