Supreme Court Strikes Down Blatently Unconstitional Gun Regulation

Yep, they sure did. Struck it right down, inscribed now in the books as surely as Brown v. Board or Roe v. Wade.

Leftists, this is what it looks like to get outplayed. There are more Democrats in this country than there are Republicans, and yet there hasn't been a liberal-leaning court since 1969. Gerrymandering is dirty pool but effective; the right is doing it better than you, and it's probably going to cost you about another five or six House seats that you can't afford. Democratic Presidential candidates have won the popular vote four times out of five since 2000, but Republicans have made sure the President count is even because they play the game better. The most recent Republican President crammed through three young Supreme Court Justices in a single term, while Democrats have seated a total of six in the last half a century. This is what it looks like to have your lunch eaten while you squabble about minutiae and insist on the perfect at the expense of the good.

Rightists, enjoy your happy time, because more people are going to get shot and killed because of this ruling. Statistics that you handwave away as Communist manipulation have shown over and over that having more guns results in more shootings and more deaths, but you cling to your Second Amendment absolutism so hard that the result is foreseeable. People in even more states will now be more likely to return fire when they should run away or blaze-of-glory their cubicle farm after they get a bad performance review. Police will also have fewer mechanisms to remove psychos from the streets, so by all means, enjoy your hardware collection and Dirty Harry fever dreams, because your neighbors or possibly your family and friends are going to pay for it.

So well done, everyone; one more step toward us being an even more fragmented society. Maybe this time we won't get off as lucky as we did the last two times it was this bad.
Gerrymandering was started by democrats when was roev wade? As far as the second amendment goes shall not be infringed.
By the way, I have a carry license (not in NY) and my vetting took many months, required two visits to the police department, fingerprinting, payment for “expenses,” and God knows what level of investigation. That is the minimum I expect will be implemented in states effected by this ruling.
So you were judged guilty until you proved yourself innocent and had to get permission from the goddamn government before you were allowed to enjoy a right that is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights? The very one that specifically says that it shall not be infringed?

You are bragging about that? LOL! The real Tom Paine would kick you ass.
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Brilliant comment! :auiqs.jpg:

Actually, the gun nut right and liberals both are probably exaggerating the scope and effect of this ruling … or at least I hope so. I expect that NY State and any others effected will manage a workaround. Are the registration and issuance of highly vetted “carry licenses” outlawed by this ruling? As I understand it (I could be wrong) the ruling is very broad but it mainly explicitly forbids authorities to ask that there be a specific reason for carrying. Thus it technically puts the burden on the state & police authorities to prove a specific person shouldn’t be issued one. Haven’t read the ruling, or seen sober reviews of its likely impact, and probably few here have either.

This Supreme Court ruling sure will make recruitment of police more difficult and expensive in big crowded cities! It will make their jobs much harder, too. Expect more dead cops, more regular Joes killed in bar fights and “road rage” disputes. If nobody is around, how easy to say: “the other guy drew first” or “I was just standing my ground.”

But there will be some saved lives too, I’m sure, and others (minorities especially) who really need to carry weapons for self defense in tough neighborhoods, will surely be saved from unfair and life-altering legal prosecutions just for carrying. Carrying a concealed gun certainly makes many of us … feel safer, but whether in the end we will actually be safer as a result of this ruling, we will have to wait and see. I have my doubts.

By the way, I have a carry license (not in NY) and my vetting took many months, required two visits to the police department, fingerprinting, payment for “expenses,” and God knows what level of investigation. That is the minimum I expect will be implemented in states effected by this ruling.

I hope and expect they still can keep civilians carrying guns off of airplanes, out of courthouses … and keep guns away from the strong trigger-fingers of those who are about as intelligent as … embryos.
The ruling struck down the unconstitutional new York gun control law. Nothing exaggerating about that
So you were judged guilty until you proved yourself innocent and had to get permission from the goddamn government before you were allowed to enjoy a right that is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights? The very one that specifically says that it shall not be infringed?

You are bragging about that? LOL! The real Tom Paine would kick you ass.
Not at all. The real Thomas Paine had “Common Sense” and did not then carry a semi-automatic pistol … or a Stinger Missile or a bazooka either.

When necessary he carried a one-shot musket and defended his adopted country, attached to George Washington’s staff. His real weapon was his pen and his unwavering commitment to his vision of a democratic society, opposing all authoritarian assholes, and to basing society on the protection of the fundamental rights of men … even slaves and foreigners. He was an internationalist who took his pen and understanding of Human Rights to France, where he opposed armed mobs (along with his friend LaFayette) when they threatened the genuine gains of the Revolution there, even getting himself jailed and almost executed by those very mobs.

You have no idea what kind of man Thomas Paine was. He was a working man who hated the lies and superstitions of the clergy and religion, he defended women’s rights and urged money be spent to provide welfare to the old and orphans and public schools (that didn’t exist yet).

