Sweden did not have a lockdown. Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1. The actual number was 2,769.

Sweden's population is less dense than Denmark. Fix your post.

cosmopolitan means of many nations/cultures

as in they have immigrants and tourists

there is no implication of population density

edit - and they're 90% urban so i don't know how much more urbanized u can get beyond a city state.

Did you not read the rest of my post?

How urban is Denmark? Their population is more dense, which I previously told you.
And here's something to consider:

100,000 Americans died during the Hong Kong flu in 1968 to 1969. Nothing was shut down, and there were 500,000 people at Woodstock.

Hard to argue with how Sweden handled this...
whats different today is our health condition is worse, which makes the death rate here higher.
Comorbidity in covid-19 deaths are mostly hypertension, diabetes and obesity, smoking.
Our crappy diet, high in processed foods, sugar compound the problem.
This virus has been found to thicken the blood, which is exacerbated by the above condition.

However, i suppose a social Darwinist could make the argument that this is an opportunity of natural selection to eliminate those with poor health habits? Perhaps not so much, because darker skinned people have lower vitamin D levels.

I never heard someone said Sweden will have 40,000 deaths. The # 2769 is a disaster on its own. Compared with the USA this would be 33*2769=91,377! Norway is much more easy comparable with Sweden than any other country in the world. The relation is 7:1. It die relatively 7 times more people in Sweden than die in Norway. Another comparable country is Denmark: It die relatively 3 times more people in Sweden than die in Denmark.

Bripat's only defense is to defend the president, even if his own fat diabetic ass dies in the process.

Are you sure you have a president, or is this "humor"?

Typing 'president' is muscle memory only at this point.
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

Sweden has a worse death rate than the US... (271 / million)

There next door neighbour Norway had 1/8th of the problem.. (40 / million)
Finland (43 / million)
Denmark is (85/Million)

Those numbers suggest that Sweden sacrificed 2422 of there citizens for the economy...

Each Country gets it different and by the way Sweden did some very smart things as well like contact tracing which US is still struggling to get a hand on...

And before some one tries to paint a picture as US wasn't that bad... First Europe is about two weeks in advance of US...

Italy, France & Germany Were caught early by the ski slopes... Europe was caught by the the ski slopes season... It was spread through the slopes and all of Europe was holidaying and came off the slopes with it... The big countries (including Austria) have populations which ski during the weekends and that why it spread fast and quickly...

Netherlands & Belgium got caught badly and it infested there Nursing Homes before they reacted.

UK is run Boris Johnson and he fucked up and got a lot of people killed by experimenting with 'Herd Immunity'... UK now had the most deaths in Europe, they are way higher in Increased Mortality of the population (suggests problem much worse). Boris is incompetent fool and the last leader in Europe any one should point to as a success...

Ireland just got unlucky, UK has massive cross travel especially with Northern Ireland using UK her immunity (Arlene Foster, walking bitch who decided to follow UK when they live on a bloody island). They also had a major racing festival in UK in mid March which wasn't called off...

By the way Europe is still having higher restrictions than US even though they are two weeks ahead of US and have much lower numbers..

Example Georgia has growth rate of 3% and low testing rate.

Just to give you example of the difference:

Ireland has 5 million Population and are presently doing 40,000 tests a week. To get to the next phase of opening they need 100,000 tests a week ( that phase is to open Golf Courses and Hardware stores, not Restaurants or Pubs.

Georgia has 10 million Pop. and is currently doing 28k tests a day and is aiming at 70,000 a day. But will not stop them opening businesses...

Georgia has 29k cases but is rising at 3% a day... Ireland is hovering just above 1%...

This is not saying Ireland or Georgia is getting right or wrong. It just a look at the different approaches...
Sweden's population is less dense than Denmark. Fix your post.

cosmopolitan means of many nations/cultures

as in they have immigrants and tourists

there is no implication of population density

edit - and they're 90% urban so i don't know how much more urbanized u can get beyond a city state.

Did you not read the rest of my post?

How urban is Denmark? Their population is more dense, which I previously told you.

Wow surprise they're urbanized at exactly the same rate

Population density means basically nothing without more context. If most of your land is shit and you're all bunched up on the coasts like australia your population density is very very misleading. Urbanization rate is much more useful.

