Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
A few observations from a former bomb disposal officer:

1. Proper pipe bombs don't have wires connected to both ends. That's dumb.

2. You can find timers / remote control receivers WAY smaller than whatever that white box is. A proper timer would best be stored inside the pipe, making it fully encapsulated. That thing is just silly looking.

3. "Hoax Devices" are FAR more common than real ones. In which case, we should ask ourselves what the motives of the "bomber" are and "who benefits?" Go ahead. Think deeply and critically.

4. Bottom Line: Whoever made that wanted it to be painfully obvious to anyone and everyone that it's a "bomb."

This is nearly the same as a bundle of road flares wrapped together with an old-timey alarm clock ticking away.


The clock is just some digital clock, not a timer

How do you set off a bomb with out a timer circuit?

Small Black Electric Digital LCD Clock Date Time Calendar Ultra-thin Car Clock 826966022975 | eBay

That is the clock the demonRATS used, $2.85, Soros isn’t the big spender he once was!

Not only does Trump lie continuously, he also makes outrageous statements that conflict with statements he has made in the past. One example is the statement he made today.

Pipe bombs were sent to CNN headquarters in New York and to several prominent Democrats, including former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, setting off an intense investigation on Wednesday into whether a right wing bomber is going after political figures vilified by Trump.

Trump made this statement. "I just want to tell you that in these times, we have to unify. We have to come together and send one very clear, strong, unmistakable message that threats or acts of political violence have no place in the United States of America. This egregious conduct is abhorrent to everything we hold dear and sacred as Americans."

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this absurd statement made by my President. Trump leads the cheers for political violence.

“A few days ago, I called the fake news the enemy of the people because they have no sources — they just make it up,” Trump said. CNN was one of the targets.

Speaking before Evangelical leaders, "It's not a question of like or dislike, it's a question that they will overturn everything that we've done and they will do it quickly and violently. And violently. There is violence. When you look at Antifa - these are violent people," he said.

Trump referenced Rep. Greg Gianforte’s 2017 attack on a reporter by saying that “any guy who can do a body slam, he is my type!”

In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on the day of the Iowa caucuses, he told audience members he would pay their legal fees if they engaged in violence against protesters. "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise," he said on Feb. 1, 2016.

In Las Vegas he thought security guards were being too gentle with a protester. "He's walking out with big high-fives, smiling, laughing," Trump said. "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you."

Later, in Warren, Michigan, "Get him out," he said of a protester. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court. Don't worry about it."

The White House released this statement after the violence at Trump rallies. It did not mention Trump, of course. "We obviously discourage this kind of behavior and take significant measures to ensure the safety of any and all attendees," it read.

Deputy press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, remember her, had this to say. "The president in no way form or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence. If anything, quite the contrary. And he was simply pushing back and defending himself," she said.

Once again, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the leadership we have in the White House these days.

The real tragedy is this. Trump's fans are attracted to him because of his calls for violence. That is easily detected by the cheers Trump receives at rallies when he launches his tough guy image.

By your own standards you and your leaders

on the left are responsible for all the violence and incivility….

You Nazis will be defeated……
A few observations from a former bomb disposal officer:

1. Proper pipe bombs don't have wires connected to both ends. That's dumb.

2. You can find timers / remote control receivers WAY smaller than whatever that white box is. A proper timer would best be stored inside the pipe, making it fully encapsulated. That thing is just silly looking.

3. "Hoax Devices" are FAR more common than real ones. In which case, we should ask ourselves what the motives of the "bomber" are and "who benefits?" Go ahead. Think deeply and critically.

4. Bottom Line: Whoever made that wanted it to be painfully obvious to anyone and everyone that it's a "bomb."

This is nearly the same as a bundle of road flares wrapped together with an old-timey alarm clock ticking away.


The clock is just some digital clock, not a timer

How do you set off a bomb with out a timer circuit?

Small Black Electric Digital LCD Clock Date Time Calendar Ultra-thin Car Clock 826966022975 | eBay

That is the clock the demonRATS used, $2.85, Soros isn’t the big spender he once was!
Conspiracy theory forum is waaaay over there. -->

And what are you expert at Creepatus?
Will the right wing party be seen poorly by people reading news about right wingers trying to kill Democrats?

It's definitely no surprise in the Trump era. When you campaign on hate & violence it will attrack people that are violent and hateful.

I can't believe some of the comments about the caravan stuck at the Mexico southern border. Mow em down with AK's etc etc.

You have proof of a Trump connection or even a right wing connection?

Duh--let me think here. George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama--(iof course it's a right wing nutcase)--

You guys seem to forget what showed up in Charlotesville in support of Trump.


When Hillary Clinton stated that 1/2 of Trump's base were deplorables--you can see why..

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

Look at all those "happy" wouldn't hurt a fly Trump rallies--:auiqs.jpg:

When you campaign on hate & violence you're going to attract hate & violence.

