SURPRISE!!...better be sitting down...Iran backs out of "Framework" "Deal"

It's time for the world to recognize the fact that world war III has begun-------time to POLARIZE-----or as we used to
say on the playground CHOOSE UP SIDES
For now----axis powers include Iran/Syria/-----and soon to join up ----turkey
The deal that Obama was trying to negotiate was actually a good deal for the US.

If this turns out to be true, it's a major foreign policy defeat for Obama.
How do you figure? Never mind no one knows what's in it. IT allowed Iran to continue enriching uranium and allowed the to develop a nuke within 5 years. And that's assuming they actually abided by the deal, which no one thinks they will.
Well um no, I read the article and I quoted that line from it.

Yeah, but you will trust anything Iran says. "On the other hand Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes and may not be covered by the statement made by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei."

People like you are immensely gullible. "Iran says it, therefore it must be so." Classic case of an amphibolic fallacy. Of course, of course, liberals like you rely on inane ambiguity to interpret statements like that one. The statement you quoted is easily an attempt at misdirection, and you my friend, have been misdirected.

Point of fact, the quote was written by a CNN reporter, not Iran.

Point of fact, what Iran says, Iran says. Who else would they be referring to?

"On the other hand Iran says" is a citation of Iranian statements.

Please, learn to assimilate what you read.

Everyone knows that Iran proclaimed it's peaceful intent, therefore inspecting the nuclear facilities might not be the same as inspecting their military facilities. But it makes for great saber rattling to get the kooks all worked up.
"We won't allow you to inspect our military nuclear facilities"

"(CNN)Iran's Supreme Leader has said the country will not allow any inspections of its military facilities, the official state news agency reported Wednesday."

Is from the OP's link.

And? How does this discredit what the OP says?

That particular statement from the aya-hole doesn't automatically mean they have backed out of the framework as the OP claims.
Everyone knows that Iran proclaimed it's peaceful intent, therefore inspecting the nuclear facilities might not be the same as inspecting their military facilities. But it makes for great saber rattling to get the kooks all worked up.

A classic bandwagon fallacy. Everyone does in fact, not know that their nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. How do you enrich weapons grade uranium for "peaceful intent?" There are so many ways for Iran to skirt this deal, banning access to military facilities scuttles the deal altogether.
So after the brilliant fucking way the Obama administration handled Iran, perhaps they should negotiate an Asian trade deal that will "produce" American jobs. Doak!
Once again, the country has proved that they can not be trusted to keep their word.
How can you negotiate with a country that has been shown to be unreliable time and simply can't believe what they say?

Now, they have openly declared that they will not stand by any agreement that is reached by the negotiators.
Another chance for peace going begging because of the hawks and fundamentalists in power.

An Open Letter to the Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran - Wikisource the free online library
That particular statement from the aya-hole doesn't automatically mean they have backed out of the framework as the OP claims.

Yes it does. I just demonstrated that fact, in case you didn't read the first time:

Iran has rejected the deal

Not what the article says.

"We won't allow you to inspect our military nuclear facilities" essentially means "screw you and your deal." How hard is it for you to understand?

On April 9, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Iran would not sign any deal unless economic sanctions levied against Iran were lifted immediately. That amounts to a complete rejection of the deal, since it is impossible to lift the sanctions without concrete evidence that Iran would comply with the deal once the bulk of the sanctions are lifted.

"We will not sign any agreements unless on the first day of the implementation of the deal all economic sanctions are totally lifted on the same day."

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, in a televised speech, April 9, 2015

Iran No nuclear deal without lifting of sanctions -

In essence, the "Aya-hole" didn't have to say anything. The Iranian president made Iran's intentions clear. For the sake of humanity, read! Iran has no intentions of agreeing to anything!
...and just like so many said here, and were berated by Obama followers for saying so - Iran's Ayahtolla states he will not support any deal that includes UN inspections of nuke sites....which means of course he will support no deal at all.

Shocked, shocked I say!!!

Iran s leader says no to military inspections -

Iran s leader rejects foreign access to military sites scientists Fox News

"Iran's Supreme Leader has said the country will not allow any inspections of its military facilities" is a bit different than the lead in this thread.
That particular statement from the aya-hole doesn't automatically mean they have backed out of the framework as the OP claims.

Yes it does. I just demonstrated that fact, in case you didn't read the first time:

Iran has rejected the deal

Not what the article says.

"We won't allow you to inspect our military nuclear facilities" essentially means "screw you and your deal." How hard is it for you to understand?

On April 9, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Iran would not sign any deal unless economic sanctions levied against Iran were lifted immediately. That amounts to a complete rejection of the deal, since it is impossible to lift the sanctions without concrete evidence that Iran would comply with the deal once the bulk of the sanctions are lifted.

