Sure Obama Loves America. His America.

5th or 6th thread on this non-issue too.

What's with the idiot RWs that they can't keep up?

Oh wait, its StoopidStephanie. Never mind.

Anyway, if Obama is gonna get to hating the US, he doesn't have much time. All he's done so far is crate jobs, improve the economy, build up the stock market, give tax breaks to the working class, improve the housing market ...

He's only got two years to trash America.

Rudy and his friends however, have been doing their best to kill the USofA for years now.
The Stephanies and Keyes have no kinship with modern America, and we are not going backwards.

Sux to be them.
I sure hope not, Don't want to go back to the liberals Utopia Of the 50s pre civil rights and outrageous high taxes
The civil rights problems were conservative, and the liberal high taxes came during an incredible economic expansion. Corporate taxes funded 30% of the government and now about 11%.
Corporations are certainly not patriotic.

The churches that associate with Keyes are not patriotic.

As we've seen repeatedly throughout the Obama administration, "patriotism" to hacks like Rudy means wearing a flag pin while screwing over the 98%.
Corporations are certainly not patriotic.

The churches that associate with Keyes are not patriotic.

A president not willing to stand up for those Americans that have been killed, but is more concerned with being "politically correct" and his own self image, certainly doesn't have the best interest of Americans. To have a quicker negative response to a judicial decision of immigration, than an extremist who has no respect for any human life that doesn't share in theIr Islamic Jehad world view ... AND then to have the President make excuses for their extremist behavior, is so unpatriotic and an insult to those who have lost loved ones.
Only Jindal is backing Giulani. The others are saying while they question Obama's polices, not one of them will question his patriotism. Smart decisions.
Corporations are certainly not patriotic.

The churches that associate with Keyes are not patriotic.

A president not willing to stand up for those Americans that have been killed, but is more concerned with being "politically correct" and his own self image, certainly doesn't have the best interest of Americans. To have a quicker negative response to a judicial decision of immigration, than an extremist who has no respect for human life that doesn't share in theIr Islamic Jehad view ... AND then makes excuses for their extremist behavior, is so unpatriotic and an insult to those who have lost loved ones.
Horse shit. You sound like Keyes and therefore have no influence or credibility.
Obama and his minions are again squealing Racism for the 1000th time. What the hell does Racism have to do with Guiliani's comments? Answer: nothing. Rudy was right and quite frankly he could have accurately stated that Obama doesn't even like America as it is, and that is why before he took office in 2009, he stated in booming tones and his eyes glowering "We are going to fundamentally change America!" Does that sound like someone who loves America or someone who wants to rip it up and remake it?

If one dares criticize the Boy King they are automatically a racist
Or Irish.
Corporations are certainly not patriotic.

The churches that associate with Keyes are not patriotic.

A president not willing to stand up for those Americans that have been killed, but is more concerned with being "politically correct" and his own self image, certainly doesn't have the best interest of Americans. To have a quicker negative response to a judicial decision of immigration, than an extremist who has no respect for human life that doesn't share in theIr Islamic Jehad view ... AND then makes excuses for their extremist behavior, is so unpatriotic and an insult to those who have lost loved ones.
Horse shit. You sound like Keyes and therefore have no influence or credibility.

The fact that a majority of Americans don't share a confidence in Obama's handling of foreign policy, I know I'm not alone in showing my disapproval. With respect to "credibility" - the fact that it's coming from you, I'm not the least bit concerned. lol
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5th or 6th thread on this non-issue too.

What's with the idiot RWs that they can't keep up?

Oh wait, its StoopidStephanie. Never mind.

Anyway, if Obama is gonna get to hating the US, he doesn't have much time. All he's done so far is crate jobs, improve the economy, build up the stock market, give tax breaks to the working class, improve the housing market ...

He's only got two years to trash America.

Rudy and his friends however, have been doing their best to kill the USofA for years now.

If America believed your bullshit, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi would be leading The Hill.
I guess walmart raising its min wage to 10 dollars an hour just ain't good enough for you. Jake you are just irreconcilably pissed off all the time. Yeah and all those corporations contributing to wounded warriors are just the acts of treasonous people.
Those are your words, shrimpy, not mine. :)

The raise is only a small start.

They should do much more for veterans.

You prove my point, $ before people
Go tell your significant other that you are 3 days from fundamentally changing her/him/it. Then, tell her/him/it that your love for them should never be questioned.
Obama is not the one who said things like,

"I like to be able to fire people"
"I'm not concerned about the very poor"
"47% of Americans pay no income tax, so our message doesn't connect."

The Obama administration asked Rick Wagoner, the chairman and CEO of General Motors, to step down and he agreed, a White House official said.

As well they should have. If you MISMANAGE your company so badly that the government has to come in and bail you out, the first thing you do is get rid of the guy who got you there.
No Obama said things like if you like your plan you can keep it

Obama said he would save you 2500 dollars a year.

Obama said he would fundamentally change America.

Obama said who ya gonna trust

Obama said he had shovel ready projects

Obama said 22 times he couldn't use executive orders for immigrants.

Obama said he believed marriage was between a man and a women

Obama said 4 trillion dollars in debt was unpatriotic.

Obama said he was going to be a post racial president

Obama said Isis was JV

Obama said the irs audits were unacceptable and he was going to get to the bottom of them.

Obama said elections have consequences, we won you lost.

Obama said you didn't build that

Obamas Said his would be the most transparent administration in history

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