Susan Collins Arrived Back in Maine to a Standing Ovation From Her Constituents

And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

No doubt staged by "rent a mob inc."
Nope. The very conservative early morning crowd at my local diner was not mad at her this morning. Said it sounds like she's on the right track. They're VERY Republican. Did I mention that?

That's the most lame attempt at fake news ever!
It is the truth.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
Because I've been to Bar Harbor? Are you nuts?
I never said the " people on the right agree with her" so that makes you the idiot.
Since I have you on the spot why don't you explain why you thought it was a good idea to give immense tax breaks to the rich while taking $800 billion from Medicaid and why you're gung ho for 22 million losing their health insurance.

Immense tax breaks to the rich? Bull Shit. There are no such things in any of the GOP plans, which BTW aren't going to happen anyway.

I don't mind if 15 or 16 million lose their health care cuz they didn't want it in the 1st place. Making people buy something they do not want is not the American way.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

No doubt staged by "rent a mob inc."
Nope. The very conservative early morning crowd at my local diner was not mad at her this morning. Said it sounds like she's on the right track. They're VERY Republican. Did I mention that?

That's the most lame attempt at fake news ever!

That ^^ is the most lame attempt at refutation ever.

But then based on this level of erudition I doubt you've ever been within smelling distance of a Maine map, let alone the state.
The Bangor newspaper said she got 'applause' from people in the terminal when she deplaned. That ain't exactly a standing O, but I'll wait for you to provide a link to support your claim. Maine is a fairly independent state, I'm sure there were many in her state and around the country who were/are very concerned about where HCI was headed in this country. I understand she's not running for re-election again, so I wouldn't say her 'NO' vote took all that much political courage.

Meanwhile representing one's constituents does. It shouldn't, since it's the fucking job description. Though one would never know that from the partisan hacks on this board who think they each own 100 Senators.

But speaking of political courage, there was this wackball from down your way....

>>According to an Associated Press report, in a radio interview Monday, Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) blamed “some female senators from the Northeast” for holding up the health care vote process and said that “if it was a guy from south Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style.”<<​

Get that? This asscrack from Texas, who's supposed to be representing his constituents, wanted pistols at ten paces for Collins representing hers.

Such are the wages of voting for partisan hacks.

Farenthold is an asscrack, but it ain't like there are no asscracks on your side of the aisle bub. As far as Collins is concerned, when you aren't going to run for re-election it doesn't take much courage to do whatever you please cuz there's no fallout to worry about. And I don't think it takes much courage to vote the way your constituents want you to, it's takes guts to vote against their wishes like many House Dems did in 2010 when they voted for the ACA in spite of poll after poll telling them that most Americans didn't want it.

I uh don't have a "side of the aisle", Bub. Unless you want to count Sanders and King. Those two, like me, are part of the largest and most relevant political party in these United States -- "None". I just find it fascinating that mob mentality takes some asscracks to such partisan hack lengths that they would actually threaten a rep of another state with a duel.

And oh yes -- I never mentioned anybody's political party anyway.

I don't know if Collins is running for re-election or not but feel free to present your evidence that her vote pattern has changed since the day she didn't-announce that.

I don't give a flying fuck about Collins' voting record

Apparently you do, since you brought it up along with a connection to a mythology of not running again.

and for somebody who says you don't have a "side of the aisle" you sure do come across as a true blue progressive liberal democrat. Maybe you aren't a member of the party but no one would doubt it based on what you post around here.

I don't give a flying fuck what "no one would doubt". And this just in, Collins is a Republican.

She's a RINO Republican. Dims purged their party of all moderate Democrats long ago.
Meanwhile representing one's constituents does. It shouldn't, since it's the fucking job description. Though one would never know that from the partisan hacks on this board who think they each own 100 Senators.

But speaking of political courage, there was this wackball from down your way....

>>According to an Associated Press report, in a radio interview Monday, Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) blamed “some female senators from the Northeast” for holding up the health care vote process and said that “if it was a guy from south Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style.”<<​

Get that? This asscrack from Texas, who's supposed to be representing his constituents, wanted pistols at ten paces for Collins representing hers.

Such are the wages of voting for partisan hacks.

Farenthold is an asscrack, but it ain't like there are no asscracks on your side of the aisle bub. As far as Collins is concerned, when you aren't going to run for re-election it doesn't take much courage to do whatever you please cuz there's no fallout to worry about. And I don't think it takes much courage to vote the way your constituents want you to, it's takes guts to vote against their wishes like many House Dems did in 2010 when they voted for the ACA in spite of poll after poll telling them that most Americans didn't want it.

I uh don't have a "side of the aisle", Bub. Unless you want to count Sanders and King. Those two, like me, are part of the largest and most relevant political party in these United States -- "None". I just find it fascinating that mob mentality takes some asscracks to such partisan hack lengths that they would actually threaten a rep of another state with a duel.

