Surprise Arizona finds 68,000 vote in favor of Dem Kyrsten Sinema

Wrong. A governor is not a dictator. Though I have noticed a disturbing trend that when Repubs see an election not going their way, their first reaction is to attempt to disregard the voting and halt the process. Either you believe in the democratic process or you don't. I choose to believe.
Democrats are trying to steal the election.
By counting votes? Brilliant argument.
it's a long process, due to mail in ballots, they have to verify each mail in, along with provisionals.... it is a much longer process than voting by machine.

PLEASE for the love of God, inform yourselves!
You can inform YOUR self by reading Post # 43.

And don't try to give us that "long process" crap. When the count widely diverges from the number of registered voters, you know it's been fixed. Not rocket science.
Problem is... it does. This year isn't like previous election years. You can't go off of old data. That's a ridiculous thing to even attempt to do.
I didn't supply "old data" I posted a November 1, 2018 link. Try reading it.

Are you dense? YOU CAN'T COMPARE THIS ELECTION TO PREVIOUS ELECTIONS. It is unique. Do you know what the word unique means? Do you know what previous means? Old data would be ANY data before this election year... which took place AFTER November 1st. How many previous elections was Trump President? How many previous elections had this many win run for, and get elected? How many previous elections was there such a large number of voters for a midterm election? How many previous years had this high a number of college age voters? How many previous years had a candidate on the ballot that not only graduated from the major university in the county, BUT WAS A PROFESSOR there?

Are you trolling, or just stupid? There is no way you could possibly NOT understand that not one two elections are the same, and that THIS election was extremely unique.
Are you dense? YOU CAN'T COMPARE THIS ELECTION TO PREVIOUS ELECTIONS. It is unique. Do you know what the word unique means? Do you know what previous means? Old data would be ANY data before this election year... which took place AFTER November 1st. How many previous elections was Trump President? How many previous elections had this many win run for, and get elected? How many previous elections was there such a large number of voters for a midterm election? How many previous years had this high a number of college age voters? How many previous years had a candidate on the ballot that not only graduated from the major university in the county, BUT WAS A PROFESSOR there?

Are you trolling, or just stupid? There is no way you could possibly NOT understand that not one two elections are the same, and that THIS election was extremely unique.
What is your problem ? I 'm not comparing anything to previous elections. I posted the November 1, 2018 numbers of registered voters in Arizona. Is that too hard for you to grasp ?

Nice try at confusing the issue with a lot of blather, but all that matters is there is a MAJOR disrepancy between the number of November 2018 registered voters, and how these vote counts are being made to appear. It's a SCAM. Plain and simple.

And please don't meltdown, just because we're not buying your ploy.
Are you dense? YOU CAN'T COMPARE THIS ELECTION TO PREVIOUS ELECTIONS. It is unique. Do you know what the word unique means? Do you know what previous means? Old data would be ANY data before this election year... which took place AFTER November 1st. How many previous elections was Trump President? How many previous elections had this many win run for, and get elected? How many previous elections was there such a large number of voters for a midterm election? How many previous years had this high a number of college age voters? How many previous years had a candidate on the ballot that not only graduated from the major university in the county, BUT WAS A PROFESSOR there?

Are you trolling, or just stupid? There is no way you could possibly NOT understand that not one two elections are the same, and that THIS election was extremely unique.
What is your problem ? I 'm not comparing anything to previous elections. I posted the November 1, 2018 numbers of registered voters in Arizona. Is that too hard for you to grasp ?

Nice try at confusing the issue with a lot of blather, but all that matters is there is a MAJOR disrepancy between the number of November 2018 registered voters, and how these vote counts are being made to appear. It's a SCAM. Plain and simple.

And please don't meltdown, just because we're not buying your ploy.

AND lots of Republican voters voted for her... or several other Republican House candidates because they want to put up someone to hold Trump in-between the rails. Jesus dude it is like you've never watched news outside of sites like the Gateway Pundit and Fox News.
I have no idea what you are babbling about, but I sense it hardly matters. The counts aren't matching the registrations. Get it ?
And these states are all controlled by Republicans and yet they are losing. LOL. They are in a tizzy.
But the elections in some counties are controlled by Democrats. Example > in Maricopa County, it's controlled by Adrian Fontes, who has been accused of "using his position to cook the books" for Sinema.

