Susan Collins Arrived Back in Maine to a Standing Ovation From Her Constituents

It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History

That's only Presidential elections, Shortbus.

"For 2011, of the 47 Senate Republicans, Collins’ conservative rating ranks her 47th, last among GOP senators, while Snowe’s rating comes in 46th."

Collins, Snowe rank as least conservative GOP senators - Portland Press Herald

Stick with me kid, I'll learn ya.

Once again for the Illiterati --- soon to be released on audio books --- Senators are not elected to represent political parties. They're elected to represent the constituents of that state.

Check your Constitution on that. Want to borrow my copy?

You can keep your copy of The U.S. Constitution
You can keep your Democrat Party decoder ring.

One or the other - but not both.

I like the cut of your jib, Hank
Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History

That's only Presidential elections, Shortbus.

"For 2011, of the 47 Senate Republicans, Collins’ conservative rating ranks her 47th, last among GOP senators, while Snowe’s rating comes in 46th."

Collins, Snowe rank as least conservative GOP senators - Portland Press Herald

Stick with me kid, I'll learn ya.
You have been conveniently ignoring my question. How do you call Maine a "Liberal state" when it elected Tea Party candidate Paul LePage twice as our Governor?

LOL, Ive not ignored anything I've posted info from the last 40 years showing you your states liberalism.
Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History

That's only Presidential elections, Shortbus.

"For 2011, of the 47 Senate Republicans, Collins’ conservative rating ranks her 47th, last among GOP senators, while Snowe’s rating comes in 46th."

Collins, Snowe rank as least conservative GOP senators - Portland Press Herald

Stick with me kid, I'll learn ya.
You far right-wingers could learn from that. Wide, deep rooted popularity with a large percentage of your populace for decades, for being MODERATE. That's the ticket if you want to win. What you guys have been doing in Washington lately ain't winning. Try something different. Learn from a master.

I'm neither "Far Right Wing" nor "Republican". Collins is Liberal, period. What you need to learn is that In Washington there is neither Repubs or Dems, just marionettes dancing to the same tune to keep you entertained. Right/Left is alive and well on the streets, but doesn't exist in Washington. Grow up old lady.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.
So much for rightwing ‘advocacy’ of “states’ rights” and “will of the people.”
RINO Traitor. Nuff said.

"Traitor" to ------------------- what?

Aye, there's the rub.

Amazing how many Ignorami walk among us that actually believe Congresscritters are elected to represent political parties. :lmao:
Boggles the mind. And these knuckledraggers presumably VOTE. :eek:

Say -- where does that leave Maine's other Senator Angus King? You know, the one with ----- no political party?
What's his job then? WHO does he represent?

BIG GIANT HINT --- see the last word in the thread title. Either that or you have to call him a NPPINO. And good luck wit dat.

Always think before posting.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

Trump whores huh "reasonable"? You'd do mankind a favor without a hand to type with. Add a lobotomy too. But I don't suppose you're interested.

For the sake of consistency, can I request you change your user id to something genuine and representing? Antonyms are backwards thinking. Anyway, an option might be fucked-head-snowflake.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.
She is s shit stain and a traitor...

She is a democrat posing as a republican...

Proof of that is a left wing shit stain like you is posting up left wing crap like this..
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.
She is s shit stain and a traitor...

She is a democrat posing as a republican...

Proof of that is a left wing shit stain like you is posting up left wing crap like this..

On what planet are Senators elected to serve ---- political parties?

Must be far away. On this one they're elected to serve the constituents of their STATE. You know --- the ones who get to vote for them, while you don't? Those people.

Don't believe me? It's in here.
A crowd of outbound passengers recognized Maine's Republican Sen. Susan Collins after she arrived at the airport in Bangor, and began applauding her for voting “NO” on the GOP’s bill to steal affordable health insurance from tens-of-millions of Americans. As more people at the airport realized who she was, the applause grew.

" ‘It really was so extraordinary, heartwarming, and affirming,’ Collins said. ‘I got off the plane, and there was a large group of outbound passengers, none of whom I happened to know, and spontaneously some of them started applauding, and then virtually all of them started to applaud. It was just amazing.' "

Obviously, Senator Collins DOES listen to her constituents, as DOES Alaska’s Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski.

The question now is, did any of Mitch McConnell’s constituents greet him to show their appreciation for his valiant efforts to steal their affordable health insurance when he returned to Kentucky? Did anyone greet him to offer their consolation for his failures to do so?

If his claims that the majority of Americans want Obamacare repealed, his constituents should have met him as a show of support for his hard work. Even though he failed. But that didn’t happen, or, if it did, no one found such a demonstration of appreciation newsworthy.

Have any of the Republican Senators who voted “yes” to steal their constituents’ affordable health insurance thanked them? If so, how many?

