Susan Collins Arrived Back in Maine to a Standing Ovation From Her Constituents

Like the fake protest March CNN did? Proven!
No. Prove your assertion Collins "called ahead and had a photo op built". Or admit you made that up.
Check the OP link moron! It's a crap site.
No. You said Collins "called ahead and had a photo op built". You lied and are trying to distract.

I accept your concession that you lied.
A few dozen people out of the hundreds who were at the airport in Maine, applauded her. What about the rest, who didn't?

And, how many Maine citizens who didn't like her voting to deny them a choice in health care, were disgusted and stayed home?
Like the fake protest March CNN did? Proven!
No. Prove your assertion Collins "called ahead and had a photo op built". Or admit you made that up.
Check the OP link moron! It's a crap site.
What a hack. Any source that disagrees with this guy is "crap". Business Insider is a reputable news source because they put very little if any political spin in the reporting. Their news focus is not partisan politics, but rather informing business people so that they can make wise business decisions. They are about as none partisan as you can get. Investors and CEO's count on them to provide non-partisan objective reporting.

DarkFury has a pattern of making things up, getting challenged to prove his lies, deflecting and evading backing up his lies.
A few dozen people out of the hundreds who were at the airport in Maine, applauded her. What about the rest, who didn't?

And, how many Maine citizens who didn't like her voting to deny them a choice in health care, were disgusted and stayed home?
You are another one that just makes stuff up. You don't know how many people were at that airport or what percentage applauded. You can not verify or back up your claims. You just say stuff off the top of your head. Truth or accuracy means nothing to you.
A few dozen people out of the hundreds who were at the airport in Maine, applauded her. What about the rest, who didn't?

And, how many Maine citizens who didn't like her voting to deny them a choice in health care, were disgusted and stayed home?
You are another one that just makes stuff up. You don't know how many people were at that airport or what percentage applauded. You can not verify or back up your claims. You just say stuff off the top of your head. Truth or accuracy means nothing to you.
Oh so everybody lies but you eh? Right.
Like the fake protest March CNN did? Proven!
No. Prove your assertion Collins "called ahead and had a photo op built". Or admit you made that up.
You link a known liberal spin site? How many liberal built news spins do we Conservatives have to prove?
Your link ranks right up there with Salon or CNN or MSNBC! Get a REAL news site.
Susan Collins on spontaneous applause at Maine airport: ‘It was just amazing’ - The Boston Globe

Collins received a round of applause at an airport in Maine after voting against Obamacare repeal
You are another one that just makes stuff up. You don't know how many people were at that airport or what percentage applauded. You can not verify or back up your claims. You just say stuff off the top of your head. Truth or accuracy means nothing to you.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything you said, and I dare not admit that it likely makes a lot of sense and is probably true. So I'll try to pretend there is something wrong with it even though I can't find anything wrong, insult you, and generally spew my hatred and rage, and hope somebody believes me instead of you even though you make a lot more sense than I do.
A crowd of outbound passengers recognized Maine's Republican Sen. Susan Collins after she arrived at the airport in Bangor, and began applauding her for voting “NO” on the GOP’s bill to steal affordable health insurance from tens-of-millions of Americans. As more people at the airport realized who she was, the applause grew.

" ‘It really was so extraordinary, heartwarming, and affirming,’ Collins said. ‘I got off the plane, and there was a large group of outbound passengers, none of whom I happened to know, and spontaneously some of them started applauding, and then virtually all of them started to applaud. It was just amazing.' "

Obviously, Senator Collins DOES listen to her constituents, as DOES Alaska’s Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski.

The question now is, did any of Mitch McConnell’s constituents greet him to show their appreciation for his valiant efforts to steal their affordable health insurance when he returned to Kentucky? Did anyone greet him to offer their consolation for his failures to do so?

If his claims that the majority of Americans want Obamacare repealed, his constituents should have met him as a show of support for his hard work. Even though he failed. But that didn’t happen, or, if it did, no one found such a demonstration of appreciation newsworthy.

Have any of the Republican Senators who voted “yes” to steal their constituents’ affordable health insurance thanked them? If so, how many?

It’s more than apparent that the vast majority of Americans oppose the GOP’s plans to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a massive tax cut for the super-rich. It’s also more than apparent that the congressional Republicans don’t give a sh!t what the vast majority want, the Republicans’ duty is to serve the 0.1%. But it’s always been that way.

Go ahead conservatives, spout your bullsh!t about the GOP’s concern for average Americans. It’s the same bullsh!t you’ve been spreading for years.

Collins received a round of applause at an airport in Maine after voting against Obamacare repeal


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No one can refute these. Deny, yes. Refute, no.

She called ahead and had a photo op built..
Prove your assertion.
Like the fake protest March CNN did? Proven!

That's not how it works dumb ass. If it has been proven, give a credible link. If not, STFU
She was applauded at the Bangor airport. I live here, and Bangor is my closest airport...

She deserved the applause for standing up for the people in our State and not voting for that awful bill...everyone feels that way, but our crazy, lunatic, completely off the wall governor and his paid minions.
You are another one that just makes stuff up. You don't know how many people were at that airport or what percentage applauded. You can not verify or back up your claims. You just say stuff off the top of your head. Truth or accuracy means nothing to you.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything you said, and I dare not admit that it likely makes a lot of sense and is probably true. So I'll try to pretend there is something wrong with it even though I can't find anything wrong, insult you, and generally spew my hatred and rage, and hope somebody believes me instead of you even though you make a lot more sense than I do.
I am not spewing hate and rage you dope. Have you ever been to the Bangor, Maine airport? It is one of those small airports that stays empty most of the time. Most of the planes that land there are small commuter type flights. The population of Bangor is only about 32,000. It's more a small town than a city. The idea that hundreds of people would be hanging out at that airport is remote.
A few dozen people out of the hundreds who were at the airport in Maine, applauded her. What about the rest, who didn't?

And, how many Maine citizens who didn't like her voting to deny them a choice in health care, were disgusted and stayed home?
You are another one that just makes stuff up. You don't know how many people were at that airport or what percentage applauded. You can not verify or back up your claims. You just say stuff off the top of your head. Truth or accuracy means nothing to you.
Oh so everybody lies but you eh? Right.

Do you want a list of your proven lies Mr 214?
A few dozen people out of the hundreds who were at the airport in Maine, applauded her. What about the rest, who didn't?

And, how many Maine citizens who didn't like her voting to deny them a choice in health care, were disgusted and stayed home?
you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about...

cease and desist now, please! :)
A few dozen people out of the hundreds who were at the airport in Maine, applauded her. What about the rest, who didn't?

And, how many Maine citizens who didn't like her voting to deny them a choice in health care, were disgusted and stayed home?

How many? Not very. As I already posted earlier she was swamped with calls about the vote. It was too much to handle. Many of them coming from out of state. And she voted in accordance with what she heard.

Get that? Here's a Senator, whose job it is to represent the interests of Maine --- no one else, Maine --- getting calls from places nowhere near Maine. Like, say, San Diego.

What is it you people don't get about the concept of a "state"?

Exactly how far is San Diego from any part of Maine?
Where then do you get off trying to tell people completely on the other side of the continent 2500 miles away, that you know better than they do about their own state??

How arrogant is that?

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