Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters

Sure, he's a whack job.

Had he been a Democrat, he would have been a liberal icon. Right?

If this is as presented, I strongly condemn the fool and he gravely damages the conservative cause.

But something doesn't add up, namely that he gravely damages the conservative cause.

And as I mentioned earlier, for one, he was homeless living in his van.

Two, he had a long criminal history.

These are both characteristics of a Democrat--not Republican. I don't say that in jest either. How many homeless Republicans do you suppose there are in San Francisco where you need poop maps?

Limbaugh also made an observation as the arrest took place just before his show. He stated that the pictures in his van look like they were hung with great care--not just slapped on like you would expect from a vagrant like this. They were perfectly in line with each other; almost like measured out.

I don't know. I didn't see the video or pictures just yet. But from what I read, those pictures are the only thing that indicate he's a Republican and Trump supporter.
Sure, he's a whack job.

Had he been a Democrat, he would have been a liberal icon. Right?

If this is as presented, I strongly condemn the fool and he gravely damages the conservative cause.

But something doesn't add up, namely that he gravely damages the conservative cause.

And as I mentioned earlier, for one, he was homeless living in his van.

Two, he had a long criminal history.

These are both characteristics of a Democrat--not Republican. I don't say that in jest either. How many homeless Republicans do you suppose there are in San Francisco where you need poop maps?

Limbaugh also made an observation as the arrest took place just before his show. He stated that the pictures in his van look like they were hung with great care--not just slapped on like you would expect from a vagrant like this. They were perfectly in line with each other; almost like measured out.

I don't know. I didn't see the video or pictures just yet. But from what I read, those pictures are the only thing that indicate he's a Republican and Trump supporter.

You tards never quit. You never learn. You just go on and on and on, drinking piss in public.

You never learn. You just keep getting back in line for more piss to drink.

I have never seen a more submissive pack of lickspittles in my life. This level of weak-minded compliancy is historical. Dissertations will be written about your herd mentality and cult of personality.
A guy mails some pipe bombs to some Democrats.

And the tards go, "It has to be Democrats doing this! Logic!"

It turns out it was a Trumpie with a van covered in Trumpie stickers.

And the tards go, "Those stickers must be only a day old! Otherwise roving gangs of demented Democrats woulda vandalized it! Therefore Deep State! Logic!"

It turns out the guy put those stickers on his van at least ten months ago.

And the tards go, "It's Obama's fault...somehow! Logic!"

These fucking tards never quit being tards. GEEZUS!
A guy mails some pipe bombs to some Democrats.

And the tards go, "It has to be Democrats doing this! Logic!"

It turns out it was a Trumpie with a van covered in Trumpie stickers.

And the tards go, "Those stickers must be only a day old! Otherwise roving gangs of demented Democrats woulda vandalized it! Therefore Deep State! Logic!"

It turns out the guy put those stickers on his van at least ten months ago.

And the tards go, "It's Obama's fault...somehow! Logic!"

These fucking tards never quit being tards. GEEZUS!

Keep jerking off Guno.
A guy mails some pipe bombs to some Democrats.

And the tards go, "It has to be Democrats doing this! Logic!"

It turns out it was a Trumpie with a van covered in Trumpie stickers.

And the tards go, "Those stickers must be only a day old! Otherwise roving gangs of demented Democrats woulda vandalized it! Therefore Deep State! Logic!"

It turns out the guy put those stickers on his van at least ten months ago.

And the tards go, "It's Obama's fault...somehow! Logic!"

These fucking tards never quit being tards. GEEZUS!
A guy mails some pipe bombs to some Democrats.

And the tards go, "It has to be Democrats doing this! Logic!"

It turns out it was a Trumpie with a van covered in Trumpie stickers.

And the tards go, "Those stickers must be only a day old! Otherwise roving gangs of demented Democrats woulda vandalized it! Therefore Deep State! Logic!"

It turns out the guy put those stickers on his van at least ten months ago.

And the tards go, "It's Obama's fault...somehow! Logic!"

These fucking tards never quit being tards. GEEZUS!

Supposedly those stickers were in mint shape for being there ten months under the hot Florida sun.
A guy mails some pipe bombs to some Democrats.

And the tards go, "It has to be Democrats doing this! Logic!"

It turns out it was a Trumpie with a van covered in Trumpie stickers.

