Supremes Rule In Favor Of Baker

Hopefully one day the headline will read “Supreme Court overturns obama gay marriage law”
Reading thru the posts, the fascist left are very unhappy. :113:
Yup..and the alt/right homophobes are celebrating way too prematurely--this case decided nothing--about the actual merits. Both sides knees are just a-jerkin'!

Amazed at how many, on both sides of the issue, choose to comment without reading the decision..must suck to show their asses in such an ignorant way.
"The government, consistent with the Constitution’s guarantee of free exercise, cannot impose regulations that are hostile to the religious beliefs of affected citizens and cannot act in a manner that passes judgment upon or presupposes the illegitimacy of religious beliefs and practices.”

And why do you call Obama and Hillary homophobes?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

He is not an establishment of religion and he is allowed to practice his religious beliefs as long as it does not impose those beliefs onto others. Meaning he can go to a church of his choice and sin no more according to his beleifs, those who come into his shop, bakery, have rights as well. This is not a Christian nation.
Reading thru the posts, the fascist left are very unhappy. :113:
Yup..and the alt/right homophobes are celebrating way too prematurely--this case decided nothing--about the actual merits. Both sides knees are just a-jerkin'!

Amazed at how many, on both sides of the issue, choose to comment without reading the decision..must suck to show their asses in such an ignorant way.
"The government, consistent with the Constitution’s guarantee of free exercise, cannot impose regulations that are hostile to the religious beliefs of affected citizens and cannot act in a manner that passes judgment upon or presupposes the illegitimacy of religious beliefs and practices.”

And why do you call Obama and Hillary homophobes? almost had a cogent post..and then you just had to throw Obama and Hillary into the mix.

I agree with the bolded.
You're the one calling people who believe in traditional marriage childish names, just reminding you who your childish hate is aimed at.
Hate? Odd choice of words. I hate very few..and none that I don't know. I'll not even buy into whatever weird logic you seem to have as regards Obama, Hillary and this really does not matter. Reading these posts..seeing the words fag, cum-guzzler,..etc., etc. leads me to have used the term homophobic. you disagree..that's your right..just calling it as I see it.
You're pretty famous for your hatred, your use of childish name calling validates it.
And your inability to even comprehend your childish name calling targets almost every Democrat at some point as well.
Religion is just another tool of discrimination.
Oh well. We didn't write the "song lyrics" no matter how they do or don't sound. The Lord is who wrote them. All that certain people are guilty of is singing them and not trying to change them like other people try to.

God bless you always!!!

Yup..and the alt/right homophobes are celebrating way too prematurely--this case decided nothing--about the actual merits. Both sides knees are just a-jerkin'!

Amazed at how many, on both sides of the issue, choose to comment without reading the decision..must suck to show their asses in such an ignorant way.
"The government, consistent with the Constitution’s guarantee of free exercise, cannot impose regulations that are hostile to the religious beliefs of affected citizens and cannot act in a manner that passes judgment upon or presupposes the illegitimacy of religious beliefs and practices.”

And why do you call Obama and Hillary homophobes? almost had a cogent post..and then you just had to throw Obama and Hillary into the mix.

I agree with the bolded.
You're the one calling people who believe in traditional marriage childish names, just reminding you who your childish hate is aimed at.
Hate? Odd choice of words. I hate very few..and none that I don't know. I'll not even buy into whatever weird logic you seem to have as regards Obama, Hillary and this really does not matter. Reading these posts..seeing the words fag, cum-guzzler,..etc., etc. leads me to have used the term homophobic. you disagree..that's your right..just calling it as I see it.
You're pretty famous for your hatred, your use of childish name calling validates it.
And your inability to even comprehend your childish name calling targets almost every Democrat at some point as well.
I'm famous??? Hmmm...gotta think that one through.

Here's the thing..I'll engage on any level you wish...I prefer the intellectual..but I'll roll in the gutter as well.

I do hate the haters though. I realize the inherent contradiction in my stance..but being human...I'm as irrational as the next guy, from time to time.

