Supremes Rule In Favor Of Baker

And yet it is perfectly legfal for me to ahve a private club that only admits red head white males and they only may buy things sold within the club.

But few actually do such crap because it is a pathetic business model.

I agree it's a crappy business model.

However if you are doing it on a for profit basis or as a means of evading public accommodation laws, no it's not perfectly legal.

Courts interpreting similar statutes have considered the following factors in making that determination:
  1. the genuine selectivity of the group in the admission of its members;
  2. the membership's control over the operations of the establishment;
  3. the history of the organization;
  4. the use of the facilities by nonmembers;
  5. the purpose of the club's existence;
  6. whether the club advertises for members;
  7. whether the club is profit or nonprofit; and
  8. the formalities observed by the club (e.g. bylaws, meetings, membership cards, etc.)
Anti-Discrimination Laws Applicable to Private Clubs or Not? - FindLaw


Well that club, if it truly wanted to remain all male, should not have admitted the woman, but once in, she should have the same rights as any man. The way around that is to have varying levels of membership defined in the clubs charter. So there would be charter members, the original founders, senior members, voted to said status by existing senior members plus charter members, and then provisional members.

Anyway, the primary points of that article :

The former member argued that the club was a "place of public accommodation" because, among other things, Meadowlands advertised to promote non-member use of its facilities for parties, receptions, fashion shows, and golf and tennis tournaments. Had this argument succeeded, the club would have been found to be a "place of public accommodation" subject to the PHRA's anti-discrimination measures, and the club would have been faced with justifying other allegedly discriminatory practices, such as restricted tee times, voting rights and dining facility access. Because the case settled, a judicial determination of whether the club was in fact a "place of public accommodation" was avoided.

The PHRA defines public accommodation as follows:

The term "public accommodation . . ." means any accommodation . . . which is open to, accepts or solicits the patronage of the general public, including but not limited to inns, taverns, roadhouses, hotels, motels, whether conducted for the entertainment of transient guests or for the accommodation of those seeking health, recreation or rest, or restaurants or eating houses, or any place where food is sold for consumption on the premises, buffets, saloons, barrooms or any store, park or enclosure where spirituous or malt liquors are sold, ice cream parlors, confectioneries, soda fountains and all stores where ice cream, ice and fruit preparations or their derivatives, or where beverages of any kind are retailed for consumption on the premises, . . . bathhouses, swimming pools, barber shops, beauty parlors, retail stores and establishments, . . . gymnasiums, shooting galleries, billiard and pool parlors, . . . but shall not include any accommodations which are in their nature distinctly private.

The "public" versus "distinctly private" accommodation distinction makes critical an understanding of what factors courts will consider to determine if a club is public or private for purposes of the PHRA. Courts interpreting similar statutes have considered the following factors in making that determination:

  1. the genuine selectivity of the group in the admission of its members;
  2. the membership's control over the operations of the establishment;
  3. the history of the organization;
  4. the use of the facilities by nonmembers;
  5. the purpose of the club's existence;
  6. whether the club advertises for members;
  7. whether the club is profit or nonprofit; and
  8. the formalities observed by the club (e.g. bylaws, meetings, membership cards, etc.).
Although no one factor controls the determination, the two that have been found most significant are: (1) the club's selectivity with respect to membership, and (2) the use of the club's facilities by nonmembers. If all of the above factors, when considered together, indicate that a club is private in name only, and is really a "place of public accommodation," the anti-discrimination statutes like the PHRA will apply.

Other states have rendered or attempted to render this analysis moot by enacting anti-discrimination laws that specifically apply to private clubs. These states include New Jersey, New York, Maryland, and Connecticut.​
Religion is just another tool of discrimination.

News to Moonglow:
People have preferences of behavior and discriminate all the time.
If you are biased negative towards religion, you are biased also.

If govt is supposed to include all people of all views,
this means including people who don't believe in each other's beliefs.
govt cannot force anyone to change their beliefs.

Isn't it unfair that nonchristians would sue to remove Christian references from schools and
public institutions, then "complain" when LGBT beliefs and biases can't be forced on anyone either?

Shouldn't govt remain NEUTRAL and neither "establish nor prohibit"
the free choice and exercise of any set of beliefs, creeds or biases.
Regardless if we agree with that or not, how can govt be abused to force anyone to change their beliefs?
Religion is just another tool of discrimination.