And the tards go, "Those stickers must be only a day old! Otherwise roving gangs of demented Democrats woulda vandalized it! Therefore Deep State! Logic!"

It turns out the guy put those stickers on his van at least ten months ago.

And the tards go, "It's Obama's fault...somehow! Logic!"

These fucking tards never quit being tards. GEEZUS!

Supposedly those stickers were in mint shape for being there ten months under the hot Florida sun.

Is this going to be another one of those things you believe regardless of how much counter evidence/proof is presented to you?
Sure, he's a whack job.

Had he been a Democrat, he would have been a liberal icon. Right?

If this is as presented, I strongly condemn the fool and he gravely damages the conservative cause.

But something doesn't add up, namely that he gravely damages the conservative cause.

And as I mentioned earlier, for one, he was homeless living in his van.

Two, he had a long criminal history.

These are both characteristics of a Democrat--not Republican. I don't say that in jest either. How many homeless Republicans do you suppose there are in San Francisco where you need poop maps?

Limbaugh also made an observation as the arrest took place just before his show. He stated that the pictures in his van look like they were hung with great care--not just slapped on like you would expect from a vagrant like this. They were perfectly in line with each other; almost like measured out.

I don't know. I didn't see the video or pictures just yet. But from what I read, those pictures are the only thing that indicate he's a Republican and Trump supporter.

You tards never quit. You never learn. You just go on and on and on, drinking piss in public.

You never learn. You just keep getting back in line for more piss to drink.

I have never seen a more submissive pack of lickspittles in my life. This level of weak-minded compliancy is historical. Dissertations will be written about your herd mentality and cult of personality.

I think most here are familiar with the history of "first reports."

We only have to look at the Ferguson story, the Travon Martin story, the Duke Lacrosse case for that. Hell, throw in Baltimore since all officers were found not guilty of any crimes.

All I'm saying is that it's very suspicious. Was he a diehard Trump and Republican supporter? He may have very well been. But I'll be more convinced of that once we find out how he was registered (if he was registered) to vote and how long he's been a Republican.
A guy mails some pipe bombs to some Democrats.

And the tards go, "It has to be Democrats doing this! Logic!"

It turns out it was a Trumpie with a van covered in Trumpie stickers.

And the tards go, "Those stickers must be only a day old! Otherwise roving gangs of demented Democrats woulda vandalized it! Therefore Deep State! Logic!"

It turns out the guy put those stickers on his van at least ten months ago.

And the tards go, "It's Obama's fault...somehow! Logic!"

These fucking tards never quit being tards. GEEZUS!

Supposedly those stickers were in mint shape for being there ten months under the hot Florida sun.

Is this going to be another one of those things you believe regardless of how much counter evidence/proof is presented to you?

Not at all, but something tells me we are not going to get a complete story until after midterms. Whether it's a rouse or legitimate, either way, the guy was just a certified nut like in the Gifford's case or the Republican softball shooting. Just today I learned that NBC withheld information about a second witness that "supposedly" corroborated the Sweathog's account in the Kavanaugh farce. How long has it been since he was sworn in????

You poor, demented twink. First of all, no one died in Benghazi as the result of an Obama lie, which was the moron claim I challenged.

But to your point, Obama didn’t lie about the movie.

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012. Report.pdf

It must suck going through life as dumb as you.
The administration did not give two shits about those serving in Benghazi... obviously.

Since when do you rightards give a shit out Americans serving in consulates overseas?? Show me one post from any of you ever bitching and moaning about all the Americans killed in consulates while Bush was president. Show me even one investigation opened by Democrats over any of those attacks......
Obama started the war in Libya which was a gargantuan mistake... obviously
Your concession is noted.
What good did Obama do in Libya?… You need to examine your mental capacity
I’ve already proven you’re a moron by showing your idiocy about Obama lying about that video was utter bullshit. Why are you still gumming at my ankles?
So Republicans....

What is your spin now?

Fake news?
The media is to blame
The guy is really a Democrat

It still doesn't add up.

Why send non-functional bombs? Why damage the Republicans by giving the Stalinists are platform to attack from?
‘Cause that lunatic is as crazy as you. So why would his actions make any sense? Nothing you say ever does.
Sure, he's a whack job.

Had he been a Democrat, he would have been a liberal icon. Right?

If this is as presented, I strongly condemn the fool and he gravely damages the conservative cause.

