Supremes Rule In Favor Of Baker

This is what the commission and the Supremes must answer: "If baking a cake for gays is endorsing and accepting their lifestyle isn't baking a cake for any sinner an endorsement of their particular sin or sins?" How will the commission or the Supremes know.

The government doesn't have to answer that question, and the bakers don't have to answer it.

The simple question is about the right to free exercise, and if it is allowed, or not, based on the situation at hand.
So if a person who is 600 lbs overweight wants a cake is it a sin to bake it for him?
Gluttony is one of the big seven sins so baking a cake for a glutton is endorsing gluttony is it not?

This baker is just one more hypocrite

Nope, totally different.

Gluttony is the act of overeating.

Baking a cake for a fat person is not endorsing him overeating it. He has to exercise self control. But taking your thought process, why sell food to a fat person? Why stop at a wedding cake? Why give them ANYTHING? Or what is allowed? Can they have cheese? Bread? Tacos? Spinach?

A cake by itself is not endorsing gluttony. But a wedding cake FOR A GAY COUPLE can easily be seen as directly against Christianity. But another baker might ask the Lord for forgiveness and bake the cake because he needs the money. But that choice is up to the person, not the fags.

Its not one of the commandments and so Paul overrules the words of Jesus. By the baker anything goes by the way one interprets the bible. How fortunate for him he can pick and choose who he bakes for.

This is obviously written by someone who has never cracked a Bible in their miserable existence.

Give me the quotes, only Paul said it, I kid you not and Christians do not follow the laws of Moses. Now give me some quote of the NT??? I suspect you have not studied the bible.
So if a person who is 600 lbs overweight wants a cake is it a sin to bake it for him?
Gluttony is one of the big seven sins so baking a cake for a glutton is endorsing gluttony is it not?

This baker is just one more hypocrite

Nope, totally different.

Gluttony is the act of overeating.

Baking a cake for a fat person is not endorsing him overeating it. He has to exercise self control. But taking your thought process, why sell food to a fat person? Why stop at a wedding cake? Why give them ANYTHING? Or what is allowed? Can they have cheese? Bread? Tacos? Spinach?

A cake by itself is not endorsing gluttony. But a wedding cake FOR A GAY COUPLE can easily be seen as directly against Christianity. But another baker might ask the Lord for forgiveness and bake the cake because he needs the money. But that choice is up to the person, not the fags.

Its not one of the commandments and so Paul overrules the words of Jesus. By the baker anything goes by the way one interprets the bible. How fortunate for him he can pick and choose who he bakes for.

The Bible is explicit....homosexuality is a sin

Give me some quotes from it. We do not live under the law of Moses, what the 213 commandments , if we did most of the people in the US would be stoned, including Trump, and Jesus never said a word, are you even aware of what the bible says. The only one was Paul and he said not to even get married unless you can't control yourself.

You should at least learn something about that which you criticize.
you're saying, if Al Capone and Ma Barker wanted a cake baked celebrating the St Valentines Day Massacre, they should be out of luck?

Wouldn't it be a sin to bake a cake for them since baking a cake is an acceptance of their lifestyle?

Might work for Al and Ma.

how about baking a cake for the Boston Strangler?

same thing isn't it?

If baking a cake for gays is endorsing and accepting their lifestyle isn't baking a cake for any sinner an endorsement of their particular sin or sins?

Again, how will you know?

Again it doesn't matter.

It's up to the baker to make sure he isn't committing a sin by baking a cake for a sinner so he should vet all of his customers so he can deny service to all the sinners only then will his immortal soul be safe

He is a sinner himself, since he is sitting in judgement of someone, and Jesus said to not do that. Does Jesus override Paul and Moses for a Christian? Ask the baker, he should know.
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So if a person who is 600 lbs overweight wants a cake is it a sin to bake it for him?
Gluttony is one of the big seven sins so baking a cake for a glutton is endorsing gluttony is it not?

This baker is just one more hypocrite

Nope, totally different.

Gluttony is the act of overeating.

Baking a cake for a fat person is not endorsing him overeating it. He has to exercise self control. But taking your thought process, why sell food to a fat person? Why stop at a wedding cake? Why give them ANYTHING? Or what is allowed? Can they have cheese? Bread? Tacos? Spinach?

A cake by itself is not endorsing gluttony. But a wedding cake FOR A GAY COUPLE can easily be seen as directly against Christianity. But another baker might ask the Lord for forgiveness and bake the cake because he needs the money. But that choice is up to the person, not the fags.

Its not one of the commandments and so Paul overrules the words of Jesus. By the baker anything goes by the way one interprets the bible. How fortunate for him he can pick and choose who he bakes for.