News to Moonglow:
People have preferences of behavior and discriminate all the time.
If you are biased negative towards religion, you are biased also.

If govt is supposed to include all people of all views,
this means including people who don't believe in each other's beliefs.
govt cannot force anyone to change their beliefs.

Isn't it unfair that nonchristians would sue to remove Christian references from schools and
public institutions, then "complain" when LGBT beliefs and biases can't be forced on anyone either?

Shouldn't govt remain NEUTRAL and neither "establish nor prohibit"
the free choice and exercise of any set of beliefs, creeds or biases.
Regardless if we agree with that or not, how can govt be abused to force anyone to change their beliefs?
I never said they should be forced to change I merely avered a fact.
News to Moonglow:
People have preferences of behavior and discriminate all the time.
If you are biased negative towards religion, you are biased also
.....Isn't it unfair that nonchristians would sue to remove Christian references from schools and
public institutions, then "complain" when LGBT beliefs and biases can't be forced on anyone either?

Emily is knocking it out of the park today. Notice how the LGBT lifestylists HAVE forced their dogma into schools. Imagine if we had courses taught to children in PUBLIC schools on JUST "famous Christians throughout history"? :popcorn: I think that needs to be the next lawsuit re: neutrality and the state. Immediately. Citing this case directly.

After going TOO FAR with "creating a new right to marriage" through courts instead of legislation voted on by actual people, I was truly worried we had lost our court system to liberal bias political agenda.
Dear emilyn,
"We"? Have any gays actually done you direct harm? If so, do you blame them all for the acts of one or a few? Life is short. Why waste a moment of it publicly hating on whole bunches of people? Have you somehow convinced yourself that being "Christian" means spreading "the good word" of hatred toward historically persecuted minorities. Doesn't it ever strike you as just cowardly and meanspirited? If many other Christians told you you're wrong one day would you reconsider your views or just go on preaching your gospel like the Energizer Bunny?
After going TOO FAR with "creating a new right to marriage" through courts instead of legislation voted on by actual people, I was truly worried we had lost our court system to liberal bias political agenda.
Dear emilyn,
"We"? Have any gays actually done you direct harm? If so, do you blame them all for the acts of one or a few? Life is short. Why waste a moment of it publicly hating on whole bunches of people? Have you somehow convinced yourself that being "Christian" means spreading "the good word" of hatred toward historically persecuted minorities. Doesn't it ever strike you as just cowardly and meanspirited? If many other Christians told you you're wrong one day would you reconsider your views or just go on preaching your gospel like the Energizer Bunny?
Why are you wasting your life bashing Christians? Have any Christians actually done you harm, and if so do you blame all of Christianity? Every historically persecuted minority (even Christians) can become Christians.

But enough of your nonsense. Here's some good news:

Masterpiece Cakeshop is Back in the Wedding Cake Business!

Colorado baker Jack Phillips and Kristen Waggoner, an attorney at the legal firm Alliance Defending Freedom, spoke on the Todd Starnes Radio Show about Phillips’ recent Supreme Court victory.

“I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman,” Phillips said. “It was ordained by God, and it’s a special union. When I bake a cake, I believe that I’m part of that message.”

Masterpiece Cakeshop is Back in the Wedding Cake Business! | Todd Starnes
After going TOO FAR with "creating a new right to marriage" through courts instead of legislation voted on by actual people, I was truly worried we had lost our court system to liberal bias political agenda.
Dear emilyn,
"We"? Have any gays actually done you direct harm? If so, do you blame them all for the acts of one or a few? Life is short. Why waste a moment of it publicly hating on whole bunches of people? Have you somehow convinced yourself that being "Christian" means spreading "the good word" of hatred toward historically persecuted minorities. Doesn't it ever strike you as just cowardly and meanspirited? If many other Christians told you you're wrong one day would you reconsider your views or just go on preaching your gospel like the Energizer Bunny?
Why are you wasting your life bashing Christians? Have any Christians actually done you harm, and if so do you blame all of Christianity? Every historically persecuted minority (even Christians) can become Christians.

But enough of your nonsense. Here's some good news:

Masterpiece Cakeshop is Back in the Wedding Cake Business!

Colorado baker Jack Phillips and Kristen Waggoner, an attorney at the legal firm Alliance Defending Freedom, spoke on the Todd Starnes Radio Show about Phillips’ recent Supreme Court victory.