All that aside..I don't think calling people who use the term fag or homo or cum guzzler etc, homophobic, childish at all. I think I hit the nail square on the head. Now, I'd be happy to debate that...but i find that many here, while secure in their hatred and prejudices, are reluctant to defend those stances intellectually...they prefer to insult and deflect. Usually when Hillary or Obama come's a deflection, IMO.

A last word on name calling and insults here in general. I go to many boards in the course of a week..and this is one of the very worse for name-calling and insults. I've read some truly vile remarks here..and when called on it..all they say is but Obama..blah, blah...It's not me, it's you...the Dems...blah, blah, blah....Deep State..blah, blah...fuck you!

So yeah....I'm going to respond in kind--don't like it? Prove me wrong using your intellect and facts..or STFU!
"The government, consistent with the Constitution’s guarantee of free exercise, cannot impose regulations that are hostile to the religious beliefs of affected citizens and cannot act in a manner that passes judgment upon or presupposes the illegitimacy of religious beliefs and practices.”

And why do you call Obama and Hillary homophobes? almost had a cogent post..and then you just had to throw Obama and Hillary into the mix.

I agree with the bolded.
You're the one calling people who believe in traditional marriage childish names, just reminding you who your childish hate is aimed at.
Hate? Odd choice of words. I hate very few..and none that I don't know. I'll not even buy into whatever weird logic you seem to have as regards Obama, Hillary and this really does not matter. Reading these posts..seeing the words fag, cum-guzzler,..etc., etc. leads me to have used the term homophobic. you disagree..that's your right..just calling it as I see it.
You're pretty famous for your hatred, your use of childish name calling validates it.
And your inability to even comprehend your childish name calling targets almost every Democrat at some point as well.
I'm famous??? Hmmm...gotta think that one through.

Here's the thing..I'll engage on any level you wish...I prefer the intellectual..but I'll roll in the gutter as well.

I do hate the haters though. I realize the inherent contradiction in my stance..but being human...I'm as irrational as the next guy, from time to time.

All that aside..I don't think calling people who use the term fag or homo or cum guzzler etc, homophobic, childish at all. I think I hit the nail square on the head. Now, I'd be happy to debate that...but i find that many here, while secure in their hatred and prejudices, are reluctant to defend those stances intellectually...they prefer to insult and deflect. Usually when Hillary or Obama come's a deflection, IMO.

A last word on name calling and insults here in general. I go to many boards in the course of a week..and this is one of the very worse for name-calling and insults. I've read some truly vile remarks here..and when called on it..all they say is but Obama..blah, blah...It's not me, it's you...the Dems...blah, blah, blah....Deep State..blah, blah...fuck you!

So yeah....I'm going to respond in kind--don't like it? Prove me wrong using your intellect and facts..or STFU!
Sure you prefer the intellectual. That's why you call people who disagree with you childish names.

Your intellect is that of a pissed off 5 year old. almost had a cogent post..and then you just had to throw Obama and Hillary into the mix.

I agree with the bolded.
You're the one calling people who believe in traditional marriage childish names, just reminding you who your childish hate is aimed at.
Hate? Odd choice of words. I hate very few..and none that I don't know. I'll not even buy into whatever weird logic you seem to have as regards Obama, Hillary and this really does not matter. Reading these posts..seeing the words fag, cum-guzzler,..etc., etc. leads me to have used the term homophobic. you disagree..that's your right..just calling it as I see it.
You're pretty famous for your hatred, your use of childish name calling validates it.
And your inability to even comprehend your childish name calling targets almost every Democrat at some point as well.
I'm famous??? Hmmm...gotta think that one through.

Here's the thing..I'll engage on any level you wish...I prefer the intellectual..but I'll roll in the gutter as well.

I do hate the haters though. I realize the inherent contradiction in my stance..but being human...I'm as irrational as the next guy, from time to time.

