Survival group for Nibiru/ ELEnin sept 26th


May 23, 2011
.. New york here.. was considering moving to.. not sure where.. gave up on convincing friends to be ready to go with me in an SHTF event... so it looks like im only bringing myself...
i have lots of campin supplies and can garden.. archer.. have tools like axes and can make fires and stuff lol.. ummm went to college for architecture although i never finished or got my license... and can build shelters...... dont like the idea of being by myself incase it actually really does happen... i have my vaca in late September from the 20th till 29th.. and in case i did actually leave.. i wouldn't bother going back to work... or my house and had been saving up $$$ to get supplies and can leave at a moments notice.. almost..( 4 more weeks and I'll have everything set...).... soooo... who else has the suspicion something isn't right with this whole ELEnin Nibiru thing... and where were u thinking of goin..?
You didn't hear it from me, but up in the mountains there's a secret project funded by a wealthy industrialist that's building a spaceship to take a handful of people to colonize the new planet.

You didn't hear it from me, but up in the mountains there's a secret project funded by a wealthy industrialist that's building a spaceship to take a handful of people to colonize the new planet.


Geez! Don't tell anyone else! Now there will be riots. It could get ugly.
You didn't hear it from me, but up in the mountains there's a secret project funded by a wealthy industrialist that's building a spaceship to take a handful of people to colonize the new planet.


Geez! Don't tell anyone else! Now there will be riots. It could get ugly.

Ahhh, damn thing probably won't fly anyway. :cool:
.. New york here.. was considering moving to.. not sure where.. gave up on convincing friends to be ready to go with me in an SHTF event... so it looks like im only bringing myself...
i have lots of campin supplies and can garden.. archer.. have tools like axes and can make fires and stuff lol.. ummm went to college for architecture although i never finished or got my license... and can build shelters...... dont like the idea of being by myself incase it actually really does happen... i have my vaca in late September from the 20th till 29th.. and in case i did actually leave.. i wouldn't bother going back to work... or my house and had been saving up $$$ to get supplies and can leave at a moments notice.. almost..( 4 more weeks and I'll have everything set...).... soooo... who else has the suspicion something isn't right with this whole ELEnin Nibiru thing... and where were u thinking of goin..?

Nibiru the planet size ship that has a orbit will create servere weather problems
for this planet if it comes too close even at the distance it is I've noticed a huge
change in the weather even now. I hear Abilene, TX. is supposed to be a good
place unless you're got access to something underground.
More of Terral's friends coming over for the doom and gloom scenario, no doubt.
When these fools use the "SHTF" it's a dead giveaway. It's what Terral uses all the time.
.. New york here.. was considering moving to.. not sure where.. gave up on convincing friends to be ready to go with me in an SHTF event... so it looks like im only bringing myself...
i have lots of campin supplies and can garden.. archer.. have tools like axes and can make fires and stuff lol.. ummm went to college for architecture although i never finished or got my license... and can build shelters...... dont like the idea of being by myself incase it actually really does happen... i have my vaca in late September from the 20th till 29th.. and in case i did actually leave.. i wouldn't bother going back to work... or my house and had been saving up $$$ to get supplies and can leave at a moments notice.. almost..( 4 more weeks and I'll have everything set...).... soooo... who else has the suspicion something isn't right with this whole ELEnin Nibiru thing... and where were u thinking of goin..?

Nibiru the planet size ship that has a orbit will create servere weather problems
for this planet if it comes too close even at the distance it is I've noticed a huge
change in the weather even now. I hear Abilene, TX. is supposed to be a good
place unless you're got access to something underground.

Oh brother....either got off the meds, or get on the or the other. :cuckoo:
.. New york here.. was considering moving to.. not sure where.. gave up on convincing friends to be ready to go with me in an SHTF event... so it looks like im only bringing myself...
i have lots of campin supplies and can garden.. archer.. have tools like axes and can make fires and stuff lol.. ummm went to college for architecture although i never finished or got my license... and can build shelters...... dont like the idea of being by myself incase it actually really does happen... i have my vaca in late September from the 20th till 29th.. and in case i did actually leave.. i wouldn't bother going back to work... or my house and had been saving up $$$ to get supplies and can leave at a moments notice.. almost..( 4 more weeks and I'll have everything set...).... soooo... who else has the suspicion something isn't right with this whole ELEnin Nibiru thing... and where were u thinking of goin..?

Good luck to you. I'm thinking I'm going to be fishing Lake Coeur d'Alene that day, thanks for asking.
.. New york here.. was considering moving to.. not sure where.. gave up on convincing friends to be ready to go with me in an SHTF event... so it looks like im only bringing myself...
i have lots of campin supplies and can garden.. archer.. have tools like axes and can make fires and stuff lol.. ummm went to college for architecture although i never finished or got my license... and can build shelters...... dont like the idea of being by myself incase it actually really does happen... i have my vaca in late September from the 20th till 29th.. and in case i did actually leave.. i wouldn't bother going back to work... or my house and had been saving up $$$ to get supplies and can leave at a moments notice.. almost..( 4 more weeks and I'll have everything set...).... soooo... who else has the suspicion something isn't right with this whole ELEnin Nibiru thing... and where were u thinking of goin..?

