Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
Don't remember.

I have no doubt they would today. They'd paint him as the poster child of the Democratic Party.

That was only last year. Today is any different?
Gabby Giffords happened last year?

And you're denying that the GOP would take advantage of this for political gain?

all political parties exploit everything for political gain, to claim that only one party does it is simply dumb. Now, what is also true is that the dems have been inciting violence for quite some time. Trump has said that such political violence should be condemned no matter who does it, has any democrat made a similar statement?
Yes, I've seen many Dems say that. Both ends say that kind of thing regularly when cornered, but they still enable the violence by spinning and deflecting for it when not cornered. The Left has been horrible at this. And of course, the GOP has coddled Trump as he has said several incendiary things. That's just where we are right now. Both ends should be ashamed, but they appear to be proud.

its a question of degree and action vs words. Trump is coarse sometimes in his rhetoric, he just talks like most New Yorkers. However, accosting someone in a restaurant, airport, or grocery store is quite another thing. If you cant see the difference, then you are not as intelligent as I thought you were.

The difference between Trump's rhetoric and the Democrats is Trump (in the past) has aimed his anger at specific individuals. With the left, they give marching order to all their people telling them to attack "anybody" on the right. It's a much broader order than what Trump gives.
More proof republicans are the downfall of America Showed evidence that this asshole was one of theirs they lie ,offer excuses ....When will these traitors ever man up?
A guy mails some pipe bombs to some Democrats.

And the tards go, "It has to be Democrats doing this! Logic!"

It turns out it was a Trumpie with a van covered in Trumpie stickers.

And the tards go, "Those stickers must be only a day old! Otherwise roving gangs of demented Democrats woulda vandalized it! Therefore Deep State! Logic!"

It turns out the guy put those stickers on his van at least ten months ago.

And the tards go, "It's Obama's fault...somehow! Logic!"

These fucking tards never quit being tards. GEEZUS!

Supposedly those stickers were in mint shape for being there ten months under the hot Florida sun.
I saw a Twitter screenshot in a news story where some guy indicated to his wife that the person that sent the bombs was the same person who had delivered lunch to his job sometime last year.
View attachment 225092
Rejected: Fox News Asks Twitter User to Use her Photo of Bomber’s Van

Interesting. I wonder how long he's owned that van? Like I said, eventually everything will come out and perhaps some of the suspicious things will be explained. But right or left, nobody drives vehicles like this around. Most don't even put a bumper sticker on their car afraid it might get keyed.

yes, this story is far from over, and since the guy is still alive we may get the truth.
The truth?? lol When have you ever accepted the truth about the slime in our WH and those kissing his butt? Did I miss it?
That was only last year. Today is any different?
Gabby Giffords happened last year?

And you're denying that the GOP would take advantage of this for political gain?

all political parties exploit everything for political gain, to claim that only one party does it is simply dumb. Now, what is also true is that the dems have been inciting violence for quite some time. Trump has said that such political violence should be condemned no matter who does it, has any democrat made a similar statement?
Yes, I've seen many Dems say that. Both ends say that kind of thing regularly when cornered, but they still enable the violence by spinning and deflecting for it when not cornered. The Left has been horrible at this. And of course, the GOP has coddled Trump as he has said several incendiary things. That's just where we are right now. Both ends should be ashamed, but they appear to be proud.

its a question of degree and action vs words. Trump is coarse sometimes in his rhetoric, he just talks like most New Yorkers. However, accosting someone in a restaurant, airport, or grocery store is quite another thing. If you cant see the difference, then you are not as intelligent as I thought you were.

The difference between Trump's rhetoric and the Democrats is Trump (in the past) has aimed his anger at specific individuals. With the left, they give marching order to all their people telling them to attack "anybody" on the right. It's a much broader order than what Trump gives.
I'm not calling trump a racist BUT the racists call him one of theirs
A guy mails some pipe bombs to some Democrats.

And the tards go, "It has to be Democrats doing this! Logic!"

It turns out it was a Trumpie with a van covered in Trumpie stickers.

And the tards go, "Those stickers must be only a day old! Otherwise roving gangs of demented Democrats woulda vandalized it! Therefore Deep State! Logic!"

It turns out the guy put those stickers on his van at least ten months ago.