Same concept applies to frigid nordic countries.

And are you not going to acknowledg eyou have no idea what cosmopolitan means? lol

They have way more people who don't care/aren't assimlating than the other nations. That can explain just about all the death rate. No1 goes to fucking denmark. Sweden is a cultural capital and stockholme has a lot of business going on relative to the other nordic nations.

You would always expect them to be hit more. In the same way NY was hit because it's an economic capital

Combine that with the way they handle immigrants. Easily explained all the deaths away
Sweden's population is less dense than Denmark. Fix your post.

But if you want to blame immigration then you're going to have to find the countries their immigrants come from and demonstrate a high level of COVID.
Most of the people in Sweden are in the bottom tip of the country. Also, Norway and Finland are sparsely populated, remote and they have the world's worst weather.
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

Sweden has a worse death rate than the US... (271 / million)

There next door neighbour Norway had 1/8th of the problem.. (40 / million)
Finland (43 / million)
Denmark is (85/Million)

Those numbers suggest that Sweden sacrificed 2422 of there citizens for the economy...

Each Country gets it different and by the way Sweden did some very smart things as well like contact tracing which US is still struggling to get a hand on...

And before some one tries to paint a picture as US wasn't that bad... First Europe is about two weeks in advance of US...

Italy, France & Germany Were caught early by the ski slopes... Europe was caught by the the ski slopes season... It was spread through the slopes and all of Europe was holidaying and came off the slopes with it... The big countries (including Austria) have populations which ski during the weekends and that why it spread fast and quickly...

Netherlands & Belgium got caught badly and it infested there Nursing Homes before they reacted.

UK is run Boris Johnson and he fucked up and got a lot of people killed by experimenting with 'Herd Immunity'... UK now had the most deaths in Europe, they are way higher in Increased Mortality of the population (suggests problem much worse). Boris is incompetent fool and the last leader in Europe any one should point to as a success...

Ireland just got unlucky, UK has massive cross travel especially with Northern Ireland using UK her immunity (Arlene Foster, walking bitch who decided to follow UK when they live on a bloody island). They also had a major racing festival in UK in mid March which wasn't called off...

By the way Europe is still having higher restrictions than US even though they are two weeks ahead of US and have much lower numbers..

Example Georgia has growth rate of 3% and low testing rate.

Just to give you example of the difference:

Ireland has 5 million Population and are presently doing 40,000 tests a week. To get to the next phase of opening they need 100,000 tests a week ( that phase is to open Golf Courses and Hardware stores, not Restaurants or Pubs.

Georgia has 10 million Pop. and is currently doing 28k tests a day and is aiming at 70,000 a day. But will not stop them opening businesses...

Georgia has 29k cases but is rising at 3% a day... Ireland is hovering just above 1%...

This is not saying Ireland or Georgia is getting right or wrong. It just a look at the different approaches...
The countries I listed all have higher death rates.

I'm sure you can spend all day making excuses for all these examples that disprove your theory. The bottom line is that HappyJoy's hypothesis is unproven, at best, and looks to be false.
And here's something to consider:

100,000 Americans died during the Hong Kong flu in 1968 to 1969. Nothing was shut down, and there were 500,000 people at Woodstock.

Hard to argue with how Sweden handled this...
whats different today is our health condition is worse, which makes the death rate here higher.
Comorbidity in covid-19 deaths are mostly hypertension, diabetes and obesity, smoking.
Our crappy diet, high in processed foods, sugar compound the problem.
This virus has been found to thicken the blood, which is exacerbated by the above condition.

However, i suppose a social Darwinist could make the argument that this is an opportunity of natural selection to eliminate those with poor health habits? Perhaps not so much, because darker skinned people have lower vitamin D levels.

As a c
Sweden's population is less dense than Denmark. Fix your post.

cosmopolitan means of many nations/cultures

as in they have immigrants and tourists

there is no implication of population density

edit - and they're 90% urban so i don't know how much more urbanized u can get beyond a city state.

Did you not read the rest of my post?

How urban is Denmark? Their population is more dense, which I previously told you.

