Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

This bitch is going to prison. Her guilt is beyond obvious.

Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday.

“The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”

Other knowledgeable official sources with direct knowledge and who requested anonymity confirmed to TheDCNF diGenova’s description of surveillance reports Rice ordered one year before the 2016 presidential election. . .

Not only was it an abuse of power for her to ask that of the intelligence agencies, it was illegal for them to provide it to the White House. She is a White House staff member, and has no authority in the collection of intelligence or evidence in a criminal investigation. The information that was collected by FISA wiretaps had nothing to do with national security or a criminal investigation. This has been a complete abuse of power by government officials in both the Obama White House as well as intelligence agencies that originally gathered the information and improperly disseminated it to the executive branch.
utter bull crap...stay away from your right wing faux news! :eek:

HOW many times are you going to let yourself be fooled before you hold the title of FOOL yourself....?

KNOWLEDGE is a good thing, ignorance is NOT! Take pride in yourself, seek the truth, not spin..... is my best advice to avoid the FOOL Title!!!! But hey, it's your advice is squat.... :)
If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes.

That perfectly sums you up oreo! You're the one who insisted over an over and over that the Department of Justice was part of the "Judicial branch". :laugh:

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And it was Jeff Sessions that was forced to recuse himself from the Russian investigation because he is in charge of the DOJ, or did you forget that?

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two contacts with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyak during the presidential campaign, Justice Department officials confirmed. The Washington Post first reported the meetings Wednesday.

When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

The lies never stop with this administration.

And you're also forgetting that Obama ordered this Russian investigation to be done BEFORE he left office, and that he PRESERVED intelligence that was DAMMING.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

This investigation started under Obama's watch-- Susan Rice is a part of his adminstration--So where in the hell is the surprise of Susan Rice being involved in this or having knowledge about it? Who gives a fuck if they were unmasked as having contact with the Russians. They did have contact throughout the campaign season and they continually LIED about it.

This bitch is going to prison. Her guilt is beyond obvious.

Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday.

“The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”

Other knowledgeable official sources with direct knowledge and who requested anonymity confirmed to TheDCNF diGenova’s description of surveillance reports Rice ordered one year before the 2016 presidential election. . .

Not only was it an abuse of power for her to ask that of the intelligence agencies, it was illegal for them to provide it to the White House. She is a White House staff member, and has no authority in the collection of intelligence or evidence in a criminal investigation. The information that was collected by FISA wiretaps had nothing to do with national security or a criminal investigation. This has been a complete abuse of power by government officials in both the Obama White House as well as intelligence agencies that originally gathered the information and improperly disseminated it to the executive branch.
Not only was it an abuse of power for her to ask that of the intelligence agencies, it was illegal for them to provide it to the White House.

Ding! Ding!

We have a winnaaa!

Most retarded post during a day of retarded posts!


Feel free to disprove it. The White House may receive intelligence reports pertaining to national security, but they have no authority to collect raw data.

Trump was right (again), the Obama administration was monitoring Trump staff communications for political purposes. They obviously outed Flynn in order to damage him and Trump.

Not that progresssive hacks care, they see absolutely nothing wrong with abusing power in this manner. As long as it helps the Agenda and undermines the opposition to the Agenda, then the cause is 'just'.
Why don't you left wing crybabies stop spamming the board with all your butthurt threads. That or start a forum (you can call it the dickwee forum).
ahhhh, poor baby snowflake, is the water of truth gonna make you melt like the wicked witch of the West?

Noticed you didn't respond to my follow up (#333).

So, I'm a snowflake when I can see the GOP in the house, senate, WH, and nominating conservative judges ?

To rich.
Why don't you left wing crybabies stop spamming the board with all your butthurt threads. That or start a forum (you can call it the dickwee forum).
ahhhh, poor baby snowflake, is the water of truth gonna make you melt like the wicked witch of the West?

Well, let's see......