And the tards go, "It's Obama's fault...somehow! Logic!"

These fucking tards never quit being tards. GEEZUS!

Supposedly those stickers were in mint shape for being there ten months under the hot Florida sun.
I saw a Twitter screenshot in a news story where some guy indicated to his wife that the person that sent the bombs was the same person who had delivered lunch to his job sometime last year.
View attachment 225092
Rejected: Fox News Asks Twitter User to Use her Photo of Bomber’s Van

Interesting. I wonder how long he's owned that van? Like I said, eventually everything will come out and perhaps some of the suspicious things will be explained. But right or left, nobody drives vehicles like this around. Most don't even put a bumper sticker on their car afraid it might get keyed.

yes, this story is far from over, and since the guy is still alive we may get the truth.
The truth?? lol When have you ever accepted the truth about the slime in our WH and those kissing his butt? Did I miss it?

I always accept the truth, regardless of who in incriminates. YOU, however live in the fantasy land where Hillary never lied, never had an illegal email server, never violated classified data protection laws, never paid Russians for the dossier, never sold 20% of our uranium to Russian interests, and never got debate questions in advance. Those things are all true, do you accept those truths? Of course you don't, because you are a brain dead sheep.
Will the right wing party be seen poorly by people reading news about right wingers trying to kill Democrats?

Not only does Trump lie continuously, he also makes outrageous statements that conflict with statements he has made in the past. One example is the statement he made today.

Pipe bombs were sent to CNN headquarters in New York and to several prominent Democrats, including former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, setting off an intense investigation on Wednesday into whether a right wing bomber is going after political figures vilified by Trump.

Trump made this statement. "I just want to tell you that in these times, we have to unify. We have to come together and send one very clear, strong, unmistakable message that threats or acts of political violence have no place in the United States of America. This egregious conduct is abhorrent to everything we hold dear and sacred as Americans."

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this absurd statement made by my President. Trump leads the cheers for political violence.

“A few days ago, I called the fake news the enemy of the people because they have no sources — they just make it up,” Trump said. CNN was one of the targets.

Speaking before Evangelical leaders, "It's not a question of like or dislike, it's a question that they will overturn everything that we've done and they will do it quickly and violently. And violently. There is violence. When you look at Antifa - these are violent people," he said.

Trump referenced Rep. Greg Gianforte’s 2017 attack on a reporter by saying that “any guy who can do a body slam, he is my type!”

In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on the day of the Iowa caucuses, he told audience members he would pay their legal fees if they engaged in violence against protesters. "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise," he said on Feb. 1, 2016.

In Las Vegas he thought security guards were being too gentle with a protester. "He's walking out with big high-fives, smiling, laughing," Trump said. "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you."

Later, in Warren, Michigan, "Get him out," he said of a protester. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court. Don't worry about it."

The White House released this statement after the violence at Trump rallies. It did not mention Trump, of course. "We obviously discourage this kind of behavior and take significant measures to ensure the safety of any and all attendees," it read.

Deputy press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, remember her, had this to say. "The president in no way form or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence. If anything, quite the contrary. And he was simply pushing back and defending himself," she said.

Once again, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the leadership we have in the White House these days.

The real tragedy is this. Trump's fans are attracted to him because of his calls for violence. That is easily detected by the cheers Trump receives at rallies when he launches his tough guy image.

Trump praised the work of law enforcement in arresting the suspect in connection with the 14 package bombs that were intercepted across the country this week. Prior to that announcement, however, Trump thought the "bombs" were fake news. Early this morning, Trump tweeted:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Funny how lowly rated CNN, and others, can criticize me at will, even blaming me for the current spate of Bombs and ridiculously comparing this to September 11th and the Oklahoma City bombing, yet when I criticize them they go wild and scream, “it’s just not Presidential!”

12:14 AM - Oct 26, 2018

Does Trump know that one of Cesar Sayoc's targets was the CNN headquarters in New York?

Comparing the bombs to 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing? Once again no one, not Trump, not the White House, has the slightest idea as to what Trump is talking about. Of course, Trump never explains his lies because he can't.

Later he took the terrorist bomb threat personal with another tweet.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!

