Sweden grants blanket asylum to Syrian refugees

Maybe they wouldn't have all these refugees, if Israel would stop launching bombing raids in Syria that do nothing but exacerbate the problem.
If this is true, Sweden is done. It won't exist as Sweden any more.

This was written in 2007 and it was bad then.

Jihad and the Collapse of the Swedish Model | The Brussels Journal

decided to write this essay following the riots in Malmö this weekend. Malmö is Sweden's third largest city and by far the worst city in Scandinavia when it comes to Muslim aggression. I read recently that an Arab girl interviewed in Malmö said that she liked it so much there, it felt almost like an Arab city. Native Swedes have been moving away from the city for years, turned into refugees in their own country by Jihad, not too different from the non-Muslims in some regions of the Philippines, southern Thailand or Kashmir in India, or for that matter Christian Serbs in Kosovo.

Feriz and Pajtim, members of Gangsta Albanian Thug Unit in Malmö, explain how they mug people downtown. They target a lone victim. “We surround him and beat and kick him until he no longer fights back,” Feriz said. “You are always many more people than your victims. Cowardly?” “I have heard that from many, but I disagree. The whole point is that they're not supposed to have a chance.” They didn't express any sympathy for their victims. "If they get injured, they just have themselves to blame for being weak," said Pajtim and shrugged.

The wave of robberies the city of Malmö has witnessed is part of a “war against the Swedes.” This is the explanation given by young robbers from immigrant background in interviews with Petra Åkesson. “When we are in the city and robbing we are waging a war, waging a war against the Swedes.” This argument was repeated several times. “Power for me means that the Swedes shall look at me, lie down on the ground and kiss my feet.” The boys explain, laughingly, that “there is a thrilling sensation in your body when you're robbing, you feel satisfied and happy, it feels as if you've succeeded, it simply feels good.” “We rob every single day, as often as we want to, whenever we want to. The Swedes don't do anything, they just give us the stuff. They're so wimpy.”

The Swedes will suffer the same fate at the Syrian or Egyptian Christians.
There is no civil war in Syria. Al Quaeda is not slaughtering Syrians. The government is not bombing their own cities. It's all Israel.
from Katz's link;

“We rob every single day, as often as we want to, whenever we want to. The Swedes don't do anything, they just give us the stuff. They're so wimpy.”


Says it all really.

Wise to just give them the stuff, it's not worth your life.
Even wiser to elect a govt who'll order its cops to "get out and get into 'em", "crack some skulls" [not literally], secret police, armoured vehicles, machine guns, SWAT teams, dogs etc, and take back the streets from the immigrant ethnic thugs.

In biancoland it was the same, ...the people being intimidated everywhere, including off picnic tables at one beach, robbed, bashed, women and girls being verbally abused, threatened with rape, etc etc etc.
The PC politicians and PC cops did nothing much about it...until one day, after two young teen lifeguards at the beach was bashed and the People had finally had enough of it all.

5000 protesters marched at the beach to "reclaim the beach, reclaim the national flag, and reclaim our society".
Was supposed to be a peaceful protest. However, the hot summer sun, alcohol, and anger turned it into something else.
The national flag had been taken down from iconic Bondi beach in Sydney two weeks earlier "so as not to offend anyone".

However, the politicians and cops were awoken from their festive slumber that Sunday in Dec...and Christmas was basically cancelled that year.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks3U8HaEW0c]Truth About Cronulla riots - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
Truth About Cronulla riots - Part 1 .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2YFYomX6vQ]Truth About Cronulla riots - Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
Truth About Cronulla riots - Part 2 .

Until people in Sweden decide to stand up and fight for their culture and country nothing will change.
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What is best for Sweden has to be decided by Swedish people not Australians or anyone else. If Swedish prefer muslim immigrants over Jains/christians/Buddhists/Jews then so be it. It is their country and it is their decision.
What is best for Sweden has to be decided by Swedish people not Australians or anyone else. If Swedish prefer muslim immigrants over Jains/christians/Buddhists/Jews then so be it. It is their country and it is their decision.

It certainly is.
But, when they've been taken over and are in financial and cultural ruin it will have been all their own fault...and other Western nations should not be asked or expected to bail them out or have any sympathy for them.

They've been warned many times, but refuse to listen.
You need to worry about getting some education and counselling. Let Swedish people worry about Sweden. They are very capable people. I am absolutely certain they see benefits in muslim immigration over Hindu/Jewish/Buddhist/christian immigration.
I am pretty sure people in Sweden are capable of knowing what is best for them. They see some value in bringing in muslim immigrants or else they would have preferred bringing in Hindus or christians or Jewis or Buddhists.

Read the entire article I posted.
I am pretty sure people in Sweden are capable of knowing what is best for them. They see some value in bringing in muslim immigrants or else they would have preferred bringing in Hindus or christians or Jewis or Buddhists.

Read the entire article I posted.

I read the entire article; it is a nonsense. It takes example of one problem group and based on that it makes a claim that multiculturism has failed.
Sweden didn't have that 'one problem group' until it imported them.
Multiculturalism in Sweden and the rest of Europe has failed.

Multiculturalism in Germany has failed, says Chancellor

BERLIN: Germany's attempts to create a multicultural society in which people from various cultural backgrounds live together peacefully has failed, the Chancellor, Angela Merkel, says.

Multikulti, the concept that ''we are now living side by side and are happy about it'', does not work, Dr Merkel told a meeting of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party at Potsdam near Berlin at the weekend. ''This approach has failed, totally,'' she said.


Of course it failed...it was always going to fail, as it's done in every White-majority Christian country in the West that has been foolish enough to try it.

Failed in Britain also;

BBC News - State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron

State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron

David Cameron has criticised "state multiculturalism" in his first speech as prime minister on radicalisation and the causes of terrorism.

And in France;

Nicolas Sarkozy joins David Cameron and Angela Merkel view that multiculturalism has failed | Mail Online

Nicolas Sarkozy joins David Cameron and Angela Merkel view that multiculturalism has failed


So what did the people of France do?
Voted Sarkozy out and voted the socialists in ...Muslims deciding who won the election :)

Too late for France, it was also warned but wouldn't listen.

Britain, France, Germany and Sweden have fallen.

Oh, and multiculturalism has been a dismal failure in Australia too...Australia is just about finished also.
Too many dimwitted politicians, and even more dimwitted people.
Immigrant ethnic enclaves everywhere, waving the national flags of their countries and cheering for their countries against Australia.
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Sweden grants blanket asylum to Syrian refugees

Excellent news.
The vast majority of Syrians are victims of their idiot government or the idiot rebels.
The Swedish government have done something wonderful.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzHQtDeNAFM]Muslim Stockholm riots - Sweden is really enjoying Multiculturalism - YouTube[/ame]
Sweden's gov't doesn't know what it's doing. The politicians obviously don't give a shit that Muslim rape gangs roam the country.
Liberals would rather die, then be called a racist

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