SURPRISE!!...better be sitting down...Iran backs out of "Framework" "Deal"

...and just like so many said here, and were berated by Obama followers for saying so - Iran's Ayahtolla states he will not support any deal that includes UN inspections of nuke sites....which means of course he will support no deal at all.

Shocked, shocked I say!!!

Iran s leader says no to military inspections -

Iran s leader rejects foreign access to military sites scientists Fox News

"Iran's Supreme Leader has said the country will not allow any inspections of its military facilities" is a bit different than the lead in this thread.

Holy amphiboly batman!

Does that quote not tell you anything? Or are you too politically blinded to understand?

Iran has no intentions of cooperating. They don't have to say "were backing out of this deal" plain as day, actions speak louder than words, and this spoke louder than any wailing politician in Washington ever could. Iran is actively sabotaging whatever you call it, this "framework" deal.

The whole saying "speak softly and carry a big stick" doesn't say "just speak softly, you don't need the stick."
so we should have gone to war 9 months ago??? Is that what you are implying?

Talking nicely to them hasn't worked thus far. Most powerful military force on the planet sits on its ass, while Iran gets ready to wipe Israel off the map (figuratively speaking).

Liberals like you don't give a damn about Israel do you? Answer me honestly.
Is from the OP's link.

I don't care if it came out of his ass. How are these peaceful nuclear facilities "peaceful" may I ask? Do you have your head so far entrenched in your backside to know that you are being played?

Why are you hiding behind what a reporter says? If he says Iran said it, Iran said it.

Call me a kook, call me a conspiracy theorist, I honestly don't give the slightest damn. But many genocidal regimes have used "peace" as a means to annihilate millions of innocent people. You will never get me to believe Iran's nuclear program is for "peaceful purposes." These people are dangerous.
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so we should have gone to war 9 months ago??? Is that what you are implying?

Talking nicely to them hasn't worked thus far. Most powerful military force on the planet sits on its ass, while Iran gets ready to wipe Israel off the map (figuratively speaking).

Liberals like you don't give a damn about Israel do you? Answer me honestly.

I'll take your silence as a no.
so we should have gone to war 9 months ago??? Is that what you are implying?

Talking nicely to them hasn't worked thus far. Most powerful military force on the planet sits on its ass, while Iran gets ready to wipe Israel off the map (figuratively speaking).

Liberals like you don't give a damn about Israel do you? Answer me honestly.
Boy, that was an answer to my question????? Not!!!

I support Israel over Iran, any day of the week....So stop your bull CRAP....

I don't support the US sending our fathers and sons and husbands to their possible deaths for another nation....our founding fathers felt the same way...and only if Iran becomes a threat to the USA, should US Citizens be sent to die.

I DO NOT, IN ANY WAY SUPPORT PREEMPTIVE WAR....the Bush goes against everything our founders stood for.

If Iran becomes a real threat to Israel, and tries to attack Israel, then Israel should blow them up to smithereens.
Idiot liberals. We should have (or we should have let Israel) attacked Iran's nuclear facilities as soon as we knew they were enriching uranium. Fucking traitorous liberals like our POS president and the Democratic Party had to stop that from happening. Now we will have to deal with a fucking terrorist country with nuclear weapons. How many lives will that cost us (and the world)?
I support Israel over Iran, any day of the week....So stop your bull CRAP..

If you aren't willing to go to war to protect an ally, you are no ally. All you are saying is "I'll be over here cheering you on" while an entire offensive line comes barreling towards them. You don't support Israel. You are begging for its destruction with this farce you call a "framework" deal. Not all problems can be solved through peaceful methods. You can't give them a bouquet of roses and hope to win them over.

I DO NOT, IN ANY WAY SUPPORT PREEMPTIVE WAR....the Bush goes against everything our founders stood for.

So how did America gain it's Independence? By negotiating with the King of England? No, America kicked his ass, with guns and cannons, not just a pens and papers.

If Iran becomes a real threat to Israel, and tries to attack Israel, then Israel should blow them up to smithereens.

Even as advanced as Israel's military is, it can't fight off everyone who tries to kill them. This cut and run crap is old.
I support Israel over Iran, any day of the week....So stop your bull CRAP..

If you aren't willing to go to war to protect an ally, you are no ally. All you are saying is "I'll be over here cheering you on" while an entire offensive line comes barreling towards them. You don't support Israel. You are begging for its destruction with this farce you call a "framework" deal. Not all problems can be solved through peaceful methods. You can't give them a bouquet of roses and hope to win them over.

I DO NOT, IN ANY WAY SUPPORT PREEMPTIVE WAR....the Bush goes against everything our founders stood for.

So how did America gain it's Independence? By negotiating with the King of England? No, America kicked his ass, with guns and cannons, not just a pens and papers.

If Iran becomes a real threat to Israel, and tries to attack Israel, then Israel should blow them up to smithereens.

Even as advanced as Israel's military is, it can't fight off everyone who tries to kill them. This cut and run crap is old.
Gosh, I wish I was as brave as you!
I support Israel over Iran, any day of the week....So stop your bull CRAP..

If you aren't willing to go to war to protect an ally, you are no ally. All you are saying is "I'll be over here cheering you on" while an entire offensive line comes barreling towards them. You don't support Israel. You are begging for its destruction with this farce you call a "framework" deal. Not all problems can be solved through peaceful methods. You can't give them a bouquet of roses and hope to win them over.

I DO NOT, IN ANY WAY SUPPORT PREEMPTIVE WAR....the Bush goes against everything our founders stood for.

So how did America gain it's Independence? By negotiating with the King of England? No, America kicked his ass, with guns and cannons, not just a pens and papers.

