Supremes Rule In Favor Of Baker

Yes happy Father's Day for all the kids bound in a lesbian marriage contract. Sorry this day will never involve you!

Again, they are better off than the millions of marriages where the sperm donor took off and was never heard from again.

Not really because those kids still have hope of a father. Kids of lesbian "marriages" have had that hope extinguished for life per contract.
Not really because those kids still have hope of a father.

Um, yeah... Hope. Okay, buddy, here's the thing, if you are hoping that a guy who knocked up your mom and ran off on her is going to come back, you are living on false hope.

Probably better to have a second parent who is a woman who will actually be there. Just saying.

Kids of lesbian "marriages" have had that hope extinguished for life per contract.

There is no parenting contract, buddy. If there was, then we should outlaw divorce for all families with children in the house.

Nobody is going to do that.
Yes happy Father's Day for all the kids bound in a lesbian marriage contract. Sorry this day will never involve you!

Again, they are better off than the millions of marriages where the sperm donor took off and was never heard from again.

Not really because those kids still have hope of a father. Kids of lesbian "marriages" have had that hope extinguished for life per contract.

Are you ever going to provide a father in your own household? Or does hope spring eternal?
We dont have to bake no Gawd Damned cakes, libtards!

Actually, you still do.... or we put you out of business.

This is a good thing.

Should a song writer, ask to write a song about something he can’t relate to be forced to quit writing songs about things he can?


Did he offer to write songs about things he knows nothing about? I mean, if he says, "I don't know enough about Quantum Physics to find words that Rhyme", that might be a valid excuse. Of course, a good writer would simply work with the client to find out more about the subject they want him to write about.

For those playing along at home, I have a very nice resume writing business. I am frequently called upon to write resumes for industries I've never worked in. (Although at this point, I've pretty much written at least one for every industry out there.) Do you know what I do?

I work with the client to find out more about his job. I do some online research into those companies and industries.

What I don't do as a writer... Say that a Magic Man in the Sky is totally opposed to what you do for a living so I can't write about it. Because that would be stupid.

It doesn't mean that I don't tell people things they don't want to hear. I often have to tell people certain things have no place in a resume. (Hobbies, why it was totally not your fault you got let go from a job, and so on.)

So going back to the whole cake thing and how it applies. A gay wedding cake is pretty much just the same thing as a straight wedding cake. I guess you still have to special order those two plastic dudes on the top.

View attachment 199187
"oh, my God, the horror, the horror of it all!"

But the point is, there's really nothing to keep a baker from making it. He could make it if world peace or the second coming depended on it.. He just does't want to because he's a terrible bigot trying to use religion as an excuse.

You equating resume writing to songwriting is precious.

Here is a website dedicated to advertising THE BUSINESS OF SONGWRITERS

Now, should an artist who cannot relate to same sex relationships be FORCED to create ART he CANNOT relate to?

It’s really not that difficult to answer.
You equating resume writing to songwriting is precious.

Here is a website dedicated to advertising THE BUSINESS OF SONGWRITERS

Now, should an artist who cannot relate to same sex relationships be FORCED to create ART he CANNOT relate to?

It’s really not that difficult to answer.

Meh, I'd argue writing resumes is a lot tougher than writing songs...

all out to do is rhyme. I guess "banal" rhymes with "anal", but what rhymes with "cunnilingus"?
You equating resume writing to songwriting is precious.

Here is a website dedicated to advertising THE BUSINESS OF SONGWRITERS

Now, should an artist who cannot relate to same sex relationships be FORCED to create ART he CANNOT relate to?

It’s really not that difficult to answer.

Meh, I'd argue writing resumes is a lot tougher than writing songs...

all out to do is rhyme. I guess "banal" rhymes with "anal", but what rhymes with "cunnilingus"?

I don’t care how highly you think of yourself, but I doubt their will be a resume museum ever built.
We dont have to bake no Gawd Damned cakes, libtards!