“I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman,” Phillips said. “It was ordained by God, and it’s a special union. When I bake a cake, I believe that I’m part of that message.”

Masterpiece Cakeshop is Back in the Wedding Cake Business! | Todd Starnes

Dear Aba Incieni
Perhaps it's all due to spiritual karma, because people learn from experience.

For the longest time, Christians rejected and persecuted gays,
so now the tables turned where both sides started playing the opposite roles.

the side that had suffered persecution and rejection became the
oppressors, abusing govt to push their agenda to validate it as the norm.

To paraphrase the Native American proverb, you should not criticize
your neighbor until you walk a mile in his moccasins.

Or in other words, when the shoe is on the other foot...

the best way to learn why people act as they do is to walk in their shoes.
if the liberals can understand "they mean well" when they take their
beliefs and impose them on everyone else, maybe they can understand
why Christians seem to impose their beliefs without tolerance either.

How can you criticize Christians for imposing beliefs through govt,
and justify LGBT advocates doing that?
If LGBT advocates demonize dissenters who oppose or believe differently,
how can Christians blame atheists or secular thinkers for believing differently?

this whole exercise seems to be in teaching people
what it feels like to be on the other side of a conflict over beliefs.

If it's not okay to exclude LGBT why is it okay to exclude Christians?
If it's wrong to demonize atheists for not believing the same thing as Christians,
why is it okay to demonize and namecall Christians for not believing in gay marriage?
After going TOO FAR with "creating a new right to marriage" through courts instead of legislation voted on by actual people, I was truly worried we had lost our court system to liberal bias political agenda.
Dear emilyn,
"We"? Have any gays actually done you direct harm? If so, do you blame them all for the acts of one or a few? Life is short. Why waste a moment of it publicly hating on whole bunches of people? Have you somehow convinced yourself that being "Christian" means spreading "the good word" of hatred toward historically persecuted minorities. Doesn't it ever strike you as just cowardly and meanspirited? If many other Christians told you you're wrong one day would you reconsider your views or just go on preaching your gospel like the Energizer Bunny?
Why are you wasting your life bashing Christians? Have any Christians actually done you harm, and if so do you blame all of Christianity? Every historically persecuted minority (even Christians) can become Christians.

But enough of your nonsense. Here's some good news:

Masterpiece Cakeshop is Back in the Wedding Cake Business!

Colorado baker Jack Phillips and Kristen Waggoner, an attorney at the legal firm Alliance Defending Freedom, spoke on the Todd Starnes Radio Show about Phillips’ recent Supreme Court victory.

“I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman,” Phillips said. “It was ordained by God, and it’s a special union. When I bake a cake, I believe that I’m part of that message.”

Masterpiece Cakeshop is Back in the Wedding Cake Business! | Todd Starnes

Dear Aba Incieni
Perhaps it's all due to spiritual karma, because people learn from experience.

For the longest time, Christians rejected and persecuted gays,
so now the tables turned where both sides started playing the opposite roles.

the side that had suffered persecution and rejection became the
oppressors, abusing govt to push their agenda to validate it as the norm.

To paraphrase the Native American proverb, you should not criticize
your neighbor until you walk a mile in his moccasins.

Or in other words, when the shoe is on the other foot...

the best way to learn why people act as they do is to walk in their shoes.
if the liberals can understand "they mean well" when they take their
beliefs and impose them on everyone else, maybe they can understand
why Christians seem to impose their beliefs without tolerance either.

How can you criticize Christians for imposing beliefs through govt,
and justify LGBT advocates doing that?
If LGBT advocates demonize dissenters who oppose or believe differently,
how can Christians blame atheists or secular thinkers for believing differently?

this whole exercise seems to be in teaching people
what it feels like to be on the other side of a conflict over beliefs.