Nibiru the planet size ship that has a orbit will create servere weather problems
for this planet if it comes too close even at the distance it is I've noticed a huge
change in the weather even now. I hear Abilene, TX. is supposed to be a good
place unless you're got access to something underground.

You say it is a planet sized ship. Your good buddy Terral says it is a brown dwarf star. There are others who say it is a planet.

Why can't you goof balls come up with a common theory? Maybe it's because you're all talking out your asses, trying to be the one who provides "The Truth!TM.

And why can't we see this "Nibiru" approaching? I can see Neptune in my backyard telescope, surely I should be able to see a dwarf star/planet/planet sized spaceship by now.

Oh wait, I forgot. Terral claimed it and it's surrounding moons were cloaked.

Damn Romulan technology. :lol:
.. New york here.. was considering moving to.. not sure where.. gave up on convincing friends to be ready to go with me in an SHTF event... so it looks like im only bringing myself...
i have lots of campin supplies and can garden.. archer.. have tools like axes and can make fires and stuff lol.. ummm went to college for architecture although i never finished or got my license... and can build shelters...... dont like the idea of being by myself incase it actually really does happen... i have my vaca in late September from the 20th till 29th.. and in case i did actually leave.. i wouldn't bother going back to work... or my house and had been saving up $$$ to get supplies and can leave at a moments notice.. almost..( 4 more weeks and I'll have everything set...).... soooo... who else has the suspicion something isn't right with this whole ELEnin Nibiru thing... and where were u thinking of goin..?

Nibiru the planet size ship that has a orbit will create servere weather problems
for this planet if it comes too close even at the distance it is I've noticed a huge
change in the weather even now. I hear Abilene, TX. is supposed to be a good
place unless you're got access to something underground.

You say it is a planet sized ship. Your good buddy Terral says it is a brown dwarf star. There are others who say it is a planet.

Why can't you goof balls come up with a common theory? Maybe it's because you're all talking out your asses, trying to be the one who provides "The Truth!TM.

And why can't we see this "Nibiru" approaching? I can see Neptune in my backyard telescope, surely I should be able to see a dwarf star/planet/planet sized spaceship by now.

Oh wait, I forgot. Terral claimed it and it's surrounding moons were cloaked.

Damn Romulan technology. :lol:

You can't see the Brown Dwarf becuse he is invisible :lol:
I'm still waiting for Marshall Law.
Just to be clear here Is Sept 26 is the End of the World??? Again????
What time zone????
1. Per George Green no-hoax web page (previous elite) no place on Earth will be safe.
2. N. American hemisphere will be radiated (already done subtlety), watch video "Japan Radiation Targeting US, Canada, Mexico, Hawaii" by Leuren Moret bio-independent scientist.
3. San Francisco will be destroyed by an earthquake prior to WWIII -- US / middle east / Russia
4. After WWIII there will be a WWIV -- US / China

There is much hope -- watch videos "Project Camelot George Green" and
"Project Camelot Ben Fulford", and review his efforts daily by putting the current date and his name. Also, for free download George Green's three short books written by ET. Read first "Becoming". These books are important in understanding our history and where we're going. They will change you.

If you can survive the upcoming events, that is not enough. It's important to read the above books. To improve your chances to survive get away from coastlines, and go to high ground before end of summer is my guess. Winds may be 360 miles per hour. Have plenty of food, water, and your medicines. Take care.
What I want to know is how many times does the end of the world have to come and go before you nutters finally realize you've been taken for a ride yet again? :lol:
What I want to know is how many times does the end of the world have to come and go before you nutters finally realize you've been taken for a ride yet again? :lol:

And the answer is, as usual: "At least once more." :lol:
This shit gets funnier every day.

Now the Romulan cloaked "Nibiru" is going to irradiate only the Northern Hemisphere, cause only 1 city to be destroyed in an earthquake, generate 360 mile per hour winds, and start 2 world wars.

Pretty soon they'll be claiming it is going to cause Godzilla to rise from Tokyo Harbor, the Moon to turn blood red, and millions of people will suffer the heartbreak of psoriasis. :lol:

And they'll finally let us know it is an inside jobby-job, planned by George Bush, Dick Cheney and Haliburton, to strip all the top soil off the planet, making it easier to get to all the oil.
Maybe the object is smaller than some have thought, that's why they can't see it . It could also be super dense and that could explain the gravitational effect.

Wouldn't have to be true that all objects on long elliptical orbits were comet size in mass or like asteroids. It could have collapsed matter like a black hole but not quite there yet. No real reason to assume some quantum effect or resonance enhancement.
You didn't hear it from me, but up in the mountains there's a secret project funded by a wealthy industrialist that's building a spaceship to take a handful of people to colonize the new planet.

Hopefully he's Russian.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Challenger Disaster Live on CNN‬‏[/ame]
A comet !
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Shuttle Columbia Disaster - RARE FOOTAGE‬‏[/ame]
Maybe the object is smaller than some have thought, that's why they can't see it . It could also be super dense and that could explain the gravitational effect.

Wouldn't have to be true that all objects on long elliptical orbits were comet size in mass or like asteroids. It could have collapsed matter like a black hole but not quite there yet. No real reason to assume some quantum effect or resonance enhancement.

'Super dense' describes a lot of of things here.

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