Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

It is really unraveling quickly. Susan Rice sounds like she will turn on Obama in a heartbeat (and I don't blame her at all).

Former US Attorney: Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump
wow you just repeated the op headline. that was amazing. or was it?
Clearly you didn't read the "OP" because it doesn't match anything that I said. Oops... Someone just let the world know that she speaks about a subject without reading it first. :eusa_whistle:


Neither does Susan Rice.
Turns out that Trump was 100% on the money when he said the Obama administration was spying on him. And the idiots who claimed he was lying look like...well...



That's what Trump does. He comes off as an idiot, and at the end of the day he's two steps ahead.
“Unmasking” is the process of identifying individuals whose communications were caught in the dragnet of intelligence gathering. While conducting investigations into terrorism and other related crimes, intelligence analysts incidentally capture conversations about parties not subject to the search warrant. The identities of individuals who are not under investigation are kept confidential, for legal and moral reasons.

White House logs left behind by the Obama administration show that National Security Adviser Susan Rice’s interest in gathering NSA docs on Trump and his associates
accelerated after Trump won the election in November and continued through January.

with an ongoing FBI investigation into russian ties since july, our agencies would have been remiss not to take notes on who's who. this info, now posed as if some big reveal or 'unraveling', was left behind by the last administration in logs left wide open for discovery as part of the government record.
“Unmasking” is the process of identifying individuals whose communications were caught in the dragnet of intelligence gathering. While conducting investigations into terrorism and other related crimes, intelligence analysts incidentally capture conversations about parties not subject to the search warrant. The identities of individuals who are not under investigation are kept confidential, for legal and moral reasons.

White House logs left behind by the Obama administration show that National Security Adviser Susan Rice’s interest in gathering NSA docs on Trump and his associates
accelerated after Trump won the election in November and continued through January.

with an ongoing FBI investigation into russian ties since july, our agencies would have been remiss not to take notes on who's who. this info, now posed as if some big reveal or 'unraveling', was left behind by the last administration in logs left wide open for discovery as part of the government record.

Does it crack anyone else up that an investigation was opened up eight months ago.....

And we still have nothing to show for it ?
And just when it couldn't get any funnier - she calls Susan Rice "the Chief of the Department of Justice".

Sweetie...Susan Rice was National Security Advisor. She had nothing to do with the Justice Department. As NSA - she can't even operate domestically. She is required by law to only focus on foreign threats.

Just how fucking rightarded are you...The National Security Advisor assists the president on national security issues as well as foreign. What part of the title, National Security Advsor leaves you so baffled?
I don't even know where to begin with this one. Faun Over Men here attempts to make fun of me and then literally agrees with me in the same post. I said "foreign" and the queer reiterates it by saying "foreign" as well. :lmao:

And here is my favorite part of the queer's post: "...assists the president on national security issues as well as foreign". He is so profoundly stupid that he literally has no idea he just said the equivalent of "....they want to speak with gay men as well as homosexual men". LMAO!!!! "As well as foreign", snowflake? You're too dumb to know that the intelligence community is forbidden by law to operate domestically. That is the realm of the F.B.I. (and now Homeland Security).

Folks, recall Butthurt Barry sanctioned Russia December 29 with absolutely no evidence that they hacked the DNC emails. So this fake, phony, fraud, alternative reality the democrats and the MSM have been presenting that transgender Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and Andrea Mitchell-Greenspam call "Russia attacked the election" must have been planned out for some time. The buck stops with Butthurt Barry! As we have discussed, Obama losing the election was a referendum on his legacy! In addition it showed the MSM could no longer attack our democracy by controlling election outcomes! Sure Susan Rice needs to be brought to justice and locked up. But Obama needs to testify under oath as to why he sanctioned Russia in December! She was taking orders from Hussaine to attack our democracy!

Lock him up!

Lock him up!

Lock him up!
“Unmasking” is the process of identifying individuals whose communications were caught in the dragnet of intelligence gathering. While conducting investigations into terrorism and other related crimes, intelligence analysts incidentally capture conversations about parties not subject to the search warrant. The identities of individuals who are not under investigation are kept confidential, for legal and moral reasons.

White House logs left behind by the Obama administration show that National Security Adviser Susan Rice’s interest in gathering NSA docs on Trump and his associates
accelerated after Trump won the election in November and continued through January.

with an ongoing FBI investigation into russian ties since july, our agencies would have been remiss not to take notes on who's who. this info, now posed as if some big reveal or 'unraveling', was left behind by the last administration in logs left wide open for discovery as part of the government record.

