Supreme Court Strikes Down Blatently Unconstitional Gun Regulation

...and once again we're going in the wrong direction. If you think we have a lot of deaths from gun violence now, just wait, this action has just multiplied it all. Whether that be tenfold or 100 fold, unfortunately we will soon find out.
Oh the fear of a criminal confession. The only people in fear are criminals this is a day of celebration and a day of reckoning for you criminals.

Paine left a unique legacy. He was a fighter, and he was “ahead of his time” in many ways. He wasn’t perfect. But he certainly would have fought against the Confederacy. If he were alive today he would use his mordant wit to ridicule mercilessly those who still use the Confederate flag — even in the 21st Century — as their avatar. He was a serious man and not a clown. Flash would not have liked him.
I also have a concealed carry permit.

However, unlike you stupid Moon Bats that don't know a damn thing about the Constitution I am not bragging about doing all the things the filthy government demanded I do to get their filthy permission. I think the permitting process is despicable and this is in Florida where it is a shall issue state with a relatively easy process.

The state in not safer because I have the stupid permit. However, I lost my Liberty by having to get government permission for a right that is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and specifically says "shall not be infringed".

You don't know jackshit about the concept of Liberty,
Shut the fuck up dumb ass you have no fucking common sense.
Ah, when rightwing fanatics are confronted by honest criticism or even just reasonable differing views, when they are frustrated and don’t know how to answer intelligently … they almost always resort to insults.
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'His wife and child had died of smallpox, and he, sick of living alone in the dark woods, had come to Philadelphia, taken works as a hand in a flour mill, and there joined the Associators. Armed with a long rifle, clad in buckskin leggings and a hunting shirt, he almost alone in that motley group of militia appeared fitted for the business on which they were embarked. He took a liking to Paine, if for no other reason than that Paine continued to carry his own musket. He said to him once, in his slow, back-country drawl:
"Citizen, what do you think of our little war?"
"Things start slowly," Paine said.
"Yes but I reckon I seldom seen a seedier lot of fighting men."
"Well, give them time -- you don't make soldiers overnight. And you don't make a new world in one day."
Meanwhile, Washington had split his army, placing half his men in Brooklyn to stave off a flank attack that might isolate him on the slim ridge of Manhattan.
(Howard Fast, Citizen Tom Paine, pp. 124-5)
Ah, when rightwing fanatics are confronted by honest criticism or even just reasonable differing views, when they are frustrated and don’t know how to answer intelligently … they almost always resort to insults.
Criticism is ok but when you push a lie you dumb son of a bitch it sounds like the ravings of a lunatic. Criticism deals with honesty and you have none. Especially if you claim too have common sense.
The Supreme Court must be dismantled, rebuilt, and expanded to save the Constitution.
Democrats do not want to save the Constitution, they want to destroy it.

women are strong enough, they don't need "self-defense", wise guy
So a 110 pound woman can take on a 180 pound man and have a even chance of winning In your opinion.

I believe she has a good chance if she has a firearm available and is practicing situational awareness.
No lies from me, just thoughtful opinions from an old ex-NRA member who is fully licensed for concealed carry and frequently does carry. You keep proving my point with your insults.
If you say you have common sense and support gun control you have no common sense and therefore are lying.
That means "shall issue" is now the law of the land.

Look for NYC to assign one Police officer to issue permits for the entire city, and a 2 year backlog.

You're right.

Requiring a 'Permit" for a RIGHT, from any size government (local or federal) is a way of saying "Fuck your rights, we'll control your rights anyway"
A governments job should be enforcing RIGHTS and not legislating them from their own town halls and from their court benches.
If We The People had any commitment to our freedom we would not tolerate anything less.

Since the Supreme Court did not specifically state in their opinion as such, NewYork and elsewhere will continue to circumvent the LAW by making the process of enjoying your RIGHTS as difficult and painful as possible. Expect it to take years for NewYork bureaucrats to process your paperwork allowing you to exercise your "Rights", essentially continuing their "May Issue" policy

It will be up to individuals and organizations like GOA to sue them into submission. However, no court in NewYork city jurisdiction will ever rule in favor of your right to carry.
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Guns don't kill people.

Supreme Courts beholden to the NRA kill people.

And yet you completely support abortion rights.
You can't see it, but your hypocrisy borders on insanity.

19 killed by a lone madman and you want Constitutional Rights erased for all.

400 million humans brutally murdered before birth, and you celebrate.
Sickness and irrationality is a common theme among the Left..
You're right.

Requiring a 'Permit" for a RIGHT, from any size government (local or federal) is a way of saying "Fuck your rights, we'll control your rights anyway"
A governments job should be enforcing RIGHTS and not legislating them from their own town halls and from their court benches.
If We The People had any commitment to our freedom we would not tolerate anything less.

Since the Supreme Court did not specifically state in their opinion as such, NewYork and elsewhere will continue to circumvent the LAW by making the process of enjoying your RIGHTS as difficult and painful as possible. Expect it to take years for NewYork bureaucrats to process your paperwork allowing you to exercise your "Rights", essentially continuing their "May Issue" policy

It will be up to individuals and organizations like GOA to sue them into submission. However, no court in NewYork city jurisdiction will ever rule in favor of your right to carry.

The thing is it will be enforced by federal courts, not State courts, as the Sullivan law was found to be unconstitutional, so at least theoretically the federal courts are supposed to follow such a clear Supreme Court mandate.
If you say you have common sense and support gun control you have no common sense and therefore are lying.
As I said in my first comment here, I support “the registration and issuance of highly vetted” concealed carry licenses. You may call that “reasonable gun control” if you like. The point is to weed out criminals, lunatics and emotionally prone-to-violence types, to make sure those who carry weapons know the relevant laws about when and where and what they can carry and use, etc. I support “Red Flag” laws like those already adopted successfully in FL.

By the way there is not much logic to your comment above. Even people who have no common sense are not necessarily people prone to lying. In fact there are situations where common sense requires one to lie. This isn’t one of them. Which of us has more “common sense” is … at the least very debatable.

This is a time in our nation’s history when common sense is sadly lacking. Not just in our politicians, but among our people too. We need much less self-righteous lunacy and hysteria on both sides, much less demagogy, much less mad party partisanship.
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"Cry more?? Maybe if you weren't self centered and have an ounce of empathy, you along with the other sociopaths might consider common sense gun controls.
There's no sense whatsoever in the unnecessary and ineffective restrictions you support.

The issue of guns, as well as abortion, taxes and Green Energy Systems are all wedge issues, the Democratic Party is reactionary, and uses wedge issues to gain the votes of single voters tp gain power.
The fact is, "shall not be infringed" is framed by ARMS. Not guns, per se. The Republicans,, solely to gain votes at the expense of horrific events, allowed the Brady Bill*** to sunset.
Google NICS.
Read its origin and history.
As I said in my first comment here, I support “the registration and issuance of highly vetted” concealed carry licenses. You may call that “reasonable gun control” if you like. The point is to weed out criminals, lunatics and emotionally prone-to-violence types, to make sure those who carry weapons know the relevant laws about when and where and what they can carry and use, etc.
You know criminals do not bother with licensing, registration, and carry permits - right?
And yet you completely support abortion rights.
You can't see it, but your hypocrisy borders on insanity.

19 killed by a lone madman and you want Constitutional Rights erased for all.

400 million humans brutally murdered before birth, and you celebrate.
Sickness and irrationality is a common theme among the Left..
It's never been about has always been about control.

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