If it's not okay to exclude LGBT why is it okay to exclude Christians?
If it's wrong to demonize atheists for not believing the same thing as Christians,
why is it okay to demonize and namecall Christians for not believing in gay marriage?
Jews and muslims call homos an abomination, as well. It's their religious belief. Should they defy their God for some homo to sin?
After going TOO FAR with "creating a new right to marriage" through courts instead of legislation voted on by actual people, I was truly worried we had lost our court system to liberal bias political agenda.
Dear emilyn,
"We"? Have any gays actually done you direct harm? If so, do you blame them all for the acts of one or a few? Life is short. Why waste a moment of it publicly hating on whole bunches of people? Have you somehow convinced yourself that being "Christian" means spreading "the good word" of hatred toward historically persecuted minorities. Doesn't it ever strike you as just cowardly and meanspirited? If many other Christians told you you're wrong one day would you reconsider your views or just go on preaching your gospel like the Energizer Bunny?
Why are you wasting your life bashing Christians? Have any Christians actually done you harm, and if so do you blame all of Christianity? Every historically persecuted minority (even Christians) can become Christians.

But enough of your nonsense. Here's some good news:

Masterpiece Cakeshop is Back in the Wedding Cake Business!

Colorado baker Jack Phillips and Kristen Waggoner, an attorney at the legal firm Alliance Defending Freedom, spoke on the Todd Starnes Radio Show about Phillips’ recent Supreme Court victory.

“I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman,” Phillips said. “It was ordained by God, and it’s a special union. When I bake a cake, I believe that I’m part of that message.”

Masterpiece Cakeshop is Back in the Wedding Cake Business! | Todd Starnes
Dear Aba,
Sorry to burst your bubble but while I do express criticism of select Christians upon occasion, I do not "bash Christians" wholesale like you and your disgusting clique of gay bashers have been doing here all week. Talk about hurting people? Stop kidding yourselves. You do it quite deliberately and proudly so own it, Don't think for a moment you fool any thinking person with these lame attempts to shift the blame for your class hatreds onto others or on fictions from popular old books. Most Christians adamantly disagree with your analyses and interpretations, because no real Jesus would attract committed haters like you. His character became popular because he was depicted as so unusually generous, understanding, and tolerant. Not the sicko, gay bashing freak you apparently imagine at all.

I bash all of religion (not religious people) because I'm an atheist. Duh! I don't believe in anything supernatural. And, by the way, I did attend some Christian school, many church services, and something called Christian Brigades I think,.. until a pastor grabbed and lifted me by the collar demanding I "Accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior (or some such crap) right now or else!" And you bet that did physically hurt, not to mention being publicly humiliated in front of my peers, but mostly just convinced me to utterly abandon any further efforts to test or accept all such nonsense like nothing else. So I thank that guy actually. Undoubtedly shaved many years off my desperately trying to fit in, assimilate, just be cool,.. like most kids go through.

No, it really made me stop and focus upon what I truly believed most important and meaningful in life like never before. And that was (still is) what makes sense because it's verifiable. You, on other hand, learned that others require a bunch fantasies pounded into them because that's exactly how you became indoctrinated. You were taught to hate others simply for having different convictions or no religious belief at all. My condolences. Sorry you had to endure all that. Stop repeating the same pattern of abuse.

Muslims make a wonderful journey to Mecca during their lifetime. All wear plain white attire and worship as equals. But you know why they really travel all that way, often across the globe? The true origin of all religion. Our common fascination with magic.
On the eastern corner of the Kaaba, to the left of the door, is the Black Stone, which according to Muslim tradition fell from heaven at the time of Adam and Eve. During Hajj pilgrims try to kiss the stone, emulating the kiss the Prophet Muhammad is believed to have placed on it.
Interestingly, you've probably read about genies, Sinbad, and his famous carpet..
the Magi. Matthew reports that they came "from the east" to worship the "king of the Jews".[2] The gospel never actually mentions the number of Magi, but most western Christian denominations have traditionally assumed them to have been three in number, based on the statement that they brought three gifts.[3] In Eastern Christianity, especially the Syriac churches, the Magi often number twelve.[4] Their identification as kings in later Christian writings is probably linked to Psalms 72:11, "May all kings fall down before him".[5][6]
Magi (/ˈmeɪdʒaɪ/; singular magus /ˈmeɪɡəs/; from Latin magus) denotes followers of Zoroastrianism or Zoroaster. The earliest known use of the word Magi is in the trilingual inscription written by Darius the Great, known as the Behistun Inscription. Old Persian texts, pre-dating the Hellenistic period, refer to a Magus as a Zurvanic, and presumably Zoroastrian, priest.

