Susan Collins Arrived Back in Maine to a Standing Ovation From Her Constituents

And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.
The Bangor newspaper said she got 'applause' from people in the terminal when she deplaned. That ain't exactly a standing O, but I'll wait for you to provide a link to support your claim. Maine is a fairly independent state, I'm sure there were many in her state and around the country who were/are very concerned about where HCI was headed in this country. I understand she's not running for re-election again, so I wouldn't say her 'NO' vote took all that much political courage.

Meanwhile representing one's constituents does. It shouldn't, since it's the fucking job description. Though one would never know that from the partisan hacks on this board who think they each own 100 Senators.

But speaking of political courage, there was this wackball from down your way....

>>According to an Associated Press report, in a radio interview Monday, Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) blamed “some female senators from the Northeast” for holding up the health care vote process and said that “if it was a guy from south Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style.”<<​

Get that? This asscrack from Texas, who's supposed to be representing his constituents, wanted pistols at ten paces for Collins' transgression of representing hers. If that ain't Congressional terrorism I don't know what is.

Such are the wages of voting for partisan hacks.
He's the fat tub of lard, right?


He's uh, the one on the right with the fashion statement. A statement that seems to say something about having one's ducks in a row.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

I come from several generations of Maineacs myself.... :eusa_shifty:

I think my first trip there was 1963 for the solar eclipse.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.
Hitler got plenty of standing ovations. Women feinted in his presence.
But for obviously the wrong reason.
Collins, for the right reason.
The Bangor newspaper said she got 'applause' from people in the terminal when she deplaned. That ain't exactly a standing O, but I'll wait for you to provide a link to support your claim. Maine is a fairly independent state, I'm sure there were many in her state and around the country who were/are very concerned about where HCI was headed in this country. I understand she's not running for re-election again, so I wouldn't say her 'NO' vote took all that much political courage.

Meanwhile representing one's constituents does. It shouldn't, since it's the fucking job description. Though one would never know that from the partisan hacks on this board who think they each own 100 Senators.

But speaking of political courage, there was this wackball from down your way....

>>According to an Associated Press report, in a radio interview Monday, Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) blamed “some female senators from the Northeast” for holding up the health care vote process and said that “if it was a guy from south Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style.”<<​

Get that? This asscrack from Texas, who's supposed to be representing his constituents, wanted pistols at ten paces for Collins representing hers.

Such are the wages of voting for partisan hacks.

Farenthold is an asscrack, but it ain't like there are no asscracks on your side of the aisle bub. As far as Collins is concerned, when you aren't going to run for re-election it doesn't take much courage to do whatever you please cuz there's no fallout to worry about. And I don't think it takes much courage to vote the way your constituents want you to, it's takes guts to vote against their wishes like many House Dems did in 2010 when they voted for the ACA in spite of poll after poll telling them that most Americans didn't want it.

I uh don't have a "side of the aisle", Bub. Unless you want to count Sanders and King. Those two, like me, are part of the largest and most relevant political party in these United States -- "None". I just find it fascinating that mob mentality takes some asscracks to such partisan hack lengths that they would actually threaten a rep of another state with a duel.

And oh yes -- I never mentioned anybody's political party anyway.

I don't know if Collins is running for re-election or not but feel free to present your evidence that her vote pattern has changed since the day she didn't-announce that.

I don't give a flying fuck about Collins' voting record

Apparently you do, since you brought it up along with a connection to a mythology of not running again.

and for somebody who says you don't have a "side of the aisle" you sure do come across as a true blue progressive liberal democrat. Maybe you aren't a member of the party but no one would doubt it based on what you post around here.

I don't give a flying fuck what "no one would doubt". And this just in, Collins is a Republican.
Collins has been toying with the idea of running for Governor since April. She said she will decide by the fall. This week will no doubt factor into her decision, I would think.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
Because I've been to Bar Harbor? Are you nuts?
I never said the " people on the right agree with her" so that makes you the idiot.
Since I have you on the spot why don't you explain why you thought it was a good idea to give immense tax breaks to the rich while taking $800 billion from Medicaid and why you're gung ho for 22 million losing their health insurance.
You mean a Republican in a state that went for Clinton got cheered for voting against something Trump wanted.
View attachment 141005
Yes Trump wanted to reward his rich friends at the expense of the poor. It's such a Republican thing to do.
Sorry I'm not intellectually deficient enough to respond to statements like that. Please stand by a moron will be with you shortly.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.
Hitler got plenty of standing ovations. Women feinted in his presence.

They pretended to hit him?
Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Not at all. It's simply more proof thst there are very few of us Conservatives here in New England. Republicans in the Northeast bear a greater resemblance to Leftists like Josef Stalin thsn any ither area of the country.

See: Mitt Romney for confirmation
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
Because I've been to Bar Harbor? Are you nuts?
I never said the " people on the right agree with her" so that makes you the idiot.
Since I have you on the spot why don't you explain why you thought it was a good idea to give immense tax breaks to the rich while taking $800 billion from Medicaid and why you're gung ho for 22 million losing their health insurance.

You aren't capable of putting me "on the spot" kid. The board archives are my friend, I've said since the day after the Election Bammy Care wasn't going anywhere. Common mistake of you Libs is to think everyone is a lemming like you are. Sorry.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History

That's only Presidential elections, Shortbus.
Not for nothing are people from Maine called "maniacs". I have a Maine Coon Cat. We call him "Stump" for his IQ. Lovable but dumb as a stump.
LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).

It's gone Dem since 1992. Sorry.

Maine Presidential Election Voting History

That's only Presidential elections, Shortbus.

That's what I'm talking about Red Helmet kid.

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