Surprize, Surprize Elector Rebels Part of Clinton Campaign!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Why am I not at all surprized by this revelation?

Is there ANYTHING this bag of criminals, traitors and low lifes will not do?

Surprise! Electoral college 'rebels' who wanted to stop Trump WERE in touch with Clinton campaign (and now movement's leader is facing prosecution) | Daily Mail Online

Internal calls and emails reveal leaders of last-ditch effort to swing Electoral College from Donald Trump communicated with Clinton campaign officials
The Clinton camp kept its distance publicly and didn't explicitly endorse efforts
Campaign chair John Podesta called for electors to get a security briefing after reports on CIA conclusions about Russian-backed hacking

Calls and emails with senior campaign aides Jennifer Palmieri and Jake Sullivan
'Look forward to being in touch'

Senior advisors to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign kept in touch by phone and email with a driver of the ill-fated, last-ditch effort to dump Donald Trump at the electoral college.

The advisors kept tabs on Colorado elector Micheal Baca, who was helping try to persuade Republican members of the Electoral College to vote against Trump. The effort ultimately flamed out, although a handful of Clinton electors ultimately ended up voting for other people.

Baca himself is facing prosecution for his decision to cast his vote for Ohio Republican Governor John Kasich rather than Clinton, notwithstanding a state law directing him to back Clinton and the oath he swore.

Oaths dont mean jack to liar libtards.
Those goddamn emails again. Hillary has the worstest luck.
She makes her own bad luck...which the rest of us merely refer to as 'consequences'.

But Hillary is supposed to be above such pesky things as guilt, crime and the law.
Old habits die hard. Lock her up already.


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