Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

if there's no evidence, then the FBI will end their investigation eventually and nothing will happen to Trump. You do realize, however, that the FBI has more information on this than you or I, right? So we don't actually know if there's evidence at this point or not.

The FBI is investigating Russia, not Trump. They will fuck around for several months and then repeat vague bullshit about Russia trolling facebook and twitter.
The FBI is investigating Russia, not Trump.

Nope Comey testified a little over a week ago, that the Trump intercircle has been under investigation since last July 2016--and they are looking for collusion between Putin--Trump and his surrogates.

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, took the extraordinary step on Monday of announcing that the agency is investigating whether members of President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Mr. Comey’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee created a treacherous political moment for Mr. Trump, who has insisted that “Russia is fake news” that was cooked up by his political opponents to undermine his presidency. Mr. Comey placed a criminal investigation at the doorstep of the White House and said officers would pursue it “no matter how long that takes.”
James Comey confirms the FBI is investigating Donald Trump's associates for ties to Russia
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
Comey confirms FBI investigating links between Russia, Trump associates

"FBI Director James Comey said for the first time Monday that the bureau is investigating whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow while Russia was interfering in the presidential election.

Comey also delivered an implicit rebuke to President Donald Trump, saying that he had "no information" to support claims by the President that he was wiretapped on the orders of predecessor Barack Obama."
FBI Director James Comey: Trump campaign, Russia ties investigated, no wiretap evidence -

You probably should change the source of where you're getting your information, if you didn't know this already--as everyone else knows it.

You know it's one thing to be stupid about something. It's quite another thing when you're insisting on remaining stupid.


Last edited:
Let's see....Sessions lied before The Senate under oath, Saturday of that week Trump tweets Obama wire tapped him in Trump tower and all that crap...the Press spends the next 2 weeks covering that and Sessions gets away with Perjury...

Then 2 weeks after that tweeting session of Trumps the Senate intelligence commitee has their first public hearing on the Russian hacking where our intelligence heads testified there is absolutely no evidence of Obama having Trump wire tapped or surveillanced....

And Comey stated that he not only has an investigation going on the Russian election interference but dropped a BOMBSHELL, the Trump campaign was also under investigation for possible coordination with the Russian election sabotage....

So then the next day we have the whole cloak and dagger Rep Nunes called to the Whitehouse to view these secret things that are not about the Russians and all was legs but trump people were unmasked crud with a couple of press conferences telling the press nothing then announcing having to run and tell the president, BEFORE NUNES OWN INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE

Charade....when the president ALREADY KNEW shenanigans....

The press then follows that for the next 2 weeks finally realizing the president duped them AGAIN leading them on a wild goose chase.....

So then yesterday or day before Trump has the President`s men leak to the Press what Nunes and Schiff both refused to discuss because it's confidential....on Rice unmasking who these US persons are masked for herself and Trump people are out in droves releasing the smoke and mirrors again to divert the press away from the Russian interference and possible Trump campaign coordination with them....

This time the press ain't biting, their nibbling but you can tell their tired of being lead on wild goose chases, talked to a bunch of experts, saying it's perfectly normal, talked to rice again, found out she needed to know the US Person masked to fully understand the evidence herself and DID NOT SPREAD it to all Intel Agencies as accused by Trumpsters...the Press is not going crazy over it, like said, Not this time...

And today it drops that another Trump person, Betsy DeVoss`s brother, Mr Prince does some hidden, back door meeting with the Russians in the Seychelles islands, that was set up for trump in January before Trump was elected. And Carter Page`s connection to a convicted Russian spy.

HOW MANY RUSSIAN connections are there on Trumps team and most importantly, WHY????

Thanks for the speculation.

So what else is there that you need to that you've shown you've got nothing.
oh my dear one, THEY'VE GOT PLENTY and it's just the tip of the iceberg....

they got so so so much that Comey announced today he's setting up a special division within the FBI of 20 dedicated counter intelligence agents to only work on this Russian interference case and any Trump connections and took steps to allow them to gather the information the other intelligence agencies and congressional investigation committees gathered......!!!

So what ?

What is Comey going to do.

"Oh look...Donald worked with the Russians....".....BFHD.

Nobody cares.
Nobody cares.

^ The sword you will die on.

In the meantime, you can kiss my ass.
Remember when I asked what drumpfs next lie would be? Well, now we know. Calm yourselves because nO, she's not going to jail.
Oh you poor, fragile little snowflake...even Bloomberg is reporting on it now. No matter how much you deny reality Adolf, you'll never stop it from being reality.