"He is a liberal activist masquerading as an election official, and we cannot trust him to oversee this process," state GOP Chairman Jonathan Lines said of Fontes.
And these states are all controlled by Republicans and yet they are losing. LOL. They are in a tizzy.
Either these morons don't realize the are counting ballots in democratic counties or are just lying.
They are counting votes in A REPUBLICAN majority county (Maricopa)- it is a 136,587 registered voter majority. And much more, if you include libertarians who often vote Republican.

Voter Registration & Historical Election Data | Arizona Secretary of State
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Yeah and as I said, it has nothing to do with anything fraudulent... it has to do with a TON of new young, motivated voters that are almost all voting for Sinema.
Nice theory. Problem is it doesn't hold up. Finding votes wherever they may come from shouldn't have a wide differential from the number of registered voters in the state.

It so happens there are far more 2018 registered Republicans in Arizona than registered Democrats. 111,413 more to be exact, including college students, teachers, plumbers, and anyone else you'd like to throw in.

If you include the liberal Green voters with the Democrats, and the conservative libertarian registrations with the Republican voters, the Republican majority rises to even much higher over the Democrats (161,707)

So looking at the numbers ("TON" of any groups all being considered) McSally ought to be ahead by 161,000+ votes,... but she's behind by 30,000 ? This has to do with everything fraudulent. Time for the feds to come in and Fontes to go out.

Voter Registration & Historical Election Data | Arizona Secretary of State
No it doesn't silly

Your site says there are

Other- 1,238,038

Over a million that are not registered by party. Listed as "other"

Charlie Kirk on Twitter
NOTICE the Trump hating assholes aren't saying RUSSIA DID IT...............

The Russian bots def. were not working over time now were they.

No it doesn't silly

Your site says there are

Other- 1,238,038

Over a million that are not registered by party. Listed as "other"
And those "others" are not Democrats.

You lack the ability to comprehend something, just because you can't do it yourself... not all people vote for EVERY person of a political party based solely on their party affiliation... some people actually just vote for the person they think is the most qualified, even if they are from the rival political party. When you are finally able to understand this, it will save a lot of time for people.
Uh Voters.
That's exactly where they're NOT coming from. Democrats did a lousy job of setting up this scam. It's not even close to looking legit.

Democrat wins by 32,000 votes, in a state where registered Republicans outnumber registered Democrats by almost 137,000 ? Whoever is dumb enough to buy that story, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn waiting for them.
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You lack the ability to comprehend something, just because you can't do it yourself... not all people vote for EVERY person of a political party based solely on their party affiliation... some people actually just vote for the person they think is the most qualified, even if they are from the rival political party. When you are finally able to understand this, it will save a lot of time for people.
Don't be ridiculous. This scam doesn't have the feintist chance to be believed. Oh yeah sure. In a state with a 136,587 majority of Republicans outnumbering Democrats, somehow the Democrat wins by 32,000 votes. Only a complete fool retard would ever fall for that charade.

Federal govt needs to step in and supervise this fiasco, even it it means holding the election all over again from scratch, supervised by feds of both parties and independents. And that's probably exactly what should be done. This is our democratic republic. It cant be ruined by selfish, unscrupulous cheaters.

And to all you in here arguing in favor of this phony scam - if you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this crazy thing for the farce that it is, instead of talking in favor of it, like fools.
Here's line we hear from you people all of the time: WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE?

Other than posting to yet another piece of shit fakes news site, where is your evidence?
We are all these additional votes coming from ? THAT is the question.

Uh Voters.
That's exactly where they're NOT coming from. Democrats did a lousy job of setting up this scam. It's not even close to looking legit.

Democrat wins by 32,000 votes, in a state where registered Republicans outnumber registered Democrats by almost 137,000 ? Whoever is dumb enough to buy that story, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn waiting for them.

See here is the problem with your numbers. Even Republicans don't want the wall, don't think Trump is doing a good job, and last but not least, they actually want to keep their Obamacare.

That #WalkAway movement right wingers have been touting is real. But it's not Democrats walking away from their party, it's Republicans who are disgusted by Trump, his sleazy cabinet, his pandering to racists and white supremacists, and his lying. And they want the House and Senate to do their job and limit his power and give oversight, because the Muslim ban, the separation of families at the border, and the coddling of white supremacists should NEVER have been allowed to happen.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of holding Trump accountable for these crimes against humanity. The House and Senate should have prevented all of them from happening. That they didn't is why the American people are standing up and voting for a more moral, responsible government.

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