Sweden grants blanket asylum to Syrian refugees

I am pretty sure people in Sweden are capable of knowing what is best for them. They see some value in bringing in muslim immigrants or else they would have preferred bringing in Hindus or christians or Jewis or Buddhists.

Read the entire article I posted.

I read the entire article; it is a nonsense. It takes example of one problem group and based on that it makes a claim that multiculturism has failed.

Multiculturalism has failed everywhere. Not just Sweden.
It looks like Nazis have not been completely defeated and there is going to be another world war between Nazis and civilized people.
Maybe they wouldn't have all these refugees, if Israel would stop launching bombing raids in Syria that do nothing but exacerbate the problem.

This thread is about open immigration in Sweden for civil war displaced Syrians.
For some obsessed peeps everything is about and the fault of Israel.
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Anytime there is war, chaos, or conflict, in the Middle East.

Just scratch the surface a little and you will find Israel/Mossad organizing and funding the conflagration. . :cool:
Anytime there is war, chaos, or conflict, in the Middle East.

Just scratch the surface a little and you will find Israel/Mossad organizing and funding the conflagration. . :cool:

Well ... scratch the surface for us and provide evidence of "Israel/Mossad organizing and funding the [Syrian] conflagration."
Anytime there is war, chaos, or conflict, in the Middle East.

Just scratch the surface a little and you will find Israel/Mossad organizing and funding the conflagration. . :cool:

Well ... scratch the surface for us and provide evidence of "Israel/Mossad organizing and funding the [Syrian] conflagration."
Israel?s Plot To Take Down Syria I | Friends of Syria

Really? You post a simple-minded conspiracy theory as evidence?

Here's a couple of comments connected to your silly screed:

"What a ridiculous delusional rant. You need to file this under fiction."

"Oh dear! 100,000 dead and counting and who’s behind it all in your view? Those wicked ‘zionists’, by which you mean Jews.
It’s not going to help you find peace and it does make you look rather stupid."

I would add it makes anyone foolish enough to repost Jonathan Azaziah's silliness look rather stupid.
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