Sweden hates the Middle East


VIP Member
Apr 26, 2006
Stockholm - Sweden
Sweden, my country, must have broken some sort of record in foreign policy lately.

In october -14 Sweden recognized Palistine as a sovereign state. That put us somewhere between Iran or Hitler according to Israel government.

Relations to Israel: Frozen.

Then, in mars, Sweden managed to upset Saudi Arabia by calling their "justice system" medieval. By turn Sweden was declared an emeny of the profet.

Relations to Saudi Arabia: Frozen

Anyway, do you think pissing off countries by speaking up (as a foreign policy) once is a bad idea? (Sweden can no longer middle between countries down there, no one likes - or trust - us.)

Or is it better to shut up and play along, to get a chance to make smaller differances later?
Is this why the government is importing millions of them into their country? Doesn't make much sense.
Why any one decides to go here makes even less sense.

Well, why should the foreign minister of Sweden even have an opinion about the ME?
You think it's better to say nothing then, and reducing risk of future problems? Totally valid point, I lean towards that too.
possum wants to move to Sweden so's he can live inna Wild West theme park...

Sweden to house refugees in Wild West theme park
2 Nov 2015 - Country is so short of rooms to house influx of migrants it has opened up its amusement park
Few fleeing the civil war in Syria would have imagined they would end up spending the winter in a Wild West theme park complete with potted cacti, mock 19th century furniture, and cowboy murals. But Sweden’s Migration Agency is now so desperate for rooms in which to house this autumn’s unexpected surge in refugees that it has signed a deal with High Chaparral, an amusement park in rural southern Sweden, to house 400 people.


High Chaparral, an amusement park in southern Sweden​

Emil Erlandsson, the park’s manager and co-owner, said that the park had initially refused to lease out its accomodation for fear of damaging its brand. “They have asked us five times and I have constantly turned them down,” he said. “But when we saw on the TV that refugees are now supposed to live in tents in Malmo, we took a decision that we should help.” The refugees will arrive at the end of this month and stay at the park until it opens again in May.


Migrants wait to board a ferry to Sweden in Kiel, Germany​

Mr Erlandsson said he aimed to make the refugees’ stay as enjoyable as possible, and had already started hiring Arabic speakers to show them around. “They will like what we are going to do,” he said. “They can learn to ride horses. Maybe they can look for jobs in the summer. We will see.” He said many of the rooms where refugees would be housed had been decorated in a Wild West theme. “They have Wild West sofas, and the rest of the furniture is in an authentic, old-fashioned style. The wall painting is also authentic,” he said.


See also:

Sweden facing 'collapse' because of refugees, foreign minister says
Nov. 2, 2015 - Other EU members need to increase their share of the burden, she said.
Sweden's refugee crisis could lead to the country's collapse without European Union support, Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom said. "I think most people feel that we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year. In the long run, our system will collapse. And that welcome is not going to receive popular support. I have to admit that there have been moments recently of very great disappointment. I have heard statements from [EU] member states that have been completely astonishing and very discouraging," she told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter.

Wallstrom added the Swedish government needs to pressure other EU members to take on a greater share of the burden. Sweden, with Germany, has been a prominent destination for refugees largely from the Middle East, who have sought asylum by the hundreds of thousands in Europe. Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has said his country is "approaching the limit" of its capability to absorb immigrants. Lofven is scheduled to meet with British Prime Minister David Cameron next week to discuss the matter. Britain has been reluctant to accept more refugees.

Wallstrom was also critical of members of the right-wing Sweden Democrats party, who she says are responsible for "creating fear and becoming a trigger for attacks." She said five arson attacks against refugee centers in a span of two weeks in October were reminiscent of similar incidents when Sweden took in refugees from the civil war in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. "We also had fires when we received refugees from the Balkans. This is a pattern that is being repeated. The Sweden Democrats have a responsibility," she said. Her comments came after six political parties, not including the Sweden Democrats, agreed to request the EU to include Sweden with Italy and Greece, two countries hard-pressed to accommodate the rising number of immigrants, in its refugee relocation plans.

Sweden facing 'collapse' because of refugees, foreign minister says
Sweden, my country, must have broken some sort of record in foreign policy lately.

In october -14 Sweden recognized Palistine as a sovereign state. That put us somewhere between Iran or Hitler according to Israel government.

Relations to Israel: Frozen.