On Tuesday, November 8th, I fully expected HIllary Clinton to win and I expected the incompetent and infighting GOP to lose the extension, the SCOTUS would be gone to the left for a long long time and Obama's trampling of the constitution could continue unabated by the left for a decade.....

On Tuesday, November 8th, I watch the impossible happen. And what made it more delicious was the meltdown on the left.

So, I am not sure what Truth you think is going to cause me to melt. I don't like Trump. You take him down....Pence takes his place and the right will organize like they did before and you'll be lucky to have much of anything (you already are short on state houses and state chambers.....).

So I really don't mind if you SFB's keep at it. I win either way.

Say hi to President Clinton for me.....oh...snap.....

You have point.

Last year. :laugh2:
Why don't you guys sit down and try to understand why you are getting your asses handed to you at every turn.

is your ass not American? cuz we are ALL losing here, partisan jerkoff.

I won. I get to see good judges (up to three of them) appointed to the SCOTUS.

You lost.

Suck on it.

what rethuglicans wouldn't do... is there anything disgusting left undone yet?

degrading the integrity of your own country and it's venerated institutions is not WINNING a damn thing, you fool.
Why don't you left wing crybabies stop spamming the board with all your butthurt threads. That or start a forum (you can call it the dickwee forum).
ahhhh, poor baby snowflake, is the water of truth gonna make you melt like the wicked witch of the West?

Well, let's see......

On Tuesday, November 8th, I fully expected HIllary Clinton to win and I expected the incompetent and infighting GOP to lose the extension, the SCOTUS would be gone to the left for a long long time and Obama's trampling of the constitution could continue unabated by the left for a decade.....

On Tuesday, November 8th, I watch the impossible happen. And what made it more delicious was the meltdown on the left.

So, I am not sure what Truth you think is going to cause me to melt. I don't like Trump. You take him down....Pence takes his place and the right will organize like they did before and you'll be lucky to have much of anything (you already are short on state houses and state chambers.....).

So I really don't mind if you SFB's keep at it. I win either way.

Say hi to President Clinton for me.....oh...snap.....

You have point.

Last year. :laugh2:

Was this supposed to look stupid ? Well, you were successful.
This investigation started under Obama's watch-- Susan Rice is a part of his adminstration--So where in the hell is the surprise of Susan Rice being involved in this or having knowledge about it? Who gives a fuck if they were unmasked as having contact with the Russians. They did have contact throughout the campaign season and they continually LIED about it.

There was nothing illegal about Flynn or any other Trump staffer speaking to a Russian ambassador. Unmasking is only supposed to happen if it is determined there is a national security risk, there wasn't. He was unmasked solely for political purposes.
Why don't you guys sit down and try to understand why you are getting your asses handed to you at every turn.

is your ass not American? cuz we are ALL losing here, partisan jerkoff.

I won. I get to see good judges (up to three of them) appointed to the SCOTUS.

You lost.

Suck on it.

what rethuglicans wouldn't do... is there anything disgusting left undone yet?

degrading the integrity of your own country and it's venerated institutions is not WINNING a damn thing, you fool.

Go cry to someone who cares about your butthurt.

If you are suggesting the nominating Gorsuch is denigrating the SCOTUS, you've removed all doubt from anyone who suspected you were nothing but a left wing hack.

You lost.

Suck on it.
Why don't you guys sit down and try to understand why you are getting your asses handed to you at every turn.

is your ass not American? cuz we are ALL losing here, partisan jerkoff.

I won. I get to see good judges (up to three of them) appointed to the SCOTUS.

You lost.

Suck on it.
the Supreme court has been a conservative majority court for nearly 50 years, with also holding the chief justice position for near 50 years as well...your conservative supreme court gave us Bush v Gore, NEw London Vs connecticut, and Roe v wade and citizens united rulings...

Truly, it's time for Liberal Justices to be in the majority because your conservative supreme court has given us some pretty rotten decisions over the years....why would you want more of it?? :D
She simply did her job, just like all other NSA's....she received foreign National Security intelligence, in order to understand the pertinent security intelligence in full, she needed to know who US PERSON number X is and the NSA had to decide if it was pertinent for her to understand in full, if it was, then THEY unmasked the us person for her and her alone, to see.

