Suspect in the killing of 7 people in Oklahoma is caucasian American

the blue-eyed non-illegal-immigrant sex offender from Oklahoma is still being sought by authorities.
Something must be done regarding this epidemic of US citizens, legal residents, and illegal aliens killing people:

By the end of this, he will be a liberal gender fluid closet homosexual. Watch.
the blue-eyed non-illegal-immigrant sex offender from Oklahoma is still being sought by authorities.
Something must be done regarding this epidemic of US citizens, legal residents, and illegal aliens killing people:

I wish we could fix the craziness in popular liberal culture that is producing these killers

But liberals have been creating this toxic environment for many generations and it may not be possible to reverse the damage libs have caused

However its helps no one to import more killers from mexico to supplement the ones grown here
Prison is not a deterrent. If a person is convicted of cold blooded murder they should get one appeal within a year if that fails they should be publicly executed by being doused in gasoline and set on fire.
Not a big fan of The U.S. Constitution I see.

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
--8th Amendment.
What do you mean we don't bat an eye??? we don't bat an eye when someone murders 7 people? I call bullshit on your comment here, but if anything, its liberal DA's and mayors who are soft on crime, putting citizens at risk. If the guy did all that... he deserves the death penalty or life. I don't really know who would argue with that.... because he's not from south of the border as you say.

I think the point is that in Iraq at the beginning of the war, and even the beginning of the post war period, people were fascinated/horrified by the deaths. A year or two in, hardly anyone in the US cared any more, it was just more of the same old, same old, and in the US it's becoming like that.

In Europe, if there's a killing, it's HUGE NEWS. The killing in Belgrade has shocked the continent. But in the US it'd get replaced pretty quickly as news because... well, we've seen FIVE shootings of that many or more this year, excluding gangland shootings (because in the US it's reached the point where people couldn't give a damn about those already).
Not sure victims get their lives back, especially the dead ones, if the perpetrator gets cruel and unusual punishment.
So what your saying is that the victims do not have any rights but the cold blooded murder does ? What they did to the victim and their families is cruel.
So what your saying is that the victims do not have any rights but the cold blooded murder does ? What they did to the victim and their families is cruel.

Victims have as many rights are murderers do.
If you're killed, you're dead. If you kill someone, there's due process and your rights can be infringed upon.

It's pretty simple and has been the law of the land since, when did they write the Constitution?
In the case of American citizens born here, you can't "pick and choose" them. If they're born here you're stuck with them. And sometimes they kill seven people in Oklahoma, and you don't bat an eye because they didn't come from South of the border.

And you don't bat an eye with the massive homicide rates in blue cities. But the odds of a murder being anything but white in that small OK town are pretty slim. Just like the odds of a murder being anything but black in your beloved blue hell hole cities.

If he was black they wouldn't have reported the race.

If he was mexican they would have called him an "white hispanic".
In the case of American citizens born here, you can't "pick and choose" them. If they're born here you're stuck with them. And sometimes they kill seven people in Oklahoma, and you don't bat an eye because they didn't come from South of the border.
Another tard making the case for allowing murderers and rapists free reign in this country.

I bet you think you're making a convincing argument for ILLEGAL immigration 😂
Skin color is irrelevant to a country where it's easier to kill people than anywhere else in the world. Crazy people have more access to weaponry in the U.S. than any other country (except maybe the countries where unlimited U.S. weaponry spills over into their own)

And yet……..The governments of Europe murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children in just 6 years….

With all of our guns for all of our 246 year history….gun murder in the U.S?

Around 2,460,000

Why is our gun murder number, over 246 years so much lower than the murder number of Europe in just 6 years….?

No, it isn’t because of World War 2…..the innocents murdered in Europe were rounded up, marched into forests and camps and murdered…..

On top of that, the vast majority of gun murder victims in the U.S. are not innocent people…they are criminals murdered by other criminals….
Evil comes in all colors......However, Black Crime, in all it's facets is a constant evil.

In Chicago for instance near 81% of shooting victims are black, 16% Hispanic, 3% white or other.

Lets look at the demographics of Chicago.....Judge for yourself.

Race and Hispanic Origin
White alone, percent
Black or African American alone, percent(a)
American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent(a)
Asian alone, percent(a)
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent(a)
Two or More Races, percent
Hispanic or Latino, percent(b)
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent

Doesn't take much of a black population to shitholize any major urban area. Wetback Wonders aren't far behind.
Not a supporter of victims I see.
Oh I totally support victims.
Take all the recent victims of mass shootings for example. TONS of sympathy and support for all those poor victims. Everytime the subject comes up though all I hear from the lunatics is "oh well, shit happens, thoughts and prayers though."
And then when I say "that is unacceptable. There MUST be some solution. Surely if we all put our heads together at once we can come up with some comprehensive, national solution to this problem," all I hear from the lunatics is "b-b-but my constitutional RIGHTS!"
And blah....blah....blah.

So my point here is this....
That SAME Constitution that contains that Second Amendment that people are so fond of misquoting to justify mass murder also contains an Eith Amendment that prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.
Oh, and while we're on the subject, that Constitution also contains The First Amendment which explicitly prohibits public institutions (like schools) from giving the appearance of favoring one religion (like Christianity) over any other.
It also protects the RIGHT of people, should they choose to, to protest the government's policies with actions that others may find offensive like kneeling for The National Anthem and burning the U.S. flag.

See how that works?
You can't just pick and choose which parts of The U.S. Constitution you are going to quote and live by.
It's all or nothing.

It isn't The Bible.

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