Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

Why don't you left wing crybabies stop spamming the board with all your butthurt threads. That or start a forum (you can call it the dickwee forum).
ahhhh, poor baby snowflake, is the water of truth gonna make you melt like the wicked witch of the West?

Noticed you didn't respond to my follow up (#333).

So, I'm a snowflake when I can see the GOP in the house, senate, WH, and nominating conservative judges ?

To rich.

I find it pretty funny too.
Feel free to disprove it. The White House may receive intelligence reports pertaining to national security, but they have no authority to collect raw data.

Trump was right (again), the Obama administration was monitoring Trump staff communications for political purposes. They obviously outed Flynn in order to damage him and Trump.

Not that progresssive hacks care, they see absolutely nothing wrong with abusing power in this manner. As long as it helps the Agenda and undermines the opposition to the Agenda, then the cause is 'just'.

i noticed you had nothing to say about flynn lying under oath or session lying under oath. we watched both men covering something up for some reason and they got caught.... but all YOU can do is seek and destroy the messenger.

no, trump was not right, he was wrong, and on many levels. his false claim was in fact "wiretapping" supposedly ordered by that "sick guy" Americans elected to be their president twice. flynn and sessions got caught boo hoo and trump had a temper tantrum all atwittah over the mysterious leaks...he was on a fishing expedition with those wildly accusatory tweets which led to the FBI having to reveal what would be in our country's best interest to not have revealed as the integrity of our institutions are under attack, and now this partisan finger pointing fishing expedition carries forward to blame everyone and anyone but themselves for their own treasonous misdeeds with russia.
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Yeah when someone is committing Treason--I am certain the Chief-- of the Department of Justice would want to know who they are--LOL
"Treason" :lmao:

And just when it couldn't get any funnier - she calls Susan Rice "the Chief of the Department of Justice". :laugh:

Sweetie...Susan Rice was National Security Advisor. She had nothing to do with the Justice Department. As NSA - she can't even operate domestically. She is required by law to only focus on foreign threats.

Just how fucking rightarded are you, Baghdad Buttplug? The National Security Advisor assists the president on national security issues as well as foreign. What part of the title, National Security Advsor leaves you so baffled?

He linked the video where Comey said...

“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment if whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, FBI Director

Do ya need that explained to you?​
And that has zip to do with justification for un masking Americans caught incidentally nor Rices systematic gathering of said intercepts involving the Trump campaign organization.

Gosh, it sure sucks to be a treasonous Democrat today, doesnt it?
I see your post and I sort of understand your reaction. What I don't get is your motivation.

I've asked all day what Rice did wrong and I get nothing or a different answer every time.

Why do you feel that Rice was not justified in her actions?

Could you outline the protocol for a NSA to unmask a citizen mentioned in an intelligence report?

Could you then outline the way(s) that Rice violated or otherwise didn't comply with the protocol and then further outline how she was able to obtain the information in spite of her violation?

I hate to put you on the spot, but you're my last post of the day and I'm looking for closure.
He linked the video where Comey said...

“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment if whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, FBI Director

Do ya need that explained to you?​
And that has zip to do with justification for un masking Americans caught incidentally nor Rices systematic gathering of said intercepts involving the Trump campaign organization.

Gosh, it sure sucks to be a treasonous Democrat today, doesnt it?
Try paying attention.... some idiot claimed that the FBI was not investigating Trump. To highlight what an idiot that rightard is, I quoted Comey, the Director of the FBI, saying that individuals associated with Trump's campaign are indeed under investigation.
Why don't you guys sit down and try to understand why you are getting your asses handed to you at every turn.

is your ass not American? cuz we are ALL losing here, partisan jerkoff.

I won. I get to see good judges (up to three of them) appointed to the SCOTUS.

You lost.

Suck on it.
the Supreme court has been a conservative majority court for nearly 50 years, with also holding the chief justice position for near 50 years as well...your conservative supreme court gave us Bush v Gore, NEw London Vs connecticut, and Roe v wade and citizens united rulings...

Truly, it's time for Liberal Justices to be in the majority because your conservative supreme court has given us some pretty rotten decisions over the years....why would you want more of it?? :D

The U.S. Supreme court has been considered a right leaning court for decades and they were the ones that gave us Roe v Wade---

Shssss--Are you trying to make America SMART again--LOL

Right leaning ? That term means nothing.

Earl Warren was a loser.

John Roberts folded in his moment of glory.

No matter.....Gorsuch and those will follow him will take court farther right in the future.

That is all I care about

yeah, you and the psycho 700 Club just can't wait for the American Taliban. :eusa_clap:

do tell, in what lost "moment of glory" did Chief Justice Roberts leave the 700 Club so sorely disappointed?
Why don't you guys sit down and try to understand why you are getting your asses handed to you at every turn.

is your ass not American? cuz we are ALL losing here, partisan jerkoff.

I won. I get to see good judges (up to three of them) appointed to the SCOTUS.

You lost.

Suck on it.
the Supreme court has been a conservative majority court for nearly 50 years, with also holding the chief justice position for near 50 years as well...your conservative supreme court gave us Bush v Gore, NEw London Vs connecticut, and Roe v wade and citizens united rulings...

Truly, it's time for Liberal Justices to be in the majority because your conservative supreme court has given us some pretty rotten decisions over the years....why would you want more of it?? :D

The U.S. Supreme court has been considered a right leaning court for decades and they were the ones that gave us Roe v Wade---

Shssss--Are you trying to make America SMART again--LOL

Right leaning ? That term means nothing.

Earl Warren was a loser.

John Roberts folded in his moment of glory.

No matter.....Gorsuch and those will follow him will take court farther right in the future.

That is all I care about

yeah, you and the psycho 700 Club just can't wait for the American Taliban. :eusa_clap:

do tell, in what lost "moment of glory" did Chief Justice Roberts leave the 700 Club so sorely disappointed?

The what club ????

Was there a point you wanted to make ?

As for the American's already here. The last I heard, Al Franken was in charge.
justice roberts' supposed lost moment of glory you were speaking of..?
i know you are denying but what am i denying??

behold the new alt-American agenda which dismisses treason.
It is really unraveling quickly. Susan Rice sounds like she will turn on Obama in a heartbeat (and I don't blame her at all).

Former US Attorney: Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

Hey....listen to the left......

It is really unraveling quickly. Susan Rice sounds like she will turn on Obama in a heartbeat (and I don't blame her at all).

Former US Attorney: Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump
wow you just repeated the op headline. that was amazing. or was it?
Clearly you didn't read the "OP" because it doesn't match anything that I said. Oops... Someone just let the world know that she speaks about a subject without reading it first. :eusa_whistle:
our agencies were doing their job in protecting the integrity of our institutions.

trump would rather shit on our institutions just to claim his hollow victory.

now angry white men can go around the country belching "i won so suck it".

that's the new alt-American standard for civil discourse.
our agencies were doing their job in protecting the integrity of our institutions.

trump would rather shit on our institutions just to claim his hollow victory.

now angry white men can go around the country belching "i won so suck it".

that's the new alt-American standard for civil discourse.

Is the irony of this post apparent to anyone else ?

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