All that aside..I don't think calling people who use the term fag or homo or cum guzzler etc, homophobic, childish at all. I think I hit the nail square on the head. Now, I'd be happy to debate that...but i find that many here, while secure in their hatred and prejudices, are reluctant to defend those stances intellectually...they prefer to insult and deflect. Usually when Hillary or Obama come's a deflection, IMO.

A last word on name calling and insults here in general. I go to many boards in the course of a week..and this is one of the very worse for name-calling and insults. I've read some truly vile remarks here..and when called on it..all they say is but Obama..blah, blah...It's not me, it's you...the Dems...blah, blah, blah....Deep State..blah, blah...fuck you!

So yeah....I'm going to respond in kind--don't like it? Prove me wrong using your intellect and facts..or STFU!
Sure you prefer the intellectual. That's why you call people who disagree with you childish names.

Your intellect is that of a pissed off 5 year old.
Thank for being so prompt to prove my point. You don't address my post or my points at all--just a whiny plaint, a cheap insult and a repetition of your previous post, ***yawn***

One could disagree with me, get their point across..and not use pejorative terms for gay men and women..yet they choose not to..this choice is indicative of homophobia, IMO. Not sure as to why you see this term as a 'childish name'--I've yet to hear a child use it..although I get a bit of a laugh out of imagining it, "Hey're a homophobe!"
Billy, 'Huh?"
Religion is just another tool of discrimination.

Indeed it is, and you will never see a gay couple try and do this to a Islamic fundamentalist baker either. I wonder why they only pick on christians?

Oh my. You are persecuted. It's horrible.

Not me sweetcheeks. I could care less about baking a cake for a gay couple. i personally think the baker is a moron for not doing the job. However...this is the USA and it is his RIGHT to be a fool. So long as he doesn't harm anyone, he can be as dumb as he wants to be.
Using terms like "fag" or "homo" or "cum guzzler" are expressions of childish homophobia.
This guy shouldn't be in business at all if he thinks baking a cake for a sinner is a sin
How stupid your statement is. I guess we can assume rightly that you have no guiding principles that you would not compromise in service to others. Whether you believe in God or some other supreme being of your choice or not, other people do and it is arrogant of you think your guiding principles or lack thereof trump the religious beliefs of others.
You're the one calling people who believe in traditional marriage childish names, just reminding you who your childish hate is aimed at.
Hate? Odd choice of words. I hate very few..and none that I don't know. I'll not even buy into whatever weird logic you seem to have as regards Obama, Hillary and this really does not matter. Reading these posts..seeing the words fag, cum-guzzler,..etc., etc. leads me to have used the term homophobic. you disagree..that's your right..just calling it as I see it.
You're pretty famous for your hatred, your use of childish name calling validates it.
And your inability to even comprehend your childish name calling targets almost every Democrat at some point as well.
I'm famous??? Hmmm...gotta think that one through.

Here's the thing..I'll engage on any level you wish...I prefer the intellectual..but I'll roll in the gutter as well.

I do hate the haters though. I realize the inherent contradiction in my stance..but being human...I'm as irrational as the next guy, from time to time.

All that aside..I don't think calling people who use the term fag or homo or cum guzzler etc, homophobic, childish at all. I think I hit the nail square on the head. Now, I'd be happy to debate that...but i find that many here, while secure in their hatred and prejudices, are reluctant to defend those stances intellectually...they prefer to insult and deflect. Usually when Hillary or Obama come's a deflection, IMO.

A last word on name calling and insults here in general. I go to many boards in the course of a week..and this is one of the very worse for name-calling and insults. I've read some truly vile remarks here..and when called on it..all they say is but Obama..blah, blah...It's not me, it's you...the Dems...blah, blah, blah....Deep State..blah, blah...fuck you!

So yeah....I'm going to respond in kind--don't like it? Prove me wrong using your intellect and facts..or STFU!
Sure you prefer the intellectual. That's why you call people who disagree with you childish names.