If Iran becomes a real threat to Israel, and tries to attack Israel, then Israel should blow them up to smithereens.

Even as advanced as Israel's military is, it can't fight off everyone who tries to kill them. This cut and run crap is old.
Flew right over your head.... as expected....
I don't support the US sending our fathers and sons and husbands to their possible deaths for another nation....our founding fathers felt the same way...and only if Iran becomes a threat to the USA, should US Citizens be sent to die.

Spare me you heartstrings arguments, Care. I had a father who served in Iraq in Desert Storm. He knew what he was getting himself into. As do all the fathers and sons who go to do battle with the enemy, with some of them fighting side by side. You don't mind if cops (fathers, sons, etc) risk their lives and die in the line of duty, but hey, soldiers are a different matter, aren't they?

You rely on one for your protection; taking them for granted, while worrying about the welfare of the other whom defends this country and your freedom. What good is a military if all they do is nothing military? Why have an army if we are afraid to use them, hmm? How much do you value your freedom?

Why light a fire in the cold if you are afraid to kindle it? You would much rather freeze to death than be warmed by the fire.
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I support Israel over Iran, any day of the week....So stop your bull CRAP..

If you aren't willing to go to war to protect an ally, you are no ally. All you are saying is "I'll be over here cheering you on" while an entire offensive line comes barreling towards them. You don't support Israel. You are begging for its destruction with this farce you call a "framework" deal. Not all problems can be solved through peaceful methods. You can't give them a bouquet of roses and hope to win them over.

I DO NOT, IN ANY WAY SUPPORT PREEMPTIVE WAR....the Bush goes against everything our founders stood for.

So how did America gain it's Independence? By negotiating with the King of England? No, America kicked his ass, with guns and cannons, not just a pens and papers.

If Iran becomes a real threat to Israel, and tries to attack Israel, then Israel should blow them up to smithereens.

Even as advanced as Israel's military is, it can't fight off everyone who tries to kill them. This cut and run crap is old.
Flew right over your head.... as expected....

Nope. It died at my feet before it ever reached my head, as did your point. Too much hot air from the source.
I don't support the US sending our fathers and sons and husbands to their possible deaths for another nation....our founding fathers felt the same way...and only if Iran becomes a threat to the USA, should US Citizens be sent to die.

Spare me you heartstrings arguments, Care. I had a father who served in Iraq in Desert Storm. He knew what he was getting himself into. As do all the fathers and sons who go to do battle with the enemy, with some of them fighting side by side. You don't mind if cops (fathers, sons, etc) risk their lives and die in the line of duty, but hey, soldiers are a different matter, aren't they?

You rely on one for your protection; taking them for granted, while worrying about the welfare of the other whom defends this country and your freedom. What good is a military if all they do is nothing military? Why have an army if we are afraid to use them, hmm? How much do you value your freedom?

Why light a fire in the cold if you are afraid to kindle it? You would much rather freeze to death than be warmed by the fire.

So when are you joining up? Nice to be so casual about peoples lives from your grandmothers basement.
Liberals will stand by Obama. They don't care that he is friendly towards the radicals on earth. Iranian leaders had already said that they would never allow inspections, so just what deal did Obama think he made anyway? It was just the usual lip service and only the flunkies believed him in the first place.

How can they back out of a deal they never really agreed to in the first place? It was only Obama claiming there was some kind of agreement made, but all he did was give in to them with nothing in return. We should place sanctions on them again and treat them like the terrorist sponsoring state that they are.
Well... since the sanctions have yet to be lifted, you're a little premature.
What exactly did Obama give in to?
And you're right - the deal hasn't been formalized yet.

But the lip service crud went a bit far - it wasn't an Iranian who sent a letter to Congress warning them that no matter what the Ayatollah said, deals could be broken.

I just love it when people don't pay attention.
Who do we blame?

Iranians who prefer sanctions or Republicans who tried to screw up the deal?
THERE IT IS! I knew some libtard would blame the Republicans. And RW continues his slide downward into the sewer with the rest of the sycophants.

What do those two groups have in common?

Republicans in Congress sided with radical Islam over their president. What does that tell you?

Republicans now blame the President because his terms for lifting sanctions were too harsh
...and just like so many said here, and were berated by Obama followers for saying so - Iran's Ayahtolla states he will not support any deal that includes UN inspections of nuke sites....which means of course he will support no deal at all.

Shocked, shocked I say!!!

Iran s leader says no to military inspections -

Iran s leader rejects foreign access to military sites scientists Fox News

Did you actually read your own link?

(CNN)Iran's Supreme Leader has said the country will not allow any inspections of its military facilities, the official state news agency reported Wednesday.

On the other hand, Iran says that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only, so the country's nuclear facilities might not be covered by the statement by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader.

Not allowing UN inspectors on military bases has nothing at all to do with inspecting nuclear plants.

Once again the rabid right grasps at straws!

Unless the military facilities are where they are creating nuclear weapons.

In which case the Iranians are tacitly admitting that their nuclear program is not intended for peaceful purposes.

If that is so then they will just have to deal with continued sanctions and the inevitable unrest that comes from those privations.

Alternatively this is just more blather and saber rattling to try and win concessions at the bargaining table. Given that this is how negotiations usually go in the ME it wouldn't surprise me in the least if this was just another bluff on their part.
Actually, it is a tried and proven successful tactic that Iran has used for over a century. They need more time and this is how they go about getting it. A significant portion of the sanctions have already been lifted, they have backroom deals going with the Russians, and need more time to cement a means of surviving when they say no to the west.
Lets see...

Obama proposes a multinational deal with Iran to lift sanctions....Republicans say it is too soft
Iran backs down saying the terms are too harsh.........Republicans now say Obama blew the negotiations

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