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

4 years of the RWNut Factory demonizing Rice to their own embarrassment, and now it starts again.

Is life more pleasant when you are devoid of any sensitivity to making a fool of yourself?
It's easy when you don't realize it.
Remember when I asked what drumpfs next lie would be? Well, now we know. Calm yourselves because nO, she's not going to jail.
Oh you poor, fragile little snowflake...even Bloomberg is reporting on it now. No matter how much you deny reality Adolf, you'll never stop it from being reality.

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

4 years of the RWNut Factory demonizing Rice to their own embarrassment, and now it starts again.

Is life more pleasant when you are devoid of any sensitivity to making a fool of yourself?
It's easy when you don't realize it.

And thank you for confirming that very point.
Turns out that Trump was 100% on the money when he said the Obama administration was spying on him. And the idiots who claimed he was lying look like...well...



Maybe he should not of been involved with the Russians.


Tucker Carlson just interviewed 5 democrats and not one of them could produce even a single shred of evidence..

Please do tell.. They were congress critters with access as well. But nothing..
Let's see....Sessions lied before The Senate under oath, Saturday of that week Trump tweets Obama wire tapped him in Trump tower and all that crap...the Press spends the next 2 weeks covering that and Sessions gets away with Perjury...

Then 2 weeks after that tweeting session of Trumps the Senate intelligence commitee has their first public hearing on the Russian hacking where our intelligence heads testified there is absolutely no evidence of Obama having Trump wire tapped or surveillanced....

And Comey stated that he not only has an investigation going on the Russian election interference but dropped a BOMBSHELL, the Trump campaign was also under investigation for possible coordination with the Russian election sabotage....

So then the next day we have the whole cloak and dagger Rep Nunes called to the Whitehouse to view these secret things that are not about the Russians and all was legs but trump people were unmasked crud with a couple of press conferences telling the press nothing then announcing having to run and tell the president, BEFORE NUNES OWN INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE

Charade....when the president ALREADY KNEW shenanigans....

The press then follows that for the next 2 weeks finally realizing the president duped them AGAIN leading them on a wild goose chase.....

So then yesterday or day before Trump has the President`s men leak to the Press what Nunes and Schiff both refused to discuss because it's confidential....on Rice unmasking who these US persons are masked for herself and Trump people are out in droves releasing the smoke and mirrors again to divert the press away from the Russian interference and possible Trump campaign coordination with them....

This time the press ain't biting, their nibbling but you can tell their tired of being lead on wild goose chases, talked to a bunch of experts, saying it's perfectly normal, talked to rice again, found out she needed to know the US Person masked to fully understand the evidence herself and DID NOT SPREAD it to all Intel Agencies as accused by Trumpsters...the Press is not going crazy over it, like said, Not this time...

And today it drops that another Trump person, Betsy DeVoss`s brother, Mr Prince does some hidden, back door meeting with the Russians in the Seychelles islands, that was set up for trump in January before Trump was elected. And Carter Page`s connection to a convicted Russian spy.

HOW MANY RUSSIAN connections are there on Trumps team and most importantly, WHY????

Thanks for the speculation.

So what else is there that you need to that you've shown you've got nothing.
oh my dear one, THEY'VE GOT PLENTY and it's just the tip of the iceberg....

they got so so so much that Comey announced today he's setting up a special division within the FBI of 20 dedicated counter intelligence agents to only work on this Russian interference case and any Trump connections and took steps to allow them to gather the information the other intelligence agencies and congressional investigation committees gathered......!!!

So what ?

What is Comey going to do.

"Oh look...Donald worked with the Russians....".....BFHD.

Nobody cares.
Nobody cares.

^ The sword you will die on.

In the meantime, you can kiss my ass.
That's not nice at all.
my question is why the heck are all these Trumpsters checking in with known Russian Spies? Or known Turkish spies? Or Known Cypress spies?

You DO realize, right, that new administration employees talking to foreign reps, even Russians, has been going on for years, right, that it is not out of the norm and certainly not illegal, right?