It’s more than apparent that the vast majority of Americans oppose the GOP’s plans to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a massive tax cut for the super-rich. It’s also more than apparent that the congressional Republicans don’t give a sh!t what the vast majority want, the Republicans’ duty is to serve the 0.1%. But it’s always been that way.

Go ahead conservatives, spout your bullsh!t about the GOP’s concern for average Americans. It’s the same bullsh!t you’ve been spreading for years.

Collins received a round of applause at an airport in Maine after voting against Obamacare repeal





No one can refute these. Deny, yes. Refute, no.

A crowd of outbound passengers recognized Maine's Republican Sen. Susan Collins after she arrived at the airport in Bangor, and began applauding her for voting “NO” on the GOP’s bill to steal affordable health insurance from tens-of-millions of Americans. As more people at the airport realized who she was, the applause grew.

" ‘It really was so extraordinary, heartwarming, and affirming,’ Collins said. ‘I got off the plane, and there was a large group of outbound passengers, none of whom I happened to know, and spontaneously some of them started applauding, and then virtually all of them started to applaud. It was just amazing.' "

Obviously, Senator Collins DOES listen to her constituents, as DOES Alaska’s Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski.

The question now is, did any of Mitch McConnell’s constituents greet him to show their appreciation for his valiant efforts to steal their affordable health insurance when he returned to Kentucky? Did anyone greet him to offer their consolation for his failures to do so?

If his claims that the majority of Americans want Obamacare repealed, his constituents should have met him as a show of support for his hard work. Even though he failed. But that didn’t happen, or, if it did, no one found such a demonstration of appreciation newsworthy.

Have any of the Republican Senators who voted “yes” to steal their constituents’ affordable health insurance thanked them? If so, how many?

It’s more than apparent that the vast majority of Americans oppose the GOP’s plans to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a massive tax cut for the super-rich. It’s also more than apparent that the congressional Republicans don’t give a sh!t what the vast majority want, the Republicans’ duty is to serve the 0.1%. But it’s always been that way.

Go ahead conservatives, spout your bullsh!t about the GOP’s concern for average Americans. It’s the same bullsh!t you’ve been spreading for years.

Collins received a round of applause at an airport in Maine after voting against Obamacare repeal


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View attachment 141625

No one can refute these. Deny, yes. Refute, no.

She called ahead and had a photo op built..
A crowd of outbound passengers recognized Maine's Republican Sen. Susan Collins after she arrived at the airport in Bangor, and began applauding her for voting “NO” on the GOP’s bill to steal affordable health insurance from tens-of-millions of Americans. As more people at the airport realized who she was, the applause grew.

" ‘It really was so extraordinary, heartwarming, and affirming,’ Collins said. ‘I got off the plane, and there was a large group of outbound passengers, none of whom I happened to know, and spontaneously some of them started applauding, and then virtually all of them started to applaud. It was just amazing.' "

Obviously, Senator Collins DOES listen to her constituents, as DOES Alaska’s Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski.

The question now is, did any of Mitch McConnell’s constituents greet him to show their appreciation for his valiant efforts to steal their affordable health insurance when he returned to Kentucky? Did anyone greet him to offer their consolation for his failures to do so?

If his claims that the majority of Americans want Obamacare repealed, his constituents should have met him as a show of support for his hard work. Even though he failed. But that didn’t happen, or, if it did, no one found such a demonstration of appreciation newsworthy.

Have any of the Republican Senators who voted “yes” to steal their constituents’ affordable health insurance thanked them? If so, how many?

It’s more than apparent that the vast majority of Americans oppose the GOP’s plans to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a massive tax cut for the super-rich. It’s also more than apparent that the congressional Republicans don’t give a sh!t what the vast majority want, the Republicans’ duty is to serve the 0.1%. But it’s always been that way.

Go ahead conservatives, spout your bullsh!t about the GOP’s concern for average Americans. It’s the same bullsh!t you’ve been spreading for years.

Collins received a round of applause at an airport in Maine after voting against Obamacare repeal


View attachment 141624


View attachment 141625

No one can refute these. Deny, yes. Refute, no.

She called ahead and had a photo op built..
A crowd of outbound passengers recognized Maine's Republican Sen. Susan Collins after she arrived at the airport in Bangor, and began applauding her for voting “NO” on the GOP’s bill to steal affordable health insurance from tens-of-millions of Americans. As more people at the airport realized who she was, the applause grew.

" ‘It really was so extraordinary, heartwarming, and affirming,’ Collins said. ‘I got off the plane, and there was a large group of outbound passengers, none of whom I happened to know, and spontaneously some of them started applauding, and then virtually all of them started to applaud. It was just amazing.' "

Obviously, Senator Collins DOES listen to her constituents, as DOES Alaska’s Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski.

