Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
The bombs aren't fake.

From Wired:

“The US Secret Service has intercepted two suspicious packages addressed to Secret Service protectees,” the agency said in a statement on Wednesday, referring to the packages addressed to Clinton and Obama. “The packages were immediately identified during routine mail screening procedures as potential explosive devices and were appropriately handled as such. The protectees did not receive the packages, nor were they at risk of receiving them.”

In a press conference Wednesday, NYPD Commissioner James O'Neill said the package contained an explosive device, and that additionally there was an envelope with white powder, which is being investigated. Further reports have indicated that congresswoman Maxine Waters, among others, had also been sent suspicious packages."""

That's not a real good explanation because no mechanism for detonation was mentioned. Furthermore, there is pic of AN INTACT sample (the one sent to CNN) lying fully intact on a desk. If it was suspected of having a working detonator --- it would be in pieces by now..
Why didn't any of them detonate?


Dude, you got me.

Solid as fuck.

All this "Trump divides" and "Trump instigates" is a joke. Try watching the excitable entertainment on prime time tv and in action movies and in pop music and then come back at how "hateful" Trump's speaking style is. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Clinton and civility my arse.
The bombs aren't fake.

From Wired:

“The US Secret Service has intercepted two suspicious packages addressed to Secret Service protectees,” the agency said in a statement on Wednesday, referring to the packages addressed to Clinton and Obama. “The packages were immediately identified during routine mail screening procedures as potential explosive devices and were appropriately handled as such. The protectees did not receive the packages, nor were they at risk of receiving them.”

In a press conference Wednesday, NYPD Commissioner James O'Neill said the package contained an explosive device, and that additionally there was an envelope with white powder, which is being investigated. Further reports have indicated that congresswoman Maxine Waters, among others, had also been sent suspicious packages."""



When I first heard that Soros had a pipe bomb sent to him in the mail, I thought, “oh god, one of Alex Jones’s even crazier than normal followers did something crazy and stupid, thank god it didn’t work.” But then I heard everyone else who was also sent a pipe bomb, Hillary, Obama, wassermen-Schultz, Waters, etc. Now I’m thinking, “wait a second, this just doesn’t make sense.” It doesn’t for a few reasons that I will list.

A. As far as I know, a pipe bomb needs a fuse, and it can have 3 types a fuses. The regular old wick type fuse, an electric fuse remotely detonated by cell phone or whatever, or an electric fuse with a timer. We can obviously rule out these were wick fuses, since only an idiot would light the wick of a pipe bomb they received in the mail. We can rule out a remote detonator with the amount of devices mailed across the US, since whoever did this would have to monitor the pb’s to know when to detonate, and would not be able to monitor all at the same time, let alone know if they’re in range of target. So the only type of fuse that remotely makes sense would be the timed fuse, and that also doesn’t make much sense at all. One would need to get extremely lucky, or either know an implausible amount of information about their prospective targets for these pipe bombs to be effective. So someone is either genius enough to build these bombs and know their targets schedule, but just enough stupid that non of these pipe bombs actually worked, and sent them to targets like Obama, where it never would’ve worked. Or they were stupid enough to waste time, effort, freedom, and life and limb making like 10 dangerous pipe bombs...for a whopping long shot that they’d get lucky and one would work. Not at all that logical.

B. The targets are pretty bizarre. Outside of Waters, non are actually in office. Soro’s, as I initially said, seems plausible for a crazy person. Obama, Hillary, I guess I could see but both are irrelevant and untouchable with security details. Wassermen-Schultz...WTF, who has thought of her in the past 2 years? Even when she was prominent she was a joke. Holder? Who the hell gives enough of a shit about holder? Bizzare, Soros is the only one I found believable, a then HRC and Obama were long shots. The rest...come on now.

C. The timing is suspicious. Couple weeks before election...after we’ve seen waves of leftist mobs and encouragement from prominent leftist leaders. Those haven’t played well at all in polling. The toothpaste is out of the tube for the leftist mobs, so the only thing left to do is make the right look just as bad. Tough to do when no leader is from the right is actively encouraging this behavior. So you manufacture it.

Things I’m curious and eager to learn about, and hopefully this information comes out.

A. Is law enforcement going to find any leads? If not that’s going to be curious. Someone was smart enough to not get any fingerprints left over on any part of all these devices. We’re smart to erase all trace of fingerprints or evidence on all of the internal workings, the external workings, the packaging, the stamps, etc...but weren’t at all smart enough to have even one successful attack? Weren’t smart enough to go after targets that actually mattered? Weren’t smart enough to go after easier targets? What about financial evidence? Did they cover their steps when purchasing the materials? We should be able to trace what post office these came from to narrow the search field a bit.