The Bible is explicit....homosexuality is a sin

Give me some quotes from it. We do not live under the law of Moses, what the 213 commandments , if we did most of the people in the US would be stoned, including Trump, and Jesus never said a word, are you even aware of what the bible says. The only one was Paul and he said not to even get married unless you can't control yourself.

You should at least learn something about that which you criticize.

Give me some quotes , and not from Moses or Paul. Can't do it can you????
So if a person who is 600 lbs overweight wants a cake is it a sin to bake it for him?
Gluttony is one of the big seven sins so baking a cake for a glutton is endorsing gluttony is it not?

This baker is just one more hypocrite

Nope, totally different.

Gluttony is the act of overeating.

Baking a cake for a fat person is not endorsing him overeating it. He has to exercise self control. But taking your thought process, why sell food to a fat person? Why stop at a wedding cake? Why give them ANYTHING? Or what is allowed? Can they have cheese? Bread? Tacos? Spinach?

A cake by itself is not endorsing gluttony. But a wedding cake FOR A GAY COUPLE can easily be seen as directly against Christianity. But another baker might ask the Lord for forgiveness and bake the cake because he needs the money. But that choice is up to the person, not the fags.

Its not one of the commandments and so Paul overrules the words of Jesus. By the baker anything goes by the way one interprets the bible. How fortunate for him he can pick and choose who he bakes for.

This is obviously written by someone who has never cracked a Bible in their miserable existence.

Give me the quotes, only Paul said it, I kid you not and Christians do not follow the laws of Moses. Now give me some quote of the NT??? I suspect you have not studied the bible.

It's clear if you don't know homosexuality is a Biblical sin YOU have never studied the Bible.

Good grief
Tel Aviv the gay capital of the globe, and that is a jewish city, so even they do not go by Moses, and Christians are not suppose to follow Jewish laws and most Jews do not as well.
So if a person who is 600 lbs overweight wants a cake is it a sin to bake it for him?
Gluttony is one of the big seven sins so baking a cake for a glutton is endorsing gluttony is it not?

This baker is just one more hypocrite

Nope, totally different.

Gluttony is the act of overeating.

Baking a cake for a fat person is not endorsing him overeating it. He has to exercise self control. But taking your thought process, why sell food to a fat person? Why stop at a wedding cake? Why give them ANYTHING? Or what is allowed? Can they have cheese? Bread? Tacos? Spinach?

A cake by itself is not endorsing gluttony. But a wedding cake FOR A GAY COUPLE can easily be seen as directly against Christianity. But another baker might ask the Lord for forgiveness and bake the cake because he needs the money. But that choice is up to the person, not the fags.

Its not one of the commandments and so Paul overrules the words of Jesus. By the baker anything goes by the way one interprets the bible. How fortunate for him he can pick and choose who he bakes for.

This is obviously written by someone who has never cracked a Bible in their miserable existence.

Give me the quotes, only Paul said it, I kid you not and Christians do not follow the laws of Moses. Now give me some quote of the NT??? I suspect you have not studied the bible.

It's clear if you don't know homosexuality is a Biblical sin YOU have never studied the Bible.

Good grief

Give me a quote and not from Moses or Paul. You have never studied the bible. In Eze 16 it says why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and homosexuality was not the reason.
This is huge. Up until this point this guy had lost every legal battle but he finally won in the Supreme Court. There is hope for this country.

Supreme Court rules narrowly for Colorado baker who wouldn't make same-sex wedding cake

I use that link because it was hilarious they said they ruled narrowly in favor. It was a 7-2 to vote it wasn't even close
I think they were referring to the parameters of the decision. They ruled for the baker because the comission showed such hostility to the man and his religious beliefs.
AP is reporting that the SCOTUS has ruled in favor of the baker who would not bake a cake for a gay wedding. Links forthcoming.

This will have a massive effect.
That's let everyone know who a business will not serve. View attachment 196628 View attachment 196629 View attachment 196630
They were willing to make a cake, just not a cake with pervert bullshit on it.
And he had baked for them before. He simply drew the line because he believes in traditional marriage.

Like Obama and Hillary did.
Nope, totally different.

Gluttony is the act of overeating.

Baking a cake for a fat person is not endorsing him overeating it. He has to exercise self control. But taking your thought process, why sell food to a fat person? Why stop at a wedding cake? Why give them ANYTHING? Or what is allowed? Can they have cheese? Bread? Tacos? Spinach?

A cake by itself is not endorsing gluttony. But a wedding cake FOR A GAY COUPLE can easily be seen as directly against Christianity. But another baker might ask the Lord for forgiveness and bake the cake because he needs the money. But that choice is up to the person, not the fags.

Its not one of the commandments and so Paul overrules the words of Jesus. By the baker anything goes by the way one interprets the bible. How fortunate for him he can pick and choose who he bakes for.

