Susan Collins Arrived Back in Maine to a Standing Ovation From Her Constituents

Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History

That's only Presidential elections, Shortbus.

That's what I'm talking about Red Helmet kid.

That's not what "it's not really a 'liberal' state" and references to Governors and Senators refers to, now is it, Sparkplug?
LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History

That's only Presidential elections, Shortbus.

"For 2011, of the 47 Senate Republicans, Collins’ conservative rating ranks her 47th, last among GOP senators, while Snowe’s rating comes in 46th."

Collins, Snowe rank as least conservative GOP senators - Portland Press Herald

Stick with me kid, I'll learn ya.
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History

That's only Presidential elections, Shortbus.

"For 2011, of the 47 Senate Republicans, Collins’ conservative rating ranks her 47th, last among GOP senators, while Snowe’s rating comes in 46th."

Collins, Snowe rank as least conservative GOP senators - Portland Press Herald

Stick with me kid, I'll learn ya.

Once again for the Illiterati --- soon to be released on audio books --- Senators are not elected to represent political parties. They're elected to represent the constituents of that state.

Check your Constitution on that. Want to borrow my copy?

As a bonus track --- political parties don't exist to represent an ideology. They exist to consolidate power, manage election campaigns and perpetuate themselves.

Thank me later.
Paul Le Page voters, aka "her constituents", would never vote for Annoying Susan Collins.
Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History

That's only Presidential elections, Shortbus.

"For 2011, of the 47 Senate Republicans, Collins’ conservative rating ranks her 47th, last among GOP senators, while Snowe’s rating comes in 46th."

Collins, Snowe rank as least conservative GOP senators - Portland Press Herald

Stick with me kid, I'll learn ya.

Once again for the Illiterati --- soon to be released on audio books --- Senators are not elected to represent political parties. They're elected to represent the constituents of that state.

Check your Constitution on that. Want to borrow my copy?

Which is why she's liberal, you really aren't very good at this kid.
Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History

That's only Presidential elections, Shortbus.

"For 2011, of the 47 Senate Republicans, Collins’ conservative rating ranks her 47th, last among GOP senators, while Snowe’s rating comes in 46th."

Collins, Snowe rank as least conservative GOP senators - Portland Press Herald

Stick with me kid, I'll learn ya.

Once again for the Illiterati --- soon to be released on audio books --- Senators are not elected to represent political parties. They're elected to represent the constituents of that state.

Check your Constitution on that. Want to borrow my copy?

You can keep your copy of The U.S. Constitution
You can keep your Democrat Party decoder ring.

One or the other - but not both.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.
So a bunch of idiots cheered for a government employee giving them Charlie Gard quality healthcare.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History

That's only Presidential elections, Shortbus.

"For 2011, of the 47 Senate Republicans, Collins’ conservative rating ranks her 47th, last among GOP senators, while Snowe’s rating comes in 46th."

Collins, Snowe rank as least conservative GOP senators - Portland Press Herald

Stick with me kid, I'll learn ya.

Once again for the Illiterati --- soon to be released on audio books --- Senators are not elected to represent political parties. They're elected to represent the constituents of that state.

Check your Constitution on that. Want to borrow my copy?

You can keep your copy of The U.S. Constitution
You can keep your Democrat Party decoder ring.

One or the other - but not both.

Fortunately the latter does not exist.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History
I'm aware of that Doc. I live here. You go with what you want to console yourself with.
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History

That's only Presidential elections, Shortbus.

"For 2011, of the 47 Senate Republicans, Collins’ conservative rating ranks her 47th, last among GOP senators, while Snowe’s rating comes in 46th."

Collins, Snowe rank as least conservative GOP senators - Portland Press Herald

Stick with me kid, I'll learn ya.
You have been conveniently ignoring my question. How do you call Maine a "Liberal state" when it elected Tea Party candidate Paul LePage twice as our Governor?
Paul Le Page voters, aka "her constituents", would never vote for Annoying Susan Collins.

But they did. Over and over.

Guess what a voter in California gets to do about that. I gives you a hint -- it rhymes with "sup this".

by the way, Paul Le Page said he's gonna primary Susan Collins. he's gonna win so easily and end lazy susie collins' political career.
LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History
I'm aware of that Doc. I live here. You go with what you want to console yourself with.

You live in a Liberal State, it's ok.
Apparently wags on this website are far from the only drones who don't understand how Constitutional state representation in Congress works............

>> Collins clarified later in the day that she always wants to hear from constituents, but she was ‘‘flooded from calls from out of state’’ around the time of some of Trump’s Cabinet confirmation votes. Collins’ staff said about 90 percent of calls to her Washington office were from out of state, as were two-thirds of the calls to her Maine office. << Collins: Volume of Calls is Overwhelming Staff
Paul Le Page voters, aka "her constituents", would never vote for Annoying Susan Collins.

But they did. Over and over.

Guess what a voter in California gets to do about that. I gives you a hint -- it rhymes with "sup this".

by the way, Paul Le Page said he's gonna primary Susan Collins. he's gonna win so easily and end lazy susie collins' political career.

Spoken with all the perspective of an armchair hack who lives three thousand miles away and never bothers to look up anything.
Paul Le Page voters, aka "her constituents", would never vote for Annoying Susan Collins.

But they did. Over and over.

Guess what a voter in California gets to do about that. I gives you a hint -- it rhymes with "sup this".

by the way, Paul Le Page said he's gonna primary Susan Collins. he's gonna win so easily and end lazy susie collins' political career.
Paul LePage is a fat mouthed asshole who this past winter left a vmm for a Democratic legislator saying he'd like to duel him. He told the NAACP to kiss his ass. He routinely refuses to speak to either the legislature or the press. He is the biggest fucking embarrassment I'm aware of that this state ever elected and after eight years, Maine is worse off than it was before Mr. Miraculous with his big conservative ideas was going to come in and fix our economy. Now he's considering running for Senate, but he is NOT planning to run against Susan Collins. He will run against Independent Angus King if he chooses to run for Senate. Susan Collins will go back to the Senate for as long as she likes, as far as the people of Maine are concerned, but she has been considering running for Governor.
If LePage runs for Senate, ti will be the biggest goddamned defeat of a man running for Senate in the history of the World, because he is absolutely detested by all but the most die hard Republicans who put party before decency.
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History

That's only Presidential elections, Shortbus.

"For 2011, of the 47 Senate Republicans, Collins’ conservative rating ranks her 47th, last among GOP senators, while Snowe’s rating comes in 46th."

Collins, Snowe rank as least conservative GOP senators - Portland Press Herald

Stick with me kid, I'll learn ya.
You far right-wingers could learn from that. Wide, deep rooted popularity with a large percentage of your populace for decades, for being MODERATE. That's the ticket if you want to win. What you guys have been doing in Washington lately ain't winning. Try something different. Learn from a master.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

No doubt staged by "rent a mob inc."
Nope. The very conservative early morning crowd at my local diner was not mad at her this morning. Said it sounds like she's on the right track. They're VERY Republican. Did I mention that?

That's the most lame attempt at fake news ever!

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