Does it crack anyone else up that an investigation was opened up eight months ago.....

And we still have nothing to show for it ?


our intelligence agencies are rolling in the aisles as traitor trump undermines their integrity...

investigations take time, s0n.

anyone who believes the FBI and CIA have "nothing to show for it" is in denial.
so many tangled webs to catch dishonest guys like flynn and sessions in...

guys who thought they were above the law...

all in due time........... :eusa_clap:
justice roberts' supposed lost moment of glory you were speaking of..?

Justice Roberts a G.W. Bush appointee sided with Obamacare, and is the reason Obamacare exists today--and that's what they're talking about. It doesn't matter who picks the nominee--they think it does--they think they're politcal partisans but they never are.

All of the SCOTUS have proven time and time again--that they don't give a rats ass if a Democrat or Republican President choose them as a nominee--they're going to follow the law regardless. Bush 1, Bush 2, Clinton all the way back to Reagan have chosen justices that have ruled against something they would have approved of.

They think Gorsuch is another Scalia and that couldn't be farther from the truth, and it's because Trump and Republicans have campaigned on nominating the ultra "conservative" judge, one that would overturn Roe V Wade, etc. etc. etc.

Well he's not what they would consider an ultra--conservative judge--not when these Democrats voted to confirm him as a G.W. Bush appointee to the Federal Court--LOL This is in 2006 when Democrats owned the Senate and they could have easily rejected Gorsuch.


Andrew Mullins on Twitter

And that Roe v Wade that they continually campaigned on--as selecting a judge that would overturn it. Gorsuch stated during the confirmation hearing it is Precendent--meaning it's set in stone.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

The irony is--that many voted for Trump--citing this non-existent ultra conservative judge, & scared to death of who Hillary Clinton would have picked. And in reality Hillary Clinton may have picked Niel Gorsuch to be her nominee to the Supreme Court--LOL
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By Jeff Sessions’ Standard for Lying Under Oath, Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath

Michael Flynn, Trump's national security adviser, resigns over Russia lies

Rex Tillerson: an appointment that confirms Putin's US election win

A timeline of Rex Tillerson's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin

The 2011 Exxon-Rosneft agreement was frozen when sanctions were imposed on Russia in 2014, following the annexation of Crimea and covert military intervention in eastern Ukraine. Exxon Mobil estimated the sanctions cost it $1bn and Tillerson has argued strenuously for the measures to be lifted.

In June, two years after sanctions were imposed and in an apparent show of support for Sechin, Tillerson reportedly turned up at a St Petersburg economic summit.

“Tillerson has a relationship with Putin and he opposed the sanctions imposed on Russia after the annexation of Crimea. This will alarm those worried about Russian intentions in Europe.”

“Trump’s choice of Rex Tillerson suggests he wants to make good on his promise to cut deals with Russia instead of containing it,” said Thomas Wright, who has written extensively on Trump’s foreign policy at the Brookings Institution.

Rex Tillerson: an appointment that confirms Putin's US election win

Reporting on Exxon was not only harder than reporting on the Bin Ladens, it was harder than reporting on the CIA by an order of magnitude,” said Steve Coll, who wrote about the company in a book, Private Empire.

“They have a culture of intimidation that they bring to bear in their external relations, and it is plenty understood inside the corporation too. They make people nervous, they make people afraid,” Coll, now a journalism professor at Columbia University, told Texas Monthly.
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“Unmasking” is the process of identifying individuals whose communications were caught in the dragnet of intelligence gathering. While conducting investigations into terrorism and other related crimes, intelligence analysts incidentally capture conversations about parties not subject to the search warrant. The identities of individuals who are not under investigation are kept confidential, for legal and moral reasons.

White House logs left behind by the Obama administration show that National Security Adviser Susan Rice’s interest in gathering NSA docs on Trump and his associates
accelerated after Trump won the election in November and continued through January.

with an ongoing FBI investigation into russian ties since july, our agencies would have been remiss not to take notes on who's who. this info, now posed as if some big reveal or 'unraveling', was left behind by the last administration in logs left wide open for discovery as part of the government record.

Does it crack anyone else up that an investigation was opened up eight months ago.....

And we still have nothing to show for it ?

How many years did the Benghazi investigations last?

You idiots never learn.

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