You also DO realize - though choose not to acknowledge - that Bill Clinton was working for Putin's Ex-KGB pals, that Hillary's campaign manager's company's board was 1/3rd made up of prominent Russian Businessmen with intimate ties to the Kremlin and that he refused to divulge he got thousands of Russian stocks, and that Hillary's campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB Bank AND THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY THAT HACKED THE DNC E-MAILS, right?
You DO realize, right, that new administration employees talking to foreign reps, even Russians, has been going on for years, right, that it is not out of the norm and certainly not ille
Never during an election where foreign involvement favored one candidate and representatives of that candidate were meeting with representatives of that nation at the very same time. Then lied about it.

Why do you guys always leave that out. Oh yeah, you are to spin so we forget.

No Trump campaign members were meeting with Russians during the campaign.
OH MY LORD! :eek:

why keep yourself so ignorant bripat?
A Reminder:

Rep. Nunes: Obama Officials Who Leaked General Flynn Transcripts Face Five Years in Prison (VIDEO)

thanks for the reminder how you post bullshit lies.

nunes did not say what you claim, number one.

secondly, what you claim he said, "they face 5 years" is not true.

BUT do you know who COULD "face 5 years" POTENTIALLY...?

WHO could even face death for giving aid and comfort to an enemy state which was actively being held accountable under longstanding US sanctions?

The Role of Sanctions in U.S.-Russian Relations - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

WHO COULD POTENTIALLY "face 5 years" for aiding and abetting foreign espionage of secretary of state correspondence "russia if you're listening" ?

WHO COULD POTENTIALLY "face 5 years" for all that ^ plus protecting the integrity of said foreign state while attacking former presidents, dignitaries, intelligence agencies, dignified institutions as ENEMIES of the people..?
Remember when I asked what drumpfs next lie would be? Well, now we know. Calm yourselves because nO, she's not going to jail.
Oh you poor, fragile little snowflake...even Bloomberg is reporting on it now. No matter how much you deny reality Adolf, you'll never stop it from being reality.

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

4 years of the RWNut Factory demonizing Rice to their own embarrassment, and now it starts again.

Is life more pleasant when you are devoid of any sensitivity to making a fool of yourself?
Oh you poor, fragile little snowflake...even Bloomberg is reporting on it now. No matter how much you deny reality, you'll never stop it from being reality.

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
Turns out that Trump was 100% on the money when he said the Obama administration was spying on him. And the idiots who claimed he was lying look like...well...



Maybe he should not of been involved with the Russians.


Tucker Carlson just interviewed 5 democrats and not one of them could produce even a single shred of evidence..

Please do tell.. They were congress critters with access as well. But nothing..
That shit is plumb Tuckered out.
if there's no evidence, then the FBI will end their investigation eventually and nothing will happen to Trump. You do realize, however, that the FBI has more information on this than you or I, right? So we don't actually know if there's evidence at this point or not.

The FBI is investigating Russia, not Trump. They will fuck around for several months and then repeat vague bullshit about Russia trolling facebook and twitter.
The FBI is investigating Russia, not Trump.

Nope Comey testified a little over a week ago, that the Trump intercircle has been under investigation since last July 2016--and they are looking for collusion between Putin--Trump and his surrogates.

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, took the extraordinary step on Monday of announcing that the agency is investigating whether members of President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Mr. Comey’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee created a treacherous political moment for Mr. Trump, who has insisted that “Russia is fake news” that was cooked up by his political opponents to undermine his presidency. Mr. Comey placed a criminal investigation at the doorstep of the White House and said officers would pursue it “no matter how long that takes.”
James Comey confirms the FBI is investigating Donald Trump's associates for ties to Russia
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
Comey confirms FBI investigating links between Russia, Trump associates

"FBI Director James Comey said for the first time Monday that the bureau is investigating whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow while Russia was interfering in the presidential election.

Comey also delivered an implicit rebuke to President Donald Trump, saying that he had "no information" to support claims by the President that he was wiretapped on the orders of predecessor Barack Obama."
FBI Director James Comey: Trump campaign, Russia ties investigated, no wiretap evidence -

You probably should change the source of where you're getting your information, if you didn't know this already--as everyone else knows it.

You know it's one thing to be stupid about something. It's quite another thing when you're insisting on remaining stupid.


Why don't you try actually quoting Come rather than some douche bag leftwing political hacks?
Can anyone explain what Rice did wrong?
She used the government to spy on the opposition candidate. That's the kind of thing dictatorships do.

What did she do that was illegal? Proof?
Here is what she did illegal snowflake...
White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign
Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
my question is why the heck are all these Trumpsters checking in with known Russian Spies? Or known Turkish spies? Or Known Cypress spies?