I don't argue with you idiots. The riots after the election, the shooting of a Congressman at a baseball game, the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, the violent protests that are on going in many west coast cities by Antifa, chasing people out of restaurants because of political ideas.
Not only are those in Charlottesville deplorables but you assholes that ignore the left doing it are also deplorables, you nuts are ruining a country with your petty bitching, whining and crying.
“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength. And you heard how the Republican members led by Mitch McConnell, the President really demeaned the confirmation process.”

- Hillary Clinton

Two can play that game then.
Hillary Clinton: 'You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for' - CNNPolitics

How odd....H. Clinton made those comments about 2 weeks ago and here you are presenting them as comments she made to blame trump for the bomb attempts.

That's rather dishonest of you.
Hillary called for violence, along with Waters and the other usual suspects.

They got it.

But odds are it was a Leftard behind it.

Hillary recently lamented the fact that civility is no longer an option. Trump has been advocating violence for a long time.
No, no impact at all. I am glad no one got hurt. There are a lot of sick people out there.

The Dems are in for an historic defeat in less than two weeks time. Nothing can stop that from happening now.
Will the right wing party be seen poorly by people reading news about right wingers trying to kill Democrats?
-------------------------------- seems to me that most thoughtful people know that the non exploding SHOW bombs were just drama to be blamed on Trumps supporters Centrist .
Listen bitch, I put up many times the video of you leftard radicals burning cities and punching women.

You're going to pop a blood vessel if you don't calm down.

In the mean time, I thank you for your ongoing demonstration of right-wing psychotic rage. I'll let you know when I need more points proven.
“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength. And you heard how the Republican members led by Mitch McConnell, the President really demeaned the confirmation process.”

- Hillary Clinton

Two can play that game then.
Hillary Clinton: 'You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for' - CNNPolitics

How odd....H. Clinton made those comments about 2 weeks ago and here you are presenting them as comments she made to blame trump for the bomb attempts.

That's rather dishonest of you.
Hillary called for violence, along with Waters and the other usual suspects.

They got it.

But odds are it was a Leftard behind it.

Hillary recently lamented the fact that civility is no longer an option. Trump has been advocating violence for a long time.
In what universe do you speak of?
A few observations from a former bomb disposal officer:

1. Proper pipe bombs don't have wires connected to both ends. That's dumb.

2. You can find timers / remote control receivers WAY smaller than whatever that white box is. A proper timer would best be stored inside the pipe, making it fully encapsulated. That thing is just silly looking.

3. "Hoax Devices" are FAR more common than real ones. In which case, we should ask ourselves what the motives of the "bomber" are and "who benefits?" Go ahead. Think deeply and critically.

4. Bottom Line: Whoever made that wanted it to be painfully obvious to anyone and everyone that it's a "bomb."

This is nearly the same as a bundle of road flares wrapped together with an old-timey alarm clock ticking away.


The clock is just some digital clock, not a timer

How do you set off a bomb with out a timer circuit?

Small Black Electric Digital LCD Clock Date Time Calendar Ultra-thin Car Clock 826966022975 | eBay

That is the clock the demonRATS used, $2.85, Soros isn’t the big spender he once was!

One might also note that the mail stamps were not canceled, so it did not go through the mail.

So who delivered it and how did it get there?

Trace it back and fry the bastards.
These things were so obvious that they might has well have had the word "BOMB" written on them. The question is whether the FBI is in on it and if the Bureau will try to connect democrat operatives to the packages before the elections.
You heard that from Democrat Fake News jerks. He was brutally attacked by a crazed Democrat.

This is the mind of the right-wing conspiracy nutter. If facts don't agree with their fantasy world, the conspiracy nutter simply auto-states that the facts are part of the vast liberal conspiracy. It is impossible to debunk any part of their fantasy world, being they'll simply auto-classify the debunking as part of the conspiracy.

And all of the Trumpflakes on this thread are behaving that way. They're permanently detached from reality, and proud of it, being it's what their cult demands of them.
Last edited:
A few observations from a former bomb disposal officer:

1. Proper pipe bombs don't have wires connected to both ends. That's dumb.

2. You can find timers / remote control receivers WAY smaller than whatever that white box is. A proper timer would best be stored inside the pipe, making it fully encapsulated. That thing is just silly looking.

3. "Hoax Devices" are FAR more common than real ones. In which case, we should ask ourselves what the motives of the "bomber" are and "who benefits?" Go ahead. Think deeply and critically.

4. Bottom Line: Whoever made that wanted it to be painfully obvious to anyone and everyone that it's a "bomb."

This is nearly the same as a bundle of road flares wrapped together with an old-timey alarm clock ticking away.


The clock is just some digital clock, not a timer

How do you set off a bomb with out a timer circuit?

Small Black Electric Digital LCD Clock Date Time Calendar Ultra-thin Car Clock 826966022975 | eBay

That is the clock the demonRATS used, $2.85, Soros isn’t the big spender he once was!
Conspiracy theory forum is waaaay over there. -->

And what are you expert at Creepatus?
None of your business.

I mean I could tell ya, but then I'd hafta kill ya.
A few observations from a former bomb disposal officer:

1. Proper pipe bombs don't have wires connected to both ends. That's dumb.

2. You can find timers / remote control receivers WAY smaller than whatever that white box is. A proper timer would best be stored inside the pipe, making it fully encapsulated. That thing is just silly looking.