Your intellect is that of a pissed off 5 year old.
Thank for being so prompt to prove my point. You don't address my post or my points at all--just a whiny plaint, a cheap insult and a repetition of your previous post, ***yawn***

One could disagree with me, get their point across..and not use pejorative terms for gay men and women..yet they choose not to..this choice is indicative of homophobia, IMO. Not sure as to why you see this term as a 'childish name'--I've yet to hear a child use it..although I get a bit of a laugh out of imagining it, "Hey're a homophobe!"
Billy, 'Huh?"
Why should I allow you to ignore your childish name calling? I’m going to rub your nose in your pile of crap every chance I get.
It is arrogant for you to think your "guiding principles", AVgGuyIA, are any more imperatives than those of Skull Pilot.

Judge not lest ye be judged.
Hate? Odd choice of words. I hate very few..and none that I don't know. I'll not even buy into whatever weird logic you seem to have as regards Obama, Hillary and this really does not matter. Reading these posts..seeing the words fag, cum-guzzler,..etc., etc. leads me to have used the term homophobic. you disagree..that's your right..just calling it as I see it.
You're pretty famous for your hatred, your use of childish name calling validates it.
And your inability to even comprehend your childish name calling targets almost every Democrat at some point as well.
I'm famous??? Hmmm...gotta think that one through.

Here's the thing..I'll engage on any level you wish...I prefer the intellectual..but I'll roll in the gutter as well.

I do hate the haters though. I realize the inherent contradiction in my stance..but being human...I'm as irrational as the next guy, from time to time.

All that aside..I don't think calling people who use the term fag or homo or cum guzzler etc, homophobic, childish at all. I think I hit the nail square on the head. Now, I'd be happy to debate that...but i find that many here, while secure in their hatred and prejudices, are reluctant to defend those stances intellectually...they prefer to insult and deflect. Usually when Hillary or Obama come's a deflection, IMO.

A last word on name calling and insults here in general. I go to many boards in the course of a week..and this is one of the very worse for name-calling and insults. I've read some truly vile remarks here..and when called on it..all they say is but Obama..blah, blah...It's not me, it's you...the Dems...blah, blah, blah....Deep State..blah, blah...fuck you!

So yeah....I'm going to respond in kind--don't like it? Prove me wrong using your intellect and facts..or STFU!
Sure you prefer the intellectual. That's why you call people who disagree with you childish names.

Your intellect is that of a pissed off 5 year old.
Thank for being so prompt to prove my point. You don't address my post or my points at all--just a whiny plaint, a cheap insult and a repetition of your previous post, ***yawn***

One could disagree with me, get their point across..and not use pejorative terms for gay men and women..yet they choose not to..this choice is indicative of homophobia, IMO. Not sure as to why you see this term as a 'childish name'--I've yet to hear a child use it..although I get a bit of a laugh out of imagining it, "Hey're a homophobe!"
Billy, 'Huh?"
Why should I allow you to ignore your childish name calling? I’m going to rub your nose in your pile of crap every chance I get.
ROTFLMAO! This is your idea of the height of intelligence and wit? A constant repetition of the same term..a total refusal to actually engage? You're nothing but a garden-variety troll! I gave you entirely too much time and credit.

My bad..please troll though--
AP is reporting that the SCOTUS has ruled in favor of the baker who would not bake a cake for a gay wedding. Links forthcoming.

This will have a massive effect.
That's let everyone know who a business will not serve. View attachment 196628 View attachment 196629 View attachment 196630

Destroying businesses because of the religion of the owner has happened before. Let's not let it happen again.

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Not much to the link. This has just happened.

5 or 6 year old case where Baker refused, on religious grounds and beliefs
that he wouldn't bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. SCOTUS
overruled all the other courts in this case.

Notice one thing about the link, which is from CNN. Their wording. "A narrow
decision." lol. In SCOTUS rulings 7-2 isn't narrow, it's a fucking rout.
They use the term narrow decision because it has limited application except to the parties in the lawsuits. The court criticized the state civil rights commission for being hostile. Some decisions such as the gay marriage decision is described as broad because it is applicable to any gay marriage.

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