And oh yes -- I never mentioned anybody's political party anyway.

I don't know if Collins is running for re-election or not but feel free to present your evidence that her vote pattern has changed since the day she didn't-announce that.

I don't give a flying fuck about Collins' voting record, and for somebody who says you don't have a "side of the aisle" you sure do come across as a true blue progressive liberal democrat. Maybe you aren't a member of the party but no one would doubt it based on what you post around here.
Pogo also thinks she a "liberal" like the Founding Fathers.

I just love that shit. It's utterly hilarious.

I don't know if "she a Liberal" or not. I not live in Maine. But I do know my verbs.

The sure sign of an asshole is harping on technical gaffs.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

No doubt staged by "rent a mob inc."
Nope. The very conservative early morning crowd at my local diner was not mad at her this morning. Said it sounds like she's on the right track. They're VERY Republican. Did I mention that?
No, they aren't "very Republican." They're douch bags.
Meanwhile representing one's constituents does. It shouldn't, since it's the fucking job description. Though one would never know that from the partisan hacks on this board who think they each own 100 Senators.

But speaking of political courage, there was this wackball from down your way....

>>According to an Associated Press report, in a radio interview Monday, Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) blamed “some female senators from the Northeast” for holding up the health care vote process and said that “if it was a guy from south Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style.”<<​

Get that? This asscrack from Texas, who's supposed to be representing his constituents, wanted pistols at ten paces for Collins representing hers.

Such are the wages of voting for partisan hacks.

Farenthold is an asscrack, but it ain't like there are no asscracks on your side of the aisle bub. As far as Collins is concerned, when you aren't going to run for re-election it doesn't take much courage to do whatever you please cuz there's no fallout to worry about. And I don't think it takes much courage to vote the way your constituents want you to, it's takes guts to vote against their wishes like many House Dems did in 2010 when they voted for the ACA in spite of poll after poll telling them that most Americans didn't want it.

I uh don't have a "side of the aisle", Bub. Unless you want to count Sanders and King. Those two, like me, are part of the largest and most relevant political party in these United States -- "None". I just find it fascinating that mob mentality takes some asscracks to such partisan hack lengths that they would actually threaten a rep of another state with a duel.

And oh yes -- I never mentioned anybody's political party anyway.

I don't know if Collins is running for re-election or not but feel free to present your evidence that her vote pattern has changed since the day she didn't-announce that.

I don't give a flying fuck about Collins' voting record

Apparently you do, since you brought it up along with a connection to a mythology of not running again.

and for somebody who says you don't have a "side of the aisle" you sure do come across as a true blue progressive liberal democrat. Maybe you aren't a member of the party but no one would doubt it based on what you post around here.

I don't give a flying fuck what "no one would doubt". And this just in, Collins is a Republican.

She's a RINO Republican. Dims purged their party of all moderate Democrats long ago.

Actually the voters did that, the only ones left are the ones in deep blue states or districts. Most of 'em anyway.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.
Well deserved

She stood up for her constituents over her party
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
It's not really a "liberal" state. We elected Paul LePage twice. Google him if you don't know who he is.
Rural Maine is traditionally very conservative. Southern Maine, which in a tiny part of the state holds half its population, is usually Democratic. But I read somewhere that 40% of Maine voters are Unaffiliated (Independents).
Then why did they vote for the leftwing douche bag Susan Collins?
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.
Well deserved

She stood up for her constituents over her party
She took a great big shit on her constituents.
What Trumpsters seem not to know, is that the House and Senate healthcare bills were not acceptable to a huge majority of Americans and by a huge majority of physicians and major healthcare organizations.
No one wanted the healthcare legislation the GOP came up with, period. Even Obamacare is much more popular than any rightwing plan.
Trumpsters are truly clueless and out of touch with America.
What Trumpsters seem not to know, is that the House and Senate healthcare bills were not acceptable to a huge majority of Americans and by a huge majority of physicians and major healthcare organizations.
No one wanted the healthcare legislation the GOP came up with, period. Even Obamacare is much more popular than any rightwing plan.
Trumpsters are truly clueless and out of touch with America.
Repeal was popular with the voters, dumbass.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
Because I've been to Bar Harbor? Are you nuts?
I never said the " people on the right agree with her" so that makes you the idiot.
Since I have you on the spot why don't you explain why you thought it was a good idea to give immense tax breaks to the rich while taking $800 billion from Medicaid and why you're gung ho for 22 million losing their health insurance.

Immense tax breaks to the rich? Bull Shit. There are no such things in any of the GOP plans, which BTW aren't going to happen anyway.