Well, congratulations. I guess trumpanzees will take what little victories they can get.
I'd hardly call the USSC telling states they cannot take sides with LGBT against Christians' passive refusal to condone, participate in or promote LGBT lifestyles in the public marketplace "a little victory"...

YUGE victory #1: that the Court believes Christians' 1st Amendment protections go with them into the public marketplace and

YUGE victory #2: (the YUGEST of all) that the Court considers lifestyles like LGBT to be legally inferior to classes with actual protections. If this was about innate things like race or gender, the Court would've found that Colorado was right. The Court so acting as it did in this case means that it considers LGBT lifestyles as "less protected than" race or gender. (Hively v Ivy Tech 2016 found this too) And certainly not dominant to religious objections to play along.

Now you will argue that "the Court didn't say that. They said that Colorado has to treat LGBT and Christians equally; requiring either both of them to create items for the marketplace wholly offensive to their core ideologies or allow both of them to passively refuse to do that".

But the extreme of that "have to" scenario...and you'd better believe the extreme will be tested as it always is in homo sapiens... is that a Christian would then have to bake a cake that says "Fuck God!" on it or a gay baker would have to bake a cake that says "AIDS is endemic in the US thanks to gay men". Stuff like that. So what really happened, and Colorado knows it and is squirming in its seat about, is that the Court said "Christians can object to any participation in a gay wedding because it is wholly repugnant to their core beliefs". You call that victory "little"? :lmao: Pretty sure the Kleins of Oregon aren't thinking so.

By the way. I was wondering about the new classification of the LGBT lifestyle; given that they unanimously line up behind "pride" parades. You know, the parades where they put on graphic acts of deviant sex hoping kids will be watching or even marching just behind them? With such a repugnant lifestyle gaining special protections, which lifestyles wouldn't qualify for the same, and why? Put on your thinking caps. :popcorn:
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If asked to bake a cake celebrating cohabitation outside of Marriage, I think he should have every right to deny.


I think he should insist on having them stoned like the Bible says the should be.


The interest is not forced on the person, it is agreed to. The customer is participating in the sin WILLINGLY.


if you don’t see the difference, you are a whacko!

Then the baker shouldn't be in that line of work. This isn't complicated.

You mean he should be FORCED out of business
His business is a public accommodation. If he can't accommodate the public, then his business should not be open to the public. There is always the option of a private business, i.e. a private club. As long as membership is not open to the public and it's intent is not to avoid the law, the baker can discriminate all he likes within the club. He could also sell his cakes to church members operating with the church organization and not be subject to the law.
I'm sure there are many cakes he would refuse to decorate. Say, a grown man sexually abusing children, or Dems celebrating another KKK lynching of a black man.

Let's force him to, since they're part of the public, too.
Keep in mind there is nothing to indicated that the baker was asked to create a cake with any sexual explicit decorations. In fact, the evidence of the trial suggest that the gay couple simply said they wanted to buy a wedding cake and there was no discussion of design because the baker refused the couple.

If the baker's policy was to put nothing sexually explicit on any cake he would be within his rights to accept the order from the gay couple but refuse any sexually originated decorations. As long as his policies are same for all, there's no problem and that is the key rule for any business in regard to discrimination. Keep your policies uniform and follow them. Most businesses have no problem with that because they don't want to turn any customers away.
His policy is the same for all.

See thread title.
Yes happy Father's Day for all the kids bound in a lesbian marriage contract. Sorry this day will never involve you!

Again, they are better off than the millions of marriages where the sperm donor took off and was never heard from again.

Not really because those kids still have hope of a father. Kids of lesbian "marriages" have had that hope extinguished for life per contract.
The children in most lesbian families do have fathers from a previous marriage and in most cases they are a lot better off now than in a family headed by dysfunctional parents in a highly conflicted relationship.

Multiple studies have show that on average, kids with two moms seem to be more confident and less aggressive than those raised by a mom and a dad. They are open-minded, affectionate and less susceptible to anxiety and depression.