The question now is, did any of Mitch McConnell’s constituents greet him to show their appreciation for his valiant efforts to steal their affordable health insurance when he returned to Kentucky? Did anyone greet him to offer their consolation for his failures to do so?

If his claims that the majority of Americans want Obamacare repealed, his constituents should have met him as a show of support for his hard work. Even though he failed. But that didn’t happen, or, if it did, no one found such a demonstration of appreciation newsworthy.

Have any of the Republican Senators who voted “yes” to steal their constituents’ affordable health insurance thanked them? If so, how many?

It’s more than apparent that the vast majority of Americans oppose the GOP’s plans to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a massive tax cut for the super-rich. It’s also more than apparent that the congressional Republicans don’t give a sh!t what the vast majority want, the Republicans’ duty is to serve the 0.1%. But it’s always been that way.

Go ahead conservatives, spout your bullsh!t about the GOP’s concern for average Americans. It’s the same bullsh!t you’ve been spreading for years.

Collins received a round of applause at an airport in Maine after voting against Obamacare repeal


View attachment 141624


View attachment 141625

No one can refute these. Deny, yes. Refute, no.

She called ahead and had a photo op built..
A crowd of outbound passengers recognized Maine's Republican Sen. Susan Collins after she arrived at the airport in Bangor, and began applauding her for voting “NO” on the GOP’s bill to steal affordable health insurance from tens-of-millions of Americans. As more people at the airport realized who she was, the applause grew.

" ‘It really was so extraordinary, heartwarming, and affirming,’ Collins said. ‘I got off the plane, and there was a large group of outbound passengers, none of whom I happened to know, and spontaneously some of them started applauding, and then virtually all of them started to applaud. It was just amazing.' "

Obviously, Senator Collins DOES listen to her constituents, as DOES Alaska’s Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski.

The question now is, did any of Mitch McConnell’s constituents greet him to show their appreciation for his valiant efforts to steal their affordable health insurance when he returned to Kentucky? Did anyone greet him to offer their consolation for his failures to do so?

If his claims that the majority of Americans want Obamacare repealed, his constituents should have met him as a show of support for his hard work. Even though he failed. But that didn’t happen, or, if it did, no one found such a demonstration of appreciation newsworthy.

Have any of the Republican Senators who voted “yes” to steal their constituents’ affordable health insurance thanked them? If so, how many?

It’s more than apparent that the vast majority of Americans oppose the GOP’s plans to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a massive tax cut for the super-rich. It’s also more than apparent that the congressional Republicans don’t give a sh!t what the vast majority want, the Republicans’ duty is to serve the 0.1%. But it’s always been that way.

Go ahead conservatives, spout your bullsh!t about the GOP’s concern for average Americans. It’s the same bullsh!t you’ve been spreading for years.

Collins received a round of applause at an airport in Maine after voting against Obamacare repeal


View attachment 141624


View attachment 141625

No one can refute these. Deny, yes. Refute, no.

She called ahead and had a photo op built..

A crowd of outbound passengers recognized Maine's Republican Sen. Susan Collins after she arrived at the airport in Bangor, and began applauding her for voting “NO” on the GOP’s bill to steal affordable health insurance from tens-of-millions of Americans. As more people at the airport realized who she was, the applause grew.

" ‘It really was so extraordinary, heartwarming, and affirming,’ Collins said. ‘I got off the plane, and there was a large group of outbound passengers, none of whom I happened to know, and spontaneously some of them started applauding, and then virtually all of them started to applaud. It was just amazing.' "

Obviously, Senator Collins DOES listen to her constituents, as DOES Alaska’s Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski.

The question now is, did any of Mitch McConnell’s constituents greet him to show their appreciation for his valiant efforts to steal their affordable health insurance when he returned to Kentucky? Did anyone greet him to offer their consolation for his failures to do so?

If his claims that the majority of Americans want Obamacare repealed, his constituents should have met him as a show of support for his hard work. Even though he failed. But that didn’t happen, or, if it did, no one found such a demonstration of appreciation newsworthy.

Have any of the Republican Senators who voted “yes” to steal their constituents’ affordable health insurance thanked them? If so, how many?

It’s more than apparent that the vast majority of Americans oppose the GOP’s plans to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a massive tax cut for the super-rich. It’s also more than apparent that the congressional Republicans don’t give a sh!t what the vast majority want, the Republicans’ duty is to serve the 0.1%. But it’s always been that way.

Go ahead conservatives, spout your bullsh!t about the GOP’s concern for average Americans. It’s the same bullsh!t you’ve been spreading for years.

Collins received a round of applause at an airport in Maine after voting against Obamacare repeal


View attachment 141624


View attachment 141625

No one can refute these. Deny, yes. Refute, no.