You are like the “Winter Soldiers” he criticized, who were quick to pick up a gun but slow to stand fast in difficult times, or perhaps more like the British oligarchy’s conservative supporters and well armed mercenaries.

Paine opposed the very creation of a Senate as an un-democratic feature of our Constitution … which he saw would probably ultimately serve the wealthy and factional interests. He thought it was reminiscent of the “House of Lords” in England. He would not hesitate to change the Constitution if it proved itself to be an obstacle to its basic aim of serving “the General Welfare” of the people.

The 2nd Amendment assumes a world in which a “well regulated militia” exists and is necessary. It does not assume a world where an oligarchy of one tenth of one percent of the rich own as much wealth as 40% or 50% of the citizenry, where they control two sh*t parties, Congress and the Supreme Court, where the people have been rendered so dumb they are ready to kill each other over idiot cultural issues, and destroy our once great country too.
Not at all. The real Thomas Paine had “Common Sense” and did not then carry a semi-automatic pistol … or a Stinger Missile or a bazooka either.

When necessary he carried a one-shot musket and defended his adopted country, attached to George Washington’s staff. His real weapon was his pen and his unwavering commitment to his vision of a democratic society, opposing all authoritarian assholes, and to basing society on the protection of the fundamental rights of men … even slaves and foreigners. He was an internationalist who took his pen and understanding of Human Rights to France, where he opposed armed mobs (along with his friend LaFayette) when they threatened the genuine gains of the Revolution there, even getting himself jailed and almost executed by those very mobs.

You have no idea what kind of man Thomas Paine was. He was a working man who hated the lies and superstitions of the clergy and religion, he defended women’s rights and urged money be spent to provide welfare to the old and orphans and public schools (that didn’t exist yet).

You are like the “Winter Soldiers” he criticized, who were quick to pick up a gun but slow to stand fast in difficult times, or perhaps more like the British oligarchy’s conservative supporters and well armed mercenaries.

Paine opposed the very creation of a Senate as an un-democratic feature of our Constitution … which he saw would probably ultimately serve the wealthy and factional interests. He thought it was reminiscent of the “House of Lords” in England. He would not hesitate to change the Constitution if it proved itself to be an obstacle to its basic aim of serving “the General Welfare” of the people.

The 2nd Amendment assumes a world in which a “well regulated militia” exists and is necessary. It does not assume a world where an oligarchy of one tenth of one percent of the rich own as much wealth as 40% or 50% of the citizenry, where they control two sh*t parties, Congress and the Supreme Court, where the people have been rendered so dumb they are ready to kill each other over idiot cultural issues, and destroy our once great country too.

Why do you lie about Thomas Paine so much I have his three books and they are all about people having the FREEDOM and Personal rights to support and defend themselves.

Thomas Paine of Pennsylvania:

"[A]rms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. . . Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them." — Thoughts On Defensive War, 1775

America's Founding Fathers On The Individual Right To Keep And Bear Arms

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“Why do you lie about Thomas Paine so much I have his three books and they are all about people having the FREEDOM and Personal rights to support and defend themselves.” — Sunsettomy

Thomas Paine did indeed support “the people having the FREEDOM and Personal rights to defend themselves.” He supported the 2nd Amendment.

But unlike most of the rightwingers here, he had “Common Sense” and was concerned for the poor. He was in some ways the first advocate for introducing state social welfare policies, and favored necessary taxation. He came from England, so he saw how a more “mature” oligarchic state functioned when population density was greater and the state more developed. This was the origin of some of his proposals. He was also everything else I said he was.

By the way, he became a great opponent of the famous Conservative Edmund Burke, and wrote a whole book polemicizing against him — a book which you obviously didn’t read.
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Not at all. The real Thomas Paine had “Common Sense” and did not then carry a semi-automatic pistol … or a Stinger Missile or a bazooka either.

When necessary he carried a one-shot musket and defended his adopted country, attached to George Washington’s staff. His real weapon was his pen and his unwavering commitment to his vision of a democratic society, opposing all authoritarian assholes, and to basing society on the protection of the fundamental rights of men … even slaves and foreigners. He was an internationalist who took his pen and understanding of Human Rights to France, where he opposed armed mobs (along with his friend LaFayette) when they threatened the genuine gains of the Revolution there, even getting himself jailed and almost executed by those very mobs.

You have no idea what kind of man Thomas Paine was. He was a working man who hated the lies and superstitions of the clergy and religion, he defended women’s rights and urged money be spent to provide welfare to the old and orphans and public schools (that didn’t exist yet).

You are like the “Winter Soldiers” he criticized, who were quick to pick up a gun but slow to stand fast in difficult times, or perhaps more like the British oligarchy’s conservative supporters and well armed mercenaries.

Paine opposed the very creation of a Senate as an un-democratic feature of our Constitution … which he saw would probably ultimately serve the wealthy and factional interests. He thought it was reminiscent of the “House of Lords” in England. He would not hesitate to change the Constitution if it proved itself to be an obstacle to its basic aim of serving “the General Welfare” of the people.