The 7 habits of highly effective lesbian families
Yes happy Father's Day for all the kids bound in a lesbian marriage contract. Sorry this day will never involve you!

Again, they are better off than the millions of marriages where the sperm donor took off and was never heard from again.

Not really because those kids still have hope of a father. Kids of lesbian "marriages" have had that hope extinguished for life per contract.
The children in most lesbian families do have fathers from a previous marriage and in most cases they are a lot better off now than in a family headed by dysfunctional parents in a highly conflicted relationship.

Multiple studies have show that on average, kids with two moms seem to be more confident and less aggressive than those raised by a mom and a dad. They are open-minded, affectionate and less susceptible to anxiety and depression.

The 7 habits of highly effective lesbian families
New CIA video leak reveals amazingly consistent final communication attempt by lemmings the world over immediately prior to death due to short fall off high cliff:


Many mofoing fathers among them. So sad.
If lemmings understood much of anything they'd stop leading each other off cliffs.
In California, according to Windsor 2013, gay marriage is still outlawed. CA's Constitution too says "marriage is only between a man and a woman". To this day, 2018. Windsor said 56 times that the definition of marriage is up to the individual states. Obergefell overturned Windsor while simultaneously citing it as its justification for forcing (just gay but arbitrarily not other exceptions) marriage on the 50 states. Yet one can only feel forced if one chooses to respect an illegal Verdict from the USSC. One of the Justices openly advertised her bias on Obergefell to the press weeks before the Hearing.

So states really are free to not allow "gay marriage" until that little problem is cleared up. That and a dozen others..
lets examine WHY THE SUPREME COURT set the BAKER FREE based on federal and state law, etc.:
"As neither is the baker who first AGREES to sell to THE PUBLIC then reneges selectively claiming Jesus. Seriously. Get help. You are dangerously pigheaded and dim."- grumble...There was a "crime" committed by the baker.- flop...

BOTH WRONG! why? because this baker operated his Christian themed business in a manner similar to a CHRISTIAN church gift shop. His effort at glorifying his God was clear in his artistry celebrating marriage as both HE understood it from his sincerely held long term religious beliefs (obviously heterosexual unions of 2 people) AND AS THE STATE OF COLORADO defined marriage at the time (not same sex according to Colorado law at that time) and HE WAS TRUE to both his FAITH and his citizenship in his STATE of Colorado.

Colorado Same-Sex Marriage Developments

In 2006, Colorado voters passed, by 55-45, Amendment 43, which added a new section 31 to Article II of the Colorado Constitution, reading: “Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.”

C.R.S. 14-2-104(1)(b) similarly prohibits same-sex marriages between gay or lesbian couples, by specifying that a marriage is between one man and one woman.

In March 2013, the Colorado governor signed into law SB 13-011, the Colorado Civil Union Act, which added a new Article 15 to Title 14 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Colorado has now become one of the growing number of states (18, as of March 2013) that provides for either same-sex marriages, or civil unions.
2009 thru 2012 and beyond: same sex marriages PROHIBITED in Colorado

ACLU case description:

David Mullins and Charlie Craig visited Masterpiece Cakeshop in July 2012, with Charlie’s mother, to order a cake for their upcoming wedding reception. Dave and Charlie planned to marry in Massachusetts and then celebrate with family and friends back home in Colorado. But bakery owner Jack Phillips informed them that the bakery wouldn’t sell wedding cakes to same-sex couples.

14-2-104. Formalities.
Statute text
(1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, a marriage is valid in this state if:
(a) It is licensed, solemnized, and registered as provided in this part 1; and
(b) It is only between one man and one woman.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 14-2-112, any marriage contracted within or outside this state that does not satisfy paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section shall not be recognized as valid in this state.
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We dont have to bake no Gawd Damned cakes, libtards!

Well, congratulations. I guess trumpanzees will take what little victories they can get.
I'd hardly call the USSC telling states they cannot take sides with LGBT against Christians' passive refusal to condone, participate in or promote LGBT lifestyles in the public marketplace "a little victory"...

