Supreme Court Strikes Down Blatently Unconstitional Gun Regulation

"Cry more?? Maybe if you weren't self centered and have an ounce of empathy, you along with the other sociopaths might consider common sense gun controls.

The issue of guns, as well as abortion, taxes and Green Energy Systems are all wedge issues, the Republican Party is reactionary, and uses wedge issues to gain the votes of single voters tp gain power.

The Democratic Party is progressive, looking forward to the future, not the past. They know that guns kill innocent people every day, and our country has the most mass shootings of innocent people than any other developed nation.

The fact is, "shall not be infringed" is framed by ARMS. Not guns, per se. The Republicans,, solely to gain votes at the expense of horrific events, allowed the Brady Bill*** to sunset.

Of course this bill has loop holes, it was a start.

*** Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act - Wikipedia.

In the latter of the links above are some examples that ARMS are weapons solely for War:

A spate of high-profile mass shootings in the U.S. has sparked calls for Congress to look at imposing a ban on so-called assault weapons – covering the types of guns used in both the recent Buffalo grocery attack and that on an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

Such a prohibition has been in place before. As President Joe Biden noted in his June 2, 2022, speech addressing gun violence, almost three decades ago bipartisan support in Congress helped push through a federal assault weapons ban in 1994, as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.

That ban was limited – it covered only certain categories of semi-automatic weapons such as AR-15s and applied to a ban on sales only after the act was signed into law, allowing people to keep hold of weapons purchased before that date. And it also had in it a so-called “sunset provision” that allowed the ban to expire in 2004.

A spate of high-profile mass shootings in the U.S. has sparked calls for Congress to look at imposing a ban on so-called assault weapons – covering the types of guns used in both the recent Buffalo grocery attack and that on an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

Such a prohibition has been in place before. As President Joe Biden noted in his June 2, 2022, speech addressing gun violence, almost three decades ago bipartisan support in Congress helped push through a federal assault weapons ban in 1994, as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.

That ban was limited – it covered only certain categories of semi-automatic weapons such as AR-15s and applied to a ban on sales only after the act was signed into law, allowing people to keep hold of weapons purchased before that date. And it also had in it a so-called “sunset provision” that allowed the ban to expire in 2004.

Nonetheless, the 10-year life span of that ban – with a clear beginning and end date – gives researchers the opportunity to compare what happened with mass shooting deaths before, during and after the prohibition was in place. Our group of injury epidemiologists and trauma surgeons did just that. In 2019, we published a population-based study analyzing the data in a bid to evaluate the effect that the federal ban on assault weapons had on mass shootings, defined by the FBI as a shooting with four or more fatalities, not including the shooter. Here’s what the data shows:

If the reader got this far, please open the link and see the chart that is posted after the colon in the last paragraph above.
Stop with your fucking Liberal tears you stupid Moon Bat. It just makes you look like a fucking moron.

The Supreme court reaffirmed today that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right.

It overturned a NY law that restricted the right of an American to carry a firearm.

It said that the places firearms can be restricted are very limited.

It told you bat shit crazy Libtards that you must use a Constitutional level of scrutiny for firearms laws and not this willy nilly "lets ban everything" approach you Moon Bat assholes have been doing.

As a nice little kicker it reaffirmed that the Second protects modern firearms so you stupid Moon Bats don't get to ban AR-15s or magazines.

If you don't like it then can I suggest that take your Libtard ass and move to Canada? There the right to keep and bear arms is not a right but a government privileged. You will be safe there. Good riddance Moon Bat!
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And this will drive the left insane....

The Court has little difficulty concluding also that the plain text of the Second Amendment protects Koch’s and Nash’s proposed course of conduct—carrying handguns publicly for self-defense. Nothing in the Second Amendment’s text draws a home/public distinction with respect to the right to keep and bear arms, and the definition of “bear” naturally encompasses public carry.
Moreover, the Second Amendment guarantees an “individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation,” id., at 592, and confrontation can surely take place outside the home. Pp. 23–24.