7:19 AM - Oct 26, 2018

What a narcissistic sociopath. Two former Presidents, a former attorney general, a former secretary of state, a former director of the CIA, a Senator, a member of the House of Representatives were all targeted for assassination along with the headquarters of a major news outlet, and Trump thinks this is all about him. Unbelievable, this guy is unreal.

Trump has yet to name Sayoc's victims, and, of course, he has not called them, not even the two former Presidents.

Well, that wouldn't be Trump. This is all about him.

there are no victims, not one of the bombs exploded, the guy was a mental case.
Yeah sure ,Mental and a registered Republican with a record

yes, and every republican, starting with Trump, has said the guy should be locked up for the rest of his life. No one supports what he did.

Where were you dems on the softball practice shooter? the guy that sent white powder to Trump Jr and others?

Your only quality is hypocrisy, and you are very good at that.
Your POS in the WH preaches unity with prepared speech for him and then goes ahead and bashes the media Obama, Hillary ? a white nationalist is Trump Hate sells and trump has nitwits like you in his crosshairs
Gabby Giffords happened last year?

And you're denying that the GOP would take advantage of this for political gain?

all political parties exploit everything for political gain, to claim that only one party does it is simply dumb. Now, what is also true is that the dems have been inciting violence for quite some time. Trump has said that such political violence should be condemned no matter who does it, has any democrat made a similar statement?
Yes, I've seen many Dems say that. Both ends say that kind of thing regularly when cornered, but they still enable the violence by spinning and deflecting for it when not cornered. The Left has been horrible at this. And of course, the GOP has coddled Trump as he has said several incendiary things. That's just where we are right now. Both ends should be ashamed, but they appear to be proud.

its a question of degree and action vs words. Trump is coarse sometimes in his rhetoric, he just talks like most New Yorkers. However, accosting someone in a restaurant, airport, or grocery store is quite another thing. If you cant see the difference, then you are not as intelligent as I thought you were.

The difference between Trump's rhetoric and the Democrats is Trump (in the past) has aimed his anger at specific individuals. With the left, they give marching order to all their people telling them to attack "anybody" on the right. It's a much broader order than what Trump gives.
I'm not calling trump a racist BUT the racists call him one of theirs

and the KKK was primarily made up of democrats, whats your point?
Not only does Trump lie continuously, he also makes outrageous statements that conflict with statements he has made in the past. One example is the statement he made today.

Pipe bombs were sent to CNN headquarters in New York and to several prominent Democrats, including former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, setting off an intense investigation on Wednesday into whether a right wing bomber is going after political figures vilified by Trump.

Trump made this statement. "I just want to tell you that in these times, we have to unify. We have to come together and send one very clear, strong, unmistakable message that threats or acts of political violence have no place in the United States of America. This egregious conduct is abhorrent to everything we hold dear and sacred as Americans."

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this absurd statement made by my President. Trump leads the cheers for political violence.

“A few days ago, I called the fake news the enemy of the people because they have no sources — they just make it up,” Trump said. CNN was one of the targets.

Speaking before Evangelical leaders, "It's not a question of like or dislike, it's a question that they will overturn everything that we've done and they will do it quickly and violently. And violently. There is violence. When you look at Antifa - these are violent people," he said.

Trump referenced Rep. Greg Gianforte’s 2017 attack on a reporter by saying that “any guy who can do a body slam, he is my type!”

In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on the day of the Iowa caucuses, he told audience members he would pay their legal fees if they engaged in violence against protesters. "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise," he said on Feb. 1, 2016.

In Las Vegas he thought security guards were being too gentle with a protester. "He's walking out with big high-fives, smiling, laughing," Trump said. "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you."

Later, in Warren, Michigan, "Get him out," he said of a protester. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court. Don't worry about it."

The White House released this statement after the violence at Trump rallies. It did not mention Trump, of course. "We obviously discourage this kind of behavior and take significant measures to ensure the safety of any and all attendees," it read.

Deputy press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, remember her, had this to say. "The president in no way form or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence. If anything, quite the contrary. And he was simply pushing back and defending himself," she said.

Once again, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the leadership we have in the White House these days.

The real tragedy is this. Trump's fans are attracted to him because of his calls for violence. That is easily detected by the cheers Trump receives at rallies when he launches his tough guy image.