This is obviously written by someone who has never cracked a Bible in their miserable existence.

Give me the quotes, only Paul said it, I kid you not and Christians do not follow the laws of Moses. Now give me some quote of the NT??? I suspect you have not studied the bible.

It's clear if you don't know homosexuality is a Biblical sin YOU have never studied the Bible.

Good grief

Give me a quote and not from Moses or Paul. You have never studied the bible. In Eze 16 it says why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and homosexuality was not the reason.

Listen whackjob if you had the first clue you'd know what is immoral on the Old Testament is also immoral in the New Testament.

You're fucking clueless
This is what the commission and the Supremes must answer: "If baking a cake for gays is endorsing and accepting their lifestyle isn't baking a cake for any sinner an endorsement of their particular sin or sins?" How will the commission or the Supremes know.

and better yet how will the baker know if he is waiting on a sinner or not?
Supreme Court rules narrowly for Colorado baker who wouldn't make same-sex wedding cake

The lyin' media calls a 7-2 decision "narrow"...


Here's your cake!


Don't be so quick to wet your pants. Narrow decisions refer to the scope of applicability, not the vote count. The Oberfell case was a broad decision; it established a broadly applicable precedent. The court wasn't addressing the broad question of whether the bakery has a general constitutional right to discriminate against gay couples. They narrowly ruled that the commission committed procedural errors and therefore needed to reconsider after correcting those errors.
The commission is going to have inspect the inference that the bakers were interpreting their religious belief.

What happens if the government provides evidence of other Christian bakers who happily make cakes for gay and lesbian couples?

There are many flavors of Christianity. An Episcopalian will have far fewer restrictions than a Pentecostal, but both are Christian.
Its not one of the commandments and so Paul overrules the words of Jesus. By the baker anything goes by the way one interprets the bible. How fortunate for him he can pick and choose who he bakes for.

This is obviously written by someone who has never cracked a Bible in their miserable existence.

Give me the quotes, only Paul said it, I kid you not and Christians do not follow the laws of Moses. Now give me some quote of the NT??? I suspect you have not studied the bible.

It's clear if you don't know homosexuality is a Biblical sin YOU have never studied the Bible.

Good grief

Give me a quote and not from Moses or Paul. You have never studied the bible. In Eze 16 it says why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and homosexuality was not the reason.

Listen whackjob if you had the first clue you'd know what is immoral on the Old Testament is also immoral in the New Testament.

You're fucking clueless

So give me a quote, and Christians do not live by the laws of Moses, sweetheart. Now give me some quotes that marriage should be between a man and a women in the NT, I will ask until you do, because you can't. The baker is sinning more than the homosexuals that are getting married, according to the words of Jesus.
Hopefully one day the headline will read “Supreme Court overturns obama gay marriage law”
This is what the commission and the Supremes must answer: "If baking a cake for gays is endorsing and accepting their lifestyle isn't baking a cake for any sinner an endorsement of their particular sin or sins?" How will the commission or the Supremes know.

and better yet how will the baker know if he is waiting on a sinner or not?

Is this a regional thing? My baker actually attended my wedding: setting up during the service, there at the cutting, and boxed the topper for the bride & groom for their anniversary dinner. Do y'all not do this?

That would be a huge difference, IMO. If the bakers are not there for the wedding, what is the problem with the client placing the same-sex figurines on top rather than the baker? Would that be a workable solution for all?
Reading thru the posts, the fascist left are very unhappy. :113:
Yup..and the alt/right homophobes are celebrating way too prematurely--this case decided nothing--about the actual merits. Both sides knees are just a-jerkin'!

Amazed at how many, on both sides of the issue, choose to comment without reading the decision..must suck to show their asses in such an ignorant way.
"The government, consistent with the Constitution’s guarantee of free exercise, cannot impose regulations that are hostile to the religious beliefs of affected citizens and cannot act in a manner that passes judgment upon or presupposes the illegitimacy of religious beliefs and practices.”

And why do you call Obama and Hillary homophobes?
This is what the commission and the Supremes must answer: "If baking a cake for gays is endorsing and accepting their lifestyle isn't baking a cake for any sinner an endorsement of their particular sin or sins?" How will the commission or the Supremes know.

and better yet how will the baker know if he is waiting on a sinner or not?

Is this a regional thing? My baker actually attended my wedding: setting up during the service, there at the cutting, and boxed the topper for the bride & groom for their anniversary dinner. Do y'all not do this?

That would be a huge difference, IMO. If the bakers are not there for the wedding, what is the problem with the client placing the same-sex figurines on top rather than the baker? Would that be a workable solution for all?

It would and should have been a workable solution for all, but that's not what the gay couple wanted. They wanted a public fight, in court, with as much publicity as they could get to trumpet their cause => gay rights.

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