And you can hear left wing heads exploding on that one...
The leftist judges of Obama tried to say that gun restrictions are necessary because of all the gun violence. But, they were for one, turning away from all the gang violence their restrictive gun laws were creating. Only gang members could carry guns in their twisted minds. Also, there's the fact that over 2 million people a year have used guns to deter violent attacks against them and others located in sane states, counties, cities and towns.
SCOTUS = More guns & less woman's rights
The same number of guns, just more good people will be able to carry and own them, use them against criminals and protect themselves from violent leftist and rightists. And, here's the good news, more women will be able to carry guns to protect themselves and their rights against rape and violence. When a few thugs in the big city subways get shot now, there will be less attacks on women in the subways. They can again take the subways to their jobs and homes. Now, if we could just get a gun inside a woman's belly and teach the unborn baby to shoot to kill if their mother wants to kill them. Then, less violence against brutal women will happen too.
And here it is......Thomas addressing the lower courts just ignoring Heller and the rest of the Supreme Court rulings...

(1) Since Heller and McDonald, the Courts of Appeals have devel- oped a “two-step” framework for analyzing Second Amendment chal- lenges that combines history with means-end scrutiny. The Court re- jects that two-part approach as having one step too many. Step one is broadly consistent with Heller, which demands a test rooted in the Sec- ond Amendment’s text, as informed by history. But Heller and McDon- ald do not support a second step that applies means-end scrutiny in the Second Amendment context.

Heller’s methodology centered on constitutional text and history. It did not invoke any means-end test such as strict or intermediate scrutiny, and it expressly rejected any interest-balancing inquiry akin to intermediate scrutiny. Pp. 9–15.
That is the closet to "absolute" language they have ever come, but I suspect they fall short.

We need the right declared absolute, PERIOD and strike down all federal and state gun laws PERIOD!!!!
Statement: Another one bites the dust.
Response: Only one? Just one child murdered, just one!

The school shootings are 100% at the hands of leftists. We rational people told you not to make schools gun free zones because your advertising to the nut jobs there will be no resistance. If you don’t believe me post the the school shooting stats before and after gun free zones.!
"Cry more?? Maybe if you weren't self centered and have an ounce of empathy, you along with the other sociopaths might consider common sense gun controls.

The issue of guns, as well as abortion, taxes and Green Energy Systems are all wedge issues, the Republican Party is reactionary, and uses wedge issues to gain the votes of single voters tp gain power.

The Democratic Party is progressive, looking forward to the future, not the past. They know that guns kill innocent people every day, and our country has the most mass shootings of innocent people than any other developed nation.

The fact is, "shall not be infringed" is framed by ARMS. Not guns, per se. The Republicans,, solely to gain votes at the expense of horrific events, allowed the Brady Bill*** to sunset.

Of course this bill has loop holes, it was a start.

*** Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act - Wikipedia.

In the latter of the links above are some examples that ARMS are weapons solely for War:

A spate of high-profile mass shootings in the U.S. has sparked calls for Congress to look at imposing a ban on so-called assault weapons – covering the types of guns used in both the recent Buffalo grocery attack and that on an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

Such a prohibition has been in place before. As President Joe Biden noted in his June 2, 2022, speech addressing gun violence, almost three decades ago bipartisan support in Congress helped push through a federal assault weapons ban in 1994, as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.

That ban was limited – it covered only certain categories of semi-automatic weapons such as AR-15s and applied to a ban on sales only after the act was signed into law, allowing people to keep hold of weapons purchased before that date. And it also had in it a so-called “sunset provision” that allowed the ban to expire in 2004.

A spate of high-profile mass shootings in the U.S. has sparked calls for Congress to look at imposing a ban on so-called assault weapons – covering the types of guns used in both the recent Buffalo grocery attack and that on an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

Such a prohibition has been in place before. As President Joe Biden noted in his June 2, 2022, speech addressing gun violence, almost three decades ago bipartisan support in Congress helped push through a federal assault weapons ban in 1994, as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.

That ban was limited – it covered only certain categories of semi-automatic weapons such as AR-15s and applied to a ban on sales only after the act was signed into law, allowing people to keep hold of weapons purchased before that date. And it also had in it a so-called “sunset provision” that allowed the ban to expire in 2004.

Nonetheless, the 10-year life span of that ban – with a clear beginning and end date – gives researchers the opportunity to compare what happened with mass shooting deaths before, during and after the prohibition was in place. Our group of injury epidemiologists and trauma surgeons did just that. In 2019, we published a population-based study analyzing the data in a bid to evaluate the effect that the federal ban on assault weapons had on mass shootings, defined by the FBI as a shooting with four or more fatalities, not including the shooter. Here’s what the data shows:

If the reader got this far, please open the link and see the chart that is posted after the colon in the last paragraph above.

It’s the demleftist who not only use wedge issues to get elected they create them out of thin air! Russian collusion would be a fine example.

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