SURPRISE! Moderator of Tonight’s Democrat Debate Met With Campaign Teams Yesterday

get a load of this BS. NOT only are these Progressives only ALLOWING six debates. Now they are holding one on a Saturday when hardly anyone will care to watch. but the so called, moderators, are holding MEETINGS with the candidates. but there won't any bias I'm sure they will swear to it. How slimy is that party? vote them out in 2016

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a Democratic Party debate on CBS News at 9 PM tonight. It should be interesting to watch, especially if you know that the moderator John Dickerson consulted privately with each candidate’s campaign team yesterday.

Politico buried the story under a boring headline:

With just three on stage, Democratic debate moderator plans to dive deep

This Saturday’s second Democratic debate will be a much smaller affair than the first. With only three candidates on stage, CBS News plans to delve deep into the issues with each candidate and have taken advantage of the smaller pool by doing some intense research.

Moderator John Dickerson and his team met with each of the campaigns for more than an hour to discuss the major issues at play in the race, sources on the campaigns said, describing the pre-interview as “informational in nature.” Dickerson is not giving candidates previews of his questions for the debate.

all of it here:
SURPRISE! Moderator of Tonight's Democrat Debate Met With Campaign Teams Yesterday - Progressives Today

POlitical cartoonist outta draw the 2 'challengers' as squabbling suitors trying to impress Hillary looking for her soft cushiony throne on-high. 2 suitors don't below argueing with one another, shoving one another. :) Wish I could draw what I see in my head. Would make a killing.
Hmm, let's see what's got Stephanie's tights in a twist this time. From the link she provided:

"Moderator John Dickerson and his team met with each of the campaigns for more than an hour to discuss the major issues at play in the race, sources on the campaigns said, describing the pre-interview as “informational in nature.” Dickerson is not giving candidates previews of his questions for the debate."

And this is controversial because -?

If the moderator had met with only one candidate's team (Note: it does not say "with the candidates," only with their teams), that would have been inequitable, and you can bet the other two candidates would have objected.

But given the tenor of the first debate (which y'all were so proud that you didn't watch), the goal of tonight's is to - wait for it - delve deeper into the issues!

OMG, what a controversial idea!

You people crack me up...

If you want to be OUTRAGED about something, it should be that Trump et al. didn't think of this themselves. You can bet the GOP candidates in '20 will learn from their mistakes...
This thread reminds me of a CNN debate where the moderator was in cahoots with Obama and had prior meetings. Threw Obama softball questions and propped his assertions up...

That is the kind of shit I have come to expect from Democrats..

Moderator Crowley helps Obama rebut Romney on Libya

Not at all what happened, and not at all analogous to the topic we're discussing.

Let's look at the actual transcript, shall we?

Transcript: Second presidential debate

Too Funny; Defending the indefensible actions of a moderator. Defending the indefensible actions prior to the debate by that same moderator...

I keep forgetting that lying and cheating are resume enhancements for democrats.
get a load of this BS. NOT only are these Progressives only ALLOWING six debates. Now they are holding one on a Saturday when hardly anyone will care to watch. but the so called, moderators, are holding MEETINGS with the candidates. but there won't any bias I'm sure they will swear to it. How slimy is that party? vote them out in 2016

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a Democratic Party debate on CBS News at 9 PM tonight. It should be interesting to watch, especially if you know that the moderator John Dickerson consulted privately with each candidate’s campaign team yesterday.

Politico buried the story under a boring headline:

With just three on stage, Democratic debate moderator plans to dive deep

This Saturday’s second Democratic debate will be a much smaller affair than the first. With only three candidates on stage, CBS News plans to delve deep into the issues with each candidate and have taken advantage of the smaller pool by doing some intense research.

Moderator John Dickerson and his team met with each of the campaigns for more than an hour to discuss the major issues at play in the race, sources on the campaigns said, describing the pre-interview as “informational in nature.” Dickerson is not giving candidates previews of his questions for the debate.

all of it here:
SURPRISE! Moderator of Tonight's Democrat Debate Met With Campaign Teams Yesterday - Progressives Today

Look....the democrat minions in the media running the debate had to get their orders for tonight......don't you understand that Stephanie? you really think they are going to let hilary in a debate without helping her out......because she really, really needs the help...

I only found out about this debate because Rush mentioned it Friday.....she really doesn't want anyone hearing her does she?
Wonder if the moderator could expand on this?

