Surprise Surprise the foiled Attack was by an Arab Muslim Immigrant! - American Who Recently Visited Pakistan Eyed in Times Square Bomb Plot

He originated from Pakistan and was naturalized as a citizen. Another attempted terrorist attack by a Muslim, yet racial profiling Muslims is wrong! :confused:

Muslim yes....Arab no.

Good to see plot foiled and the accused perpetrator caught.

Yes...I agree....the religion issue is irrelevant at this point. We know we have a terrorist problem, we know what causes it. All we have to do is figure out how to kill them before they kill us.
One report had the vehicle near the headquarters of Comedy Central. Wasn't there a threat against them for an episode of South Park? Religiously motivated incident intended to create fear seems like terror to me. This case is interesting in that it is a naturalized citizen. Probably should be a trial versus tribunal.

Perhaps a probationary period is in order for immigrants from hostile countries?
One report had the vehicle near the headquarters of Comedy Central. Wasn't there a threat against them for an episode of South Park? Religiously motivated incident intended to create fear seems like terror to me. This case is interesting in that it is a naturalized citizen. Probably should be a trial versus tribunal.

Perhaps a probationary period is in order for immigrants from hostile countries?

I thought Bloomberg said he was pissed off over the healthcare law...:lol: That stupid ass trying to blame the attack on the right....:booze:
Reports are that he has admitted to receiving bomb training in Pakistan.

Where are the red flags?
This guy is an AMERICAN CITIZEN!!! And John "Adolf" McCain says it was a "mistake" to read him his Miranda warnings?


When is it EVER a mistake to give the full benefit of constitutional protections to our own citizens?
People from Pakistan aren't "Arabs". :lol:

Moreover, he was named as a person of interest. I guess "innocent until proven guilty" doesn't apply to Muslims in the eyes of Zionists. Surprise, surprise.

yep honey,, u izz a racist pig,, but bear in mind the FBI racially profiles serial killers and they be white guys.. :eusa_whistle:

No they don't.

actually they do. they also have whole units dedicated to improving the capabilities. its more than just racial too. its age, lifestyle, approximate job field, looks, etc. its insanely advanced

That's not the profiling being referred to here.
We wouldn't need to do any racial profiling if we tighened up our immigration policies to not allow screwballs like this from shithole countries like Pakistan to enter our country.

Just like how Arizona wouldn't need to pass any anti-illegal immigration laws if the federal government prevented illegals from entering our country in the first place.

If you libs have a better solution to fix decades of neglect and bad policy concerning immigration then we're all ears.
This guy is an AMERICAN CITIZEN!!! And John "Adolf" McCain says it was a "mistake" to read him his Miranda warnings?


When is it EVER a mistake to give the full benefit of constitutional protections to our own citizens?

McCain is wrong on that no doubt! However, calling McCain (who is irrefutably an American Hero) Hitler is arrogant!:evil:
This guy is an AMERICAN CITIZEN!!! And John "Adolf" McCain says it was a "mistake" to read him his Miranda warnings?


When is it EVER a mistake to give the full benefit of constitutional protections to our own citizens?

McCain is wrong on that no doubt! However, calling McCain (who is irrefutably an American Hero) Hitler is arrogant!:evil:

I didn't call him "Hitler"... and any elected American official who publicly states that it is a mistake to uphold our constitution just violated their oath to support and defend it. They become any anti-American fascist in my book, regardless of the fruit salad on their chest.
why is everthing blowin' up on Osama's watch ??? hmmm

9/11....really. A horrible thing to happen on Obama's watch...and Pearl Harbor too. Something should be done about that.

And the Unabomber...a real shame.

The Olympic bomber...tragedy.

Oklahoma City....the humanity!

Madrid railroad station....:eek:
Reports are that he has admitted to receiving bomb training in Pakistan.

Where are the red flags?

The very latest (around 4PM) is that he has admitted to training in Waziristan, Afghanistan, which is the suspected al-Qaeda training camp location and where bin Laden is supposed to be hiding. That would be wonderful news, because since the car bomb was such a dud, does that mean al-Qaeda is now training morons who (a) can't build bombs that will do much more than go 'poof' and (b) don't have sense enough to get outta Dodge before the posse arrives? - American Who Recently Visited Pakistan Eyed in Times Square Bomb Plot

He originated from Pakistan and was naturalized as a citizen. Another attempted terrorist attack by a Muslim, yet racial profiling Muslims is wrong! :confused:

:eek: WHAT? :eek:

Ahh yes... The Religion of Peace strikes again.

And after the US elected our own Muslim... Bad form...

I guess we're still not loved around the world, yet.

But hey... it'll come. A few more apologies, some more bowin'... elect some more Muslims... and they'll love us, eventually.
This guy is an AMERICAN CITIZEN!!! And John "Adolf" McCain says it was a "mistake" to read him his Miranda warnings?


When is it EVER a mistake to give the full benefit of constitutional protections to our own citizens?

Miranda is the GOP's meme du jour to attack the Obama Administration, even though courts have ruled a suspect may be questioned without reading Miranda rights if such questioning is necessary for public safety.
We wouldn't need to do any racial profiling if we tighened up our immigration policies to not allow screwballs like this from shithole countries like Pakistan to enter our country.

Just like how Arizona wouldn't need to pass any anti-illegal immigration laws if the federal government prevented illegals from entering our country in the first place.

If you libs have a better solution to fix decades of neglect and bad policy concerning immigration then we're all ears.

will another 10 trillion do it ????

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