Surprise Arizona finds 68,000 vote in favor of Dem Kyrsten Sinema

In the past, Sinema bashed the U.S. military as zombie-like terrorist slaughterers of the innocent.
She said stay-at-home mothers are “leeches.”

She detests representing Arizona as a Congresswoman, claiming the Grand Canyon state should serve as a “warning symbol.”

What scum these Demothugs,.....

My GOD please jail them all now!

This is a disgrace!!!

SURPRISE! Arizona Finds 68,000 More Votes In Favor of Dem Kyrsten Sinema

There needs to be ANOTHER ELECTION HELD!! This snide stupid pos who don't even know who her partner should be since she swings both ways is suppose to take charge of AZ PPL. .. this bitch cheated!!

Here's line we hear from you people all of the time: WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE?

Other than posting to yet another piece of shit fakes news site, where is your evidence?

Since when is Democrats cheating at elections "fake news"? That's the only way they win, isn't it?
Republicans run the election apparatus; are you alleging that they are conspiring to elect democrats? Sounds pretty crazy….because it is.

They don't run the precincts where these boxes of votes are coming from. Nor the districts where signatures are being challenged in rural red areas. Not many folks vote for registrars on party lines. Most people assume it's not a partisan position anyways. And in most places, it's not LISTED as a partisan office on the ballots.
Republicans run the election apparatus; are you alleging that they are conspiring to elect democrats? Sounds pretty crazy….because it is.

They don't run the precincts where these boxes of votes are coming from. Nor the districts where signatures are being challenged in rural red areas. Not many folks vote for registrars on party lines. Most people assume it's not a partisan position anyways. And in most places, it's not LISTED as a partisan office on the ballots.

Walk us through what you think is happening; be specific.
Republicans run the election apparatus; are you alleging that they are conspiring to elect democrats? Sounds pretty crazy….because it is.

They don't run the precincts where these boxes of votes are coming from. Nor the districts where signatures are being challenged in rural red areas. Not many folks vote for registrars on party lines. Most people assume it's not a partisan position anyways. And in most places, it's not LISTED as a partisan office on the ballots.

Walk us through what you think is happening; be specific.

I know more about Florida than Arizona.. But apparently this hissy fit started in one rural red precinct with the examiners tossing out a shitload of ballot application forms for "bad signatures".. That's not a widespread practice and from what I've been told hardly happens anywhere in Arizona. ((Can you say PICTURE ID???))

Then because that wasn't enough votes to swing it -- Mariposa county on the southern border which is like 30% illegal alien -- started finding about 30,000, then 40,000 "uncounted" ballots. And some other precinct in big blue Phoenix joined in.

What I do know -- is that there is a "talking point" theme here in ALL THESE challenges that ---------------

"ALL THE BALLOTS MUST BE COUNTED" Which when parsed, I'm beginning to believe, means EVEN THE EXCLUDED and illegal ones. In fact, in Florida, the lawyer for Nelson came right out and said that votes from illegals should be counted.

THIS is why motor voter is being abused. For situations like these. When you need some extra help after the polls close -- bring back those rejected illegally cast votes -- because they MUST BE COUNTED.

In 2016, California never FINISHED counting the provisionals that were cast. 1.8 FUCKING Million of them. Likely most were folks with state issued drivers licenses, but no registration at all. You figure out who they are.

1.8 MILLION provisionals is just an admission that their registration rolls are TOTALLY FUCKED up. Like everything else in Cali is now..
The witch Clinton will never win again!
But the witch Sinema might, if Arizona Republicans don't get a firm handle on this election theft. If Sinema had an ounce of decency, she would openly admit that the books are being cooked in her favor, and that the whole election is a fraud.

She should call for an entire new election to be held, with Republicans, Democrats, and Independents supervising it, and with Adrian Fontes fired and gone.
The problem is, that in this psychotic environment, anything is possible.

That's why it's usually a good thing to avoid creating psychotic environments.
Republicans run the election apparatus; are you alleging that they are conspiring to elect democrats? Sounds pretty crazy….because it is.
What has given you that idea ? Ever hear of Adrian Fontes ? He's Maricopa County's top elections official, >> a Democrat.

The GOP's official Senate campaign arm, in a news release Saturday, accused Maricopa County's top elections official, Democrat Adrian Fontes, of "using his position to cook the books" for Sinema.

"He is a liberal activist masquerading as an election official, and we cannot trust him to oversee this process," state GOP Chairman Jonathan Lines said of Fontes.
Surprise! They found a ton of Democratic votes in a county that has lots of young voters from a major university... maybe do a little research before you post. Obviously the votes they still need to count are going to be favorable for the Democrat.
Here's line we hear from you people all of the time: WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE?

Other than posting to yet another piece of shit fakes news site, where is your evidence?
Are you kidding ? McSally wins on election day. Then day by day, more ballots appear, and the lead turns around to Sinema, with her now 30,000 votes ahead. How come these new ballots are all Democrat votes ?

This thing has got scam written all over it. SCAM! Election theft. We all know what's going on here (and in Florida)

The federal government needs to take action. This is for a federal government position (US Senate)
Just remember, voting day for Republican and conservatives is Nov. 6th and ends on Nov. 6th.

For Democrats, it starts on Nov. 6th and continues on until they win.
Surprise! They found a ton of Democratic votes in a county that has lots of young voters from a major university... maybe do a little research before you post. Obviously the votes they still need to count are going to be favorable for the Democrat.
Yeah ? What county is that ? What university ?
Here's line we hear from you people all of the time: WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE?

Other than posting to yet another piece of shit fakes news site, where is your evidence?
Are you kidding ? McSally wins on election day. Then day by day, more ballots appear, and the lead turns around to Sinema, with her now 30,000 votes ahead. How come these new ballots are all Democrat votes ?

This thing has got scam written all over it. SCAM! Election theft. We all know what's going on here (and in Florida)

The federal government needs to take action. This is for a federal government position (US Senate)

They don't "appear." They are called absentee and provisional ballots. They don't get counted unless the election is close and they need to... and they don't get counted until AFTER election day.
Surprise! They found a ton of Democratic votes in a county that has lots of young voters from a major university... maybe do a little research before you post. Obviously the votes they still need to count are going to be favorable for the Democrat.
Yeah ? What county is that ? What university ?

It's Maricopa County... and Arizona St. University is there in Tempe. Sinema graduated there, AND she taught there.
By now, after the Russian collusion scam, the Kavanaugh hearings scam, the many personal attacks on President Trump, the attacks on Trump supporters, the cheating in debates, etc, we all ought to know that in 2018, Democrats do not have a bone of integrity in their bodies.

They so much think they are the good guys, and that they're right about everything, that they see any methodology (no matter how low), as being OK to use. Stealing elections by falsifying vote counts is only the latest in a long stream of Democrat malice.

Americans shouldn't fall for their BS. Evidence ? Oh aren't they clever ? Late ballot counting going on for a week and the "votes" all going to the Democrat ? And you don't think THAT is evidence ? Good grief.

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