Wow surprise they're urbanized at exactly the same rate

Population density means basically nothing without more context. If most of your land is shit and you're all bunched up on the coasts like australia your population density is very very misleading. Urbanization rate is much more useful.

Same concept applies to frigid nordic countries.

And are you not going to acknowledg eyou have no idea what cosmopolitan means? lol

They have way more people who don't care/aren't assimlating than the other nations. That can explain just about all the death rate. No1 goes to fucking denmark. Sweden is a cultural capital.

I already answered dumb argument about which country is more cosmopolitan and you refuse to answer my question.

Australia ain't Denmark, there is just an ever so slight difference in land mass.

What nations are bringing COVID to Sweden? Since nobody is traveling at the moment why do Sweden's death rate keep rising over it's neighbors? Why if more people are mingling with each other would you not expect the disease to spread? I'm unclear of exactly what your argument is other than to just be xenophobic in general.
Sweden's population is less dense than Denmark. Fix your post.

But if you want to blame immigration then you're going to have to find the countries their immigrants come from and demonstrate a high level of COVID.

Or you compare the data from Germany and you know that immigration has nothing to do with the problem. We have too many deaths. I the moment we calculate 6,831 + x - compared with the USA it is 4*6,831= 27,324 and we fight a little longer with Corona than the USA is figthing. Compared with Sweden it would be relatively about 850 deaths.
And here's something to consider:

100,000 Americans died during the Hong Kong flu in 1968 to 1969. Nothing was shut down, and there were 500,000 people at Woodstock.

Hard to argue with how Sweden handled this...
whats different today is our health condition is worse, which makes the death rate here higher.
Comorbidity in covid-19 deaths are mostly hypertension, diabetes and obesity, smoking.
Our crappy diet, high in processed foods, sugar compound the problem.
This virus has been found to thicken the blood, which is exacerbated by the above condition.

However, i suppose a social Darwinist could make the argument that this is an opportunity of natural selection to eliminate those with poor health habits? Perhaps not so much, because darker skinned people have lower vitamin D levels.

As a c
Sweden's population is less dense than Denmark. Fix your post.

cosmopolitan means of many nations/cultures

as in they have immigrants and tourists

there is no implication of population density

edit - and they're 90% urban so i don't know how much more urbanized u can get beyond a city state.

Did you not read the rest of my post?

How urban is Denmark? Their population is more dense, which I previously told you.

Wow surprise they're urbanized at exactly the same rate

Population density means basically nothing without more context. If most of your land is shit and you're all bunched up on the coasts like australia your population density is very very misleading. Urbanization rate is much more useful.

Same concept applies to frigid nordic countries.

And are you not going to acknowledg eyou have no idea what cosmopolitan means? lol

They have way more people who don't care/aren't assimlating than the other nations. That can explain just about all the death rate. No1 goes to fucking denmark. Sweden is a cultural capital.

I already answered dumb argument about which country is more cosmopolitan and you refuse to answer my question.

Australia ain't Denmark, there is just an ever so slight difference in land mass.

What nations are bringing COVID to Sweden? Since nobody is traveling at the moment why do Sweden's death rate keep rising over it's neighbors? Why if more people are mingling with each other would you not expect the disease to spread? I'm unclear of exactly what your argument is other than to just be xenophobic in general.

Yea there are also "slight" variations in population

Same concept

Because sweden has business

Name a single Norweigna or danish brand

I'll name you a few swedish ones Lego, Ikea, and Spotify

They're the music capital of the fucking western world.

and fucking volvo

edit - nope lego is danish i guess. So that's there 1
Sweden's population is less dense than Denmark. Fix your post.

But if you want to blame immigration then you're going to have to find the countries their immigrants come from and demonstrate a high level of COVID.
Most of the people in Sweden are in the bottom tip of the country. Also, Norway and Finland are sparsely populated, remote and they have the world's worst weather.

I didn't realize Oslo was sparsley populated. What about Denmark? They are by far more densely packed in than Sweden.