3. "Hoax Devices" are FAR more common than real ones. In which case, we should ask ourselves what the motives of the "bomber" are and "who benefits?" Go ahead. Think deeply and critically.

4. Bottom Line: Whoever made that wanted it to be painfully obvious to anyone and everyone that it's a "bomb."

This is nearly the same as a bundle of road flares wrapped together with an old-timey alarm clock ticking away.


The clock is just some digital clock, not a timer

How do you set off a bomb with out a timer circuit?

Small Black Electric Digital LCD Clock Date Time Calendar Ultra-thin Car Clock 826966022975 | eBay

That is the clock the demonRATS used, $2.85, Soros isn’t the big spender he once was!

Not only does Trump lie continuously, he also makes outrageous statements that conflict with statements he has made in the past. One example is the statement he made today.

Pipe bombs were sent to CNN headquarters in New York and to several prominent Democrats, including former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, setting off an intense investigation on Wednesday into whether a right wing bomber is going after political figures vilified by Trump.

Trump made this statement. "I just want to tell you that in these times, we have to unify. We have to come together and send one very clear, strong, unmistakable message that threats or acts of political violence have no place in the United States of America. This egregious conduct is abhorrent to everything we hold dear and sacred as Americans."

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this absurd statement made by my President. Trump leads the cheers for political violence.

“A few days ago, I called the fake news the enemy of the people because they have no sources — they just make it up,” Trump said. CNN was one of the targets.

Speaking before Evangelical leaders, "It's not a question of like or dislike, it's a question that they will overturn everything that we've done and they will do it quickly and violently. And violently. There is violence. When you look at Antifa - these are violent people," he said.

Trump referenced Rep. Greg Gianforte’s 2017 attack on a reporter by saying that “any guy who can do a body slam, he is my type!”

In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on the day of the Iowa caucuses, he told audience members he would pay their legal fees if they engaged in violence against protesters. "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise," he said on Feb. 1, 2016.

In Las Vegas he thought security guards were being too gentle with a protester. "He's walking out with big high-fives, smiling, laughing," Trump said. "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you."

Later, in Warren, Michigan, "Get him out," he said of a protester. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court. Don't worry about it."

The White House released this statement after the violence at Trump rallies. It did not mention Trump, of course. "We obviously discourage this kind of behavior and take significant measures to ensure the safety of any and all attendees," it read.

Deputy press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, remember her, had this to say. "The president in no way form or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence. If anything, quite the contrary. And he was simply pushing back and defending himself," she said.

Once again, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the leadership we have in the White House these days.

The real tragedy is this. Trump's fans are attracted to him because of his calls for violence. That is easily detected by the cheers Trump receives at rallies when he launches his tough guy image.

TLDR except for the first few sentences.
Then I started laughing uncontrollably.....,.
Listen bitch, I put up many times the video of you leftard radicals burning cities and punching women.

You're going to pop a blood vessel if you don't calm down.

In the mean time, I thank you for your ongoing demonstration of right-wing psychotic rage. I'll let you know when I need more points proven.
Damn, I post the truth about you, and you call it psychotic rage. My problem with the bombs, is that they weren't packaged very well, like they were meant to be found. Why would anyone who wanted to blow some asshole liberal to bits, make it so obvious.

More like a liberal who wanted to use the Rules for Radicals, thus attempting to condemn conservatives as radical, yet the low intelligence of the person who made the bombs failed miserably.

Just like you libtards accused the conservatives of shooting Congresswomen Gifford, yet when the investigation was over, it as a disgruntled psychotic Democrat voter who had major issues with Ms. Gifford.

Tucson gunman before rampage: "I'll see you on National T.v."

I laugh at your lack of intelligence.
You heard that from Democrat Fake News jerks. He was brutally attacked by a crazed Democrat.

This is the mind of the right-wing conspiracy nutter. If facts don't agree with their fantasy world, the conspiracy nutter simply auto-states that the facts are part of the vast liberal conspiracy. It is impossible to debunk any part of their fantasy world, being they'll simply auto-classify the debunking as part of the conspiracy.

And all of the Trumpflakes on this thread are behaving that way. They're permanently detached from reality, and proud of it, being it's what their cult demands of them.

Pictures are worth a 1000 words.
“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength. And you heard how the Republican members led by Mitch McConnell, the President really demeaned the confirmation process.”

- Hillary Clinton

Two can play that game then.
Hillary Clinton: 'You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for' - CNNPolitics

How odd....H. Clinton made those comments about 2 weeks ago and here you are presenting them as comments she made to blame trump for the bomb attempts.

That's rather dishonest of you.
Hillary called for violence, along with Waters and the other usual suspects.

They got it.

But odds are it was a Leftard behind it.

Hillary recently lamented the fact that civility is no longer an option. Trump has been advocating violence for a long time.
Civility doesn’t cease to be an option just because you lost an election.

If trump has advocated violence for a long time why is it you guys have to go back before he won the nominate to find any violent rhetoric?

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