This thread reminds me of a CNN debate where the moderator was in cahoots with Obama and had prior meetings. Threw Obama softball questions and propped his assertions up...

That is the kind of shit I have come to expect from Democrats..

Moderator Crowley helps Obama rebut Romney on Libya

Not at all what happened, and not at all analogous to the topic we're discussing.

Let's look at the actual transcript, shall we?

Transcript: Second presidential debate

Too Funny; Defending the indefensible actions of a moderator. Defending the indefensible actions prior to the debate by that same moderator...

I posted the transcript. Now it's incumbent on you to back your claim. Even when someone hands you the evidence, all you can do is spin.
This thread reminds me of a CNN debate where the moderator was in cahoots with Obama and had prior meetings. Threw Obama softball questions and propped his assertions up...

That is the kind of shit I have come to expect from Democrats..

Moderator Crowley helps Obama rebut Romney on Libya

Not at all what happened, and not at all analogous to the topic we're discussing.

Let's look at the actual transcript, shall we?

Transcript: Second presidential debate

Too Funny; Defending the indefensible actions of a moderator. Defending the indefensible actions prior to the debate by that same moderator...

I posted the transcript. Now it's incumbent on you to back your claim. Even when someone hands you the evidence, all you can do is spin.

The transcript very nicely shows the bias employed by Crowley.

Thanks for playing... But again you loose...
I want to know why Crowley met with Obama's team prior to that debate and refused to meet with Romney's.. Clearly their was major bias but keep on defending this kind of crap.
I want to know why Crowley met with Obama's team prior to that debate and refused to meet with Romney's.. Clearly their was major bias but keep on defending this kind of crap.

Do you have evidence to that effect? If so, post it here.
so their cult flowers sit here and say oh no big deal. BUT we know if this story had been about Republicans.

and this is why WE will never get this government back under control. when the people from a party don't care how their Politiicans: lie, cheat, steal. and play games with them. I mean they ONLY have three people to choose from already and we have a year left before we vote. and then they are only allowing them SIX debates. what that says to me is your party has already made up your mind for you and even if you wanted more people to run they are telling you all, tough shit. just go vote, sit down and shut up.

that is sad.
...we know if this story had been about Republicans...

...we'd have tried to explain it to you just as we've tried to explain it relative to the Democratic debate.

Apparently what actually happened is still not clear to you. Is there any question you'd like to ask?
I want to know why Crowley met with Obama's team prior to that debate and refused to meet with Romney's.. Clearly their was major bias but keep on defending this kind of crap.

Do you have evidence to that effect? If so, post it here.

Too Funny: CNN sacks people for doing nothing wrong?

After 27 Years at CNN, News Host Who Meddled in the 2012 Elections to Protect Obama is Out of a Job

Its long been known that ABC's George Stephanopoulos and CNN's Crowley were both called and talked to daily by the Obama Whitehouse.. Why are you oblivious to these well known facts?
I want to know why Crowley met with Obama's team prior to that debate and refused to meet with Romney's.. Clearly their was major bias but keep on defending this kind of crap.

Do you have evidence to that effect? If so, post it here.

Too Funny: CNN sacks people for doing nothing wrong?

After 27 Years at CNN, News Host Who Meddled in the 2012 Elections to Protect Obama is Out of a Job

Its long been known that ABC's George Stephanopoulos and CNN's Crowley were both called and talked to daily by the Obama Whitehouse.. Why are you oblivious to these well known facts?

"Sacks"? How come your link says she quit? And btw 2012 was three years ago. If it were a sackable offense it would have happened then.

I agree that it's not the moderator's job to correct or affirm the participants' rhetoric, so she was out of line to do that. But this is 2015, not 2012.
I want to know why Crowley met with Obama's team prior to that debate and refused to meet with Romney's.. Clearly their was major bias but keep on defending this kind of crap.

Do you have evidence to that effect? If so, post it here.

Too Funny: CNN sacks people for doing nothing wrong?

After 27 Years at CNN, News Host Who Meddled in the 2012 Elections to Protect Obama is Out of a Job

What Pogo said. You're right - it is too funny that you think someone leaving voluntarily three years after the non-event was "sacked."

Its long been known that ABC's George Stephanopoulos and CNN's Crowley were both called and talked to daily by the Obama Whitehouse.. Why are you oblivious to these well known facts?

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