"We will not sign any agreements unless on the first day of the implementation of the deal all economic sanctions are totally lifted on the same day."

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, in a televised speech, April 9, 2015

Iran No nuclear deal without lifting of sanctions -

In essence, the "Aya-hole" didn't have to say anything. The Iranian president made Iran's intentions clear. For the sake of humanity, read! Iran has no intentions of agreeing to anything!

Time will tell. But you're talking about a different person, different statement, different time.


PANAMA CITY — The White House pushed back Friday against declarations from Iran’s leaders that any nuclear deal must include an immediate lifting of sanctions, indicating President Obama will walk away from negotiations unless sanctions are removed over time.

Obama foreign policy adviser Ben Rhodes portrayed the tough stance by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani as a reflection of internal political pressure and not as an impediment to a deal.

Rhodes pointed out the framework agreement that Iran and the six powers reached last week to curb Tehran’s nuclear activities allows for sanctions to be removed over time, not at once.

‘‘It’s very clear and understood that sanctions relief will be phased,’’ Rhodes told reporters traveling with Obama in

Obama stands firm on easing sanctions slowly in Iran accord Iran 09 April 2015. According to reports the Supreme Leader has said he has confidence in his negotiating team and is happy to leave them to reach an angreement in the ongoing nuclear talks between Iran and the P5 1 adding only that some conditions must be met including the lifting of international sanctions. EPA OFFICAL SUPREME LEADER WEBSITE HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY NO SALES Byline OFFICAL SUPREME LEADER WEBSITE HANDOUT as part of Iran accord - World - The Boston Globe
Everyone does in fact, not know that their nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

Not what I said. Everyone knows that is what Iran claims, not that everyone believes that it is true.

And you simply and swiftly made my point. So when they say, "our nuclear program is for peaceful purposes" how can anyone believe such a statement is true?
How can Iran believe that the US will stand by any deal that's made?
If this falls through will it still be called another historic achievement by 'The Obama'?
That guy Paul was on Meet The Press this past Sunday, and he had an interesting take on the Iran thing.

He pointed out that Libya finally gave up on its nuclear weapons program and we STILL toppled the government two years later.

Okay, okay. We had a little help from some locals in pickup trucks, but nevertheless...

So it stands to reason, Ru Paul said, that Iran would not trust us to not topple them even if they gave up their nuclear wet dreams. Therefore, from their perspective it would be better to have The Bomb as a deterrent.
That particular statement from the aya-hole doesn't automatically mean they have backed out of the framework as the OP claims.

Yes it does. I just demonstrated that fact, in case you didn't read the first time:

Iran has rejected the deal

Not what the article says.

"We won't allow you to inspect our military nuclear facilities" essentially means "screw you and your deal." How hard is it for you to understand?

On April 9, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Iran would not sign any deal unless economic sanctions levied against Iran were lifted immediately. That amounts to a complete rejection of the deal, since it is impossible to lift the sanctions without concrete evidence that Iran would comply with the deal once the bulk of the sanctions are lifted.

"We will not sign any agreements unless on the first day of the implementation of the deal all economic sanctions are totally lifted on the same day."

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, in a televised speech, April 9, 2015

Iran No nuclear deal without lifting of sanctions -

In essence, the "Aya-hole" didn't have to say anything. The Iranian president made Iran's intentions clear. For the sake of humanity, read! Iran has no intentions of agreeing to anything!

Time will tell. But you're talking about a different person, different statement, different time.


PANAMA CITY — The White House pushed back Friday against declarations from Iran’s leaders that any nuclear deal must include an immediate lifting of sanctions, indicating President Obama will walk away from negotiations unless sanctions are removed over time.

Obama foreign policy adviser Ben Rhodes portrayed the tough stance by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani as a reflection of internal political pressure and not as an impediment to a deal.

Rhodes pointed out the framework agreement that Iran and the six powers reached last week to curb Tehran’s nuclear activities allows for sanctions to be removed over time, not at once.

‘‘It’s very clear and understood that sanctions relief will be phased,’’ Rhodes told reporters traveling with Obama in

Obama stands firm on easing sanctions slowly in Iran accord Iran 09 April 2015. According to reports the Supreme Leader has said he has confidence in his negotiating team and is happy to leave them to reach an angreement in the ongoing nuclear talks between Iran and the P5 1 adding only that some conditions must be met including the lifting of international sanctions. EPA OFFICAL SUPREME LEADER WEBSITE HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY NO SALES Byline OFFICAL SUPREME LEADER WEBSITE HANDOUT as part of Iran accord - World - The Boston Globe


I could care less what the White House says. Iran made itself clear. We have video evidence of that. They have no intention of cooperating.

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