Trump praised the work of law enforcement in arresting the suspect in connection with the 14 package bombs that were intercepted across the country this week. Prior to that announcement, however, Trump thought the "bombs" were fake news. Early this morning, Trump tweeted:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Funny how lowly rated CNN, and others, can criticize me at will, even blaming me for the current spate of Bombs and ridiculously comparing this to September 11th and the Oklahoma City bombing, yet when I criticize them they go wild and scream, “it’s just not Presidential!”

12:14 AM - Oct 26, 2018

Does Trump know that one of Cesar Sayoc's targets was the CNN headquarters in New York?

Comparing the bombs to 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing? Once again no one, not Trump, not the White House, has the slightest idea as to what Trump is talking about. Of course, Trump never explains his lies because he can't.

Later he took the terrorist bomb threat personal with another tweet.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!

7:19 AM - Oct 26, 2018

What a narcissistic sociopath. Two former Presidents, a former attorney general, a former secretary of state, a former director of the CIA, a Senator, a member of the House of Representatives were all targeted for assassination along with the headquarters of a major news outlet, and Trump thinks this is all about him. Unbelievable, this guy is unreal.

Trump has yet to name Sayoc's victims, and, of course, he has not called them, not even the two former Presidents.

Well, that wouldn't be Trump. This is all about him.

there are no victims, not one of the bombs exploded, the guy was a mental case.
Yeah sure ,Mental and a registered Republican with a record

yes, and every republican, starting with Trump, has said the guy should be locked up for the rest of his life. No one supports what he did.

Where were you dems on the softball practice shooter? the guy that sent white powder to Trump Jr and others?

Your only quality is hypocrisy, and you are very good at that.
Your POS in the WH preaches unity with prepared speech for him and then goes ahead and bashes the media Obama, Hillary ? a white nationalist is Trump Hate sells and trump has nitwits like you in his crosshairs

bullshit, your continued losing has driven you insane. but be ready for more losing next month. maybe then you can be committed to an institution.
Don't remember.

I have no doubt they would today. They'd paint him as the poster child of the Democratic Party.

That was only last year. Today is any different?
Gabby Giffords happened last year?

And you're denying that the GOP would take advantage of this for political gain?

all political parties exploit everything for political gain, to claim that only one party does it is simply dumb. Now, what is also true is that the dems have been inciting violence for quite some time. Trump has said that such political violence should be condemned no matter who does it, has any democrat made a similar statement?
Yes, I've seen many Dems say that. Both ends say that kind of thing regularly when cornered, but they still enable the violence by spinning and deflecting for it when not cornered. The Left has been horrible at this. And of course, the GOP has coddled Trump as he has said several incendiary things. That's just where we are right now. Both ends should be ashamed, but they appear to be proud.

its a question of degree and action vs words. Trump is coarse sometimes in his rhetoric, he just talks like most New Yorkers. However, accosting someone in a restaurant, airport, or grocery store is quite another thing. If you cant see the difference, then you are not as intelligent as I thought you were.
I'm barely intelligent enough to know spin and deflection when I see it, so there's that.
That was only last year. Today is any different?
Gabby Giffords happened last year?

And you're denying that the GOP would take advantage of this for political gain?

all political parties exploit everything for political gain, to claim that only one party does it is simply dumb. Now, what is also true is that the dems have been inciting violence for quite some time. Trump has said that such political violence should be condemned no matter who does it, has any democrat made a similar statement?
Yes, I've seen many Dems say that. Both ends say that kind of thing regularly when cornered, but they still enable the violence by spinning and deflecting for it when not cornered. The Left has been horrible at this. And of course, the GOP has coddled Trump as he has said several incendiary things. That's just where we are right now. Both ends should be ashamed, but they appear to be proud.

its a question of degree and action vs words. Trump is coarse sometimes in his rhetoric, he just talks like most New Yorkers. However, accosting someone in a restaurant, airport, or grocery store is quite another thing. If you cant see the difference, then you are not as intelligent as I thought you were.
I'm barely intelligent enough to know spin and deflection when I see it, so there's that.