I think it's time for you to take Dan the squirrel back to the drawing board.
For accuracy's sake (I know how you Trumpette's hate that) while it is fair to say Sweden did not impose the same degree of "lockdowns' as their neighbors they did issue social distancing rules designed to keep the spread of the virus under control and to protect vulnerable populations like those in nursing homes.
And here's something to consider:

100,000 Americans died during the Hong Kong flu in 1968 to 1969. Nothing was shut down, and there were 500,000 people at Woodstock.

Hard to argue with how Sweden handled this...
whats different today is our health condition is worse, which makes the death rate here higher.
Comorbidity in covid-19 deaths are mostly hypertension, diabetes and obesity, smoking.
Our crappy diet, high in processed foods, sugar compound the problem.
This virus has been found to thicken the blood, which is exacerbated by the above condition.

However, i suppose a social Darwinist could make the argument that this is an opportunity of natural selection to eliminate those with poor health habits? Perhaps not so much, because darker skinned people have lower vitamin D levels.

As a c
Sweden's population is less dense than Denmark. Fix your post.

cosmopolitan means of many nations/cultures

as in they have immigrants and tourists

there is no implication of population density

edit - and they're 90% urban so i don't know how much more urbanized u can get beyond a city state.

Did you not read the rest of my post?

How urban is Denmark? Their population is more dense, which I previously told you.

Wow surprise they're urbanized at exactly the same rate

Population density means basically nothing without more context. If most of your land is shit and you're all bunched up on the coasts like australia your population density is very very misleading. Urbanization rate is much more useful.

Same concept applies to frigid nordic countries.

And are you not going to acknowledg eyou have no idea what cosmopolitan means? lol

They have way more people who don't care/aren't assimlating than the other nations. That can explain just about all the death rate. No1 goes to fucking denmark. Sweden is a cultural capital.

I already answered dumb argument about which country is more cosmopolitan and you refuse to answer my question.

Australia ain't Denmark, there is just an ever so slight difference in land mass.

What nations are bringing COVID to Sweden? Since nobody is traveling at the moment why do Sweden's death rate keep rising over it's neighbors? Why if more people are mingling with each other would you not expect the disease to spread? I'm unclear of exactly what your argument is other than to just be xenophobic in general.
Sweden is a big tourist attraction. Norway, Finland and Denmark, not so much.
For accuracy's sake (I know how you Trumpette's hate that) while it is fair to say Sweden did not impose the same degree of "lockdowns' as their neighbors they did issue social distancing rules designed to keep the spread of the virus under control and to protect vulnerable populations like those in nursing homes.
Those "rules" were all voluntary.
And here's something to consider:

100,000 Americans died during the Hong Kong flu in 1968 to 1969. Nothing was shut down, and there were 500,000 people at Woodstock.

Hard to argue with how Sweden handled this...
whats different today is our health condition is worse, which makes the death rate here higher.
Comorbidity in covid-19 deaths are mostly hypertension, diabetes and obesity, smoking.
Our crappy diet, high in processed foods, sugar compound the problem.
This virus has been found to thicken the blood, which is exacerbated by the above condition.

However, i suppose a social Darwinist could make the argument that this is an opportunity of natural selection to eliminate those with poor health habits? Perhaps not so much, because darker skinned people have lower vitamin D levels.

As a c
Sweden's population is less dense than Denmark. Fix your post.

cosmopolitan means of many nations/cultures

as in they have immigrants and tourists

there is no implication of population density

edit - and they're 90% urban so i don't know how much more urbanized u can get beyond a city state.

Did you not read the rest of my post?

How urban is Denmark? Their population is more dense, which I previously told you.

Wow surprise they're urbanized at exactly the same rate

Population density means basically nothing without more context. If most of your land is shit and you're all bunched up on the coasts like australia your population density is very very misleading. Urbanization rate is much more useful.

Same concept applies to frigid nordic countries.

And are you not going to acknowledg eyou have no idea what cosmopolitan means? lol

They have way more people who don't care/aren't assimlating than the other nations. That can explain just about all the death rate. No1 goes to fucking denmark. Sweden is a cultural capital.

I already answered dumb argument about which country is more cosmopolitan and you refuse to answer my question.

Australia ain't Denmark, there is just an ever so slight difference in land mass.