Then, in mars, Sweden managed to upset Saudi Arabia by calling their "justice system" medieval. By turn Sweden was declared an emeny of the profet.

Relations to Saudi Arabia: Frozen

Anyway, do you think pissing off countries by speaking up (as a foreign policy) once is a bad idea? (Sweden can no longer middle between countries down there, no one likes - or trust - us.)

Or is it better to shut up and play along, to get a chance to make smaller differances later?

Arabs heading to Scandinavian countries udnerstand it's cold and cloudy pretty much year-round right? Being evolved for sunny and hot climates it's an odd choice. I like Icona Pop too, but I don't need to live down the street to enjoy their music. ;)
Sweden, my country, must have broken some sort of record in foreign policy lately.

In october -14 Sweden recognized Palistine as a sovereign state. That put us somewhere between Iran or Hitler according to Israel government.

Relations to Israel: Frozen.

Then, in mars, Sweden managed to upset Saudi Arabia by calling their "justice system" medieval. By turn Sweden was declared an emeny of the profet.

Relations to Saudi Arabia: Frozen

Anyway, do you think pissing off countries by speaking up (as a foreign policy) once is a bad idea? (Sweden can no longer middle between countries down there, no one likes - or trust - us.)

Or is it better to shut up and play along, to get a chance to make smaller differances later?

Sweden needs to close its borders and kick out the riff raff. Take your country back and stop cairing what some dumb fucks think about you.
Ahhhh, the self-loathing of the Swedish government; so much so that it claims that Sweden has no real culture of its own.
Clearly, if the Swedish people do not rise up in civil war, they will surely become an Islamic nation, with non-Muslims becoming second-class citizens along with their women. Muslims are instructed to use Taqiyya (lying to protect the religion) if challenged about their religious intent of conquering infidel nations. Sadly, since Swedes will not rise up and fight, it's goodbye Sweden and hello Swedistan.
Ahhhh, the self-loathing of the Swedish government; so much so that it claims that Sweden has no real culture of its own.
Clearly, if the Swedish people do not rise up in civil war, they will surely become an Islamic nation, with non-Muslims becoming second-class citizens along with their women. Muslims are instructed to use Taqiyya (lying to protect the religion) if challenged about their religious intent of conquering infidel nations. Sadly, since Swedes will not rise up and fight, it's goodbye Sweden and hello Swedistan.

Totally agree with you ^^^^

Goodbye Sweden! Hello Swedistan!

I wonder why Swedes hate their country so much. :(
Ahhhh, the self-loathing of the Swedish government; so much so that it claims that Sweden has no real culture of its own.
Clearly, if the Swedish people do not rise up in civil war, they will surely become an Islamic nation, with non-Muslims becoming second-class citizens along with their women. Muslims are instructed to use Taqiyya (lying to protect the religion) if challenged about their religious intent of conquering infidel nations. Sadly, since Swedes will not rise up and fight, it's goodbye Sweden and hello Swedistan.

Totally agree with you ^^^^

Goodbye Sweden! Hello Swedistan!

I wonder why Swedes hate their country so much. :(
Perhaps the Swedish politicians see the handwriting on the wall, as Europeans have much lower birthrates and the Muslims have large families and know they are going to lose out to Islam and thus try to appease their new eventual masters, hoping for being able to get along. Big mistake. Eventually, the peace loving Swedes will just end up lambs to the slaughter, just as did the Jews during WWII.
Ahhhh, the self-loathing of the Swedish government; so much so that it claims that Sweden has no real culture of its own.
Clearly, if the Swedish people do not rise up in civil war, they will surely become an Islamic nation, with non-Muslims becoming second-class citizens along with their women. Muslims are instructed to use Taqiyya (lying to protect the religion) if challenged about their religious intent of conquering infidel nations. Sadly, since Swedes will not rise up and fight, it's goodbye Sweden and hello Swedistan.

Totally agree with you ^^^^

Goodbye Sweden! Hello Swedistan!

I wonder why Swedes hate their country so much. :(
Perhaps the Swedish politicians see the handwriting on the wall, as Europeans have much lower birthrates and the Muslims have large families and know they are going to lose out to Islam and thus try to appease their new eventual masters, hoping for being able to get along. Big mistake. Eventually, the peace loving Swedes will just end up lambs to the slaughter, just as did the Jews during WWII.

Looks like Sweden is quickly on its way toward being a Third World Country.

Sweden to become a Third World Country by 2030, according to UN

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