But something doesn't add up, namely that he gravely damages the conservative cause.

And as I mentioned earlier, for one, he was homeless living in his van.

Two, he had a long criminal history.

These are both characteristics of a Democrat--not Republican. I don't say that in jest either. How many homeless Republicans do you suppose there are in San Francisco where you need poop maps?

Limbaugh also made an observation as the arrest took place just before his show. He stated that the pictures in his van look like they were hung with great care--not just slapped on like you would expect from a vagrant like this. They were perfectly in line with each other; almost like measured out.

I don't know. I didn't see the video or pictures just yet. But from what I read, those pictures are the only thing that indicate he's a Republican and Trump supporter.

You tards never quit. You never learn. You just go on and on and on, drinking piss in public.

You never learn. You just keep getting back in line for more piss to drink.

I have never seen a more submissive pack of lickspittles in my life. This level of weak-minded compliancy is historical. Dissertations will be written about your herd mentality and cult of personality.

I think most here are familiar with the history of "first reports."

We only have to look at the Ferguson story, the Travon Martin story, the Duke Lacrosse case for that. Hell, throw in Baltimore since all officers were found not guilty of any crimes.

All I'm saying is that it's very suspicious. Was he a diehard Trump and Republican supporter? He may have very well been. But I'll be more convinced of that once we find out how he was registered (if he was registered) to vote and how long he's been a Republican.
Supposedly he has only been a Republican since 2016.
Sure, he's a whack job.

Had he been a Democrat, he would have been a liberal icon. Right?

If this is as presented, I strongly condemn the fool and he gravely damages the conservative cause.

But something doesn't add up, namely that he gravely damages the conservative cause.

And as I mentioned earlier, for one, he was homeless living in his van.

Two, he had a long criminal history.

These are both characteristics of a Democrat--not Republican. I don't say that in jest either. How many homeless Republicans do you suppose there are in San Francisco where you need poop maps?

Limbaugh also made an observation as the arrest took place just before his show. He stated that the pictures in his van look like they were hung with great care--not just slapped on like you would expect from a vagrant like this. They were perfectly in line with each other; almost like measured out.

I don't know. I didn't see the video or pictures just yet. But from what I read, those pictures are the only thing that indicate he's a Republican and Trump supporter.
You’re fucked in the head. :cuckoo: Democrats don’t drive around in a trump mystery van...
Sure, he's a whack job.

Had he been a Democrat, he would have been a liberal icon. Right?

If this is as presented, I strongly condemn the fool and he gravely damages the conservative cause.

But something doesn't add up, namely that he gravely damages the conservative cause.

And as I mentioned earlier, for one, he was homeless living in his van.

Two, he had a long criminal history.

These are both characteristics of a Democrat--not Republican. I don't say that in jest either. How many homeless Republicans do you suppose there are in San Francisco where you need poop maps?

Limbaugh also made an observation as the arrest took place just before his show. He stated that the pictures in his van look like they were hung with great care--not just slapped on like you would expect from a vagrant like this. They were perfectly in line with each other; almost like measured out.

I don't know. I didn't see the video or pictures just yet. But from what I read, those pictures are the only thing that indicate he's a Republican and Trump supporter.

You tards never quit. You never learn. You just go on and on and on, drinking piss in public.

You never learn. You just keep getting back in line for more piss to drink.

I have never seen a more submissive pack of lickspittles in my life. This level of weak-minded compliancy is historical. Dissertations will be written about your herd mentality and cult of personality.
Nope, never. Never, ever. They’re incorrigible, ineducable and incurable.
A guy mails some pipe bombs to some Democrats.

And the tards go, "It has to be Democrats doing this! Logic!"

It turns out it was a Trumpie with a van covered in Trumpie stickers.

And the tards go, "Those stickers must be only a day old! Otherwise roving gangs of demented Democrats woulda vandalized it! Therefore Deep State! Logic!"

It turns out the guy put those stickers on his van at least ten months ago.

And the tards go, "It's Obama's fault...somehow! Logic!"

These fucking tards never quit being tards. GEEZUS!

Supposedly those stickers were in mint shape for being there ten months under the hot Florida sun.
Rightard, watch as I show the forum how stupid and desperate you are....

This picture of the magabomber’s trump mystery van was taken 6 months ago, with window dressing and all.......


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