Pervasive throughout the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia until late antiquity and beyond, mágos, was influenced by (and eventually displaced) Greek goēs (γόης), the older word for a practitioner of magic, to include astrology, alchemy and other forms of esoteric knowledge. This association was in turn the product of the Hellenistic fascination for (Pseudo‑)Zoroaster, who was perceived by the Greeks to be the "Chaldean", "founder" of the Magi and "inventor" of both astrology and magic, a meaning that still survives in the modern-day words "magic" and "magician".
And the Black Stone is just the remains of a meteor
a small body of matter from outer space that enters the earth's atmosphere, becoming incandescent as a result of friction and appearing as a streak of light.
synonyms: falling star, shooting star, meteorite, meteoroid, bolide
"legend has it that he traveled to Earth on the tail of a meteor"
But it's also an impressive hunk of lodestone
A lodestone is a naturally magnetized piece of the mineral magnetite.[1][2] They are naturally occurring magnets, which can attract iron. The property of magnetism was first discovered in antiquity through lodestones.[3] Pieces of lodestone, suspended so they could turn, were the first magnetic compasses,[3][4][5][6] and their importance to early navigation is indicated by the name lodestone, which in Middle English means 'course stone' or 'leading stone',[7]from the now-obsolete meaning of lode as ‘journey, way’.
See "magnet" --- "magic" way back then, coincidentally at the dawn of Abrahamic religion. What, still here!? Never mind all this making actual sense of stuff. You don't care. It's tons more hating and fantasy worship for you. Get back to work! ;)
Last edited:
Sorry Grumblenuts. Christians don't get to rewrite the New Testament to suit their desires to stay on speaking terms with their LGBT contacts. Jude was the personal daily servant of Jesus. Jude1 recounts how Jesus reminded Christians direly of the destruction of Sodom by God & why it happened. To promote the spread of homosexual lifestyles in any culture on Gods earth is a mortal sin. Christians simply are not allowed to do that and make it to Heaven.
After going TOO FAR with "creating a new right to marriage" through courts instead of legislation voted on by actual people, I was truly worried we had lost our court system to liberal bias political agenda.
Dear emilyn,
"We"? Have any gays actually done you direct harm? If so, do you blame them all for the acts of one or a few? Life is short. Why waste a moment of it publicly hating on whole bunches of people? Have you somehow convinced yourself that being "Christian" means spreading "the good word" of hatred toward historically persecuted minorities. Doesn't it ever strike you as just cowardly and meanspirited? If many other Christians told you you're wrong one day would you reconsider your views or just go on preaching your gospel like the Energizer Bunny?
Why are you wasting your life bashing Christians? Have any Christians actually done you harm, and if so do you blame all of Christianity? Every historically persecuted minority (even Christians) can become Christians.

But enough of your nonsense. Here's some good news:

Masterpiece Cakeshop is Back in the Wedding Cake Business!

Colorado baker Jack Phillips and Kristen Waggoner, an attorney at the legal firm Alliance Defending Freedom, spoke on the Todd Starnes Radio Show about Phillips’ recent Supreme Court victory.

“I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman,” Phillips said. “It was ordained by God, and it’s a special union. When I bake a cake, I believe that I’m part of that message.”

Masterpiece Cakeshop is Back in the Wedding Cake Business! | Todd Starnes
Dear Aba,
Sorry to burst your bubble but while I do express criticism of select Christians upon occasion, I do not "bash Christians" wholesale like you and your disgusting clique of gay bashers have been doing here all week. Talk about hurting people? Stop kidding yourselves. You do it quite deliberately and proudly so own it, Don't think for a moment you fool any thinking person with these lame attempts to shift the blame for your class hatreds onto others or on fictions from popular old books. Most Christians adamantly disagree with your analyses and interpretations, because no real Jesus would attract committed haters like you. His character became popular because he was depicted as so unusually generous, understanding, and tolerant. Not the sicko, gay bashing freak you apparently imagine at all.

I bash all of religion (not religious people) because I'm an atheist. Duh! I don't believe in anything supernatural. And, by the way, I did attend some Christian school, many church services, and something called Christian Brigades I think,.. until a pastor grabbed and lifted me by the collar demanding I "Accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior (or some such crap) right now or else!" And you bet that did physically hurt, not to mention being publicly humiliated in front of my peers, but mostly just convinced me to utterly abandon any further efforts to test or accept all such nonsense like nothing else. So I thank that guy actually. Undoubtedly shaved many years off my desperately trying to fit in, assimilate, just be cool,.. like most kids go through.

