Surprise Arizona finds 68,000 vote in favor of Dem Kyrsten Sinema

Big talk no evidence. The Arizona Secretary of State is a Republican and has no problem with how the votes are being counted. You hurl the same baseless accusations when you don't like the person leading.
I've posted the evidence a few times already in this thread. Try reading it.

We'll see what the SoS has to say over the next few days/
Until you get the candidate you want. Democrats picked up House seats in red South Carolina and Oklahoma. Trump won the state less than 5 points. The fact is there are approximately 200,000 votes to be counted.
Lots of people are talking about this number of votes and that number of votes. :icon_rolleyes:

All that is relevant is 3 numbers >>

1. # of Arizona registered Democrats - 1,151,745

2. # of Arizona registered Republicans - 1,288,332

3. Alleged vote count - Sinema 32,000 ahead

Doesn't make sense. SCAM happening here. Election theft.
You lack the ability to comprehend something, just because you can't do it yourself... not all people vote for EVERY person of a political party based solely on their party affiliation... some people actually just vote for the person they think is the most qualified, even if they are from the rival political party. When you are finally able to understand this, it will save a lot of time for people.
Don't be ridiculous. This scam doesn't have the feintist chance to be believed. Oh yeah sure. In a state with a 136,587 majority of Republicans outnumbering Democrats, somehow the Democrat wins by 32,000 votes. Only a complete fool retard would ever fall for that charade.

Federal govt needs to step in and supervise this fiasco, even it it means holding the election all over again from scratch, supervised by feds of both parties and independents. And that's probably exactly what should be done. This is our democratic republic. It cant be ruined by selfish, unscrupulous cheaters.

And to all you in here arguing in favor of this phony scam - if you had an ounce of decency, you would condemn this crazy thing for the farce that it is, instead of talking in favor of it, like fools.

Until you get the candidate you want. Democrats picked up House seats in red South Carolina and Oklahoma. Trump won the state less than 5 points. The fact is there are approximately 200,000 votes to be counted.
Lots of people are talking about this number of votes and that number of votes. :icon_rolleyes:

All that is relevant is 3 numbers >>

1. # of Arizona registered Democrats - 1,151,745

2. # of Arizona registered Republicans - 1,288,332

3. Alleged vote count - Sinema 32,000 ahead

Doesn't make sense. SCAM happening here. Election theft.

Are you still on this false shit?

Just because someone is registered a Republican voter doesn't mean they are going to vote for the Republican. Some people are actual informed, responsible voters, not just straight ticket voters who would vote for a cactus if it was registered Republican and running for office.
See here is the problem with your numbers. Even Republicans don't want the wall, don't think Trump is doing a good job, and last but not least, they actually want to keep their Obamacare.

That #WalkAway movement right wingers have been touting is real. But it's not Democrats walking away from their party, it's Republicans who are disgusted by Trump, his sleazy cabinet, his pandering to racists and white supremacists, and his lying. And they want the House and Senate to do their job and limit his power and give oversight, because the Muslim ban, the separation of families at the border, and the coddling of white supremacists should NEVER have been allowed to happen.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of holding Trump accountable for these crimes against humanity. The House and Senate should have prevented all of them from happening. That they didn't is why the American people are standing up and voting for a more moral, responsible government.

I guess you've been watching too much CNN. There is no "WalkAway from Trump.
Unlike any of the thought about possible candidates for President on the Democrat side (whose approval numbers are 25% or lower among Democrats), among Republicans, Trump has an 87% approval rate nationwide >>

Trump's approval rating tops Obama's midterm numbers, poll shows

and his standing in Arizona is better than it is with the nation as a whole >>>

Arizona Republic poll: Voters split on Trump, but reject impeachment

And your reasons for disliking Trump are nothing but liberal media balderdash.

1. Muslim ban is necessary to PROTECT America from the Muslim ideology which is committed to overthrow the US govt and establish an Islamic state, which would impose harsh immoral standards, illegal under current US laws. Only problem with the Muslim ban is it only covers 8 countries. It should cover ALL Muslims from the whole world (with just a few exceptions)

2. Separation of families at the border is no different than millions of American families separated when parents are imprisoned. What did you think ? The kids go to prison with their parents ? American kids of convicted criminals are separated from their parents for DECADES, and in some cases for life. Some kids parents get executed. Do you complain for THEM ?

3. There is no coddling of white supremacists by Trump. This is more CNN/MSNBC drivel talk. What Trump said about Charlottesville was right. There was good on both sides. On one were legally permitted marchers protesting removal of a Robert E Lee statue (with some Nazis among them - at least they appeared to be).
Other side were counterprotestors sitting down in the street, illegally blocking the march, and THEY are who caused the violence and rioting.

1. I don't watch any CNN, I don't have Cable. I never watched CNN except for big events like the Middle East War hosted by Wolfe Blitzer, and various tornados and hurricanes, but quit watching them at all after all Malasian Airline 24/7 for a year.