I don't mind if 15 or 16 million lose their health care cuz they didn't want it in the 1st place. Making people buy something they do not want is not the American way.
Every CBO assessment said exactly that: huge tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the poor on Medicaid. No republican has denied it..It's been your MO for 40 years. Pump up the rich, stick it to the poor. You should become familiar with your ideology..
What Trumpsters seem not to know, is that the House and Senate healthcare bills were not acceptable to a huge majority of Americans and by a huge majority of physicians and major healthcare organizations.
No one wanted the healthcare legislation the GOP came up with, period. Even Obamacare is much more popular than any rightwing plan.
Trumpsters are truly clueless and out of touch with America.
Repeal was popular with the voters, dumbass.
Obama has an over 50 % approval rating.
You're still 0- life.
LOL, you've never been to Maine have you??
Ive been to Bar Harbor and the surrounding area about 6 times. So another ((((swing ))))and a miss.

Then it makes you even more stupid than I already knew you to be. It's a Liberal State and anyone who tries to use it as an example to "prove" that people on the "Right" agree with her is an idiot.
Because I've been to Bar Harbor? Are you nuts?
I never said the " people on the right agree with her" so that makes you the idiot.
Since I have you on the spot why don't you explain why you thought it was a good idea to give immense tax breaks to the rich while taking $800 billion from Medicaid and why you're gung ho for 22 million losing their health insurance.

Immense tax breaks to the rich? Bull Shit. There are no such things in any of the GOP plans, which BTW aren't going to happen anyway.

I don't mind if 15 or 16 million lose their health care cuz they didn't want it in the 1st place. Making people buy something they do not want is not the American way.
Every CBO assessment said exactly that: huge tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the poor on Medicaid. No republican has denied it..It's been your MO for 40 years. Pump up the rich, stick it to the poor. You should become familiar with your ideology..

Shouldn't be too hard for you to provide a link that describes this huge tax cut for the rich at the expense of the poor on Medicaid. Cuz I think you're full of crap.
What Trumpsters seem not to know, is that the House and Senate healthcare bills were not acceptable to a huge majority of Americans and by a huge majority of physicians and major healthcare organizations.
No one wanted the healthcare legislation the GOP came up with, period. Even Obamacare is much more popular than any rightwing plan.
Trumpsters are truly clueless and out of touch with America.
Repeal was popular with the voters, dumbass.
Was. Until people found out what it would cost them. Now it is popular.
What Trumpsters seem not to know, is that the House and Senate healthcare bills were not acceptable to a huge majority of Americans and by a huge majority of physicians and major healthcare organizations.
No one wanted the healthcare legislation the GOP came up with, period. Even Obamacare is much more popular than any rightwing plan.
Trumpsters are truly clueless and out of touch with America.
Repeal was popular with the voters, dumbass.
Was. Until people found out what it would cost them. Now it is popular.
Thats a lie. Obamacare is costing them.
And to think she was called " shitstain, traitor" etc by the Trump whores.

Further proof the Trumpies are out of touch with reality.

Take your resounding humiliating defeat and own it.

Don't have a link yet, it's breaking news and I saw it on the Tele.

No doubt staged by "rent a mob inc."
Nope. The very conservative early morning crowd at my local diner was not mad at her this morning. Said it sounds like she's on the right track. They're VERY Republican. Did I mention that?

That's the most lame attempt at fake news ever!

That ^^ is the most lame attempt at refutation ever.

But then based on this level of erudition I doubt you've ever been within smelling distance of a Maine map, let alone the state.
HEY, he probably read a stephen king novel, and is an expert on maine.

Americans are learning to love the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.

As the law faces possible repeal and replacement by Republicans, a new poll from the Pew Research Center shows that the ACA's popularity is soaring and has hit its highest point since it was passed.

54% of respondents in Pew's survey said they approve of the law, with just 43% disapproving. This is better than the 48% approve, 47% disapprove margin from December 2016.

Additionally, of the 43% against the law, only 17% of people the total surveyed want Republicans to repeal the way entirely while 25% want the law modified instead, according to Pew.

The Affordable Care Act is significantly more popular than the House GOP plan to repeal and replace the law, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

The survey, released Thursday as Senate Republicans unveiled a draft of their own healthcare reform legislation, found that 41 percent of Americans say ObamaCare is a good idea while 38 percent say it is a bad idea.

By comparison, just 16 percent said they see the House GOP plan as a good idea — a 7-point drop from the 23 percent approval it had shortly after it was passed in April.

About 48 percent of respondents said that the House healthcare overhaul was a bad idea, according to the poll.

The poll results were released Thursday as Senate GOP leaders released a draft of their healthcare reform legislation.

Poll: ObamaCare more popular than House GOP healthcare bill
Wait to October when the new Ins rates for the year come out.

When they continue to rise even doubt, she'll follow
Benedict Arnold's route to Quebec...get on a raft and float on down the

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