What nations are bringing COVID to Sweden? Since nobody is traveling at the moment why do Sweden's death rate keep rising over it's neighbors? Why if more people are mingling with each other would you not expect the disease to spread? I'm unclear of exactly what your argument is other than to just be xenophobic in general.

Yea there are also "slight" variations in population

Same concept

Because sweden has business

Name a single Norweigna or danish brand

I'll name you a few swedish ones Lego, Ikea, and Spotify

They're the music capital of the fucking western world.

I'm sorry, what? Now your claim is that Norway and Denmark don't have an economy? Huh?
And here's something to consider:

100,000 Americans died during the Hong Kong flu in 1968 to 1969. Nothing was shut down, and there were 500,000 people at Woodstock.

Hard to argue with how Sweden handled this...
whats different today is our health condition is worse, which makes the death rate here higher.
Comorbidity in covid-19 deaths are mostly hypertension, diabetes and obesity, smoking.
Our crappy diet, high in processed foods, sugar compound the problem.
This virus has been found to thicken the blood, which is exacerbated by the above condition.

However, i suppose a social Darwinist could make the argument that this is an opportunity of natural selection to eliminate those with poor health habits? Perhaps not so much, because darker skinned people have lower vitamin D levels.

As a c
Sweden's population is less dense than Denmark. Fix your post.

cosmopolitan means of many nations/cultures

as in they have immigrants and tourists

there is no implication of population density

edit - and they're 90% urban so i don't know how much more urbanized u can get beyond a city state.

Did you not read the rest of my post?

How urban is Denmark? Their population is more dense, which I previously told you.

Wow surprise they're urbanized at exactly the same rate

Population density means basically nothing without more context. If most of your land is shit and you're all bunched up on the coasts like australia your population density is very very misleading. Urbanization rate is much more useful.

Same concept applies to frigid nordic countries.

And are you not going to acknowledg eyou have no idea what cosmopolitan means? lol

They have way more people who don't care/aren't assimlating than the other nations. That can explain just about all the death rate. No1 goes to fucking denmark. Sweden is a cultural capital.

I already answered dumb argument about which country is more cosmopolitan and you refuse to answer my question.

Australia ain't Denmark, there is just an ever so slight difference in land mass.

What nations are bringing COVID to Sweden? Since nobody is traveling at the moment why do Sweden's death rate keep rising over it's neighbors? Why if more people are mingling with each other would you not expect the disease to spread? I'm unclear of exactly what your argument is other than to just be xenophobic in general.

Yea there are also "slight" variations in population

Same concept

Because sweden has business

Name a single Norweigna or danish brand

I'll name you a few swedish ones Lego, Ikea, and Spotify

They're the music capital of the fucking western world.

I'm sorry, what? Now your claim is that Norway and Denmark don't have an economy? Huh?

Norway is quite literally built on oil

Danes are half the size economically and no, compared to sweden. THey're nothing

Swedes own AMERICAN markets. lol
Sweden's population is less dense than Denmark. Fix your post.

But if you want to blame immigration then you're going to have to find the countries their immigrants come from and demonstrate a high level of COVID.
Most of the people in Sweden are in the bottom tip of the country. Also, Norway and Finland are sparsely populated, remote and they have the world's worst weather.

I didn't realize Oslo was sparsley populated. What about Denmark? They are by far more densely packed in than Sweden.

I think it's time for you to take Dan the squirrel back to the drawing board.
Oslo has a population of 693,491. Not that big.
And here's something to consider:

100,000 Americans died during the Hong Kong flu in 1968 to 1969. Nothing was shut down, and there were 500,000 people at Woodstock.

Hard to argue with how Sweden handled this...
whats different today is our health condition is worse, which makes the death rate here higher.
Comorbidity in covid-19 deaths are mostly hypertension, diabetes and obesity, smoking.
Our crappy diet, high in processed foods, sugar compound the problem.
This virus has been found to thicken the blood, which is exacerbated by the above condition.

However, i suppose a social Darwinist could make the argument that this is an opportunity of natural selection to eliminate those with poor health habits? Perhaps not so much, because darker skinned people have lower vitamin D levels.

