Supreme Court Strikes Down Blatently Unconstitional Gun Regulation

Yep, they sure did. Struck it right down, inscribed now in the books as surely as Brown v. Board or Roe v. Wade.

Leftists, this is what it looks like to get outplayed. There are more Democrats in this country than there are Republicans, and yet there hasn't been a liberal-leaning court since 1969. Gerrymandering is dirty pool but effective; the right is doing it better than you, and it's probably going to cost you about another five or six House seats that you can't afford. Democratic Presidential candidates have won the popular vote four times out of five since 2000, but Republicans have made sure the President count is even because they play the game better. The most recent Republican President crammed through three young Supreme Court Justices in a single term, while Democrats have seated a total of six in the last half a century. This is what it looks like to have your lunch eaten while you squabble about minutiae and insist on the perfect at the expense of the good.

Rightists, enjoy your happy time, because more people are going to get shot and killed because of this ruling. Statistics that you handwave away as Communist manipulation have shown over and over that having more guns results in more shootings and more deaths, but you cling to your Second Amendment absolutism so hard that the result is foreseeable. People in even more states will now be more likely to return fire when they should run away or blaze-of-glory their cubicle farm after they get a bad performance review. Police will also have fewer mechanisms to remove psychos from the streets, so by all means, enjoy your hardware collection and Dirty Harry fever dreams, because your neighbors or possibly your family and friends are going to pay for it.

So well done, everyone; one more step toward us being an even more fragmented society. Maybe this time we won't get off as lucky as we did the last two times it was this bad.
Wait until every violent thug, and a fast growing Latino population are all carrying around these conservative white peoples neighborhoods, schools, and churches.

Oh, did I forget to mention the rather large, and growing Muslim population also? No?

That will be the end of the democrat party, as we'll all be talking guns and getting to know each other while the leftist hide under their beds.

I have no idea what you have against Hispanics and Muslims but the only Latinos and Muslims or Whites or Black that I worry about carrying guns weren't waiting patiently for the Supreme Court to OK it.

But I have to say, your casual bigotry is very telling.
Yep, they sure did. Struck it right down, inscribed now in the books as surely as Brown v. Board or Roe v. Wade.

Leftists, this is what it looks like to get outplayed. There are more Democrats in this country than there are Republicans, and yet there hasn't been a liberal-leaning court since 1969. Gerrymandering is dirty pool but effective; the right is doing it better than you, and it's probably going to cost you about another five or six House seats that you can't afford. Democratic Presidential candidates have won the popular vote four times out of five since 2000, but Republicans have made sure the President count is even because they play the game better. The most recent Republican President crammed through three young Supreme Court Justices in a single term, while Democrats have seated a total of six in the last half a century. This is what it looks like to have your lunch eaten while you squabble about minutiae and insist on the perfect at the expense of the good.

Rightists, enjoy your happy time, because more people are going to get shot and killed because of this ruling. Statistics that you handwave away as Communist manipulation have shown over and over that having more guns results in more shootings and more deaths, but you cling to your Second Amendment absolutism so hard that the result is foreseeable. People in even more states will now be more likely to return fire when they should run away or blaze-of-glory their cubicle farm after they get a bad performance review. Police will also have fewer mechanisms to remove psychos from the streets, so by all means, enjoy your hardware collection and Dirty Harry fever dreams, because your neighbors or possibly your family and friends are going to pay for it.

So well done, everyone; one more step toward us being an even more fragmented society. Maybe this time we won't get off as lucky as we did the last two times it was this bad.

have shown over and over that having more guns results in more shootings and more deaths,

You mean...except for the 27 years when Americans were buying more guns and actually carrying them in public...when the gun murder rate dropped 49%, and the gun crime rate dropped 75%

You mean except for that....right?

You know, 27 years of actual, real world experience in the U.S.....except for that...right?

Over 27 years, from 1993 to the year 2015, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019 (in 2020 that number is 21.52 million)...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

This means that access to guns does not create gun crime........

Why do our democrat party controlled cities have gun crime problems?

What changed in 2015?

The democrat party did 3 things...

1) they began a war on the police that forced officers to stop pro active police work, allowing criminals to run wild.

2) they began to release the most violent and dangerous gun offenders over and over again, not matter how many times they had been arrested for gun crimes

3) they used their brown shirts, blm/antifa to burn, loot and murder for 7 months in primarily black neighborhoods while the democrat party mayors ordered the police to stand down and not stop order to hurt Trump during the election.
Gerrymandering is dirty pool but effective; the right is doing it better than you, and it's probably going to cost you about another five or six House seats that you can't afford
Fake news...