No, it really made me stop and focus upon what I truly believed most important and meaningful in life like never before. And that was (still is) what makes sense because it's verifiable. You, on other hand, learned that others require a bunch fantasies pounded into them because that's exactly how you became indoctrinated. You were taught to hate others simply for having different convictions or no religious belief at all. My condolences. Sorry you had to endure all that. Stop repeating the same pattern of abuse.

Muslims make a wonderful journey to Mecca during their lifetime. All wear plain white attire and worship as equals. But you know why they really travel all that way, often across the globe? The true origin of all religion. Our common fascination with magic.
On the eastern corner of the Kaaba, to the left of the door, is the Black Stone, which according to Muslim tradition fell from heaven at the time of Adam and Eve. During Hajj pilgrims try to kiss the stone, emulating the kiss the Prophet Muhammad is believed to have placed on it.
Interestingly, you've probably read about genies, Sinbad, and his famous carpet..
the Magi. Matthew reports that they came "from the east" to worship the "king of the Jews".[2] The gospel never actually mentions the number of Magi, but most western Christian denominations have traditionally assumed them to have been three in number, based on the statement that they brought three gifts.[3] In Eastern Christianity, especially the Syriac churches, the Magi often number twelve.[4] Their identification as kings in later Christian writings is probably linked to Psalms 72:11, "May all kings fall down before him".[5][6]
Magi (/ˈmeɪdʒaɪ/; singular magus /ˈmeɪɡəs/; from Latin magus) denotes followers of Zoroastrianism or Zoroaster. The earliest known use of the word Magi is in the trilingual inscription written by Darius the Great, known as the Behistun Inscription. Old Persian texts, pre-dating the Hellenistic period, refer to a Magus as a Zurvanic, and presumably Zoroastrian, priest.

Pervasive throughout the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia until late antiquity and beyond, mágos, was influenced by (and eventually displaced) Greek goēs (γόης), the older word for a practitioner of magic, to include astrology, alchemy and other forms of esoteric knowledge. This association was in turn the product of the Hellenistic fascination for (Pseudo‑)Zoroaster, who was perceived by the Greeks to be the "Chaldean", "founder" of the Magi and "inventor" of both astrology and magic, a meaning that still survives in the modern-day words "magic" and "magician".
And the Black Stone is just the remains of a meteor
a small body of matter from outer space that enters the earth's atmosphere, becoming incandescent as a result of friction and appearing as a streak of light.
synonyms: falling star, shooting star, meteorite, meteoroid, bolide
"legend has it that he traveled to Earth on the tail of a meteor"
But it's also an impressive hunk of lodestone
A lodestone is a naturally magnetized piece of the mineral magnetite.[1][2] They are naturally occurring magnets, which can attract iron. The property of magnetism was first discovered in antiquity through lodestones.[3] Pieces of lodestone, suspended so they could turn, were the first magnetic compasses,[3][4][5][6] and their importance to early navigation is indicated by the name lodestone, which in Middle English means 'course stone' or 'leading stone',[7]from the now-obsolete meaning of lode as ‘journey, way’.
See "magnet" --- "magic" way back then, coincidentally at the dawn of Abrahamic religion. What, still here!? Never mind all this making actual sense of stuff. You don't care. It's tons more hating and fantasy worship for you. Get back to work! ;)

Sorry to burst your bubble but while I do express criticism of select Christians upon occasion, I do not "bash Christians" wholesale like you and your disgusting clique of gay bashers have been doing here all week. Talk about hurting people? Stop kidding yourselves.

Sure, say that, then post paragraph after paragraph justifying your hate. You are a ridiculous individual. Not only do you reveal yourself, but by doing so in this manner, you out yourself as someone without the courage of your own conviction.

Now back to the question at hand.

The baker in question was presented the opportunity of adding a new line of product that would be available for sale on a specific date:

Obergefell v. Hodges - Wikipedia

Decided on June 26, 2015, Obergefell overturned Baker and requires all states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and to recognize same-sex marriages validly performed in other jurisdictions.

Did you read the quote? It says nothing about the couples in question being gay. In fact, it states that governments must, as of June 16, 2015, recognize same-sex marriages. There simply is no such thing as "gay marriage" recognized under existing law.