The Muslim ban violates the Constitution and didn't actually ban Muslims from the countries who have committed terrorism in the USA. Nor did it ban Muslims from countries where Trump does business. So really, this was a ban of brown people from "shithole countries". They threw in Venezuela just so they could say it wasn't just Muslims being banned.

2. Total bullshit. These people aren't criminals, they're asylum seekers and should not be jailed. Taking their children away from them and then shipping the children thousands of miles is a violation of human rights, and just plain beyond the pale of human decency. These families will never fully recover from these traumas. Humans rights charges should be filed against anyone involved in this horror. Those who received this order from Trump and didn't refuse to carry it out should be included in the charges filed.

3. There were NOT good people on both sides. White supremacists are not good people. At no time has Trump done anything but encourage the racists and the white supremacists. Including going out to tell jokes and hold a campaign rally the day after the Pittsburg shootings. This was a clear signal to his buddies in the nazi groups that what had happened was no big deal.

Since Trump's election, hate crimes have gone up 500% and Trump's response was to call these attacks "false flags". Last year police responded to more live shooter situations than in any year in history. Trump is promoting tough guy lawlessness and vigililantism because he consistently tells his ardent followers that they can't trust the courts, and they can't trust the FBI, and they can't trust the government. He's promoting violence and taking the law into your own hands.

And then there's his belief in conspiracy theories. That got that pizza parlour shot up in DC. The owner has lost his business and his customers were terrorized. All because of some madeup story on InfoWars.

Real people are sick of this stuff. They're ashamed that the richest nation on the earth treats refugees as criminals. That they steal their children and deport them. That their President calls it a reasonable "tactic" to reduce illegal immigration.

Real Americans are ashamed that their President is turning his back on your friends and allies, like Canada, and the NATO Alliance, in favour of a murderous scoundrel who opening brags that Trump follows his advice and does what he wants. They find his behaviour in France this week petulant and disrespectful. One cannot help but think back to Trump's speech to the United Nations where the leaders of the entire world laughed in his face, when he tried his campaign rally lies about his greatness out on them. That was such a proud moment for all Americans

Just like every day since he was elevated to an office he was gross unqualified and unsuited for, Donald J. Trump has disgraced himself, his country and the Office of the President of the United States. Do you really think that most Americans haven't noticed.

Stupid Russian trolls.
Only according to Rasmussen..
GALLUP >>> :biggrin:

1. Your goal is keeping America lily white. Muslims and especially women are suppressed and terrorized by terrorists. Most Muslims are peaceful and the attacks in this country have been committed by people who are citizens already.
Not all Muslims and Muslims terrorists are non-white.


Women are suppressed and terrorized by Muslims. It is part of their ideology (in the Koran) much of the Koran advocates (if not commands) immoral and (in the USA) illegal behavior (supremacism, mass genocidal murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, wife-beating, severe misogyny, animal cruelty, etc). Islam simply doesn't fit in with the US legal system and culture.

Islamic Attacks on America


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You are allowed to mail your ballot on Election Day in Arizona. So it doesn’t arrive until two days later. Arizona is one of the biggest mail-in and absentee voter states.

The OP is a moron.
That is so already deported illegal aliens can send in their ballots FROM MEXICO. all voting Democrat. More Democrat voter fraud.
Arizona is run by Republicans.

You’re too fucking stupid.
2. The fact is that separating the children is wrong. Their parents have not committed major crimes of the type you suggest. Sessions even admitted it was a attempt to punish the parents.

So how many times, in this forum, have you posted objection to "separating the children" from AMERICAN criminal parents, whose kids are separated from them for far longer time than the migrants ? Or is this just more faux outrage ?
Here's line we hear from you people all of the time: WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE?

Other than posting to yet another piece of shit fakes news site, where is your evidence?
Are you kidding ? McSally wins on election day. Then day by day, more ballots appear, and the lead turns around to Sinema, with her now 30,000 votes ahead. How come these new ballots are all Democrat votes ?

This thing has got scam written all over it. SCAM! Election theft. We all know what's going on here (and in Florida)

The federal government needs to take action. This is for a federal government position (US Senate)
Climb back into your vodka bottle, Comrade.
The witch Clinton will never win again!
But the witch Sinema might, if Arizona Republicans don't get a firm handle on this election theft. If Sinema had an ounce of decency, she would openly admit that the books are being cooked in her favor, and that the whole election is a fraud.

She should call for an entire new election to be held, with Republicans, Democrats, and Independents supervising it, and with Adrian Fontes fired and gone.

So sad when the GOP starts losing.
They get so triggered!
3. Yes there is. White supremacists committed the violence in Charlottesville. The people gathered were white supremacists and neo-nazis. Nothing they did justifies murder white the marchers did as well as several other acts of violence.
Actually, they did not. The violence came from the leftist counter-protesters who were illegally blocking the street, that the marchers (most of whom were just people protesting the removal of a Robt E Lee statue) were trying to legally walk on.
And it was never determined WHO these so-called "neo-nazis" were. Actual neo-nazis ? Or leftist agent provocateurs posing as Nazis ?

Got anymore excuses for your criminal street-blocking, fight-starting thugs ?

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