that is subject to debate based on your previous postings. tell me, which is worse, calling someone a name or throwing their food on the floor? which is a crime?
all political parties exploit everything for political gain, to claim that only one party does it is simply dumb. Now, what is also true is that the dems have been inciting violence for quite some time. Trump has said that such political violence should be condemned no matter who does it, has any democrat made a similar statement?
Yes, I've seen many Dems say that. Both ends say that kind of thing regularly when cornered, but they still enable the violence by spinning and deflecting for it when not cornered. The Left has been horrible at this. And of course, the GOP has coddled Trump as he has said several incendiary things. That's just where we are right now. Both ends should be ashamed, but they appear to be proud.

its a question of degree and action vs words. Trump is coarse sometimes in his rhetoric, he just talks like most New Yorkers. However, accosting someone in a restaurant, airport, or grocery store is quite another thing. If you cant see the difference, then you are not as intelligent as I thought you were.

The difference between Trump's rhetoric and the Democrats is Trump (in the past) has aimed his anger at specific individuals. With the left, they give marching order to all their people telling them to attack "anybody" on the right. It's a much broader order than what Trump gives.
I'm not calling trump a racist BUT the racists call him one of theirs

and the KKK was primarily made up of democrats, whats your point?

Hmmm, Edward thinks black hating KKK democrats are funny. Why is that, eddie boy?
Gabby Giffords happened last year?

And you're denying that the GOP would take advantage of this for political gain?

all political parties exploit everything for political gain, to claim that only one party does it is simply dumb. Now, what is also true is that the dems have been inciting violence for quite some time. Trump has said that such political violence should be condemned no matter who does it, has any democrat made a similar statement?
Yes, I've seen many Dems say that. Both ends say that kind of thing regularly when cornered, but they still enable the violence by spinning and deflecting for it when not cornered. The Left has been horrible at this. And of course, the GOP has coddled Trump as he has said several incendiary things. That's just where we are right now. Both ends should be ashamed, but they appear to be proud.

its a question of degree and action vs words. Trump is coarse sometimes in his rhetoric, he just talks like most New Yorkers. However, accosting someone in a restaurant, airport, or grocery store is quite another thing. If you cant see the difference, then you are not as intelligent as I thought you were.
I'm barely intelligent enough to know spin and deflection when I see it, so there's that.

that is subject to debate based on your previous postings. tell me, which is worse, calling someone a name or throwing their food on the floor? which is a crime?
""Punch him in the face I'll pay your legal bill??"" Body slamming a media person is just coarse??
Yes, I've seen many Dems say that. Both ends say that kind of thing regularly when cornered, but they still enable the violence by spinning and deflecting for it when not cornered. The Left has been horrible at this. And of course, the GOP has coddled Trump as he has said several incendiary things. That's just where we are right now. Both ends should be ashamed, but they appear to be proud.

its a question of degree and action vs words. Trump is coarse sometimes in his rhetoric, he just talks like most New Yorkers. However, accosting someone in a restaurant, airport, or grocery store is quite another thing. If you cant see the difference, then you are not as intelligent as I thought you were.

The difference between Trump's rhetoric and the Democrats is Trump (in the past) has aimed his anger at specific individuals. With the left, they give marching order to all their people telling them to attack "anybody" on the right. It's a much broader order than what Trump gives.
I'm not calling trump a racist BUT the racists call him one of theirs

and the KKK was primarily made up of democrats, whats your point?

Hmmm, Edward thinks black hating KKK democrats are funny. Why is that, eddie boy?
Dems are KKK ers now ?? Man you are one warped ***
Gabby Giffords happened last year?

And you're denying that the GOP would take advantage of this for political gain?

all political parties exploit everything for political gain, to claim that only one party does it is simply dumb. Now, what is also true is that the dems have been inciting violence for quite some time. Trump has said that such political violence should be condemned no matter who does it, has any democrat made a similar statement?
Yes, I've seen many Dems say that. Both ends say that kind of thing regularly when cornered, but they still enable the violence by spinning and deflecting for it when not cornered. The Left has been horrible at this. And of course, the GOP has coddled Trump as he has said several incendiary things. That's just where we are right now. Both ends should be ashamed, but they appear to be proud.

its a question of degree and action vs words. Trump is coarse sometimes in his rhetoric, he just talks like most New Yorkers. However, accosting someone in a restaurant, airport, or grocery store is quite another thing. If you cant see the difference, then you are not as intelligent as I thought you were.
I'm barely intelligent enough to know spin and deflection when I see it, so there's that.

that is subject to debate based on your previous postings. tell me, which is worse, calling someone a name or throwing their food on the floor? which is a crime?
I don't know which one is worse.