You DO realize, right, that new administration employees talking to foreign reps, even Russians, has been going on for years, right, that it is not out of the norm and certainly not illegal, right?

You also DO realize - though choose not to acknowledge - that Bill Clinton was working for Putin's Ex-KGB pals, that Hillary's campaign manager's company's board was 1/3rd made up of prominent Russian Businessmen with intimate ties to the Kremlin and that he refused to divulge he got thousands of Russian stocks, and that Hillary's campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB Bank AND THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY THAT HACKED THE DNC E-MAILS, right?
You DO realize, right, that new administration employees talking to foreign reps, even Russians, has been going on for years, right, that it is not out of the norm and certainly not ille
Never during an election where foreign involvement favored one candidate and representatives of that candidate were meeting with representatives of that nation at the very same time. Then lied about it.

Why do you guys always leave that out. Oh yeah, you are to spin so we forget.

No Trump campaign members were meeting with Russians during the campaign.

Anyone, anyone, class? Anyone ?

Anyone wanna take this?
Remember when I asked what drumpfs next lie would be? Well, now we know. Calm yourselves because nO, she's not going to jail.
Oh you poor, fragile little snowflake...even Bloomberg is reporting on it now. No matter how much you deny reality Adolf, you'll never stop it from being reality.

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

4 years of the RWNut Factory demonizing Rice to their own embarrassment, and now it starts again.

Is life more pleasant when you are devoid of any sensitivity to making a fool of yourself?
Oh you poor, fragile little snowflake...even Bloomberg is reporting on it now. No matter how much you deny reality, you'll never stop it from being reality.

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
bloomberg IS THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE who all the President's men leaked this story to.... all other right wing spin in other right wing sites COMES from the Bloomberg article and it says NONE of those things you guys are claiming as fact...
if there's no evidence, then the FBI will end their investigation eventually and nothing will happen to Trump. You do realize, however, that the FBI has more information on this than you or I, right? So we don't actually know if there's evidence at this point or not.

The FBI is investigating Russia, not Trump. They will fuck around for several months and then repeat vague bullshit about Russia trolling facebook and twitter.
The FBI is investigating Russia, not Trump.

Nope Comey testified a little over a week ago, that the Trump intercircle has been under investigation since last July 2016--and they are looking for collusion between Putin--Trump and his surrogates.

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, took the extraordinary step on Monday of announcing that the agency is investigating whether members of President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Mr. Comey’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee created a treacherous political moment for Mr. Trump, who has insisted that “Russia is fake news” that was cooked up by his political opponents to undermine his presidency. Mr. Comey placed a criminal investigation at the doorstep of the White House and said officers would pursue it “no matter how long that takes.”
James Comey confirms the FBI is investigating Donald Trump's associates for ties to Russia
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
Comey confirms FBI investigating links between Russia, Trump associates

"FBI Director James Comey said for the first time Monday that the bureau is investigating whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow while Russia was interfering in the presidential election.

Comey also delivered an implicit rebuke to President Donald Trump, saying that he had "no information" to support claims by the President that he was wiretapped on the orders of predecessor Barack Obama."
FBI Director James Comey: Trump campaign, Russia ties investigated, no wiretap evidence -

You probably should change the source of where you're getting your information, if you didn't know this already--as everyone else knows it.

You know it's one thing to be stupid about something. It's quite another thing when you're insisting on remaining stupid.


Why don't you try actually quoting Come rather than some douche bag leftwing political hacks?

If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes.

bloomberg IS THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE who all the President's men leaked this story to.... all other right wing spin in other right wing sites COMES from the Bloomberg article and it says NONE of those things you guys are claiming as fact... sound utterly ridiculous. Actually read the article sweetie.
White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign
Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
This bitch is going to prison. Her guilt is beyond obvious.

Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday.

“The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”

Other knowledgeable official sources with direct knowledge and who requested anonymity confirmed to TheDCNF diGenova’s description of surveillance reports Rice ordered one year before the 2016 presidential election. . .

Not only was it an abuse of power for her to ask that of the intelligence agencies, it was illegal for them to provide it to the White House. She is a White House staff member, and has no authority in the collection of intelligence or evidence in a criminal investigation. The information that was collected by FISA wiretaps had nothing to do with national security or a criminal investigation. This has been a complete abuse of power by government officials in both the Obama White House as well as intelligence agencies that originally gathered the information and improperly disseminated it to the executive branch.

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