Swalwell or Santos, who is worse? (Poll)

Who is the worst congressmen in the House of Representatives?

  • Swalwell, for hooking up with a Chinese spy, as confirmed by the FBI

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Santos, for lying his ass off to get elected

    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • Someone else, a democrat. See my post.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Someone else, a Republican. See my post.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
1. Swalwell hooked-up with a Chinese spy (Fang-Fang). That is serious a national security disqualifier.

2. Santos is a serial liar in order to get elected. So why didn't the opponents do their "due diligence" and verify his claims? Whose job is it to see if the pols are lying their asses off? Does that disqualify Santos, or not, since ALL POLS LIE?
There is no way to defend the whoppers Santos has told to enhance his own image and that very much calls his character into question. But we know of nothing Santos has done to compromise or harm America or Americans.

We know for a fact Swalwell has perpetuated lies and manufactured accusations to harm people and his relationship with that Chinese spy very possibly was a security risk.

I wouldn't want either one of them at my dinner table, but if I have to pick one that so far is less a threat to the integrity and well being of the country, I have to go with Santos.
If they got rid of every politician who told a lie the Capital building would be one big empty hall. The dirty little secret is that it's only a serious issue when a republican lies. Engaging in treason is another matter. If we need to get rid of every politician who had some sort of illegal relationship with a Chinese official why not start with Biden?
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If they got rid of every politician who told a lie the Capital building would be one big empty hall. The dirty little secret is that it's only a serious issue when a republican lies.
How about getting rid of politicians that lied and said their own mother died in 9/11 -- even tho she was very much alive?

How much partisan dick are you trying to suck over this?
Is there some reason they can't be equally shitty?

Something to consider:

Did Swalwell know she was a spy when he crawled between the sheets? Because I'm damn certain Santos knows he's a lying piece of shit...
How about getting rid of politicians that lied and said their own mother died in 9/11 -- even tho she was very much alive?

How much partisan dick are you trying to suck over this?
Partisan dick? Why is dick always on the minds of lefties? Biden said he was arrested with Mandela. John Kerry said he was in Cambodia during the V.N. war and that he saw Americans commit atrocities. It was a lie. We have a newly elected (white) democrat senator who armed himself with a shotgun and chased an innocent black man out of the neighborhood. None of that seems to matter for democrats but when republicans have the majority in congress any GOP representative is a target.
Partisan dick? Why is dick always on the minds of lefties? Biden said he was arrested with Mandela. John Kerry said he was in Cambodia during the V.N. war and that he saw Americans commit atrocities. It was a lie. We have a newly elected (white) democrat senator who armed himself with a shotgun and chased an innocent black man out of the neighborhood. None of that seems to matter for democrats but when republicans have the majority in congress any GOP representative is a target.
Santos lied on his own mother....and wished death on her.....and here you are still trying to find a way to defend it.....shut yo bitch ass up
Is Santos such a security risk, that the already corrupt-to-the-core FBI warned about the sketchiness of him being placed on the Intel Committee?

I think that about covers the question.
Link please, then that covers the question.
There is ZERO evidence Swalwell had an affair with the spy or that any classified intelligence was gained from Swalwell.
You really need to stop drinking Fox News' and Breitbart's piss, son.
Watch this one first. There is WAY more than ZERO evidence. McCarthy knows more than he can say.

So are those lies worse than having an affair with a Chinese spy? Yes or no?

All pols do lie. Look at Schiff, he saw hard evidence of Trump's Russian collusion.
Look at the ones who said Hunters laptop was "Russian Disinformation"
Bubba Clinton did not have sex with that woman.
Hillary, Obama, Biden, Trump, Bush, they all lied.
Swalwell was exonerated of wrongdoing. Santos will end up in prison.

See the difference?
There is no way to defend the whoppers Santos has told to enhance his own image and that very much calls his character into question. But we know of nothing Santos has done to compromise or harm America or Americans.

We know for a fact Swalwell has perpetuated lies and manufactured accusations to harm people and his relationship with that Chinese spy very possibly was a security risk.

I wouldn't want either one of them at my dinner table, but if I have to pick one that so far is less a threat to the integrity and well being of the country, I have to go with Santos.
Santos is just a compulsive liar & a conman. No big deal.

Just like Trump with different backgrounds. We've never seen Trump in drag.
Yea, most politicians lie about their mother dying in 9-11 when in fact, she is very much alive..

All politicians lie about losing employees in a mass murder shooting when in fact, that is also a lie...

All politicians completely make up their entire resume and educational history...

All politicians claim they are Jewish....

As long as you can claim all politicians lie, cool...

Buuuuut how many of them had their campaigns funded by the Chinese communist party?

Swallowswell is the only one I can think of. Feinstein has a spy as her driver for over 20 years, and pelousi's husband is in bed with the CCP as is the xiden crime family, so if you want to know who is selling the country out to the chinese look no further than the California and Delaware dems.
If they got rid of every politician who told a lie the Capital building would be one big empty hall. The dirty little secret is that it's only a serious issue when a republican lies. Engaging in treason is another matter. If we need to get rid of every politician who had some sort of illegal relationship with a Chinese official why not start with Biden?
You have to have proof and all we using internet and media sources have is innuendo, probability, appearance of illegality. Probably only Merrick Garland and a few people at the DOJ and FBI and maybe some top Democrats in Congress know the truth about Biden. And good luck getting any of them to blow the whistle.
Santos lied on his own mother....and wished death on her.....and here you are still trying to find a way to defend it.....shut yo bitch ass up
Santos is one of 435 representatives. Fix what's wrong with America under a doddering old fool before you concentrate on republican congress people.
Watch this one first. There is WAY more than ZERO evidence. McCarthy knows more than he can say.

McCarthy "knows more then he can say"? Really? Who's stopping him besides those voices you're hearing in your head?
What exactly is wrong with being pursued by a spy?

I already know what is wrong with claiming your mother died twice and you held a bunch of jobs you didn’t.

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