What I do know is that Trump is an embarrassing, petulant man-child, that this bomber guy is straight out of Trumpster central casting, and that his followers are blindly willing to lower their standards to a level beneath anything I could have ever imagined.
Gabby Giffords happened last year?

And you're denying that the GOP would take advantage of this for political gain?

all political parties exploit everything for political gain, to claim that only one party does it is simply dumb. Now, what is also true is that the dems have been inciting violence for quite some time. Trump has said that such political violence should be condemned no matter who does it, has any democrat made a similar statement?
Yes, I've seen many Dems say that. Both ends say that kind of thing regularly when cornered, but they still enable the violence by spinning and deflecting for it when not cornered. The Left has been horrible at this. And of course, the GOP has coddled Trump as he has said several incendiary things. That's just where we are right now. Both ends should be ashamed, but they appear to be proud.

its a question of degree and action vs words. Trump is coarse sometimes in his rhetoric, he just talks like most New Yorkers. However, accosting someone in a restaurant, airport, or grocery store is quite another thing. If you cant see the difference, then you are not as intelligent as I thought you were.

The difference between Trump's rhetoric and the Democrats is Trump (in the past) has aimed his anger at specific individuals. With the left, they give marching order to all their people telling them to attack "anybody" on the right. It's a much broader order than what Trump gives.
I'm not calling trump a racist BUT the racists call him one of theirs

You're a leftist, you call everybody on the right a racist. That's how you've been brainwashed.

The Communists call Democrats one of theirs. In fact, the US Communist Party endorsed your last three presidential candidates and highly endorsed Sanders.

The only reason "racists" like Trump is because of his border policies and intent. But that has nothing to do with race. They just like his stance on it because it's stopping minorities from invading our country.
More proof republicans are the downfall of America Showed evidence that this asshole was one of theirs they lie ,offer excuses ....When will these traitors ever man up?

When you man up that the baseball shooter is one of yours.
If he was a registered Dem I will Did he have a picture of Trump McConnell in the crosshairs? Show me that and I will
all political parties exploit everything for political gain, to claim that only one party does it is simply dumb. Now, what is also true is that the dems have been inciting violence for quite some time. Trump has said that such political violence should be condemned no matter who does it, has any democrat made a similar statement?
Yes, I've seen many Dems say that. Both ends say that kind of thing regularly when cornered, but they still enable the violence by spinning and deflecting for it when not cornered. The Left has been horrible at this. And of course, the GOP has coddled Trump as he has said several incendiary things. That's just where we are right now. Both ends should be ashamed, but they appear to be proud.

its a question of degree and action vs words. Trump is coarse sometimes in his rhetoric, he just talks like most New Yorkers. However, accosting someone in a restaurant, airport, or grocery store is quite another thing. If you cant see the difference, then you are not as intelligent as I thought you were.
I'm barely intelligent enough to know spin and deflection when I see it, so there's that.

that is subject to debate based on your previous postings. tell me, which is worse, calling someone a name or throwing their food on the floor? which is a crime?
""Punch him in the face I'll pay your legal bill??"" Body slamming a media person is just coarse??

since no one was body slammed, your question is meaningless. However, stealing a kid's MAGA hat and throwing his drink in his face is physical violence. do you agree?
More proof republicans are the downfall of America Showed evidence that this asshole was one of theirs they lie ,offer excuses ....When will these traitors ever man up?

When you man up that the baseball shooter is one of yours.
If he was a registered Dem I will Did he have a picture of Trump McConnell in the crosshairs? Show me that and I will

the softball shooter was a registered democrat and documented Trump hater. do you ever listen to anything but CNN?
More proof republicans are the downfall of America Showed evidence that this asshole was one of theirs they lie ,offer excuses ....When will these traitors ever man up?

When you man up that the baseball shooter is one of yours.
If he was a registered Dem I will Did he have a picture of Trump McConnell in the crosshairs? Show me that and I will

So going to a place where several Republican leaders are all in one place for you to kill is not evidence enough? You need pictures too?

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