Suspected Arrested Of Threatening Black Students At Missouri

Swastika etched onto dorm stairwell wall: April
A swastika and the word “heil” were drawn in what appeared to be charcoal on the wall of a residence hall stairway in April. Authorities arrested freshman resident Bradley Becker days later and charged him with second-degree property damage motivated by discrimination. Becker pleaded guilty in October to a lesser charge and will serve two years probation.

Feces used to draw swastika in residence hall: Oct. 24
Months after the anti-Semitic symbol was found in the Mark Twain residence hall,officials found another swastika on Oct. 24. This one was drawn using feces smeared on the floor and wall of a bathroom.

“After this event, it has become clear to me that the inclusivity of our residence halls has been threatened,” Resident Halls Association president Bill Donley said in a statement.

Wolfe apologizes, acknowledges racism: Nov. 6
Wolfe released a statement Friday apologizing for how student protests at homecoming were handled and expressing concern for Butler’s health.

“My behavior seemed like I did not care,”Wolfe said of the parade incident. “That was not my intention. I was caught off guard in that moment. Nonetheless, had I gotten out of the car to acknowledge the students and talk with them perhaps we wouldn’t be where we are today.”

He added: “Racism does exist at our university, and it is unacceptable. It is a long-standing, systemic problem which daily affects our family of students, faculty and staff.”

The incidents that led to the University of Missouri president’s resignation

Where is the ambiguity?


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You take your phone to the bathroom at 2am?
This was likely only seen first hand ny a couple people - whomever found it and the ra before the police came. Maybe they took pics, maybe they didn't, maybe they were asked jot to share them, or maybe they just don't want to.

But again, nobody disputes that it happened

People are disputing it now, and why is disputing it limited to the people you listed? This is a national story, with implications ranging from people resigning, to a campus full of people bullying around other students and reporters.

I take my phone everywhere, including the bathroom. Its always in my pocket.
Jackasses trying tonpretend a documented event didn't happen is far from any rational dispute.

Nobody. Disputes. The. Poop. Swastika

So where's the documentation? Produce it and I'll be happy to apologize. But don't just come up with someone who took someone else's word for it.
Have you apologized yet?

Did you see this image in the photos, I didn't.

Nazi Swastika

View attachment 54663

Are the university students too stupid to know how to draw.
Right wing denialism on display

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