Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Abortion Restrictions

The last week makes me believe the “Conservative” members of this court need to be taken out behind the woodshed and “reminded” who butters their bread.
Again – is this ruling not consistent with long-standing conservative political dogma: keep government small, less government is best.

Here the Court has done exactly that: it has struck down unnecessary, burdensome government regulation.

If conservatives are going to be consistent with their ‘small government’ rhetoric, they need to be consistent as to what constitutes ‘small government.’

‘Small government’ must be comprehensively applied – not concern solely the regulation of commerce, employee/consumer safety, and the environment.
The last week makes me believe the “Conservative” members of this court need to be taken out behind the woodshed and “reminded” who butters their bread.
You DO realize that the whole point of lifetime appointments is that the justice will not be beholden to any politician or party right? They aren't supposed to be concerned with "who butters their bread" because once seated, nobody does.
You DO realize that the whole point of lifetime appointments is that the justice will not be beholden to any politician or party right? They aren't supposed to be concerned with "who butters their bread" because once seated, nobody does.

Which is why I am absolutely and totally AGAINST any form of lifetime appointment for any judge. You need to be beholding to the people who put you there... or they may remove you a different way.
On Monday, the Supreme Court blocked Louisiana from enforcing a law restricting abortion in June Medical Services v. Russo.

I can't find Kavanaugh's written dissenting opinion yet. Do you know where that will be?

He dropped his notes behind the Pony Keg he has in his office.
On Monday, the Supreme Court blocked Louisiana from enforcing a law restricting abortion in June Medical Services v. Russo.

Roberts obviously knows what un-constitutional is and means.
He also knows what stare decisis means.

So plessey should never been overturned?
No, Plessy should never have been written.

But it was, and if Stare decisis is as in voidable as some people claim, it should have never been overturned.
Of course it's not inviolable. However, you need a good reason to revisit a ruling. What would precipitate changing that Texas ruling?
What has had me worried is the seeming desire of the newest Justices, to blithely overturn precedent. Ought to worry tbe rabid right too, because in decade it could be a more liberal overturning 2A precedent.
Again – is this ruling not consistent with long-standing conservative political dogma: keep government small, less government is best

It’s not about more or less Government. It’s about PROPERLY FOCUSED Government. Government that knows it’s limits and focuses on the things it should be doing while leaving everything else alone.
Again – is this ruling not consistent with long-standing conservative political dogma: keep government small, less government is best

It’s not about more or less Government. It’s about PROPERLY FOCUSED Government. Government that knows it’s limits and focuses on the things it should be doing while leaving everything else alone.
Government should be protecting innocent human life
Oh look....another RWNJ deceptive quote.

What's True
Ginsburg once said she believed that others' concerns about overpopulation might have influenced the high court's decision in Roe v. Wade.
What's False
Ginsburg did not say she personally supported Roe v. Wade because it could help limit the population growth of "undesirable" communities.
The last week makes me believe the “Conservative” members of this court need to be taken out behind the woodshed and “reminded” who butters their bread.
No one butters their bread anymore.... They are appointed for life....for a reason.
Again – is this ruling not consistent with long-standing conservative political dogma: keep government small, less government is best

It’s not about more or less Government. It’s about PROPERLY FOCUSED Government. Government that knows it’s limits and focuses on the things it should be doing while leaving everything else alone.
Government should be protecting innocent human life
Then it should abolish the death penalty.
You DO realize that the whole point of lifetime appointments is that the justice will not be beholden to any politician or party right? They aren't supposed to be concerned with "who butters their bread" because once seated, nobody does.

Which is why I am absolutely and totally AGAINST any form of lifetime appointment for any judge. You need to be beholding to the people who put you there... or they may remove you a different way.
It’s this wrongheaded opinion that illustrates the wisdom of lifetime appointments for jurists.

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