As a c
Sweden's population is less dense than Denmark. Fix your post.

cosmopolitan means of many nations/cultures

as in they have immigrants and tourists

there is no implication of population density

edit - and they're 90% urban so i don't know how much more urbanized u can get beyond a city state.

Did you not read the rest of my post?

How urban is Denmark? Their population is more dense, which I previously told you.

Wow surprise they're urbanized at exactly the same rate

Population density means basically nothing without more context. If most of your land is shit and you're all bunched up on the coasts like australia your population density is very very misleading. Urbanization rate is much more useful.

Same concept applies to frigid nordic countries.

And are you not going to acknowledg eyou have no idea what cosmopolitan means? lol

They have way more people who don't care/aren't assimlating than the other nations. That can explain just about all the death rate. No1 goes to fucking denmark. Sweden is a cultural capital.

I already answered dumb argument about which country is more cosmopolitan and you refuse to answer my question.

Australia ain't Denmark, there is just an ever so slight difference in land mass.

What nations are bringing COVID to Sweden? Since nobody is traveling at the moment why do Sweden's death rate keep rising over it's neighbors? Why if more people are mingling with each other would you not expect the disease to spread? I'm unclear of exactly what your argument is other than to just be xenophobic in general.
Sweden is a big tourist attraction. Norway, Finland and Denmark, not so much.

I don't know if you knew this but tourism is kind of trashed right now and Sweden's rate of death is still higher than any of it's neighbors. Plus, many people go through Copenhagen (you might have heard of it) on their way to other Scandinavian countries.

You really don't understand that people who get in each others faces during a pandemic are more likely to spread the disease? So, instead you're just going to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks? Cute.
And here's something to consider:

100,000 Americans died during the Hong Kong flu in 1968 to 1969. Nothing was shut down, and there were 500,000 people at Woodstock.

Hard to argue with how Sweden handled this...
whats different today is our health condition is worse, which makes the death rate here higher.
Comorbidity in covid-19 deaths are mostly hypertension, diabetes and obesity, smoking.
Our crappy diet, high in processed foods, sugar compound the problem.
This virus has been found to thicken the blood, which is exacerbated by the above condition.

However, i suppose a social Darwinist could make the argument that this is an opportunity of natural selection to eliminate those with poor health habits? Perhaps not so much, because darker skinned people have lower vitamin D levels.

As a c
Sweden's population is less dense than Denmark. Fix your post.

cosmopolitan means of many nations/cultures

as in they have immigrants and tourists

there is no implication of population density

edit - and they're 90% urban so i don't know how much more urbanized u can get beyond a city state.

Did you not read the rest of my post?

How urban is Denmark? Their population is more dense, which I previously told you.

Wow surprise they're urbanized at exactly the same rate

Population density means basically nothing without more context. If most of your land is shit and you're all bunched up on the coasts like australia your population density is very very misleading. Urbanization rate is much more useful.

Same concept applies to frigid nordic countries.

And are you not going to acknowledg eyou have no idea what cosmopolitan means? lol

They have way more people who don't care/aren't assimlating than the other nations. That can explain just about all the death rate. No1 goes to fucking denmark. Sweden is a cultural capital.

I already answered dumb argument about which country is more cosmopolitan and you refuse to answer my question.

Australia ain't Denmark, there is just an ever so slight difference in land mass.

What nations are bringing COVID to Sweden? Since nobody is traveling at the moment why do Sweden's death rate keep rising over it's neighbors? Why if more people are mingling with each other would you not expect the disease to spread? I'm unclear of exactly what your argument is other than to just be xenophobic in general.
Sweden is a big tourist attraction. Norway, Finland and Denmark, not so much.

I don't know if you knew this but tourism is kind of trashed right now and Sweden's rate of death is still higher than any of it's neighbors. Plus, many people go through Copenhagen (you might have heard of it) on their way to other Scandinavian countries.

You really don't understand that people who get in each others faces during a pandemic are more likely to spread the disease? So, instead you're just going to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks? Cute.

I assure u dude travel is cheap, people are moving

And again sweden is more cosmopolitan than the other nordic countries by miles. You would expect the same problems in stockholme that you see in NY

Music capital of the west

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