The 2nd Amendment assumes a world in which a “well regulated militia” exists and is necessary. It does not assume a world where an oligarchy of one tenth of one percent of the rich own as much wealth as 40% or 50% of the citizenry, where they control two sh*t parties, Congress and the Supreme Court, where the people have been rendered so dumb they are ready to kill each other over idiot cultural issues, and destroy our once great country too.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The Supreme Court has determined that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right that is not dependent on the membership of any organization. I shit you not. Go look it up. It is in the Heller decision. It was actually reaffirmed today in the Bruen decision.

The real Tom Paine was a Patriot that used the pen to defend the Liberties that dumbshits like you would give away to the government. Like bragging how successful you were to permission from the goddamn government to enjoy a right that was in the Bill of Rights and clearly said it could not be infringed.

You are a charlatan and should be ashamed of yourself to use Paine's name to spout your Moon Bat bullshit.. More likely you are one of these idiots that reads a little bit on a Google serch and thinks you are an expert on history.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The Supreme Court has determined that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right that is not dependent on the membership of any organization. I shit you not. Go look it up. It is in the Heller decision. It was actually reaffirmed today in the Bruen decision.

The real Tom Paine was a Patriot that used the pen to defend the Liberties that dumbshits like you would give away to the government. Like bragging how successful you were to permission from the goddamn government to enjoy a right that was in the Bill of Rights and clearly said it could not be infringed.

You are a charlatan and should be ashamed of yourself to use Paine's name to spout your Moon Bat bullshit.. More likely you are one of these idiots that reads a little bit on a Google serch and thinks you are an expert on history.
You think insulting me and calling me a “Moonbat” makes anything I said less true? I said nothing about the history of Supreme Court rulings on this issue, of which I’m familiar. Nor did I “brag” about anything. I just told the simple truth about my own experience and views. Folks can make their own decision about which of us are more well read … or have more common sense, common courtesy, and perhaps even common decency.

P.S. I did make one mistake. I compared you to a “Winter Soldier.” Obviously I meant a “Sunshine Soldier.”
You think insulting me and calling me a “Moonbat” makes anything I said less true? I said nothing about the history of Supreme Court rulings on this issue, of which I’m familiar. Nor did I “brag” about anything. I just told the simple truth about my own experience and views. Folks can make their own decision about which of us are more well read … or have more common sense and common decency.

P.S. I did make one mistake. I compared you to a “Winter Soldier.” Obviously I meant a “Sunshine Soldier.”
Once you started your silly ass bragging about how you jumped through all the hoops to get government permission to enjoy a right that was guaranteed under the Constitution to not be infringed you lost all credibility.

Nothing you say means anything. Go back to do your Google surfing.

Paine left a unique legacy. He was a fighter, and he was “ahead of his time” in many ways. He wasn’t perfect. But he certainly would have fought against the Confederacy. If he were alive today he would use his mordant wit to ridicule mercilessly those who still use the Confederate flag — even in the 21st Century — as their avatar. He was a serious man and not a clown. Flash would not have liked him.
Thomas Paine did indeed support “the people having the FREEDOM and Personal rights to defend themselves.” He supported the 2nd Amendment.

But unlike most of the rightwingers here, he had “Common Sense” and was concerned for the poor. He was in some ways the first advocate for introducing state social welfare policies, and favored necessary taxation. He came from England, so he saw how a more “mature” oligarchic state functioned when population density was greater and the state more developed. This was the origin of some of his proposals. He was also everything else I said he was.

By the way, he became a great opponent of the famous Conservative Edmund Burke, and wrote a whole book polemicizing against him — a book which you obviously didn’t read.
Shut the fuck up dumb ass you have no fucking common sense.

Paine left a unique legacy. He was a fighter, and he was “ahead of his time” in many ways. He wasn’t perfect. But he certainly would have fought against the Confederacy. If he were alive today he would use his mordant wit to ridicule mercilessly those who still use the Confederate flag — even in the 21st Century — as their avatar. He was a serious man and not a clown. Flash would not have liked him.
Irrelevant bullshit Paine would have tarred and feathered your ass.
You think insulting me and calling me a “Moonbat” makes anything I said less true? I said nothing about the history of Supreme Court rulings on this issue, of which I’m familiar. Nor did I “brag” about anything. I just told the simple truth about my own experience and views. Folks can make their own decision about which of us are more well read … or have more common sense, common courtesy, and perhaps even common decency.

P.S. I did make one mistake. I compared you to a “Winter Soldier.” Obviously I meant a “Sunshine Soldier.”
My mind is made up you're a blooming idiot.
Another one bites the dust.

...and once again we're going in the wrong direction. If you think we have a lot of deaths from gun violence now, just wait, this action has just multiplied it all. Whether that be tenfold or 100 fold, unfortunately we will soon find out.

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