Yep, they sure did. Struck it right down, inscribed now in the books as surely as Brown v. Board or Roe v. Wade.

Leftists, this is what it looks like to get outplayed. There are more Democrats in this country than there are Republicans, and yet there hasn't been a liberal-leaning court since 1969. Gerrymandering is dirty pool but effective; the right is doing it better than you, and it's probably going to cost you about another five or six House seats that you can't afford. Democratic Presidential candidates have won the popular vote four times out of five since 2000, but Republicans have made sure the President count is even because they play the game better. The most recent Republican President crammed through three young Supreme Court Justices in a single term, while Democrats have seated a total of six in the last half a century. This is what it looks like to have your lunch eaten while you squabble about minutiae and insist on the perfect at the expense of the good.

Rightists, enjoy your happy time, because more people are going to get shot and killed because of this ruling. Statistics that you handwave away as Communist manipulation have shown over and over that having more guns results in more shootings and more deaths, but you cling to your Second Amendment absolutism so hard that the result is foreseeable. People in even more states will now be more likely to return fire when they should run away or blaze-of-glory their cubicle farm after they get a bad performance review. Police will also have fewer mechanisms to remove psychos from the streets, so by all means, enjoy your hardware collection and Dirty Harry fever dreams, because your neighbors or possibly your family and friends are going to pay for it.

So well done, everyone; one more step toward us being an even more fragmented society. Maybe this time we won't get off as lucky as we did the last two times it was this bad.

Police will also have fewer mechanisms to remove psychos from the streets,

Would you please explain this statement......give examples of what you mean....

For example, a normal person is stopped by the police and has a gun....the police run their name and information....they are not felons, they have no warrants......there is no reason to "remove," them from the streets....


The police stop an individual with a gun....they are a felon, who can't buy, own, or, in the context of this thread....carry a gun in public........the police can now arrest this felon, and "remove," them from the streets...

So again, please explain your statement...
Rightists, enjoy your happy time, because more people are going to get shot and killed because of this ruling.
No, you are confused. Most states have either Constitutional carry or shall issue permits.

Only a few of the Commie states have "may issue" that usually becomes "no issue".

We have shall issue here in Florida and our homicide rates are lower than in New York with may issue.

This case today told the oppressive Democrat yahoos in New York that the Constitution requires them to allow their citizens to have the same rights as most of the rest of the US.

The right to keep and bear arms is a Constitutional right. I shit you not. Go look it up. It is the second one listed in the Bill of Rights.

Crime won't change because the crooks always ignore any law. It will just make it easier for law abiding citizens to protect themselves and enjoy their Constitutional rights and that is a good thing.
“Now, if we could just get a gun inside a woman's belly and teach the unborn baby to shoot to kill if their mother wants to kill them…”

Brilliant comment! :auiqs.jpg:

Actually, the gun nut right and liberals both are probably exaggerating the scope and effect of this ruling … or at least I hope so. I expect that NY State and any others effected will manage a workaround. Are the registration and issuance of highly vetted “carry licenses” outlawed by this ruling? As I understand it (I could be wrong) the ruling is very broad but it mainly explicitly forbids authorities to ask that there be a specific reason for carrying. Thus it technically puts the burden on the state & police authorities to prove a specific person shouldn’t be issued one. Haven’t read the ruling, or seen sober reviews of its likely impact, and probably few here have either.

This Supreme Court ruling sure will make recruitment of police more difficult and expensive in big crowded cities! It will make their jobs much harder, too. Expect more dead cops, more regular Joes killed in bar fights and “road rage” disputes. If nobody is around, how easy to say: “the other guy drew first” or “I was just standing my ground.”

But there will be some saved lives too, I’m sure, and others (minorities especially) who really need to carry weapons for self defense in tough neighborhoods, will surely be saved from unfair and life-altering legal prosecutions just for carrying. Carrying a concealed gun certainly makes many of us … feel safer, but whether in the end we will actually be safer as a result of this ruling, we will have to wait and see. I have my doubts.

By the way, I have a carry license (not in NY) and my vetting took many months, required two visits to the police department, fingerprinting, payment for “expenses,” and God knows what level of investigation. That is the minimum I expect will be implemented in states effected by this ruling.

I hope and expect they still can keep civilians carrying guns off of airplanes, out of courthouses … and keep guns away from the strong trigger-fingers of those who are about as intelligent as … embryos.
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