The Baker then has to decide if he provides something to the customer that he has never provided previous to June 16, 2015. Right or wrong, he opted not to.

Again, note the Obergfell decision, it applies to everyone, heterosexual and homosexual alike. The Baker in question makes no distinction when he opts out of this new concept of marriage, he elects not to supply cakes, regardless of sex or sexuality, to same sex marriage.

He does not supply this service for couples that are male heterosexual couples, female heterosexuals, male homosexual couples or female homosexual couples. He makes no distinction, he does not offer that service in his establishment. PERIOD

When it comes to traditional wedding cakes I see no evidence that he makes any distinction as well. I've heard nothing that would make me believe that he cares about the sexuality of the opposite sex couples. They could both be straight, they could both be gay. One could be gay and the other straight, or both be bisexual, as long as they are opposite sex, be provides the service equally.

So you can rest easy about this, he treats everyone equally, even when he does not offer a particular service in his store.
Even if he was rejecting them based on their sexuality, it's allowed because of Jude 1 and Romans 1 in the New Testament. (and the 1st Amendment applying 24/7 to a person of faith, into the marketplace). Participating in a "gay wedding" guarantees a Christian will never get into Heaven. It's a mortal sin. One of few that aren't forgivable. Jude was the daily personal servant of Jesus; probably closer to him than anyone else on a day to day basis.
PHRA's anti-discrimination measures
Thank you! At long last... someone doesn't just simply allude to "PA laws" as though that might mean something other than "Pennsylvania laws."
PHRA = Pennsylvania Human Relations Act
the Pennsylvania equivalent to federal anti-discrimination statutes. The PHRA prohibits discrimination against individuals based on certain protected characteristics including race, color, religious creed and sex.

Cases brought under the PHRA typically involve an employee suing his or her employer for alleged discrimination in the workplace. The PHRA also applies, however, to discriminatory denial of access to "places of public accommodation."
Sure, say that, then post paragraph after paragraph justifying your hate. You are a ridiculous individual. Not only do you reveal yourself, but by doing so in this manner, you out yourself as someone without the courage of your own conviction.
So I "hate" and lack "courage" because I disbelieve and often say so, eh? You make about as much sense as tits on a bull and often, as here, attempt to bully instead of reason. This is not a contest. Discuss or continue simply guffawing and disrupting. I don't care. Never will.
Sure, say that, then post paragraph after paragraph justifying your hate.
nothing about the couples in question being gay.
The Baker in question makes no distinction
He does not supply this service for couples that are male heterosexual
I see no evidence that he makes any distinction
I've heard nothing
Watch the video subtitled "Jack Phillips explains his reasons for refusing to make a cake for a same-sex wedding" knucklehead and commence weeping:
1:16 "I believe that the Bible teaches that homosexuality is wrong and to participate in, uh, (unclear) is wrong for me."
Last edited:
Sure, say that, then post paragraph after paragraph justifying your hate.
nothing about the couples in question being gay.
The Baker in question makes no distinction
He does not supply this service for couples that are male heterosexual
I see no evidence that he makes any distinction
I've heard nothing
Watch the video subtitled "Jack Phillips explains his reasons for refusing to make a cake for a same-sex wedding" knucklehead and commence weeping:
1:16 "I believe that the Bible teaches that homosexuality is wrong and to participate in, uh, (unclear) is wrong for me."

So then you have proof that this Baker would make this cake for a same sex Heterosexual couple then. If so, present it.

From what I see, you have nothing.
So then you have proof that this Baker would make this cake for a same sex Heterosexual couple then. If so, present it.

From what I see, you have nothing.
Way to argue with yourself!
Hmmm, between the two of us, which one ever argued "that this Baker would make this cake for a same sex Heterosexual couple"? Gee, I dunno..that's a toughie!..

Pssst... um,... I think that really means they're gay!
(certainly limited to the U.S. which, oddly enough, happens to be the entire pertinent context here)
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So then you have proof that this Baker would make this cake for a same sex Heterosexual couple then. If so, present it.

From what I see, you have nothing.
Way to argue with yourself!
Hmmm, between the two of us, which one ever argued "that this Baker would make this cake for a same sex Heterosexual couple"? Gee, I dunno..that's a toughie!..

Case closed then, the Baker did nothing wrong.


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