She called ahead and had a photo op built..
Prove your assertion.
A crowd of outbound passengers recognized Maine's Republican Sen. Susan Collins after she arrived at the airport in Bangor, and began applauding her for voting “NO” on the GOP’s bill to steal affordable health insurance from tens-of-millions of Americans. As more people at the airport realized who she was, the applause grew.

" ‘It really was so extraordinary, heartwarming, and affirming,’ Collins said. ‘I got off the plane, and there was a large group of outbound passengers, none of whom I happened to know, and spontaneously some of them started applauding, and then virtually all of them started to applaud. It was just amazing.' "

Obviously, Senator Collins DOES listen to her constituents, as DOES Alaska’s Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski.

The question now is, did any of Mitch McConnell’s constituents greet him to show their appreciation for his valiant efforts to steal their affordable health insurance when he returned to Kentucky? Did anyone greet him to offer their consolation for his failures to do so?

If his claims that the majority of Americans want Obamacare repealed, his constituents should have met him as a show of support for his hard work. Even though he failed. But that didn’t happen, or, if it did, no one found such a demonstration of appreciation newsworthy.

Have any of the Republican Senators who voted “yes” to steal their constituents’ affordable health insurance thanked them? If so, how many?

It’s more than apparent that the vast majority of Americans oppose the GOP’s plans to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a massive tax cut for the super-rich. It’s also more than apparent that the congressional Republicans don’t give a sh!t what the vast majority want, the Republicans’ duty is to serve the 0.1%. But it’s always been that way.

Go ahead conservatives, spout your bullsh!t about the GOP’s concern for average Americans. It’s the same bullsh!t you’ve been spreading for years.

Collins received a round of applause at an airport in Maine after voting against Obamacare repeal


View attachment 141624


View attachment 141625

No one can refute these. Deny, yes. Refute, no.

She called ahead and had a photo op built..
Prove your assertion.
Like the fake protest March CNN did? Proven!
A crowd of outbound passengers recognized Maine's Republican Sen. Susan Collins after she arrived at the airport in Bangor, and began applauding her for voting “NO” on the GOP’s bill to steal affordable health insurance from tens-of-millions of Americans. As more people at the airport realized who she was, the applause grew.

" ‘It really was so extraordinary, heartwarming, and affirming,’ Collins said. ‘I got off the plane, and there was a large group of outbound passengers, none of whom I happened to know, and spontaneously some of them started applauding, and then virtually all of them started to applaud. It was just amazing.' "

Obviously, Senator Collins DOES listen to her constituents, as DOES Alaska’s Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski.

The question now is, did any of Mitch McConnell’s constituents greet him to show their appreciation for his valiant efforts to steal their affordable health insurance when he returned to Kentucky? Did anyone greet him to offer their consolation for his failures to do so?

If his claims that the majority of Americans want Obamacare repealed, his constituents should have met him as a show of support for his hard work. Even though he failed. But that didn’t happen, or, if it did, no one found such a demonstration of appreciation newsworthy.

Have any of the Republican Senators who voted “yes” to steal their constituents’ affordable health insurance thanked them? If so, how many?

It’s more than apparent that the vast majority of Americans oppose the GOP’s plans to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a massive tax cut for the super-rich. It’s also more than apparent that the congressional Republicans don’t give a sh!t what the vast majority want, the Republicans’ duty is to serve the 0.1%. But it’s always been that way.

Go ahead conservatives, spout your bullsh!t about the GOP’s concern for average Americans. It’s the same bullsh!t you’ve been spreading for years.

Collins received a round of applause at an airport in Maine after voting against Obamacare repeal


View attachment 141624


View attachment 141625

No one can refute these. Deny, yes. Refute, no.

She called ahead and had a photo op built..
Prove your assertion.
Like the fake protest March CNN did? Proven!
No. Prove your assertion Collins "called ahead and had a photo op built". Or admit you made that up.
She called ahead and had a photo op built..
Prove your assertion.
Like the fake protest March CNN did? Proven!
No. Prove your assertion Collins "called ahead and had a photo op built". Or admit you made that up.
You link a known liberal spin site? How many liberal built news spins do we Conservatives have to prove?
Your link ranks right up there with Salon or CNN or MSNBC! Get a REAL news site.
Like the fake protest March CNN did? Proven!
No. Prove your assertion Collins "called ahead and had a photo op built". Or admit you made that up.
You link a known liberal spin site? How many liberal built news spins do we Conservatives have to prove?
Your link ranks right up there with Salon or CNN or MSNBC! Get a REAL news site.
I have linked to nothing. I said : Prove your assertion Collins "called ahead and had a photo op built". Or admit you made that up.

Your desperate and quite lame attempt to distract from your lies is noted.

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