SURPRISE! Moderator of Tonight’s Democrat Debate Met With Campaign Teams Yesterday

so their cult flowers sit here and say oh no big deal. BUT we know if this story had been about Republicans.

and this is why WE will never get this government back under control. when the people from a party don't care how their Politiicans: lie, cheat, steal. and play games with them. I mean they ONLY have three people to choose from already and we have a year left before we vote. and then they are only allowing them SIX debates. what that says to me is your party has already made up your mind for you and even if you wanted more people to run they are telling you all, tough shit. just go vote, sit down and shut up.

that is sad.
cult flowers

I want to know why Crowley met with Obama's team prior to that debate and refused to meet with Romney's.. Clearly their was major bias but keep on defending this kind of crap.

Do you have evidence to that effect? If so, post it here.

Too Funny: CNN sacks people for doing nothing wrong?

After 27 Years at CNN, News Host Who Meddled in the 2012 Elections to Protect Obama is Out of a Job

What Pogo said. You're right - it is too funny that you think someone leaving voluntarily three years after the non-event was "sacked."

Its long been known that ABC's George Stephanopoulos and CNN's Crowley were both called and talked to daily by the Obama Whitehouse.. Why are you oblivious to these well known facts?

Blogosphere R Us?

Let me see...

Demotion and change of duties are considered good things in your book? You fools go with that straw man...

She was terminated. After much pleading and white house intervention she was allowed to stay on in another capacity, all while CNN made it so uncomfortable she then left.

She was rewarded for her support and bias of barrack Obama..


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