Rice requested the info for HERSELF as National Security Advisor if she needed it, and NOT ALL THE BULL CRAP the right wing is LYING ABOUT.....

unmasking a name IS NOT A LEAK....

oh, and since the us person name was masked and she asked for it to be unmasked for her benefit of understanding the intelligence, how could she possibly be asking for all Trump people to be unmasked???

IF THEY WERE MASKED, how did she know who the US person was that she was asking to unveil, asking to be unmasked??

There has to be legitimacy to the request.

Even if she could demonstrate anything close to it, she's already lost.

I don't see her in jail. But she's going to get pretty muddy before this is all over.
There has to be legitimacy to the request.

Yep, her job gets her half way there and her request to the reporting agency gets her over the finish line.

Who made it illegitimate?
Why don't you guys sit down and try to understand why you are getting your asses handed to you at every turn.

is your ass not American? cuz we are ALL losing here, partisan jerkoff.

I won. I get to see good judges (up to three of them) appointed to the SCOTUS.

You lost.

Suck on it.

You apparently don't realise that Democrats voted to confirm Niel Gorsuch in 2006 as a Bush appointee to the Federal District Court. In 2006 Democrats owned the Senate and could have easily rejected him.

In fact here are the Democrats that voted for him. Gorsuch even attended law school with Barack Obama. You'll note that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer and Diane Fienstein voted for his confirmation.


Andrew Mullins on Twitter

Trump has picked a SCOTUS nominee that Democrats love. Democrats are just angry that Republicans blocked Obama's nominee (Merrick Garland) and they're looking for payback by threatening a filibuster on Gorsuch.

This is the first nominee that during the confirmation hearing stated that Roe V Wade is precedent--meaning set in stone--and I believe that Trump was campaigning on getting a SCOTUS that would overturn Roe v Wade?
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'
Why don't you guys sit down and try to understand why you are getting your asses handed to you at every turn.

is your ass not American? cuz we are ALL losing here, partisan jerkoff.

I won. I get to see good judges (up to three of them) appointed to the SCOTUS.

You lost.

Suck on it.
the Supreme court has been a conservative majority court for nearly 50 years, with also holding the chief justice position for near 50 years as well...your conservative supreme court gave us Bush v Gore, NEw London Vs connecticut, and Roe v wade and citizens united rulings...

Truly, it's time for Liberal Justices to be in the majority because your conservative supreme court has given us some pretty rotten decisions over the years....why would you want more of it?? :D

You seem to have turned from you little "snowflake" comment when confronted with the reality of your loss.

Yes, I want conservative judges. You got two of the worst picks I've ever seen in Kane and Sotomeyer.....enjoye them while you can.....they are about to get steamrolled.

Earl Warren was nominated by a Moderate Republican president who would later call him a huge mistake.

That does not make Warren a conservative. Harry Blackmun wrote the majority opinion in Roe and should be drawn and quartered.
Why don't you guys sit down and try to understand why you are getting your asses handed to you at every turn.

is your ass not American? cuz we are ALL losing here, partisan jerkoff.

I won. I get to see good judges (up to three of them) appointed to the SCOTUS.

You lost.

Suck on it.

what rethuglicans wouldn't do... is there anything disgusting left undone yet?

degrading the integrity of your own country and it's venerated institutions is not WINNING a damn thing, you fool.

Go cry to someone who cares about your butthurt.

If you are suggesting the nominating Gorsuch is denigrating the SCOTUS, you've removed all doubt from anyone who suspected you were nothing but a left wing hack.

You lost.

Suck on it.
Go cry to someone who cares about your butthurt.
Can you explain what Rice did wrong?
I've been asking all day and no one seems to have a grasp on it.
This bitch is going to prison. Her guilt is beyond obvious.

Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday.

“The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”

Other knowledgeable official sources with direct knowledge and who requested anonymity confirmed to TheDCNF diGenova’s description of surveillance reports Rice ordered one year before the 2016 presidential election. . .

Not only was it an abuse of power for her to ask that of the intelligence agencies, it was illegal for them to provide it to the White House. She is a White House staff member, and has no authority in the collection of intelligence or evidence in a criminal investigation. The information that was collected by FISA wiretaps had nothing to do with national security or a criminal investigation. This has been a complete abuse of power by government officials in both the Obama White House as well as intelligence agencies that originally gathered the information and improperly disseminated it to the executive branch.
utter bull crap...stay away from your right wing faux news! :eek:

HOW many times are you going to let yourself be fooled before you hold the title of FOOL yourself....?

KNOWLEDGE is a good thing, ignorance is NOT! Take pride in yourself, seek the truth, not spin..... is my best advice to avoid the FOOL Title!!!! But hey, it's your advice is squat.... :)

I don't get Fox News.

But, thanks for showing you have absolutely no arguement whatsoever.

You sound like CNN,"Ignore the news! Avoid all stories about Rice! Close your eyes and plug your ears!"

You idiots have lost. Russia-gate has come full circle to expose the corruption and illegal activities of the Obama administration.
Why don't you guys sit down and try to understand why you are getting your asses handed to you at every turn.

is your ass not American? cuz we are ALL losing here, partisan jerkoff.

I won. I get to see good judges (up to three of them) appointed to the SCOTUS.

You lost.

Suck on it.

what rethuglicans wouldn't do... is there anything disgusting left undone yet?

degrading the integrity of your own country and it's venerated institutions is not WINNING a damn thing, you fool.

Go cry to someone who cares about your butthurt.

If you are suggesting the nominating Gorsuch is denigrating the SCOTUS, you've removed all doubt from anyone who suspected you were nothing but a left wing hack.

You lost.

Suck on it.

if you could read for comprehension you would know that was not the suggestion given.
She simply did her job, just like all other NSA's....she received foreign National Security intelligence, in order to understand the pertinent security intelligence in full, she needed to know who US PERSON number X is and the NSA had to decide if it was pertinent for her to understand in full, if it was, then THEY unmasked the us person for her and her alone, to see.

Rice requested the info for HERSELF as National Security Advisor if she needed it, and NOT ALL THE BULL CRAP the right wing is LYING ABOUT.....

unmasking a name IS NOT A LEAK....

oh, and since the us person name was masked and she asked for it to be unmasked for her benefit of understanding the intelligence, how could she possibly be asking for all Trump people to be unmasked???

IF THEY WERE MASKED, how did she know who the US person was that she was asking to unveil, asking to be unmasked??

There has to be legitimacy to the request.

Even if she could demonstrate anything close to it, she's already lost.

I don't see her in jail. But she's going to get pretty muddy before this is all over.
There has to be legitimacy to the request.

Yep, her job gets her half way there and her request to the reporting agency gets her over the finish line.

Who made it illegitimate?

Never said it was.....I said even if it was...she's lost and is going to get smeared big time.

It's going to cost the far left a lot of capital.
Why don't you guys sit down and try to understand why you are getting your asses handed to you at every turn.

is your ass not American? cuz we are ALL losing here, partisan jerkoff.

I won. I get to see good judges (up to three of them) appointed to the SCOTUS.

You lost.

Suck on it.

what rethuglicans wouldn't do... is there anything disgusting left undone yet?

degrading the integrity of your own country and it's venerated institutions is not WINNING a damn thing, you fool.

Go cry to someone who cares about your butthurt.

If you are suggesting the nominating Gorsuch is denigrating the SCOTUS, you've removed all doubt from anyone who suspected you were nothing but a left wing hack.

You lost.

Suck on it.

if you could read for comprehension you would know that was not the suggestion given.

Backtrack all you want.

You lost.

Suck on it.

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