B. Forgot what I was going to say here.

I am not a conspiracy theorist at all, but things do not add up here. It very well could’ve been a smart but still stupid crazy person, but I’m not leaning that way. This is all way too convienient...just like it was way to convienient when the other 2 kavanaigh accusers came out after Ford, as ridiculous as their claims were.
I sure hope they have the resources to find out exactly who did this.

The P.O. has a 13 ounce rule, meaning anything heavier has to be passed across the counter in person, not dropped off in a mailbox.
But who knows, if they were dropped off in a public mail box, then picked up by the carrier and taken to the transit station anyway, the 13 oz rule gets bypassed.

The dolt who did this wasn't very bright, he thought Brennan was a consultant for CNN. So maybe he was stupid enough to take all those bombs to the counter where he would possibly be on video.

All kinds of protection and CCTV went into effect after 9/11. My post office where I lived in NJ was the one used by the wacko who mailed those anthrax letters to the tv stations in NY in 2001. And they DID have CCTV after that.

After reading very intently...I am anxiously awaiting the video results
when we see Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, licking stmaps and applying
them to the packages.

She's winning. She doesn't need to do that.

Gonna' be a cryin' game here when the radical nationalist Nazi bombers get outed on Facebook after their identity is revealed.

Trump will find a way to say that "and some are good people".

Can you do some more Butt Hurt?

We are having a blast with your Dumb Asses...…...
Trump is so full of shit attempting to lecture anyone on civility, particularly considering he's the HMIC.

Trump lectures critics, media on civility after pipe bombs sent to high-profile Democrats

Americans should not “compare political opponents to historical villains” and “not mob people in public," Trump said.

Oct. 24, 2018 / 5:37 PM PDT
By Jonathan Allen

MOSINEE, Wisc. - President Donald Trump called for civility and unity after pipe bombs were mailed to several of his high-profile critics and CNN's New York offices Wednesday, but he spared his own supporters the lecture he delivered to Democrats and the media on how to lower the temperature of the national political discourse.

Speaking in an airport hangar here in Central Wisconsin, Trump promised to “find those responsible” for sending bombs to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other prominent critics of the president, and “bring them to justice.”

He said he wanted Americans to “come together in peace and harmony.”​
I remember B now, in things I’m curious to learn.

B. What type of pipe bombs were these, what was the explosive material? What was the fuse type? Were they even functional?
So why didn't they detonate, like the thread title says?

Do you not understand the word "intercepted"?
The bombs, if truly viable, were timed to go off at their destination, not at a postal transit center.
So you're saying the bomber factored in the efficiency of the USPS? She is a genius...

Bombers most likely.
Yes, the bombers were probably correct in thinking that the scrutiny for those packages wouldn't be nearly as great as if they had been shipped by FedEx or UPS.

Should not have said timed, but rather detonated by opening the seals.
Cops in NYC say they are pipe bombs.

Republicans are really getting sucked into the crazy Trump vortex of fear and violence.

But....That's what we warned you idiots about.

What fear and violence are you talking about ?
So why didn't they detonate, like the thread title says?
Because they were not supposed to. It was just another Soros' show and an attempt to steal Reps votes.

Soros doesn't have to resort to hate crimes.
The idiocy of Trumpies never fails to amaze.

Are you aware soros is a NAZI?

The ignorance of you libtatds never fails to amaze....
----------------------------- i have heard that he was a nazi or is an original nazi , a nazi kid at the time Deno .
This thread failed to detonate.

Not important news anyway, since they weren't mailed to Americans.

Trumpublician's children say the darnedest things.


I like that name...…

The Tea Party is now in control....

With Trump's leadership,

we are going to shove all your libtarded bull shit up your asses...…

Long live the Trumpublicians………..
Trump is so full of shit attempting to lecture anyone on civility, particularly considering he's the HMIC.

Trump lectures critics, media on civility after pipe bombs sent to high-profile Democrats

Americans should not “compare political opponents to historical villains” and “not mob people in public," Trump said.

Oct. 24, 2018 / 5:37 PM PDT
By Jonathan Allen

MOSINEE, Wisc. - President Donald Trump called for civility and unity after pipe bombs were mailed to several of his high-profile critics and CNN's New York offices Wednesday, but he spared his own supporters the lecture he delivered to Democrats and the media on how to lower the temperature of the national political discourse.

Speaking in an airport hangar here in Central Wisconsin, Trump promised to “find those responsible” for sending bombs to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other prominent critics of the president, and “bring them to justice.”

He said he wanted Americans to “come together in peace and harmony.”​

Guess you missed the Hildebeast talking out of both sides of her mouth over the last couple of weeks.

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