Survivor of the French mass shooting where 130 were murdered disagrees with Parkland survivors...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes.....not all survivors of mass shootings are clueless when it comes to what to actually do to stop them...

Bataclan Terror Attack Survivor: March For Our Lives Was 'Pathetic' And Exploitative

He went on: "As the survivor of a mass shooting I can tell you from first-hand experience that all of you protesting and taking days off from school insult the memory of those who were killed and abuse and insult me and every other lover of liberty by your every action..... Long Live Rock’n’Roll..... and may everyone [sic] of these disgusting vile abusers of the dead live as long as possible so they can have the maximum amount of time to endure their shame.... and be Cursed....”

Leftists lashed out at Hughes, calling his postings "inappropriate," and suggesting that he remove them out of respect for the Parkland survivors. Hughes appears to have relented; only one of several posts remains active.

Interestingly enough, many of the same people attacking Hughes for his Instagram posts defended the Parkland students as unassailable, largely because they had just experienced — and survived — a mass shooting. As victims, their voices are worth more, it seems, than those seeking to exercise their Constitutional right to protect themselves. But the same deference wasn't afforded to Hughes — perhaps because, in surviving a mass shooting, he became an advocate for principles unpopular with all the "right" people.

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