YUGE victory #1: that the Court believes Christians' 1st Amendment protections go with them into the public marketplace and

YUGE victory #2: (the YUGEST of all) that the Court considers lifestyles like LGBT to be legally inferior to classes with actual protections. If this was about innate things like race or gender, the Court would've found that Colorado was right. The Court so acting as it did in this case means that it considers LGBT lifestyles as "less protected than" race or gender. (Hively v Ivy Tech 2016 found this too) And certainly not dominant to religious objections to play along.

Now you will argue that "the Court didn't say that. They said that Colorado has to treat LGBT and Christians equally; requiring either both of them to create items for the marketplace wholly offensive to their core ideologies or allow both of them to passively refuse to do that".

But the extreme of that "have to" scenario...and you'd better believe the extreme will be tested as it always is in homo sapiens... is that a Christian would then have to bake a cake that says "Fuck God!" on it or a gay baker would have to bake a cake that says "AIDS is endemic in the US thanks to gay men". Stuff like that. So what really happened, and Colorado knows it and is squirming in its seat about, is that the Court said "Christians can object to any participation in a gay wedding because it is wholly repugnant to their core beliefs". You call that victory "little"? :lmao: Pretty sure the Kleins of Oregon aren't thinking so.

By the way. I was wondering about the new classification of the LGBT lifestyle; given that they unanimously line up behind "pride" parades. You know, the parades where they put on graphic acts of deviant sex hoping kids will be watching or even marching just behind them? With such a repugnant lifestyle gaining special protections, which lifestyles wouldn't qualify for the same, and why? Put on your thinking caps. :popcorn:
LGBT lifestyle is a fictional concept. It's as silly as the hetro lifestyle or the left-handed lifestyle. I have yet to see any federal court ruling about the "LGBT Lifestyle"

Most people use the term, LGBT lifestyle to refer to the gay scene, promiscuous activities, gaudy clothing and jewelry, extravagant mannerisms in body and speech, and outrageous sexual gestures. But this is only a tiny part of the lives of some LGBTs and non-existent in most.
Most are quietly respectable and law abiding, just like most people. They work in same jobs as other people, live in the same neighborhoods, eat at the same restaurants, send their kids to the same schools, and are no more sexual active than heterosexuals. The term LGBT lifestyle makes no more sense than the Black lifestyle, the Jewish lifestyle, or Catholic lifestyle.

The simple fact is all people are different. They are individuals, not cardboard characters in a racist fantasy.
AS THE STATE OF COLORADO defined marriage at the time (not same sex according to Colorado law at that time) and HE WAS TRUE to both his FAITH and his citizenship in his STATE of Colorado.
No argument with that bit. Agree with this USSC ruling sending it back down to the State as well. Disagree with those painting it as a win for homophobes in general. That homophobe got his appeal and won continued judicial review due to timing details you mention. No broad win for haters here no matter how you spin it.

The simple fact is all people are different. They are individuals, not cardboard characters in a racist fantasy.

Gender is fixed. Yes, it is. Race is fixed. LGBT is a habitual lifestyle. Just one repugnant lifestyle of a zillion out there. According to the 14th Amendment, how is it that just one lifestyle may order Christians around to agree with it while others cannot? Please be specific. And remember that LGBT pride parades perform deviant sex acts with the anticipation that children will be watching. Just in case you're going to try to firm up an argument around "some lifestyles are just not (subjectively) acceptable for special privileges etc."
Gender is fixed. Yes, it is. Race is fixed. LGBT is a habitual lifestyle. Just one repugnant lifestyle of a zillion out there.

First, you really haven't offered any proof that sexual orientation is innate.

So I ask you the simple question. When did you decide to be "Straight"?

Second, just because it's repugnant to you, (which again, seems to indicate self-loathing gay man theory about you), doesn't mean anyone else cares.

According to the 14th Amendment, how is it that just one lifestyle may order Christians around to agree with it while others cannot? Please be specific.

Very simple. In some states sexual orientation is protected by Public Accommedation laws.

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